2022 4chan Summer Cup Save Fixes
Current save: v3.1 (7/31/22)
AATF Results: https://pastebin.com/2eYCYdDW
Teams with detected issues: , /biz/
Save fix deadline: Wednesday, July 27th, at 23:59:59 UTC
Please add your save fixes below under the Not Added Yet section under a header for your own team. If you have any save fixes for the editfile of an aesthetic nature like appearance for FBM or other model effects, shirt numbers, etc., also list them below. For any save fixes after the deadline stated above, please inform QD directly after editing this page to make sure he's aware and that it should be implemented. Also be sure to either always use the latest save available with up-to-date save fixes or implement your team's save fixes in your own copy of the save to avoid repeating save fix-related issues in your nightly exports.
Not Added Yet
- change I FAILED LIFE LOLE LOEL appearance values to these to properly implement new boot
- Boot ID 1235
- Gloves 12
- Wrist none
- Sleeves Long
- Sock Short
- Shirt Tucked
(Don't write here. Save fixes will be moved here after being put in the latest save.)
- set SMINEM as captain
- Change "Day XXX of Snail Posting" to "Day 379 of Snail Posting"
- change "BTC IS GETTING FUCKED" to pic related
- Change TRIPLE CAGE's player name to UNCAGED
- Set NO MILLY?'s player number to 910
- change yosho appearance values to these to properly implement new boot
- Boot ID 1234
- Gloves 12
- Wrist none
- Sleeves Long
- Sock Short
- Shirt Tucked
- Change Cool Science Fact's registered position to CB.
- Set Weak Foot Usage and Accuracy to 2/2 for Cool Science Facts, You should be able to solve this, 300k Starting, Cs Pleb, and Homo Engineer.
- Set GK Gloves ID for >de gay to 1.
- Set Boots ID and GK Gloves ID for The Puck to 1301. Set model ID to 0.
- Set model ID for APOLOGIZE to 0. Set shirt # to 8.
- Set model ID for My Boy Jlingz to 61181. Set Shirt# to 14.
- Set model ID for Roast Solo to 0. Set Shirt# to 23.
- Set Messi's Shirt# to 30.
- Set model ID for El VAR Sinson to 0.
- Set model ID for So, It Happened Again to 0.
- Set Shirt# for Perro Caca to 22.
- Set GK Gloves to 1 for Roast Solo
- Set An Horse Shirt# to 25
- Change "___ lvl?" name to "Sp a cin g lvl?"
- Set the shirt number of...
- 75807 - OMP OMP OMP to 377
- 75816 - >fanfic meta to 109
- 75817 - KANTOOOOO to 1
- 75818 - >implying owls are birds to 164
- 75820 - Bravest Bird to 663
- 75821 - Specs Weedle to 13
- 75822 - Grandma Dusknoir to 477
- 75823 - Best Pokégirl to 999
- Give player 15 yeah, me the following physique settings: Editor screenshot