Server maintenance/downtime still planned during the offseason pending f4r getting some time to actually do it.

The logo poll for the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup is now open.
You can vote here. Logos are in this gallery.

/vg/ League 3 Save Fixes

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Revision as of 02:01, 30 November 2014 by Mantis (talk | contribs)
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List your team and its fixes here. Please use level 2 headers for each team and try to keep it in alphabetic order. Deadline for save fixes is 23:59:59, Thursday the 4th of December, UTC

Preliminary save will be out soon


We have a lot of card changes, I'll post them soon. Sorry ^^;


-Make HOPE the captain
-On the scoreboard during the game the abbreviation says "HEE". /drg/ is a team that actually has style, grace, and most certainly does not have a funny face. Change it to read "DRG"