
From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 20:45, 28 September 2017 by Old Man Sou (talk | contribs)
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PESathon or 4CC Royal Rumble is a series of poorly arranged friendly matches by way of Wheeldecide and played from beginning to end until there is only one team left on the Wheel Matches will take place 04:00 UTC on September 28th and will carry onward until there is only one team remaining on the wheel or if the streamer happens to unfortunately expire or if technical difficulties become to great


Random Conditions, Livemanaging is disallowed, best conditioned players will be subbed in pre-match and can be dictated but otherwise all set pieces, advanced instructions, sliders, and formations will not be allowed to be changed. Teams will be selected at random matches will go to penalties but not extra time. Winning team stays on the wheel and farewell to the losing team.


Being the only thing resembling """"""""""Official"""""""""""" friendlies any 4cc team on display on the front page is eligible for competition along with potential new teams such as /bant/, /qst/, /aco/, or even /wsr/ if there are exports that exist. I don't give a shit how "good" the rosters might need to be it'd be unfair if you barred these teams a chance to play in an unofficial event. Its the 4chan cup let them strut their stuff for some unofficial shit.


29 September 2017 TBD TBD icon.png TBD icon.png TBD