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A icon.png /a/ — Anime & Manga

A logo.png

Name: /a/
Full name: Anime & Manga
Nicknames: Die J/ä/gers
Founding date: August 2011 (Original Sixteen)
Link: http://boards.4chan.org/a/


|name     =
|fullname =
|nickname =
|founding =
|phase    =


  • name: The board's name. A single letter without slashes ("a" or "asp" or "tv").
  • fullname: The board's full name, such as "Anime & Manga" or "Cute/Male".
  • nickname: The board's nickname. Put in italics, and separate each nickname with a non-italic comma. Enter "None." if the team has no nickname.
  • founding: Date of the team's founding, in the style of Month-Date-Year (i.e. August 1 2011). Simply a month and year is acceptable if full date is unknown.
  • phase: Founding phase in which the team was introduced. Any founding phase can be entered, be sure to format it as a link, like so: [[Original Sixteen]].