/egg/ Roster

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As a team with only a caretaker and a passing interest in tactics, the players themselves are the pride and joy of /egg/ - after all, combined with their goal horns and chants they are the lifeblood of any team. Entering the VGL as 23 Eggman clones with different names, a full revamp once we got our shit together made us (in our humble opinion) one of the most visually unique teams in the game.

Outside of visuals, the roster itself has only had a few relatively minor shake-ups, mainly because the caretaker is a procrastinating piece of shit who takes ages to get anything done. The multitude of games available has lead to a colourful variety of players and various memes impenetrable to the passing viewer (due to the general's history, a fairly large number have always originated from Space Engineers which SOME PEOPLE keep complaining about FUCK you give ideas and just FUCKING VOTE for them if you REALLY want to make a cha[ENTRY REDACTED]). If the Omnissiah decides we aren't advancing this time, we might as well look good going out.



The main 11, the guys you'll see first on pitch to get bodied, carded and subbed out.

Name Number Origin Picture Description
Eggman 1 gamename widthpx words
The Chad Stormworks Player 2 gamename widthpx words
player 3 gamename widthpx words
player 4 gamename widthpx words
player 5 gamename widthpx words
player 6 gamename widthpx words
player 7 gamename widthpx words
player 8 gamename widthpx words
player 9 gamename widthpx words
player 10 gamename widthpx words
player 11 gamename widthpx words


The ones who feel their aesthetics are underappreciated because you never see them.

Name Number Origin Picture Description
player 12 gamename widthpx words
player 13 gamename widthpx words
player 14 gamename widthpx words
player 15 gamename widthpx words
player 16 gamename widthpx words
player 17 gamename widthpx words
player 18 gamename widthpx words
player 19 gamename widthpx words
player 20 gamename widthpx words
player 21 gamename widthpx words
player 22 gamename widthpx words
player 23 gamename widthpx words

The Dumpster

Players who simply weren't popular enough to keep their slot on the active roster, waiting for their day in the sun once again. For some it probably won't come again because they're dead fucking memes.

There are also a couple who, at the end of the roster polls, got chosen by the Omnissiah to not make it through after they drew with others and also some miscounting shenanigans. It was kind of a clusterfuck honestly

Name Number Origin Picture Description
RIP SERB -7st Space Engineers widthpx The utterance of every player when the server inevitably decides it can't handle the strain of whatever batshit, CPU-consuming creations are being built within its confines.
Survived the last roster poll for a fleeting second, until we were reminded that Eggman had been designated as always being on the team so we'd miscounted how many could be voted in. Subsequently, the Omnissiah said "lolno" and pushed him off the bottom of the list.
SHINY AND CHROME -6rd All games with SPEED widthpx A warcry of all those who wish to be WITNESSED as their mortal bodies succumb to the forces of high-speed shenanigans.
M1 Bradley -5st Real life & Pentagon Wars widthpx The unholy mish-mash bastard child of higher-ups meddling with the design of what was ostensibly a troop carrier (now an amphibious masterpiece of a 10+-foot-high scout vehicle with infantry weapon portholes, an AA cannon, anti-tank missiles, a budget of $14 billion, over a decade of development... and no room for carrying troops).
Satisfactory -4rd The player character (...from Satisfactory) widthpx Voted in as good enough for a new player suggestion yet voted out in the final poll for not being /egg/ enough. Kind of like the game, really.
Lemonhulk -3st The ol' beauty of the Spengies colonisation era widthpx Space hulk: a term describing a vast, asymmetrical spaceship created from the bodies of smaller, derelict ships both functioning and otherwise grafted onto one another. Ugly, yet unbelievably beautiful. Created back when /seg/ and /svgg/-goers still flew the Warbros banner, her form was purely for function in raids against the unwitting Argentinian denizens of some public server they descended on to colonise for their own. The lemon-coated creation was tragically from an era before any of us considered saving her as a blueprint for future generations. As such, her glorious figure was never able to be truly represented on the pitch.
KEEEEEEEEN -2st Space Engineers widthpx The exasperated call of an engie suffering from the shitty Keencode in a game that could have been so much more. For correct enunciation, think Kirk.
BLANEDS -1rdn't Space Engineers widthpx Planets got added after years of delays, and they were as mediocre as people should have expected. Got the least votes by far in popularity polls. Shit mechanic, dead meme.