Need to contact a manager? Look up their contact info here. Please do not contact any of the managers unless you have a serious request.
If a manager's contact info cannot be found here, try the /vg/ thread. If you suspect that the manager of your board's team has become inactive while a cup is around the corner, let the /vg/ thread know, too.
SUPERtwinky !!G5xDaK3GlNe
- Skype: SUP3Rtwinky
- Team twitter: @4ccAnime
- Infrequently checked email account: 4ccAnime に gmail 。 com
CanadaFag !!UBP3WKf+VPY
- Skype: Gattsuthebasaka
- Skype: Rehmix24
- Email:
Groudon !!9aKmRIjeVg1
- 4CC Skype: Groudonasp
In the offseason might not be in the /vg/ thread as much, but feel free to add me on Skype
Captain Planet
Skype: elcapitanplanet42
Gidds !!bNjd18AVNfi
- Skype: quartzofmilk
Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG
- Skype: Fang.Banditfox
AntacidCanada !!bxgf5+DXvbZ
- Skype: antacidcanada
- OkCupid:NachosInMyButt
Email is best for emergencies
- Skype: generalpseudonym
- Wiki Page: Guar/d/iola
- E-mail:
Team secretary
Sargbot !!aTG+CKv36AY
- Skype: Sargbot
- IRC: Sargbot or Sargphone
smear !!!!ZpszUblgJq9
- Skype: GraphicDesign333
- Twitter: @GraphicDesignFC
- IRC Handle: smear
Belugah !!01/5L+XFF/L
- Skype: belugah.gif
- IRC Handle: Belugah (probably the best way to reach me)
RLK_Dragon !!gZX0A+lWH4c
- Skype: RLKDragon (
- If you contact me via Skype, please state that you are affiliated with the 4chan Cup.
- Twitter: @RLK_Dragon
- IRC handle: RLK_Dragon
Rariman Alpha !!gUYeHMY0rSj
- Skype: gayman.alpha OR chillzmaster
- Twitter @TheChillzMaster
- IRC Handle: Rariman_Alpha
Rillion !!nkKuj7Qupxu
- Skype: Marillion05
- Twitter: @theRillion
- IRC: Rillion
Indeterminate !!Zf3kAJ4eUaf
- Skype: Name Indeterminate
- IRC (I'm not available often): Indeterminate
- I've always got the thread open, so if you page me there I'll get to you within the day
Hessen !!P9xqPo+U71+
- Skype: hessen_wsg
- IRC: Hessen
Suppatenko !!gffEdc3tMkh
- Skype: suppahtenk0
- Team e-mail:
Miles_Paratus !!IhJa9y3np3I
- Skype:
- E-mail:
San Marino !!K7UPgnq6Ao2
- Email:
- Skype: sanmarinolit
- Twitter: @LolitaWantedIt
Autocrat !!CgrAMDqsYHX
- Skype: autocrat_
Update Guy !!Iu7w9XSvmty
- Skype: Fireboltprime
- Twitter: @UpdateGuyofm
KBTKaiser !!Hblhb+nvVBU
Trofflesby !!fPFxZBomxK6
- IRC: #/m/echunited
- Steam: We have one but I don't remember the name.
Feedback !!+8d1qFKeSP0
- Skype: feedbac.k
- Email:
Snorlax !!!!ng7ypvInI2Z
Best contacted for general questions & secretarial stuff only
- Skype: SnorlaxSquad
- Steam: SnorlaxSquad
- Email:
Pest Tony !!YXbPlZYbUui
- Wiki Page: User Talk:Test Pony
- Email:
- Skype: test_pony (please don't spam me)
Aesthetic stuff for cups
The best way to contact me is via Skype. When I'm gone or offline, I'll try to get back to you asap when I get back. You can contact me via mail, wikipage and thread as well, but it might take a while before I spot you and I'm usually not at IRC. If you really cannot get to me for some reason, ask someone else to try to bug me on Skype via a PM.
MayDave !!Mjgcb8+t8s1
- Skype: MayDave
- Steam:
DN !!Quumzez0HPG
- Skype: doubleniggers4squatch
- IRC: [s4s]DN
DescendingBear !!BEf2wCiJp/K
- Skype: descending.bear
- IRC: DescendingBear
Ordinate !!TxrSE+XU35V
- Skype: ordinate.4cc
- Alt: Call me toll-free at 1-800-SCI-ENCE
- Twitter: @0rdinate
Aitor Karanka !!vHwU8e1Ta/3
- Skype: aitor.karanka.sci
- >email:
- Twitter: @scioldman
Bochumbru !!vij0cTUzxLY
- Skype: MMMaster48
EdgarBub !!hImM4iWsFS/
- Skype: edgarbobington
I figured someone might need to contact me in the future or whenevs
DawgamusPrime !!nAmLxhuSwBT
- Skype: kingsman142
- Steam: kingsman142
- Email:
MauledByTheTigers !!jawkONBJmdi
- Skype: mauledbythetigers-trv
- Email:
Wreckage Brother !!WjYoCzekCk7
- Skype: wreckagebrother
- E-mail:
- Note: This isn't actually retortelement's contact information, but technically we report to him.
DeMessi !!U+s2S3/fT0g
- Skype: nopenopenopenope1 (on there 24/7)
McBob !!zPWSTDJs1Sv
- Skype: mcbob.vp
- Email:
- Twitter: @MikeMcBob23
- Steam: Mike McBob 2323 (If you need to get a hold of me quicker)
Polybius !!8pNcdzAswmJ
- Email:
- Twitter: @4cc_retro_games
- Skype: Polybius Arcade
Lear !!tx/mRYPi5i+
- Skype: that.king.lear
I also browse the thread so you can holler there if you don't have Skype.
AlphaBrennenburg !!r8xi+iDeakC
- Skype:Add AlphaBrennenburg
- Wiki:Write something in my discussion page
- Small chance i may see your post in /vg/ thread.
Sleep Deprived Anon !!gI7vh35uJ8C
- Skype: Obradovich KGB (SDA)
- Steam: Doctor_Papa
- E-mail:
KHS_Rowan !!YF6PybmnSBn
- Skype: mrrowan13
- Steam: mr_rowan13 (click here m8)
RollFizzlebeef !!Mdbo3QyfTum
- Skype: tinroofted
- 4CC IRC: RollFizzlebeef