/wsg/ History

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Main article: /wsg/


Officially founded March 1st, 2013 by rookie manager Ahzu, Worksafe Gif set the trend for other boards looking to gain entry into the 4chan Cup during the Fifth Founding. A quick response to the conditional acceptance of several recently added imageboards ensured that /wsg/ would make the year's Autumn Babby tournament, provided continued upkeep and interest from managerial staff. Ahzu was able to craft a working export and wiki page, but disappeared soon after. The circumstances of their departure was never fully discovered nor justified. Regardless, this left /wsg/ in danger of being cast off from the rest of the Provisional teams for many weeks. Luckily, two new managers, RollFizzlebeef and Hessen, were signed in after the 2013 Summer Cup Friendlies and /wsg/ was able to keep their cup hopes alive.

2013 Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies

/wsg/'s maiden voyage was auspicious, to say the least. Needing to come out swinging, they were unable to work out a winning formula. A comeback 1-1 draw against /k/ saw AMF Big Shake cement Worksafe Gif's first ever goal. The game was otherwise disappointing for both sides, as their play seemed tentative and overly cautious. /wsg/'s second match with /gif/ proved more promising, however /gif/ would win the Moving Picture Derby 2-3 after exploiting their worksafe brethren's backline.

2013 Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers

Commissioner DrBorisG showed no love for Worksafe Gif come time for the Qualifier Tournament draw, pitting them against the top ranked qualifiers /s4s/ and /lgbt/ (as well as the struggling /3/ and recently de-durgened /o/) in what was considered the mini-tournament's Group of Death.

While /wsg/ started strong with a 1-0 win over the hapless /3/ squad, things turned sour for them quickly. An own goal by half-back LOL DIDN'T READ set the tone in a 1-4 heartbreaker against The Legbutts and Duane's last minute offensive efforts couldn't outmatch [s4s] in a 1-2 loss. /wsg/ almost made the Autumn Babby cut in their last match, but /o/ would equalize with three minutes left to send the match to a 2-2 draw, effectively killing both teams' chances.

2014 Winter Cup Friendlies

The Qualifiers were a tough pill to swallow, but Worksafe Gif would be able to find solace in the switch to PES 2014. Reworking themselves into a glorious 4-1-2-1-2 formation, they decided specifically target top-flight competition to send a message to others in their weight class. At first, it seemed like /wsg/ would be far too defensive yet again after squeaking a tight 1-0 win out of /trv/ that saw both teams manage just a shot each all game. However, another friendly against /f/ quickly showed off /wsg/'s latent ability to drive through-balls up the pitch as they would take a 4-2 goalfest victory.

While the state of affairs on the pitch improved, the off-the-field situation had fallen into uncertainty. Hessen would leave the team, citing a loss of interest in the board. He would eventually declare his intentions to join /int/, leaving /wsg/ with a one-man managerial crew.

2014 Spring Babby Cup

With qualifiers abolished by the 4CCC, /wsg/ would enter a 40-team field in Spring. Dubbed the Megababby, the tournament would add a team to each usual 4-team group, and would require both an extra week and second commissioner to pull off. /wsg/ drew into another tough group, landing a hungry /jp/, an equally eager /e/ squad, a washed-out-but-still-dangerous /m/, and the unluckiest Winter Cup team in /s/.

/wsg/ came out the gates flying this time around, banking three points with a 2-0 win over /e/ that saw new goalkeeper Get Out secure Man of The Match honours for a six-save effort. Their second fixture proved more frustrating as several early shots were deflected by a staunch Nippon defense. /jp/ would take the day in 0-1 fashion.

The hopes for Worksafe GIF almost came crashing yet again in game three when Nu-Gundam scored an absolute wondergoal to put /m/ ahead early in the second half. However, /wsg/ would grind momentum back in their favour. Big Shake would pressure the ball away from a sleepy Big O to level the game. He was soon followed by Dodger Leigh scoring the first ever non-gold player goal in team history a few minutes later. /wsg/'s late game heroics sent /m/ tumbling back down and gave themselves 6 points going into their last match against /s/.

/wsg/ would make no mistake on Group Stage Day 8, striking out to a two goal lead within the first twenty minutes. /s/'s best attempts to counter were cut out by a motivated defensive core. Eventually, /s/ gave up on attacking as they attempted to hold on to their elite cup dreams for the rest of the match. /s/ very nearly made it the rest of the way without conceding before a lightning-fast passing play set up 56 Chicken Nuggets alone in front of the net. The dagger had been squarely placed in /s/'s heart with a 3-0 victory. /wsg/ would end the Group Stage portion of Spring with a record of 3-0-1, good for nine points of a possible twelve and the top spot in Group A.

Their knockout run would be a quick but memorable one. Down early, /wsg/ dug in deep and were finally able to equalize at the last moment when Mako Mankanshoku broke through the /fa/ backline to send the game to extra time. Duane would put the team up 2-1 just a touch after the 105th minute, but /fa/ would fire back to take the game to penalties. RNJesus would not smile upon them, as Infomercials would bounce his make-or-break shot off both posts and out to put /fa/ over.

/wsg/ have made their way to the knockouts of a cup for the first time and will set foot in and Elite Cup for the first time this summer. Though they were unluckly to go out in the Round of 16, they've proven that they can do it.

2014 Summer Cup Friendlies

/wsg/ once again decided to challenge top-flight opponents to gear-up for their first ever foray into the Elite level of competition. After some deliberation between multiple parties, Worksafe GIF secured a match against former Summer Cup winner /wg/ and the always fiery /f/.

The first match was a breakthrough for 77-rated players everywhere as Brent Rambo became the focus of attack for the Worker's Union. Rambo would pot a brace of impeccably placed strikes and also found the time to make space in front of the net for Dodger Leigh. /wsg/ would take the day, 3-1.

The second match was a re-visit of the Blazin' All 10's YOLOBOWL that delighted everyone in a 4-2 (blaze it) result during the Winter Friendlies. Both teams looked sluggish as they emerged from the smokey confides of the player/staff area. Early suspicions turned into knowing sighs as /f/ and /wsg/ attempted several underwhelming attacks between coughing fits during the first half. By the time the second half was underway, most of the stadium and commentary box was consumed with purple-gray fumes and nobody would be safe from the contact high. Duane managed to get his head out of the haze long enough to put /wsg/ ahead at the 60th minute. Da Hood, too chilled out by the buzz to fire his customary hail of bullets, decided to shoot the ball at the net some time later to tie the game.

While the game ended in a tie, neither front office went home upset. Per agreement between the two sides and the neutral venue, they would split the money earned through concessions evenly three-ways. As it would turn out, concession sales during the game would set a 4Chan Cup record by a wide margin thanks in no small part to the munchies-making smoke that enveloped the site.

2014 Summer Cup

In a move that can only be described as a blatant attempt at demoralization of an energized and focused /wsg/ squad, DrBorisG's hat pitted them into a third straight group of death. Legal action was taken against the hat in question. However, the case was thrown out of small claims court when it was revealed that no damages could be paid for by an inanimate object which >does it for free.

Their opponents would in include 2014 4Chan Winter Cup winner /trv/, the Elite Goat Army of /sp/, and the unpredictable /gd/. /wsg/ management went on record with press regarding their adversaries, describing the situation as "a Mexican standoff, and /gd/'s the one in the middle of it all holding a grenade. They may very well blow us all to smithereens."

Group Stage day one threw the Working Class into the fire quickly as Le Cut Inside Man lived up to his name early, giving /sp/ the first goal of the Summer Cup. Thanks, Obama! delivered an equalizer in short fashion, but USA USA USA was able to take off his oxygen mask and follow up on a loose rebound to leave /wsg/ in dire straights, 1-2.

Day Three proved almost as frustrating for the Working Class. /gd/'s Catenaccio style of play meant scoring chances were few and far between. The deadlock broke after Roka Shibasaki curled a deep free kick around the wall and past the keeper. That would prove to be the difference and would give /wsg/ hope going into Day 5.

While day 5 might be seen as /gd/'s day (having relegated the once indomitable /sp/ 2-0 just prior to /wsg/ taking the pitch), /wsg/ would also make waves in the Elite Cup scene. Sitting on three points to /trv/'s two, /wsg/ needed only a win or draw to force the Winter Champs into the 2014 4Chan Autumn Babby Cup. While Superpornowat Farangbang would make it interesting before the end of the first half, Duane and Big Shake would find their form in time to thrust /wsg/ into the knockouts, 2-1.