/vg/ League 13 Fantasy Football

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First edition of the SCOOP STYLE /vg/ League Fantasy Football, created, organized by Two Scoops and (´・ω・`).


Roster Rules

  • The roster size will consist of max 15 players with 10 starters and 5 bench players.
  • The starting positions MUST consist of 1 GK, 1 D, 3 MF, 3 F and 2 FLEX.
  • Up to seven medals will be allowed in any position on the team as long as there is no more than two gold, two silvers, or three bronzes.
  • A player is NOT required to own and/or start 2 G, 2 B, 3 B.
  • A player's bench may consist of any combination of positions.
  • A player's team may not have more than 3 players from one VGL team.
  • Rosters will be LOCKED at the start of matchday ( 17:00 UTC) and unlocked at its conclusion to start or sit players for the next day.


  • You will be allowed to make a MAXIMUM of four transfers during the group stage (duration of fantasy football). These may be done at any time you wish.
  • You may not make a transfer during a matchday i.e., after 17:00 UTC and before the final match of the day has concluded.

Points System

Stat GK D MF F
G 6
A 3
SV 1.5
GA -2**
GA Pts
1 6
2 3
3 0
4 -1
5 -3
6 -5
7+ -8
CS 6* 12 1.5*
RT 1.2* 0.6 (Modal) 1* 0.8*
INT 0.3
TK 0.4
SA -0.8
G 6
A 3
YC -1
RC -3
MoTM 3
SMotM 2
OG -3

* Player must play at least 60 minutes.
** Not for subs.


Good Boys and Girls

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 2 6 5
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 2 1 6.5 14.2
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 19.2

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 4 0 5.5 -1.4
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 1 3 15 6 6 5.5 8.4
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 1 3 6.5 8
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 3 1 1 8 30.4
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 1 7 20.6
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
5 3 10 0 0 0 2 0 15 6 6 0 0 38.5 70.8

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 4 16 10 7 5.5 5.5
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 2 6 5
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 1 3 6.5 20.2
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 6 4.8
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
1 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 16 10 7 0 0 30 40.3

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 1 0 1 6.5 11
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 1 6.5 8.2
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 19.2

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 5 22 7 6 6 5.2
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 3 6 4.5
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 6.5 17.2
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
4 2 8 0 0 0 1 0 22 7 6 0 0 32 58.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 1 6 5.5
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 6 4.8
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10.3

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mbg icon.png GK Eternal Rhodok 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 5 22 7 6 6 5.2
Feg icon.png MF Professional Motherfuckers 0
Drg icon.png MF I'm Going to End the /vg/ League B 0
Ssbg icon.png MF There! B 3 6 4.5
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 6.5 17.2
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
4 2 8 0 0 0 1 0 22 7 6 0 0 32 58.7

Team 从x˵ ◡ ˶x从

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 2 2 6 6.2
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 2 18 8 4 6 12
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 5.5 4.4
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 6.5 5.2
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 5.5 4.4
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 4 1 5 -0.5
Gfg icon.png D /gfg/ 4 15 6 5 5.5 5.2
0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 33 14 9 3 0 40 36.9

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 0
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Gfg icon.png D /gfg/ 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
きらら icon.png MF Cawfee 3 6 4.5
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 2 2 7.5 24
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 5 6 3.5
2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 32

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
きらら icon.png MF Cawfee 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Nepgen icon.png MF no sisters B 2 6 5
Aceg icon.png MF pixy B 1 1 6.5 9
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 14

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
きらら icon.png MF Cawfee 0 1 6 7.5
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 6 4.8
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 1 0 1 1 7 16.5
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 19 28.8

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 5 0 5.5 -3.4
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 5 15 3 10 5.5 -2
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 1 0 1 1 7 13.5
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 6 4.8
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 1 1 7 14.6
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png D /gfg/ 2 16 10 4 5.5 11.9
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 2 1 5.5 4.1
1 1 14 0 0 0 1 1 31 13 14 1 1 48 48.3

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 0
きらら icon.png MF W I D E G 1 6.5 11.4
きらら icon.png MF Cawfee 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 11.4

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0 2 1 9
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0 17 10 3 1 6 22.3
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 1 6
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 1 6.5 8.2
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 6 4.8
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png D /gfg/ 3 18 12 5 6 9.8
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 3 1 5 1.5
1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 35 22 8 3 2 35.5 66.4

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Mjg icon.png MF Nopan 0
Ink icon.png MF Am I Fresh? 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
Ink icon.png F Best Squid Sister S 0
Ink icon.png F Woomy! G 0
Nepgen icon.png MF No Sisters B 1 5.5 5
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 3 6 5.5
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.5 10.5

Free /fg/

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 2 6 5
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 1 3 6 9.7
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 18.5 25.9

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 3 4 6 7.2
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 7.2

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 4 14 9 9 5.5 2.9
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 3 6 4.5
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 1 1 7 13.6
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 3 5 6 4 6 4.3
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 19 15 13 0 0 30.5 30.1

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 4 4 6 5.2
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 0
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 5.2

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 2 15 10 6 5.5 10
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 1 6 6.5 9.5
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 2 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 6 14 7 9 5.5 -1.9
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
1 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 29 17 15 0 0 30 33.6

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 0
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 3 3 6 5.7
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 12.5 16.9

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 2 19 7 6 6 10.3
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 1 1 6 7
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 2 5.5 4.5
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 1 1 7 13.6
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 2 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 1 13 8 2 6 15.1
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
1 2 6 0 0 0 0 1 32 15 8 0 1 37 61.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 3 4 6 7.2
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 5.5 4.4
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 0 1 6 7.5
0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 17.5 19.1

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Fgog icon.png MF REGEND 0
Feg icon.png MF Prince Marth B 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Vampy is Core 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Tijuana Emiya S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Feg icon.png F Punished """"Boar"""" Dimitri G 0
Feg icon.png D /feg/ 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Merry Holicelegrats

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Osg icon.png GK >1 DEF 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 1 13 8 3 5.5 14
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 3 1 7 16.6
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 2 1 1 7 22.6
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Drg icon.png MF SEESAW EFFECT S 2 6 5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
2 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 13 8 3 0 0 25.5 58.2

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Osg icon.png GK >1 DEF 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 2 6 5
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 1 7 20.6
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 5 4
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 4 5.5 3.5
2 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.5 33.1

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gbfg icon.png GK Phalanx! 1 1 5.5 6.1
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 2 10 6 2 5.5 13.1
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are you fully devoted? G 2 1 7 20.6
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 6 6
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
2 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 10 6 2 1 0 24 45.8

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Llsifg icon.png GK Datenshi 3 2 5.5 3.6
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 1 6 5.5
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are you fully devoted? G 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 6 4.8
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 23.5 19.4

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gbfg icon.png GK Phalanx! 0 1 1 6 14.7
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 2 7 15 2 5.5 12.8
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are you fully devoted? G 6 4.8
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as always B 2 6 5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 15 2 1 1 23.5 37.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gbfg icon.png GK Phalanx! 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 1 9 11 1 5.5 15.6
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 6 4.8
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 1 1 7 14.6
Drg icon.png MF SEESAW EFFECT S 0 1 6 7.5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 9 11 1 0 1 31 53.7

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gbfg icon.png GK Phalanx! 2 3 6 7.7
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 8 10 2 6 14.4
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are you fully devoted? G 1 1 7 14.6
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as always B 1 6 5.5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 8 10 2 3 0 25 42.2

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gbfg icon.png GK Phalanx! 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 2 26 6 4 5.5 13.3
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Drg icon.png MF SEESAW EFFECT S 1 6 5.5
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 1 6.5 8.2
Drg icon.png F Hope G 1 1 7 14.6
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 6 4.8
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
1 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 26 6 4 0 0 37 51.2

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Llsifg icon.png GK Datenshi 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Drag icon.png MF Fat Notte 0
Kfg icon.png MF GRAPE-KUN! 4 6 4
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 2 1 6.5 20.2
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 6.5 17.2
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
4 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 46.9

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Enuji F Drag icon.png G 3 Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 4
>1 DEF GK Osg icon.png 3 Datenshi GK Llsifg icon.png 4
Are you fully devoted? F Gbpen icon.png G 7 Hope F Drg icon.png G 8
SEESAW EFFECT MF Drg icon.png S 8 Sips Tea F Kfg icon.png S 9

benis fug :DDDD

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 3 4 6 7.2
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 1 6 5.5
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Egg icon.png F Thomasformer S 6 4.8
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Fgog icon.png MF Smug Redman G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 18 17.5

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 3 24 5 5 6 11.8
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 1 1 5 6.5 13
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 2 1 7 20.6
Egg icon.png F Thomasformer S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 1 6.5 8.2
Fgog icon.png MF Smug Redman G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
3 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 24 5 5 0 0 26 53.6

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Egg icon.png F Thomasformer S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Fgog icon.png MF Smug Redman G 4 5.5 3.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 4 0 0 11 12.6

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0 1 6 7.5
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 1 1 7 14.6
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 6 4.8
Osg icon.png F gz G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 26.9

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Osg icon.png F gz G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 1 0 0 6 15.5

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 1 9 11 1 5.5 15.6
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 2 5.5 4.5
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 2 1 7 19.6
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Osg icon.png F gz G 1 2 1 7 20.6
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
3 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 9 11 1 0 0 25 60.3

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Osg icon.png F gz G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 5.4
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 7 0 0 5.5 5.4

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 1 1 5.5 6.1
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 2 26 6 4 5.5 13.3
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 2 6 5
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 0
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 2 1 1 7 23.6
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Osg icon.png F gz G 1 2 1 7 19.6
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
3 3 5 0 0 0 1 1 26 6 4 1 0 31 67.6

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Egg icon.png GK Eggman 0
Osg icon.png D /osg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
Gsg icon.png MF Liquor Factory B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 1 1 6.5 12
Agdg icon.png F GIVE UP S 6 4.8
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 1 6.5 8.2
Osg icon.png F gz G 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 25

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Smug Redman F Fgog icon.png G 3 gz F Osg icon.png G 4
Thomasformer F Egg icon.png S 3 Dumb Helmie F Osg icon.png S 4
AUO F Fgog icon.png S 3 Rance F Hanny icon.png S 4
/ssbg/ D Ssbg icon.png 3 /osg/ D Osg icon.png 4


Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 2 2 6 6.2
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Vrg icon.png MF The CHAD Full Body User 2 3 1 7 19.5
Tnm icon.png MF Jetstream Yume B 2 6 5
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 1 1 7 13.6
Vrg icon.png MF Nintendo Labo VR 0
Vrg icon.png MF >tfw no vrfu 0
3 0 7 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 26 44.3

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Rsg icon.png MF Nothing Interesting Happens 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4.8

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 2 10 6 2 5.5 13.1
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 5 6 3.5
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 6 6
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 1 1 7 13.6
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 2 2 7.5 24
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 1 6
Rsg icon.png MF Nothing Interesting Happens 0
4 3 7 0 0 0 0 1 10 6 2 0 0 32 66.2

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Rsg icon.png MF Nothing Interesting Happens 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4.8

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 2 7 15 2 5.5 12.8
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 1 0 1 1 7 16.5
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 2 6 5
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 6 4.8
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 6 4.8
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Rsg icon.png MF Nothing Interesting Happens 1 1 9
3 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 7 15 2 0 1 37 64.1

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 5 0 5.5 -3.4
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Vrg icon.png MF The CHAD Full Body User 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Tnm icon.png MF Jetstream Yume B 2 6 5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 1 6.5 11.2
Vrg icon.png MF Nintendo Labo VR 0
Vrg icon.png MF >tfw no vrfu 0
1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 12.8

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 8 10 2 6 14.4
Rsg icon.png MF Autistic Elder God 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 1 6 5.5
Gbpen icon.png MF Same as Always B 1 6 5.5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 2 1 7 20.6
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 0
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 5.5 4.4
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Rsg icon.png MF Nothing Interesting Happens 0
2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 8 10 2 0 0 30.5 50.4

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0 2 1 9
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Vrg icon.png MF The CHAD Full Body User 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Tnm icon.png MF Jetstream Yume B 2 6 5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 0
Vrg icon.png MF Nintendo Labo VR 0
Vrg icon.png MF >tfw no vrfu 1 6 5.5
0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 12 19.5

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Vrg icon.png MF The CHAD Full Body User 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
Tnm icon.png MF Jetstream Yume B 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 2 1 6.5 20.2
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Vrg icon.png MF Nintendo Labo VR 0
Vrg icon.png MF >tfw no vrfu 0
4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 47.2

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Chad Lizard F Ssbg icon.png S 5 Life F Skg icon.png S 5
W I D E F きらら icon.png G 6 Sugoi F Kfg icon.png G 6
Life F Skg icon.png S 6 Sips Tea F Kfg icon.png S 6
BATORU F Tnm icon.png G 7 Salty Umbrella F Lzg icon.png G 7

Team Suicidal Sopmod Junya

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 2 6.5 11.2
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 11.2

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0 1 6 7.5
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 4 5.5 3.5
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11.5 11

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 2 2 5.5 5.6
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 1 2 6.5 11.5
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 1 1 6.5 14.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 1 6.5 11.2
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
3 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 4 2 0 30.5 51.6

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 1 6 5.5
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 1 6.5 9.5
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 1 1 6.5 14.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 6 4.8
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 1 0 0 25 44

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 1 7 14.6
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 14.6

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 2 4 6 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 2 5.5 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 5.5 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 14.6
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 3 1 8 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
3 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 9 5 7 4 0 30.5 14.6

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 0
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 6.5 8.2
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 8.2

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Rsg icon.png MF @@@@@@ S 0
Tekgen icon.png MF Bombai B 1 6 5.5
Mjg icon.png MF Shadowrealm'd 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
D2g icon.png F Icefraud S 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
Pmmm icon.png MF Holy Mami 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11

Bring back PES15

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK I'm Here to Save /きらら/ 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 19 5 6 6 12.5
Wtg icon.png MF Hard to Use B 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Befriending 2 6 5
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
Drag icon.png F Genius S 0
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 6 4.8
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 3 1 7 16.6
Gfg icon.png MF Wa 0
0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 19 5 6 0 0 25 38.9

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Aceg icon.png GK Stonehenge 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Wtg icon.png MF Hard to Use B 4 5.5 3.5
Civ4xg icon.png MF That's XCOM Baby! 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
Drag icon.png F Genius S 6 4.8
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 0
Mbg icon.png MF Punished Ginge B 4 6 4
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 3 24 5 5 6 11.8
0 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 24 5 5 0 0 23.5 24.1

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK I'm Here to Save /きらら/ 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Wtg icon.png MF Hard to Use B 0
Civ4xg icon.png MF That's XCOM Baby! 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 6 6
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 2 6.5 11.2
Drag icon.png F Genius S 0
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 2 1 1 7 23.6
Mbg icon.png MF Punished Ginge B 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 40.8

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Aceg icon.png GK Stonehenge 1 2 5.5 7.6
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Wtg icon.png MF Hard to Use B 1 6 5.5
Civ4xg icon.png MF That's XCOM Baby! 4 6 4
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
Drag icon.png F Genius S 1 6.5 11.2
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 0
Mbg icon.png MF Punished Ginge B 5.5 5.5
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 2 16 5 3 6 14
1 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 16 5 3 2 0 35.5 47.8

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK I'm Here to Save /きらら/ 0 1 5 1 7 24.9
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Osg icon.png MF CHAMP B 0
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 2 3 7.5 27
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 3 1 1 8 30.4
Mbg icon.png MF Punished Ginge B 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
5 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 13 7 1 5 1 35 106

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK I'm Here to Save /きらら/ 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 2 14 4 2 5.5 10.5
Osg icon.png MF CHAMP B 1 1 1 6.5 15
Pmmm icon.png MF Befriending 0
Gfg icon.png MF Wa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 3 1 1 8 30.4
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 1 6.5 11.2
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
5 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 14 4 2 0 0 26.5 67.1

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK I'm Here to Save /きらら/ 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Osg icon.png MF CHAMP B 0
Rsg icon.png MF Twin Sluts 0
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 1 6 5.5
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 5.5 4.4
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 5.5 4.4
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 5.4
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 7 0 0 29 27.9

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Aceg icon.png GK Stonehenge 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 1 15 7 5 6 15.9
Osg icon.png MF CHAMP B 2 6 5
Pmmm icon.png MF Befriending 0
Gfg icon.png MF Wa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 1 6.5 11.2
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 6 4.8
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 5 0 0 24.5 36.9

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Aceg icon.png GK Stonehenge 3 1 5 1.5
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Osg icon.png MF CHAMP B 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Befriending 0
Gfg icon.png MF Wa 0
Lzg icon.png F NAGA RAIDAAAAA S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 0
Mbg icon.png MF Punished Ginge B 3 6 4.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 6

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Genius F Drag icon.png S 4 Shamiko F きらら icon.png S 5
That's XCOM Baby! MF Civ4xg icon.png 4 Twin Sluts MF Rsg icon.png 5
/ssbg/ D Ssbg icon.png 4 /rsg/ D Rsg icon.png 5
Hard to Use MF Wtg icon.png B 4 CHAMP MF Osg icon.png B 5

Cute girls united

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 2 2 6 6.2
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 2 18 8 4 6 12
Vitagen icon.png MF Nepnep 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Alg icon.png MF Watashi wa Numba Wan! 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 0
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 18 8 4 2 0 12 18.2

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Nepgen icon.png MF If 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 6 6 3
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 2 1 1 7.5 24
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 3 1 1 8 30.4
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
5 2 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.5 57.4

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK Key Loli 5 1 5 -2.5
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 3 6 4.5
Vitagen icon.png MF Nepnep 0
Alg icon.png MF Watashi wa Numba Wan! 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 2 1 7 20.6
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 2 1 7 19.6
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 1 5 6.5 7
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 2 5.5 4.5
4 2 15 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 37 53.7

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK Key Loli 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 2 6 5
Nepgen icon.png MF If 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 6 4.8
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 1 3 6.5 20.2
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 0
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.5 30

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK Key Loli 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 1 1 1 7 15.5
Vitagen icon.png MF Nepnep 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 4 1 1 8 36.4
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 1 0 1 6.5 14
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
6 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 74.1

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK Key Loli 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 5 15 3 10 5.5 -2
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Nepnep 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 0
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 15 3 10 0 0 5.5 -2

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
きらら icon.png GK Key Loli 1 2 6 8.2
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 1 6 5.5
Vitagen icon.png MF Nepnep 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
2hug icon.png F Pls Rember G 6 4.8
きらら icon.png MF Ababababa B 1 6 5.5
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 1 6 5.5
0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 36.5 37.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0 2 1 9
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0 17 10 3 1 6 22.3
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Alg icon.png MF Watashi wa Numba Wan! 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 6 4.8
Ink icon.png MF Cwash Bwaster B 2 6 5
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 17 10 3 2 2 18 41.1

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 0
Pmmm icon.png D /pmmm/ 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 1 5 4.5
Nepgen icon.png MF If 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 2 6.5 17.2
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 5.5 4.4
Kfg icon.png F Arai-san! S 1 6.5 11.2
Fgoalter icon.png MF NA Abigail 0
5 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 64.3

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Pls Rember F 2hug icon.png G 7 Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 8
Liz Love MF Fgoalter icon.png B 7 Cwash Bwaster MF Ink icon.png B 8
Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 8 Nico Nico Nii F Llsifg icon.png G 9
Shamiko F きらら icon.png S 8 Arai-san! F Kfg icon.png S 9

I'm gonna destroy the VGL or die trying!

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 0
Drag icon.png D /drag/ 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 1 1 6.5 9
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Drag icon.png MF Sleepy Amane S 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
R6g icon.png F Speedy Jew G 6 4.8
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 3 1 7 16.6
0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 30.4

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 6 1 5 -4.5
Drag icon.png D /drag/ 1 9 5 5 5.5 10
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Drag icon.png MF Sleepy Amane S 1 5.5 5
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 2 2 7 23.6
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 0
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 5 1 0 23 34.1

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Drag icon.png MF Sleepy Amane S 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 1 1 6.5 14.2
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 2 1 1 7 23.6
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
3 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 12 6 4 0 0 19 46.9

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 2 1 5.5 4.1
Drag icon.png D /drag/ 4 15 13 4 5.5 8.8
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Drag icon.png MF Sleepy Amane S 4 6 4
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 1 3 1 7 23.6
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 0
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
1 3 10 0 0 0 1 0 15 13 4 1 0 24 40.5

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Tnm icon.png MF 2Birb B 0
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 2 6 5
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 1 1 6.5 14.2
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 3 1 1 8 30.4
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
4 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 13 7 1 0 0 26.5 65.1

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Pmmm icon.png GK Snaa 5 0 5.5 -3.4
R6g icon.png D /r6g/ 5 13 5 6 5.5 1.4
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Tnm icon.png MF 2Birb B 2 6 5
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 1 1 7 14.6
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 1 1 7 13.6
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 1 6.5 11.2
3 0 12 0 0 0 1 1 13 5 6 0 0 37.5 42.4

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 1 24 4 2 6 16.8
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Tnm icon.png MF 2Birb B 0
Lzg icon.png MF When's Annie? 6 5.5 2.5
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 5.5 4.4
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 5.5 4.4
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 24 4 2 0 0 22.5 28.1

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Tnm icon.png MF 2Birb B 2 6 5
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 0
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 6 4.8
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 1 6.5 8.2
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 6 4.8
0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.5 22.8

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Nepgen icon.png GK Nepgeardam 1 3 6 9.7
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 1 1 7 5 1 6 15.9
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Tnm icon.png MF 2Birb B 0
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 1 6 5.5
Lzg icon.png F Shantae Refugees B 0
Nepgen icon.png F Wyn S 1 6.5 8.2
Lzg icon.png F Salty Umbrella G 0
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 1 3 0 24.5 39.3

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Speedy Jew F R6g icon.png G 2 Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 3
Sleepy Amane MF Drag icon.png S 4 Custom Avatar F Vrg icon.png S 5
/drag/ D Drag icon.png 4 /utg/ D Utg icon.png 5
/r6g/ D R6g icon.png 6 /hsg/ D Hsg icon.png 7


Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Digi icon.png D /digi/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Drg icon.png F Hope G 3 1 8 27.4
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 1 1 7 13.6
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 21.5 52.2

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Digi icon.png D /digi/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 1 3 6.5 8
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 1 6.5 11.2
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 1 7 20.6
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
3 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 39.8

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 2 2 6 6.2
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
D2g icon.png MF Me Ooga Team Booga 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Fgog icon.png F STELLAAAAA B 5.5 4.4
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 4 2 0 17 19.7

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
D2g icon.png MF Me Ooga Team Booga 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 1 6.5 11.2
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 6 4.8
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Fgog icon.png F STELLAAAAA B 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 16

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgog icon.png GK BANE? 2 4 6 9.2
Digi icon.png D /digi/ 5 13 8 7 6 2.1
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
D2g icon.png MF Me Ooga Team Booga 0
2hug icon.png F Bicycle Yukari S 5.5 4.4
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Fgog icon.png F STELLAAAAA B 1 1 1 7 16.6
1 1 7 0 0 0 0 1 13 8 7 4 0 24.5 32.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 3 3 6 5.7
Digi icon.png D /digi/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0 1 6 7.5
2hug icon.png F Bicycle Yukari S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 1 6.5 8.2
Drg icon.png F Hope G 2 1 7 20.6
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 1 6.5 11.2
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
4 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 38.5 64.4

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
Digi icon.png D /digi/ 1 16 5 6 5.5 11.3
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0
2hug icon.png F Bicycle Yukari S 1 6.5 11.2
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 5 6 0 0 12 22.5

Day 8/span>
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0
2hug icon.png F Bicycle Yukari S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 5.5 4.4
Drg icon.png F Hope G 1 1 7 14.6
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 1 6.5 8.2
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 5.5 4.4
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.5 31.6

Day 9/span>
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF OH NO NO NO 0
Aceg icon.png MF Mobius One 0
Drg icon.png MF Meat on the Bone 0
2hug icon.png F Bicycle Yukari S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Drg icon.png F Hope G 0
Tnm icon.png F BATORU G 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Somehow I'M The Bad Guy F Civ4xg icon.png S 5 Bicycle Yukari F 2hug icon.png S 5
BANE? GK Fgog icon.png 6 Thanks Doc GK Dbg icon.png 6
Rance F Hanny icon.png S 6 Despair F Drg icon.png S 7

Based and Cutepilled

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 4 1 5 -0.5
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 1 1 6.5 14
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 6 4.8
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 1 1 6.5 9
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
1 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 24 27.3

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 3 24 5 5 6 11.8
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0 0 1 6 7.5
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0 0 1 6 7.5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 1 6.5 8.2
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 24 5 5 0 2 24.5 35

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Feg icon.png MF Anna B 2 3 1 7 13.5
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 3 6 4.5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 1 1 7 13.6
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are You Fully Devoted? G 2 1 7 20.6
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
3 2 6 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 27 52.2

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 2 16 5 3 6 14
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 3 6 4.5
Feg icon.png MF Anna B 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Llsifg icon.png F Are You Fully Devoted? G 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 16 5 3 0 0 18 23.3

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Feg icon.png MF Anna B 1 6 6.5 9.5
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 6 4.8
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 14.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 2 1 5.5 4.1
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Feg icon.png MF Anna B 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 1 1 7 14.6
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 12.5 18.7

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Feg icon.png MF Anna B 1 1 6.5 12
Gbpen icon.png MF Mommy Lisa 1 6 5.5
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 2 1 7 20.6
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Gbpen icon.png F Are You Fully Devoted? G 1 1 7 14.6
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.5 52.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 3 1 5 1.5
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 6 5.5
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 2 1 7 20.6
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 0
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
2 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 27.6

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Ssbg icon.png D /ssbg/ 1 3 6 5 3 6 8
Llsifg icon.png MF Chad Wrestler Okada-kun B 5 5.5 3
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Dng icon.png F (Re)ad (T)he C(Ard) S 0
Llsifg icon.png F Nico Nico Nii G 5.5 4.4
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 0
Nepgen icon.png MF NEPGYAAA 0
0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 3 0 0 17 15.4

Spare Squadron

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mggg icon.png GK COUNTER!! 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Mggg icon.png F Pizza Guy S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Drg icon.png MF Nyeh... 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 1 1 6.5 9
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 9

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mggg icon.png GK COUNTER!! 1 3 6 9.7
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 1 1 5 6.5 13
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 6 6 3
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 3 6 4.5
Mggg icon.png F Pizza Guy S 2 6.5 11.2
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 1 6.5 8.2
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 1 6.5 11.2
Drg icon.png MF Nyeh... 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
2 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 44 60.8

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 2 2 6 6.2
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 4 14 9 9 5.5 2.9
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 6 6
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 14 9 9 2 0 24 26.3

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mggg icon.png GK COUNTER!! 3 1 5 1.5
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0 1 6 7.5
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 2 6 5
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 1 1 6.5 9
Mggg icon.png F Pizza Guy S 5.5 4.4
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 6 4.8
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 2 6.5 11.2
Mggg icon.png MF Spats 3 5.5 4
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 47 47.4

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 1 0 5.5 4.6
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 2 15 10 6 5.5 10
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Mggg icon.png MF Spats 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0 1 6 7.5
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 6 0 1 23.5 33.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Drg icon.png MF Nyeh... 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Rsg icon.png GK ur bad 2 4 6 9.2
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 2 19 7 6 6 10.3
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 19 7 6 4 0 18.5 30.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mggg icon.png GK COUNTER!! 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 0
Mggg icon.png F Pizza Guy S 0
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 0
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 0
Drg icon.png MF Nyeh... 1 6 5.5
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5.5

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Mggg icon.png GK COUNTER!! 0
Fgog icon.png D /fgog/ 0
Agdg icon.png MF Animation Not Final B 1 1 6.5 12
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 1 5 4.5
Aceg icon.png MF Pixy B 3 6 5.5
Mggg icon.png F Pizza Guy S 2 6.5 11.2
Agdg icon.png F Just Like Make Game G 1 6.5 8.2
Aceg icon.png F Trigger G 1 6.5 11.2
Drg icon.png MF Nyeh... 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
2 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 52.6


Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 5.5 4.4
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 2 6.5 11.2
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 15.6

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 3 2 5.5 0.6
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 2 8 6 3 5.5 8.7
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 2 1 1 7.5 24
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
3 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 8 6 3 2 0 25 44.5

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 5 6 3.5
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 4 6 4
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Indie icon.png F Shilled By a Youtuber 5.5 4.4
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 2 2 7.5 24
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
2 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 35.9

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 2 1 5.5 4.1
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0 15 8 1 1 5.5 22.2
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Agdg icon.png MF Done but not Fun 0 1 6 7.5
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Indie icon.png F Shilled By a Youtuber 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 0
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 6 4.8
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 6 4.8
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 8 1 1 2 29 43.4

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 2 2 6.5 11.5
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 1 0 1 1 7 16.5
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 5 6 3.5
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Indie icon.png F Shilled By a Youtuber 0
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 6 4.8
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 0
1 2 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 25.5 36.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Indie icon.png F Shilled By a Youtuber 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 1 7 14.6
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 6 4.8
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 19.4

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 1 5.5 5
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 1 6 5.5
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 3 5.5 4
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Indie icon.png F Shilled By a Youtuber 1 6
きらら icon.png F W I D E G 1 6.5 11.2
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 0
2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.5 31.7

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 0
Digi icon.png MF /vp/ Refugees 0
きらら icon.png MF Taichou B 0
2hug icon.png MF Meaningful Discussions B 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Vrg icon.png F Unity-chan G 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 6.5 8.2
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 0
Pmmm icon.png F AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs S 1 6.5 8.2
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 21.2

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 3 1 5.5 2.1
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 1 1 7 5 1 6 15.9
Llsifg icon.png MF Harasho 0
Agdg icon.png MF Done but not Fun 1 6 5.5
Agdg icon.png MF How the Fuck do I Model? 1 6 5.5
Llsifg icon.png F Wooby S 2 6.5 17.2
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 5.5 4.4
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Ddlc icon.png F Natsu Natsu Kii B 4.5 3.6
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 2 1 6.5 20.2
6 4 6 0 0 0 1 0 7 5 1 1 0 54 101.4

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
W I D E F きらら icon.png G 7 Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 8
Sopdog F Gfg icon.png G 8 Sugoi F Kfg icon.png G 9
Unity-chan F Vrg icon.png G 8 Perfect Heart F Nepgen icon.png G 9
AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs F Pmmm icon.png S 8 Sips Tea F Kfg icon.png S 9

I wanna fuck a dog

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 2 1 1 7 22.6
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 2 6.5 11.2
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13.5 33.8

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 3 11 9 6 6 5.7
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 3 5.5 4
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 6 0 0 11.5 9.7

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 5 2 5 -1
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 1 1 5 6.5 13
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
2 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 18 23.2

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 1 3 11 11 9 5.5 6.8
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 1 6 5.5
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 9 0 0 11.5 12.3

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 3 0 5.5 0.6
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0 1 6 7.5
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 19.3

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 6 4.8
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 1 7 14.6
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 19.4

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 3 3 6 5.7
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 1 5.5 5
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 18 21.9

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 0
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 0
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 1 6.5 8.2
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 6.5 8.2
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 16.4

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vitagen icon.png GK Onaholes 0
Kfg icon.png D /kfg/ 2 4 14 13 7 6 12.4
Aceg icon.png MF Jpeg Dog B 3 6 5.5
Agdg icon.png MF Singleton Dog 0
Kfg icon.png MF Gaooo! 0
Gfg icon.png F Sharkitect B 0
Skg icon.png F Life S 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png MF Urararararara S 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 7 0 0 12 17.9

Literally Retarded

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 4 1 5 -0.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 2 6.5 11.2
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11.5 10.7

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 6 6 3
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 1 6.5 11.2
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 3 1 8 26.4
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
4 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 20.5 40.6

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 2 5 6.5 10
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 3 6 4.5
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 2 1 7 20.6
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
2 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 4 0 0 25 44.2

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 2 6 5
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 1 6.5 11.2
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 27.4

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 3 6 4.5
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 1 6 5.5
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 1 1 6.5 14.2
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 1 0 0 24.5 39.7

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 2 1 5.5 4.1
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 1 6.5 8.2
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 12.3

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 5.4
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 5.5 5.5
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 1 6 5.5
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 1 6.5 8.2
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 7 0 0 23.5 24.6

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 3 1 5 1.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 5.5 4.4
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 0
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 1 6
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10.5 11.9

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Gfg icon.png GK Sleepo Beepo 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Vitagen icon.png MF Dumb Bird B 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 1 5 4.5
Fgoalter icon.png MF Whassup My Homies B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 6 4.8
Vitagen icon.png F Cute Anime Girls S 0
Drg icon.png F Despair S 0
Nepgen icon.png F Perfect Heart G 5.5 4.4
Gfg icon.png MF IDW Da Nya 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.5 13.7

The Beans

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 2 6.5 11.2
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 22.4

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 3 4 6 7.2
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 1 6 5.5
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 24.5 28.7

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 1 6 5.5
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 2 1 7 20.6
2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 4 0 0 18.5 35.2

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 4 4 6 5.2
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 1 6.5 11.2
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 18.5 21.2

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 2 6 5
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 1 0 0 18.5 28.7

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 5.4
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 1 6 5.5
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 1 6.5 8.2
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 7 0 0 18 19.1

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 5 1 5 -2.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 4 5.5 3.5
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 22.5 10.6

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 0
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 5.5 4.4
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 0
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 1 6.5 8.2
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12.6

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Civ4xg icon.png GK The Great Wall 5 1 5 -2.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
Hsg icon.png MF Kripparino 0
Dbg icon.png MF Perfection 0
Hanny icon.png MF Why is Hanny so Gay? 4 5.5 3.5
Ssbg icon.png F Chad Lizard S 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Vn icon.png F Douzo, Lad G 6 4.8
Gfg icon.png F Sopdog G 0
きらら icon.png F Shamiko S 0
0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 22.5 10.6

Operation Kill Dragalia

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 1 1 6.5 9
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 1 1 6.5 14
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
Alg icon.png F Eh? Sex?! G 2 1 1 7 22.6
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 2 6 5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
4 2 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 32.5 61.8

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Are you OK? 3 6 4.5
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 1 6 5.5
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 5 4
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 2 6 5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 19

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 2 2 5.5 5.6
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 2 10 6 2 5.5 13.1
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 3 6 4.5
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 1 6.5 8.2
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 1 1 7 13.6
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 0
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 12 6 4 5.5 9.1
1 2 9 0 0 0 0 1 22 12 6 2 0 36 54.1

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Are you OK? 2 6 5
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 4 6 4
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 0
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 0
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 1 1 6.5 14.2
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 1 6 5.5
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 0
1 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.5 28.7

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 2 7 15 2 5.5 12.8
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 4 5.5 3.5
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 1 1 7 14.6
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 6 4.8
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 0
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 1 13 7 1 6 15.5
1 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 20 22 3 0 0 30 51.2

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 2 6 5
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 1 6.5 11.2
Alg icon.png F Eh? Sex?! G 6 4.8
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 0
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 4 1 5.5 2.5
1 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 23.5

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 2 4 6 9.2
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 1 8 10 2 6 14.4
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Gbfg icon.png F KMR S 1 6.5 11.2
Feg icon.png F Paper El S 2 1 7 20.6
Alg icon.png F Eh? Sex?! G 0
Feg icon.png MF Manleth 0
Rsg icon.png D /rsg/ 2 9 5 7 5.5 5.4
3 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 17 15 9 4 0 31 60.8

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Dbg icon.png MF You Fool 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 6 5.5
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 0
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 5.5 4.4
Osg icon.png F Dumb Helmie S 2 1 1 7 23.6
Alg icon.png F Eh? Sex?! G 5.5 4.4
Pmmm icon.png MF Best Jannu 0 1 6 7.5
Vrg icon.png F Custom Avatar S 1 6.5 8.2
2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 36.5 53.6

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here 0
Gbpen icon.png D /gbpen/ 0
Kfg icon.png MF Grape-kun! 4 6 4
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Drag icon.png MF Wiggle Blanco B 1 3 6.5 11
Dbg icon.png F To Be Released B 0
Kfg icon.png F Sips Tea S 2 1 6.5 20.2
Drag icon.png F Enuji G 5.5 4.4
Ssbg icon.png MF Are you OK? 3 6 4.5
Kfg icon.png F Arai-san! S 1 6.5 11.2
4 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 55.3

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
Paper El F Feg icon.png S 7 Dumb Helmie F Osg icon.png S 8
KMR F Gbfg icon.png S 7 Custom Avatar F Vrg icon.png S 8
Dumb Helmie F Osg icon.png S Sips Tea F Kfg icon.png S
Custom Avatar F Vrg icon.png S Arai-san! F Kfg icon.png S

Niwa Clan

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 1 6 5.5
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 2 1 6.5 14.2
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 1 16 5 4 6 13.2
0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 16 5 4 0 0 18.5 32.9

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 3 1 5.5 2.1
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 3 6 4.5
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 1 7 20.6
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 1 6.5 11.2
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
3 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 38.4

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 2 17 8 4 5.5 11.4
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 4 6 4
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Dng icon.png F Blaster ;( G 0
Pmmm icon.png MF 5v1 Me, Faggot 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 17 8 4 0 0 11.5 15.4

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 1 0 5.5 4.6
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 4 16 10 7 5.5 5.5
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 6 4.8
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 1 6.5 11.2
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 1 1 6.5 14.2
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 16 10 7 0 0 30 40.3

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 1 5 6.5 10
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 0
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 10

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 3 1 6 3.5
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 0
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 1 3 14 5 6 6 8
0 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 14 5 6 0 0 12 11.5

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 3 6 4.5
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 0
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4.5

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 0
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 3 6 4.5
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 0
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 0
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 0
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 3 19 6 8 5.5 5
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 19 6 8 0 0 11.5 9.5

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Vn icon.png GK JOP 0 0 1 6 13.2
Civ4xg icon.png D /civ4xg/ 5 22 7 6 6 5.2
Vn icon.png MF Geralt 0 1 6 7.5
Dbg icon.png MF Big Gete Star B 0
2hug icon.png MF Dead Womb B 0
Hanny icon.png F Rance S 2 6.5 17.2
Mggg icon.png F Dried Fish S 3 1 8 27.4
Hanny icon.png F Don't Believe Their Lies G 1 6.5 11.2
Civ4xg icon.png MF HAK HAK HAK 0
Dbg icon.png D /dbg/ 0
6 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 22 7 6 0 2 39 81.7

Team China is Asshole

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 1 3 6 9.7
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 19 5 6 6 12.5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 1 1 6.5 14
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 3 1 7 16.6
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 6 4.8
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
1 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 19 5 6 3 0 31.5 57.6

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 3 2 -3
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 4 5.5 3.5
Ssbg icon.png MF Doriyah B 3 5 3.5
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 1 6.5 11.2
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 17 15.2

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 2 17 8 4 5.5 11.4
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Doriyah B 0
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 1 2 6.5 8.5
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Hsg icon.png F WIIIIIIIIIINDS! G 2 1 7 20.6
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 6 6
2 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 17 8 4 0 0 25 46.5

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 2 1 5.5 4.1
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 0
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
Ssbg icon.png MF Doriyah B 2 6 5
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Hsg icon.png F WIIIIIIIIIINDS! G 0
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 1 6.5 11.2
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 24 25.8

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 1 2 15 6 4 6 13.3
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Ssbg icon.png MF Doriyah B 0
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 2 2 1 7 21
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Hsg icon.png F WIIIIIIIIIINDS! G 1 6.5 11.2
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0 1 6 7.5
3 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 15 6 4 0 1 25.5 53

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 3 3 6 5.7
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 2 14 4 2 5.5 10.5
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 2 6 5
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 1 6.5 11.2
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 3 1 1 8 30.4
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0
4 1 7 0 0 0 1 0 14 4 2 3 0 32 62.8

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 0
Hsg icon.png D /hsg/ 1 24 4 2 6 16.8
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 0
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 1 6 5.5
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 0
Hsg icon.png F WIIIIIIIIIINDS! G 1 1 7 11.6
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0
0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 24 4 2 0 0 19 33.9

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Dbg icon.png GK Thanks Doc 3 4 6 7.2
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 1 15 7 5 6 15.9
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 0
Dng icon.png MF Delete.dek B 1 6 5.5
Hsg icon.png MF Fuck China S 0
Vrg icon.png F 30 Yr Old VR Boomer B 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F Gogeta Da G 1 6.5 11.2
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 0
Digi icon.png MF Shitposter Ken 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0
1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 5 4 0 30.5 44.6

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Ssbg icon.png GK Everyone Is Here 3 1 5.5 2.1
Utg icon.png D /utg/ 1 1 7 5 1 6 15.9
Wtg icon.png MF Tiananmen Square 1989 1 6 5.5
Mbg icon.png MF Butter B 1 3 6.5 8
Ssbg icon.png MF Doriyah B 3 6 4.5
Kfg icon.png F Arai-san! S 1 6.5 11.2
Kfg icon.png F Sugoi G 2 2 1 7.5 27
Civ4xg icon.png F Somehow I'M The Bad Guy S 1 6.5 8.2
Ssbg icon.png MF Hoes Mad 0
Gbfg icon.png MF Time and Effort 0
3 5 11 0 0 0 1 0 7 5 1 1 0 50.5 82.4

Dropped Pos Team Medal Day Added Pos Team Medal Day
/dng/ D Dng icon.png 8 /utg/ D Utg icon.png 9
Gogeta Da F Dbg icon.png G 8 Sugoi F Kfg icon.png G 9
30 Yr Old VR Boomer F Vrg icon.png B 8 Butter MF Mbg icon.png B 9
Fuck China MF Hsg icon.png S 8 Arai-san! F Kfg icon.png S 9

Roll for Mordred

Day 1
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 19 5 6 6 12.5
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 6 4.8
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 19 5 6 0 0 12 17.3

Day 2
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 6 6 3
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3

Day 3
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 3 3 5.5 5.1
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 3 6 4.5
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 1 1 6.5 14.2
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 1 6.5 8.2
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
1 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 24.5 32

Day 4
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 2 6 5
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5

Day 5
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 1 1 1 7 15.5
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 1 1 1 7 17.6
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 37.9

Day 6
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 2 14 4 2 5.5 10.5
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 1 6.5 8.2
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 14 4 2 0 0 12 18.7

Day 7
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 1 1 6 6.7
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 1 6 5.5
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 6 4.8
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 3 1 8 27.4
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
3 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 26 44.4

Day 8
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 1 1 15 7 5 6 15.9
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 0
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 6 4.8
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 5 0 0 12 20.7

Day 9
Team Pos Player Medal G A GA YC RC OG MotM SMotM INT TK SA SV CS RT PTS
Fgoalter icon.png GK Jannu 0
Dng icon.png D /dng/ 0
Fgoalter icon.png MF Liz Love B 0
Dbg icon.png MF El Grande Padre 0
Nepgen icon.png MF Blanc B 1 5 4.5
Fgoalter icon.png F Don't Be Greedy G 0
Dbg icon.png F Owari Da S 0
Fgog icon.png F AUO S 0
Fgog icon.png F APEX 0
Gfg icon.png MF Junyaa 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4.5


Standings Day Totals
Rank Team Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Points
1 Team China is Asshole 57.6 15.2 46.5 25.8 53 62.8 33.9 44.6 82.4 421.8
2 Operation Kill Dragalia 61.8 19 54.1 28.7 51.2 23.5 60.8 53.6 55.3 408
3 Bring back PES15 38.9 24.1 40.8 47.8 106 67.1 27.9 36.9 6 395.5
4 Merry Holicelegrats 58.2 33.1 45.8 19.4 37.3 53.7 42.2 51.2 46.9 387.8
5 Cute girls united 18.2 57.4 53.7 30 74.1 -2 37.7 41.1 64.3 374.5
6 I'm gonna destroy the VGL or die trying! 30.4 34.1 46.9 40.5 65.1 42.4 28.1 22.8 39.3 349.6
7 (You) 15.6 44.5 35.9 43.4 36.3 19.4 31.7 21.2 101.4 349.4
8 FUCK DISCORD AND FUCK NIGGERS 44.3 4.8 66.2 4.8 64.1 12.8 50.4 19.5 47.2 314.1
9 benis fug :DDDD 17.5 53.6 12.6 26.9 15.5 60.3 5.4 67.6 25 284.4
10 I'M GONNA COOM 52.2 39.8 19.7 16 32.3 64.4 22.5 31.6 0 278.5
11 Good Boys and Girls 19.2 70.8 0 40.3 0 19.2 58.7 10.3 58.7 277.2
12 Based and Cutepilled 27.3 35 52.2 23.3 14.3 18.7 52.7 27.6 15.4 266.5
13 Spare Squadron 9 60.8 26.3 47.4 33.3 0 30.7 5.5 52.6 265.6
14 Team 从x˵ ◡ ˶x从 36.9 0 32 14 28.8 48.3 11.4 66.4 10.5 248.3
15 Niwa Clan 32.9 38.4 15.4 40.3 10 11.5 4.5 9.5 81.7 244.2
16 Literally Retarded 10.7 40.6 44.2 27.4 39.7 12.3 24.6 11.9 13.7 225.1
17 Team Suicidal Sopmod Junya 11.2 11 51.6 11 44 14.6 44.9 8.2 11 207.5
18 Free /fg/ 25.9 7.2 30.1 5.2 33.6 16.9 61.7 19.1 0 199.7
19 The Beans 22.4 28.7 35.2 21.2 28.7 19.1 10.6 12.6 10.6 189.1
20 Roll for Mordred 17.3 3 32 5 37.9 18.7 44.4 20.7 4.5 183.5
21 I wanna fuck a dog 33.8 9.7 23.2 12.3 19.3 19.4 21.9 16.4 17.9 173.9