/k/ Roster

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Name Image Playing Style Description Position/No. Skill cards
ZERGFACE K52QN-1-.png Goal Poacher When Chinese actor Wang Baoqiang gave his best war face in the series "Soldiers Sortie", the resulting wide-eyed and crazed stare was quickly found to be exploitable. Owing to the already memetic Starcraft (which all Asians play) tactic of the Zerg Rush, the meme gained its name. It is common for /k/ommandos to shoop "Zergface" into all sorts of military or other weapon related (or even unrelated) scenarios for comedic result. CF #7 Speeding Bullet, Incisive Run, Long Ranger
DEAGLE BRAND DEAGLE FEzM5-1-.jpg Dummy Runner A large and (relatively) powerful handgun, the Desert Eagle (or "Deagle") is a popular firearm in media such as movies or video games despite being woefully impractical in real life. The Desert Eagle design is owned and currently produced by Magnum Research Inc. However, the largely uninformed audiences of the previously mentioned media tend not to recognize this, confusing Desert Eagle to also be the name of the company, hence a "Deagle" Brand Deagle. SS #44 Trickster, Early Cross, First Time Shot
NAVY SEAL PASTA 1344037193361.jpg Classic No. 10 A popular form of copy-pasta on many boards of 4chan, the rambling, expletive-riddled threat is a common response after someone is insulted by another. From references to gorilla(sic) warfare to declarations of IP tracking, the tirade goes at great lengths to spell out just what consequences the anon will suffer for having insulted the wrong super soldier. Naturally, variations on the original are wide spread and limited only by imagination. AMF #1 Long Range Drive, Long Ball Expert, Acrobatic Finish
MOIST NUGGET D5VjK-1-.jpg N/A At once a term of endearment and scorn, the simplified pronunciation "Moist Nugget" commonly refers to almost all iterations of the Mosin-Nagant military rifle. While never the best rifle of its time, mass importation from ex-USSR countries has made its ubiquitous variant, the 91/30, easily the most affordable surplus rifle in the firearms market today. With both the rifle and ammunition for it widely available and inexpensive, it is a popular rifle for those just starting out or without funds for more expensive options. CMF #91 Captaincy, Long Ranger, Precise Touch
VINING 200566 med-1-.jpg N/A A legend in special forces circles, Mike Vining has lived a lifetime of of operating operationally. In a career that spanned from Vietnam to Desert Storm and beyond, Vining has left his mark on the shadowy and secret world of special operations. While much of what he has actually accomplished is not known to the general public, his piercing stare, unnerving smile, and numerous awards hint at a long trail of death and destruction. He spends his retirement traveling the world with his photographer wife (Including a "vacation" to Antarctica to "photograph penguins" which earned him an Antarctic Service Ribbon) and commemorating his fallen comrades. CMF #20 Long Ball Expert, Trickster
/ak/ S1 10 Koko-1-.jpg The Instigator A frequently occurring general thread used for discussing topics of anime and manga that include weapons or military themes or posting anime girls with guns, anime girls as guns, guns as anime girls, or any deviation thereof. DMF #47 Long Ball Expert
HOPPE'S NO. 9 IlunD-1-.png N/A A popular gun bore cleaner over 110 years old, Hoppe's formula number 9 solvent is a common sight in most cleaning kits. While many modern chemical cleaners are more powerful, the tried and true recipe that hints of a faint banana smell is firmly entrenched with its users, who often learned to trust it from their fathers and grandfathers. This loyalty to brand is quietly fanatical, spawning air fresheners and even a cologne of the iconic scent. RB #9 Outside Curler, Pinpoint Crossing
ASSAULT CLIPS N/A A frequent misnomer in the gun control debate, usually meant to refer to high capacity magazines. Put simply, if a magazine is a device made to feed rounds for a firearm, a clip is a device made to refill a magazine. Interchanging the two terms will cause no end of distaste on /k/ and will often result in post after post insulting or correcting the improper usage. This level of ire is only increased when politicians, media, and even laws refer to "clips" when magazines are most obviously meant. Intentionally mixing the two up is often used as a form of bait. LB #30 Track Back, First Time Shot
NEVA BIN DUN BEFO N/A The declaration cum catchphrase of Red Jacket Firearms, speaking this short sentence justifies and sensationalizes every idea they come up with. From painting weapons "zombie" green to putting aluminum furniture on a BAR, simply saying that phrase instantly doubles the supposed value of all their firearms and work. For correct usage on /k/ it should only be declared when a questionable idea has no apparent reasoning or (in an ironic sense) has already been done before. CB #5 Man Marking, Long Ranger
SLAVSHIT 71hsa.jpg N/A A catch-all term related to any weapon, vehicle, system, or otherwise that originates from traditionally Slavic countries. It is generally considered an epithet deriding the historically shoddy and unreliable nature of said items or an insult to those who prefer them over more Western technologies. Owners of slavshit may become incensed when called to the fact or may disregard the accusation as baseless and derived of outdated myths or anti-communist sentiment. Sometimes used in non-insulting fashion between owners of slavshit. CB #3 N/A
STOPPAN POWER N/A A historical term meant to accentuate the apparent value of ammunition that imparts a larger degree of penetrating force into its target, thereby causing the target to "stop" its progress. Not necessarily a measure of lethality, it is a frequently debated matter on /k/ (and the firearm community as a whole) about what actually factors into the term, its subsequent implied nature, and whether or not it's a proper measure of effectiveness. This invariably devolves into a Caliber War where cries of "lol only 9mm", "fuddy-five acp", or ".40 Short and Weak" are thrown wildly back and forth. GK #45 N/A


Name Image Playing Style Description Position/No. Skill cards
CAWADOOTY N/A A derogatory term based off the video game series "Call of Duty", more specifically derived from the Modern Warfare installments, and even more directly its 12 year old players. Any and all weapons, technology, or military units associated with the series tends to attract the adoration of those who play the game, who are otherwise ignorant of such matters, and will often inspire emulation in them. This often leads to juvenile "experts" espousing one weapon or unit above another, simply based on their vidya game experience. In other instances, the term may be used to insult another persons taste (deservedly or undeservedly) when it appears to imitate the above. CMF #12 Long Range Drive
WELFARE QUEEN N/A Commonly used to refer to members of the US armed forces, usually specific to those who join simply for "muh benefits" or to the entire force as a whole. That military members are perceived to be well compensated by tax payer dollars, but often returning little of the investment, can cause resentment in non-military members. Pointing out that military members subsist entirely on handouts from the government for doing nothing will quickly start a heated debate, as a good portion of /k/ has served or is currently serving. CMF #23 N/A
FLAMMENWERFER Anchor Man Literally "Flamethrower", it werfs flammen. DMF #19 N/A
OBREZ The Destroyer Loosely translated from Russian as "sawn-off" and may apply to any long arm made short, on /k/ it most frequently describes a Moist Nugget that has been cut down to a bolt action pistol. Such weapons were notorious in the past of being the weapon of partisans, gangsters, ruffians, and more seeking the strength of a full power cartridge in an easy to conceal firearm. Infamously described as "wrist-breaker" likely to set a target on fire at close enough range, the Obrez is a common discussion topic. Despite its acclaim, it's not often made by US /k/ommandos, as such a modification would constitute a Short Barrel Rifle, requiring ATF paperwork and a tax stamp (which generally costs more than the 91/30) to be legal. DMF #18 N/A
COSMOLINE N/A A grease-like preservative and rust preventative, cosmoline is the /k/ommando's greatest ally against rust and his greatest bane to clean. When well covered in cosmoline, metal becomes nearly impervious to the effects of outside moisture and humidity, allowing it to be stored for long periods of time. So when someone buys their seventy year old surplus rifle that's been in cosmoline storage, they can reasonably be assured rust won't be much of a problem. However, the trouble comes when they attempt to clean it off, as it is notoriously pervasive and difficult to remove. Some /k/ommandos have declared their fondness for the smell, feel, and even taste of cosmoline. Ingestion, injection, or insertion is not recommended. RB #14 Early Cross
GOD'S CALIBER N/A Used to refer to a caliber of ammunition that God, himself, must have designed and would surely choose over any other. A truly magnificent round, unmatched by any of the competition, thoroughly outstripping all other rounds in terms of quality, performance, and reliability. An absolute pleasure to shoot with perfect dynamics and physics. In short, 10mm. RB #15 N/A
NOGUNS N/A Referring to someone who does not actually own guns. A Noguns who expresses an opinion about guns is at best considered a parrot and at worst a cowadooty faggot. Noguns will often come to /k/ asking what gun should be their first in hopes to become Hasguns. Some people are Noguns by choice (For instance, "I hate guns!" or "What a waste of money!"), while others are Noguns by circumstance (For instance, "Mom won't let me." or "Government won't let me."), but all are equally Noguns just the same. LB #21 Pinpoint Crossing
OPERATOR N/A A person who extols the concept of "Hi-speed, Lo-Drag" and understands completely the significance of Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action in all aspects of their life. One who is among the few who truly understands and employs asymmetric warfare and operates in a tier above the rest. A master of his body, mind, and weapon, the operator incorporates all seamlessly together to function as an efficient, emotionless, godless killing machine. The vast majority of /k/ will never reach this plateau of operating, but all true /k/ommandos strive or wish for it. LB #4 N/A
NEX ALEA N/A The "Murder Cube", as /k/ knows it, is an artistic piece located in Canada. Made as a testament to all the victims of man's inclination to aggression and oppression (or some hippy crap like that), the Gun Sculpture is simply a massive metal cube decorated in various small arms. Normally, when /k/ sees a picture of firearms destroyed or misused in such a way, there a varying emotions of anger and sadness. However, upon seeing this particular sculpture, /k/ immediately recognized it as a manifestation of some infernal god of war and violence. An entire basis of a religion has since formed. CB #13 N/A
IVAN CHESNOKOV N/A A tripfag, that became more of posting style meme, from a while back who posted in all-caps broken English to insult anyone who posted slavshit with tacticool furniture or accessories. Essentially, the joke was that he was some angry Russian who couldn't believe the stupid things people did to historical rifles that were just fine as they were, insinuating they had in fact made their weapons less capable in doing so. A good portion of /k/ tends to agree with this line of thought, while another portion finds it absolutely insufferable, the conflict it creates is obvious. CB #6 One Touch Pass
IS THAT A FAMAS N/A Common reply on /k/ to various posts. A FAMAS is a French bullpup style assault rifle. If an OP should ever inquire about the name of a particular weapon or post a picture of weapon without specifically naming it, usually one or more poster will declare said weapon to be a FAMAS. Board lore holds that once upon a time an anon, who only knew the FAMAS by name and reputation, asked this about a weapon that was very clearly not a FAMAS. The ensuing ridicule of said poster was so great, that people still make fun about him today by asking "is that a FAMAS?" about anything and everything, the more ridiculous the better. CB #8 Man
MUH 2ND AMENDMENT N/A Referring to the Second Amendment of the US Constitution's Bill of Rights, which states "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Whenever any sort of gun control becomes a discussion on /k/, defenders of gun rights hold this to be their main defense, while defenders of gun control claim it to be out of touch or, in extreme cases, their justification of regulation. Follow ups to these claims include the definition of "militia" or "well regulated", various Supreme Court rulings, State and Federal law, and complaints that this belongs on /pol/ and not /k/. GK #2 N/A