Gusic the sound of your best friends laughter, gusic is the sound of your baby waking up in the middle of the night for the first time, gusic is the sound of wind on a summer's day, gusic is there when you are alone, gusic is there when you aren't, gusic is the love of a good woman, or her breath in the morning, gusic is the cat that only sits in your lap when you don't plan on getting up for a while, gusic is cigarette and cup of coffee on a monday before work, gusic is breakfast in bed, gusic is tv dinners, gusic is the warmth of sand on your feet, gusic is aceing the test you thought you would fail, gusic is cleaning an itch in your ear with a q-tip, gusic is when your cutting a sheet of construction paper and the scissors start to glide, gusic is watching a woman dance in the rain on your way home together, gusic is sitting on the front porch with all your friends, gusic is matter, and energy, light, and darkness, gusic is fire and ice, all things good and nice, a story of men and mice, that makes you think twice about pulling the trigger. Gusic is first and last time you do drugs, gusic is the cosmic end all be all of reality, gusic is all these things and more, but most of all, gusic is a thing that brings us together, thank you for joining us in this gusic thread, post a picture of a cat and talk about gusic.
Thom Yorke
While occasionally featuring on a variety of songs nowadays as a writer or vocalist, Thom Yorke is best known for his work with the band "Thom Yorke and the Radioheads", producing the greatest album of all time "OK Computer". In addition to that, the band's best song "Creep" has been a mainstay hit among music aficionados for more than 2 and a half decades now, and Thom will always happily sign a vinyl copy of the album it released on, titled "Pablo Honey". Not only has he achieved this, but popular music rating website currently has 2 Radiohead albums in the top 3 albums of all time, and 3 in the top 9 albums of all time, truly a sign of quality! Nowadays, Thom spends his time playing the piano and planning how he can re-release old albums for more money like Car Seat Headrest did.
Richard D. James
Do you ever wonder if Richard and Tim Hecker go outside?
One Copy of Loveless on Vinyl
Ordering a classic grail on vinyl? Just like that? How can he be so based?!
>b-but it's shoegaze! it will sound like shit on vinyl, i-it's completely outdated!
Shut it, shoegaze virgin. Chad over here knows that vinyl is the thinking man's media choice, and that only incels listen to FLAC files.
One Copy of Loveless has been listening to "Touched" on full volume and enjoying every second of it. No, he will not start listening to Ride because Ride is a shit britpop band with no soul.
Talentless Hack
He is pointing at us...
Björk's history on /mu/ has no peaks or valleys, rather a more consistent acknowledgement of her history as a consistently good pop artist with an incredible 11 year stretch of releasing 5 great albums, each with their own distinct style and each being distinctly original. While her appearance on charts posted around the board has declined with time, nearly all new age art pop artists will note Björk as an influence because she changed the genre so heavily. Even artists like Death Grips used many of her songs for samples in their work to further the genre of hobo yelling, which is a feat in itself. Nevertheless, /OurIcelandicMommy/ will always be loved no matter what.
Captain Beefheart
i'm at a severe writer's block but I'm not sure if I just wrote art or not since it IS about Captain Beefheart after all, so it could work. The genius behind Trout Mask Replica himself, Captain Beefheart is the antithesis of a talentless hack. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band, who were definitely not captives and tortured for six months during the making of Trout Mask Replica, created music that sounds weird and it has a fish on the cover! A fish! Imagine making the pleb filter but you make it into a whole album.
I CANNOT GO BACK TO YOUR FROOOOOOOOWNLAAAAAAAND DACHAU BLUUUUUUEEEEESSSS A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag, is fast and bulbous, got me? F A S T A N D B U L B O U S
>Granny Shit
That's a nice album you got there John, let's put Maxwell's Silver Hammer in it.
8.4 BNM
"8.4 Best New Midfielder* is a reference to the one time credible website >Pitchfork giving out its label "Best New Music" to industry plants and racebait quality albums whether they're well known or not. While the website's credibility itself has been complete shit since Chris Ott left years ago subject due to its reviews, they still maintain a name in the industry to this day because of industry money and support independent reviews written by literal whos quality new music critics with a industry sponsored fresh and legitimate opinion.
MAGA Kanye with the hottest and most thought provoking lyrics
"Now if I fuck this modela nd she just bleached her asshole and I get bleach on my T-shirt, I'mma feel like an asshole"
"Sometimes I'm wishin' that my dick had GoPro so I could play that shit back in slo-mo, I just shot an amateur video; I think I should go pro"
"i keep it 300 like the romans, 300 bitches, where the trojans"
"Ay, none of us would be here without cum"
"I couldn't get my shit out any way, I hope you die Aria"
"Have you ever had sex with a pharoah? I put the pussy in a sarcophagus"
"My apologies, are you into astrology/Cause I’m tryin’ to make it to Uranus"
"I love your titties ’cause they prove I can focus on two things at once"
"Uh, black girl sippin’ white wine/Put my fist in her like a civil rights sign"
"You left your fridge open somebody took a sandwich"
"Eatin’ Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce”
"I remember being nervous to do Victoria's Secret 'til I pictured everybody with their clothes off"
"Skrrt skrrt skrrt like a private school for women, then I get there and all the Popeye's is finished, girl"
Michael Gira
Testing, one, two, three. Well, well fuck. I mean, I just don't know what to say. I'm very glad to be hear with you tonight. I'll be able to talk with you, about some things that I know a great deal about. Everyone knows, that you, are, fucked up. And everyone knows, that I, am fucked up. But, does everyone know, that you, are more fucked up than me? Well I know that, and you know that, but our purpose is to tell everyone that. Take for instance, the time, you went to the bathroom to take a shower. You had soap, you had a towel, shampoo, washcloth, a brush, everything was set. But you had to call me to come turn on the water for you. You didn't know where or how. That is one instance of how fucked up you are. A second instance of how fucked up you are; You was going to cook you some breakfast. Well you went in there, and you put some toast in the toaster. Put a skillet on the stove, some grease in it. You got you some eggs out, some bacon. Poured you some orange juice, made you some coffee, got some jelly and some butter, fried eggs, salt, pepper, got the bacon on the grill. Everything was fine, except for one thing. You had to call me in there, to show you how to use a fork. Now, a third instance, the way you're fucked up. You got dressed, ready to go to school, everything was fine. Went outside, got in your car. Key in the ignition, except for one thing. You had to call me, to come show you,