/gig/ Roster

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Gig klee.png Fuck Jeannies Jannies in /gig/ had a bad habit of deleting SFW loli. /gig/'s (canonically) favorite loli is Klee, who is constantly being thrown in jail by Jean for trumped-up bullshit like "acts of terrorism" or "war crimes". The pun wrote itself.
Gig diluc.png UNMATCHED Diluc was a relatively strong DPS character at launch. Gacha powercreep has left him in the dust as far as the meta goes, but he'll always be unmatched (in every possible way) in our hearts.
Gig shogun.png BWEHHHHHH Raiden Ei is the ruler of the Japan-analogue country, Inazuma.
The Inazuma chapter of the main story is, to put it lightly, is a complete mess which makes Ei come across as a weepy, gullible goldbrick who avoids any repercussions for her actions on account of everybody around her being somehow even more retarded than she is.
/gig/ likes a series of comics which portrays Ei and the other characters of Inazuma as toddlers prone to crying at the slightest provocation.
Gig escapitano2.jpg ESCAPITANO Il Capitano, First of the Fatui Harbingers, was the strongest antagonist and had a heavily anticipated debut in Natlan.

He then jobbed, literally fucking kneeled on screen, and then escaped the scene like a bitch. His backstory? He and his troops fled from a cataclysmic war 500 years ago. /gig/ loves our jobber "The Fastest" who ran with unmatched haste only to force the elder god of death into making him a vegetable sitting on a chair for eternity. My hero.

Gig cheld.png Cheld Recovered from his acid trip stint as THE CHOSEN ONE, Cheld has returned to the roots™.
The pervasive and sovlful Cheld is the emblem of /gig/ shitposting, bringing /gig/gers varying emotions over the past several years. He wishes only to score some goals despite being a jobber-ass powercrept antagonist who's the 11th ranked member of an organization with 8 people.
Gig zhongli.png


Geo was sort of a fifth-wheel element and at launch, it wasn't great. Hopes for an all-Geo synergy team rode heavily on the back-to-back releases of Zhongli and Albedo.

However, Zhongli on launch was one of the worst units in the game. True believers told people to buy the dip, and ultimately it actually kind of paid off; Zhongli was buffed after his banner into a tanky shielder who trivialised the game overnight.
He's still to this day a solid comfort pick - a worthy end for the God-Emperor of the great nation of China Liyue.

Gig benny.png >b Bennett is a low-investment meta-defining unit with a powerful attack buff. Also, perhaps more importantly, he is male. As a result, it has become commonplace in /gig/ to voice distaste for his presence in webms of clear times or big damage numbers. Over time this evolved into just replying to his presence in a team with ">b".
Gig ganyu2.png Roll For Who You Like One of the enduring legacies of /gig/'s awful track record of guessing prospectively which characters will be strong (such as >cryo Amber) is a rather simple ritualpost: Just roll for who you like.
Gig loom.png Coom in Loom The female player character, Lumine, gets a lot of mileage in Genshin porn.
Gig yaoyao.png For Me, It's Yaoyao Don't fear, Yaoyao's here.
Gig mavuikarabi.png >a fucking bike /gig/ had grand expectations for Natlan's long-awaited Pyro God Archon Mavuika.
What /gig/ received was an endlessly shitposted, biker-suited, immersion-breaking Mary Sue who does donuts on a fucking bike.
Everyone rolled her with their dicks anyway.
Gig azhdaha.png


Azhdaha is a boss in the game with a bitter eternal rivalry with Zhongli.
After getting beaten in story, he decided to challenge the CEO for the dubious title of /gig/'s starting keeper.
In his own words: "It's time, Morax... We settle this now!"
Gig chasca.png THAT face Chasca is a makeup-caked playable character who endured tortured emotions in a cutscene after her sister died.
But between the outdated game models and her excessive makeup, several of the attempts to make her look in despair wrapped around to being comical.

Her unsightly face and its amusing edits are now a widely circulated meme on /gig/.

Gig fat xiao.png Fat Xiao Mihoyo's lead IP writer and the reason why Genshin's story is what it is.
/gig/'s theories of how he's able to keep his job after so many fuckups is only rivaled by when we post "Fat Xiao does it again" in the rare occurrences of something cool actually happening.
He gets fatter in each appearance he makes in livestreams, and you can count how many anniversaries Genshin's had by the number of folds in his neck.
Gig paimon2.png Why are you here instead of playing the game? I'm all out of resin, alright?
Gig yae.png EEEQEEE Yae Miko was one of the more popular characters of the Inazuma chapter of the story. Disappointingly, her playable version has a clunky playstyle of placing 3 turrets with E, destroying those turrets with Q, and then placing the turrets again because hitting Q refreshes their cooldown.
Gig porky.png Porkrinde Clorinde is a playable character with a round face and body basically bursting out of her outfit. Fat pig.
Gig yucka2.png >yucka Ayaka is considered by most of /gig/ as the ugliest girl in the game.
She is often mocked with either jumpscares of her face, disgusted NPC reactions, or calls to post her in game model when generous fanart portrays her as attractive.
Gig kokomi.png Hi /gig/! Hi, /gig/!
Gig nahida2.png *rapes you in your sleep* Both in game and out of game Nahida is a mental sex pest that invades dreams. Please, me next.
Gig da wei.png 60NCIDW Acronym for 60 Nigger Cocks in Da Wei. A joke gig stole borrowed from /hig/ from a candid moment in one of their livestreams.
Dawei is Mihoyo's CEO and the face of every major livestream. He's the reason why all your artifacts roll like shit, why you keep losing 50/50s, and why our event rewards suck dick.
To make sure players won't forget him, shortly after launch he put himself in the game as a rare mob that attacks you by throwing premium currency out of his suitcase.

He's also a high ranking member of the CCP. Can you believe this guy? Fuck him.

Gig neuv.png GODvillette Neuvillette, canonically an autistic judge thrust into a position of supreme power, is a braindead meta-breaking character that completely mindbroke /gig/.
He stole the entirety of the quest focus in Fontaine and monopolized the game's meta for at least a year. Mihoyo even nerfed him but were forced to revert the changes and give out an unprecedented ten pulls as compensation after the Chinese seethed.
/gig/ will forever kneel to our shonenspic-beloved deity GODvillette.
Gig arle.png Do nothing, win After being hyped up as a villain for literal years, Arlecchino's inaction during Fontaine's story made a lot of people frustrated.

She literally dindu nuffin and the Fatui were the good guys all along. Get over it, gweilo.