/b/ History

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Even though this was one of the more hated teams in the cup, the fact remains that B icon.png /b/ is a must-have team for the cup, as it represents the biggest board on 4chan.

2011 4chan Summer Cup

/b/ was an unwanted entry in the original 4chan Cup. As much as everyone hates the board, you can't have a 4chan cup without /b/. In the first tournament and the first 4chan Cup match ever, /x/ proved to be 2SPOOKY4/b/ as they won 2-1, sending them to the Losers' Bracket. /fa/ would eliminate /b/ here in a match that ended 1-0 with Cufflink being the man of the match.

2012 4chan Winter Cup

Though /b/ didn't get too far into the competition, this was a very memorable performance from the team. In the first round, /b/ would send the defending champions /a/ to the Losers' Bracket due to /a/ scoring an idiotic own goal, and Chocolate Rain scoring for /b/ at the last minute. Next, /x/ would once again scare the shit out of /b/, who couldn't win despite a Chocolate Rain hat trick as /x/ won the match 4-3. In the Losers' Bracket, /b/ won against underdogs /o/ 2-0, with /o/'s fanbase being remarkably calm about this loss as they went out of the competition without scoring goals. /b/'s run would end in the next round as /tg/ beat them 3-0.

2012 4chan Summer Cup

With the new format and teams from the Spring Babby cup joining the fun, /b/ was hoping to have a performance similar to the Winter cup. Actually, that's not true since /b/ doesn't care about the competition and it's best if it stays that way. /b/ was drawn into Group E with /sp/, /o/, and /d/. After /sp/ made a very memorable comeback against /d/, /b/ cooled the crowd off with a dull 1-1 draw with /o/ with their queen Boxxy scoring. Next, /sp/'s single goal from Messi gave them all they needed in a rather calm match against /b/ that ended with the score being 1-0. /b/ needed a win to have a chance to go through to the next stage, but instead they were greeted with a 5-3 loss to /d/ and were sent to the babbies along with /o/ due to the low amount of points both teams had.

2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Before the cup even began, /b/ had a memorable 4-3 win against /v/ in their preparation friendlies. Apart from that, they had a 0-0 draw with /c/ and a 2-2 draw with /soc/ to think about as they went into the competition. Their cancerous cousins /r9k/ would join them in Group H along with /vg/ and /u/. Because Germanbro forgot to make certain changes to the ratings of some /b/ players, the team had to be rigged with said players being placed out of position. While it seemed like /vg/ would win the first match of the group, /b/ would draw level with a goal from Triforce, much to Germanbro's butthurt. Next, up-and-coming /r9k/ would win against /b/ with Japanese Lettuce Hardcore drowning /b/ with feels. With /vg/ losing to /r9k/, this left them with 4 points, meaning that if /b/ could win their next match against /u/ by 2 goals, they would qualify for the next Winter Cup. Despite conditioning being against /u/ in comparison to /b/, the match ended in a 0-0 draw, keeping /b/ in the babbies.

2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup

After the previous babby cup, Cosa Nostra had taken a lengthy hiatus from 4chan cup activity. Said hiatus went on for so long that /b/'s first group stage match was already played by the time Cosa Nostra came back. /c/ enjoyed a 4-1 win over an unmanaged /b/, with Triforce scoring the consolation goal. Though /co/ had just lost to /fa/, a team that hadn't won since the Wardrobe Malfunction incident, they were still considered favorites against /b/. Despite Cosa Nostra's absence, /b/ was able to surprise everyone by winning 1-0 with Anonymous proving he is, in fact, LEEJUN. Cosa Nostra returned soon after this match and it was time for him to do or die: Even winning might not have been enough if /c/ won against /co/ by enough goals. Despite this, /b/ got another surprising 1-0 win with Triforce scoring the winner against /fa/. Because /co/ beat /c/ in the match that followed, /b/ returned to the Summer Cup. /b/'s troll-tastic streak of wins was cut short by /soc/ in the Round of 16 after a tough 2-0 loss.

2013 4chan Summer Cup

A historic moment for /b/ led to much butthurt: they made the top 4 of a 4chan cup with mostly giant black players on the squad.

/b/ went into maximum overdrive with their troll football: /b/ was not only one of the tallest teams in the cup, which led to more butthurt about height abuse, they also had a historic run to 3rd place. Their run started with a 2-0 win over the hyped /d/. Triforce danced all over /d/'s defense, and James Holmes finished the match off at the 80th minute. /lit/'s horrific debut to a major cup continued with a 4-1 loss to /b/, with Triforce scoring 4 goals. The cancer derby (or Popularity Derby as it's known on this page) with /v/ was up next and it disappointed. /b/ lost 1-0 in a dull match where Gaben's goal was the only bit of excitement.

In the round of 16, the >/m/ council came up with rather strange tactics that made their defense very leaky. /m/'s offense was still something to look out for, and by the end of the first half, /b/ was winning 3-2. A killer shot from James Holmes gave /b/ their 4th goal, which was enough to eliminate /m/ in a 4-3 win. The quarterfinals brought /b/ a great struggle with /trv/, but they got past it in true /b/ style. Despite /trv/ having twice the shots, /b/ won 1-0.

/mu/ ended /b/'s dreams to win the whole cup in a tense 1-0 loss in the semifinals. However, /b/ still managed to get somewhat of a happy ending: /v/ also got sent to the third place playoff, so /b/ got a rematch for the previous 1-0 loss. Triforce got /b/ ahead first, and then No Fun Allowed scored a ridiculous own goal. Though SANIC tried to make /b/'s players go deaf with his goalhorn, Triforce put the match away with a goal of his own, giving /b/ an originally unexpected third place finish.

After that, the team also won 4 Team Awards: Most Improved, Underdog of the Tournament, Surprise of the Tournament, and Best Anthem for Staple Tape Worms On My Penis.

2014 4chan Winter Cup

After such a great run in the last summer, /b/ had to prove themselves worthy of that third place finish. Instead of getting third place in the cup, /b/ got third place in their group, relegating them once again. The once great James Holmes had such an atrocious run in the cup that a video was made out of his horrible decision making. In the final group stage fixture, /soc/ had a 4-2 win over /hr/. /b/ only needed a draw against /an/ to survive, but instead lost 1-0 with a massive blunder in /b/'s final push for a goal that led to /b/ trolling themselves out of the cup.

2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup

The Babby Cup had a new format with 8 groups of 5 teams, and /b/ was drawn in what some would call a gay group since /fa/, /hm/, and /lgbt/ were there along with /b/ and /out/. At the start, /b/ looked strong in a 3-1 win over /out/, but then drew against a rigged /fa/ that had 3 silver players and only one gold as a punishment. Disaster stuck when /lgbt/ crushed /b/ 4-1. The combination of results from /lgbt/ vs /hm/ and /fa/ vs /out/ made it mathematically impossible for /b/ to get promoted back to the 2014 4chan Summer Cup. /b/ unleashed their rage at this on /hm/ with a 5-2 win that originally meant nothing for either team.

A twist of events happened just before the Summer Cup: /fa/'s management had been suspended, and their team was disqualified from the Summer Cup. Their spot was taken by the highest ranked team that did not qualify from the Spring Babbies and that team was /b/.

2014 4chan Summer Cup

/b/'s first two matches in this cup (as well as much of this cup, really) can be quickly summarized with this image: Boredasfuck.png

The grand beauty of these 0-0 thrillers was that they left /b/ in a position where they could avoid relegation if they could just beat /f/, a team that also failed to score any goals in the cup at the time.
They didn't. Trolled 2 Death scored /b/'s only goal of the cup in their 2-1 loss to /f/.

2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Back in a babby cup once more, /b/ got off to a poor start with a 1-0 loss to the debuting /t/. The 0-0 draw to /k/ made it seem like /b/ did not improve from their poor Summer Cup run at all. Fortunately, the team woke up against /d/, defeating them 3-2 with a Triforce hat trick.

At this point, /b/ had to win against /3/ to qualify for the 2015 4chan Winter Cup. An early goal from Trolled 2 Death gave /b/ all they needed in a 1-0 win over /3/ that got them back in a major 4chan cup. In the round of 16, /b/ fought hard against /lit/, and in the additional minutes of the second half, /b/ got the winning goal from The Fappening.

In the other side of the bracket, /vp/ had finally given their fans some joy with wins over /sp/ and /ck/ to reach the quarterfinals. /b/ had the seemingly tough task of facing them, but instead they ended up getting a shockingly easy 4-1 win over /vp/.

As the match against /vp/ began, a cup thread was made on /b/. The attendance for the stream steadily increased as /b/'s semifinal game with /n/ approached, and /b/ did not choke in the spotlight. Facing another team who was finally catching their break, /b/ did not have an easy time, but they got a 2-1 win in the end that sent the /b/-tards to the cup final.

Though /e/ tried so hard to put on a good show, in the end, it didn't even matter as /b/ had little trouble beating them in a massive 2-1 win. For the first time ever, /b/ won a cup. Though it was a babby cup, /b/ look to prove that they are worthy of being called champions in the upcoming Winter Cup.

2015 4chan Winter Cup

Once more, /b/ had a reputation to defend in a major 4chan Cup, and their run got started off on the right foot with a 2-0 win over /hr/, the runner-up team from the 2014 4chan Summer Cup. In their second match, /b/ seemed to be off to a good start once again with Triforce giving them the 1-0 lead. However, a late penalty kick for /ck/ sent the /b/-tards into turmoil and at the last minute, /ck/ got a 2-1 win with their legendary Nachos taking precious points away from /b/. Not all hope was lost just yet - /b/'s final opponent in this group would be /po/, who had just lost their two previous matches and was already eliminated from the cup. Shockingly, /po/ took a 2-0 lead against /b/ in the first half, and #REKT's goal in the second half was too little, too late. Just like that, /b/'s Winter Cup run ended up being a massive disappointment.

2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup

It was time for /b/ to redeem themselves yet again, and the group stage draw got them in a very tough and hyped group that had /a/ and /sp/ in it. Initially, the /b/tards looked fierce as they REKT /c/ 4-1 in the first match, but then they'd suffer a 4-1 loss of their own against /sp/. Despite a scary loss like that, /b/ bounced back from it in style, blowing /a/ the fuck out in a 6-1 win, the biggest official win in /b/'s history at the time. For the next matchday, /b/ had a bye, and the results led to some interesting developments.

With /sp/ and /c/ eliminated, many expected /a/ to win against /c/, making it so /b/ would need a win against a strong managerless /cgl/. Instead, /a/ lost to /c/ and would be depending on /b/ saving them with a win against the Seagulls. In true troll fashion, /b/ lost 3-2 to /cgl/, and a loss of such a small margin meant that /b/ still qualified for the Summer Cup, and /a/ was left behind in 3rd place due to the goal difference, and goals scored. From then on, /b/'s form never quite recovered and they were eliminated in the round of 16 by /co/.

2015 4chan Summer Cup

Triforce celebrating one of /b/'s 6 (six) goals against /i/

Following an embarrassing exit from the last Babby Cup, /b/ had to step up in order to survive the group stage in this cup. Though /i/ had a reputation for being giant killers after their wins over /sp/ and /mu/, their tactics were shockingly bad in this cup. /b/ showed no mercy and destroyed them in a 6-0 win. After this, OP tried so hard to prove he was not a faggot, but failed in the end - /b/ conceded 3 goals to /o/ in a 3-3 draw, with /o/'s third goal being scored in the last minutes of the match. Due to the goal difference, the /b/-tards could afford a loss in the match against /lit/, as long as it wasn't by a large margin. This is why some people posted "/b/ WINS 0-1" in the chat as /b/ lost 1-0 to /lit/, but advanced to the round of 16 despite the loss.

From here on, /b/ went on to have a memorable run to win the coveted >Third Place trophy. The /b/-tards defeated /ck/ 4-3, and then won 3-1 in the quarterfinals against /u/, becoming the first team to break the /ck/ curse. In the semifinals, /g/ surprised many viewers by defeating /b/ 1-0, leaving some fans to feel robbed of a possible /b/ vs /mlp/ cup final. The third place playoff saw /b/ win 5-4 against /mu/ in a crazy match, and this left /b/ with a total of 20 goals in this cup, an all-time record for the team.

2016 4chan Winter Cup

One of /b/'s niggers chimping out as the team earned the dreaded Wooden Spoon.

For this season, /b/ got drawn into a group with familiar opposition: /ck/, who was eliminated by /b/ in the previous Summer Cup, /out/, a team that felt /b/'s wrath in a 3-1 loss to them in a past babby cup, and /a/, an opponent that suffered one of their worst defeats at the hands of /b/.

The match with /out/ was first, and it had a lot of interest from viewers who wanted to see if /out/'s 2015 Autumn Babby Cup glory was merely a fluke. In a tense match, /b/ was defeated 3-2, and with /ck/ being up next after their win over /a/, this group was already looking to be very dangerous for /b/. After a poor 60 minutes of football, /b/ was down 3-1, but after that the /b/tards got more control of the ball and looked to make a comeback for a draw, or even a win. However, it was too little, too late, and /b/ lost 3-2 again. /a/'s loss to /out/ after this match meant that /b/ was relegated from a Winter Cup yet again. The game with /a/ that remained in the group was now simply there to determine who would get last place. A draw between /a/ and /b/ would have made /k/ the last place team in the cup. Following a very dull match, Bert is a Titan scored a late goal that got /b/ the shameful Wooden Spoon of this cup.

This was the first time /b/ lost all their matches in a cup since the very first 4chan cup, where the team was literally rigged.

2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Though the format of the babbies was changed to bring back to 4-team-per-group format, /b/'s performances were unfortunately more of the same. Disappointing losses to /p/ and /vp/ combined with other results in the first two fixtures doomed /b/ to being in this year's Autumn Babby Cup. The twist with the format of the cup this time was that 4th place teams in groups would get relegated to the babby qualifiers. So, /b/'s work wasn't done yet because they had to get a draw or a win against /x/ to avoid the babby qualifiers. In the end, /b/ managed to break their losing streak with a 1-0 win over /x/, and at the moment, they could only hope to git gud in the next babby cup.

2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Following two terrible seasons, /b/ finally caught something of a break in this cup. The cup started off with a tense match for the /b/tards who won 5-4 against /wsg/. Things only got better from here, as /b/ would go on to crush /x/ in a 7-0 victory. On top of that, /b/ finished the group with an upset victory over /u/, sending the team into the 2017 4chan Winter Cup, and into the 9 point master race. The good times ended quickly after that with a 3-2 loss to a reborn /vg/ side.

2017 4chan Winter Cup

PES 2017 finally arrived in the world of the 4chan Cup, and this led to an interesting amount of cards being given to players. Everything started off okay for /b/ as they won 1-0 against /vp/. There was a bit of discomfort for the /b/tards against /p/ but the 2-2 draw was not a bad result on paper, especially considering that /v/'s SANIC had just been suspended. It seemed like /v/ was ripe for the picking, but everything that could have gone wrong went wrong in what some call the Cancer Derby. Trolled 2 Death wasted numerous clear chances, including one that was given away by /v/'s goalkeeper. In a trolltastic turn of events, /b/ was eliminated by a /v/ side that was missing a medal player with a 2-1 loss.

2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup

The meta had still unsettled in PES17 with meme formations like Zona Mista and 3-4-3 becoming the norm. An unfortunate loss vs /biz/ due to constantly passing to a >>77CMF in red condition followed by a promising 2-1 against /f/ settled Group C as a patrician 3-3-3-3 group with all to play for. The first goal against /tg/ was a glorious loooong forward pass to #REKT all the way to the goal line but unfortunately the Orcs followed up on the Trolls with successive goals. Even then, a 3-1 would see them not relegated to the fetus, but having been relegated from Winter by a denied penalty into opposing Penalty, the same happened again, the opposing penalty happening immediately after the denied one in a sickening display of refball.

2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup (Qualifiers)

In an unusually big market fetus, /b/ were thrown into a group that included /pol/ and /mlp/ (as well as autopilot /cm/). /b/ were preemptive favorites to promote to Autumn proper in a format where three teams in each group did so, but that didn't mean they actually advanced. Against /pol/, /b/ played down to the level of the previous fetus wooden spoon and drew 1-1. /b/ then lost 1-0 to /mlp/ in a match where /b/ missed six of the seven shots they took. Due to the result of the /mlpol/ derby played before it, /b/ needed to beat /cm/ to advance to Autumn over them. They didn't come close to doing so, conceding three (although, breaking the old pattern, none of them were penalties). Triforce scored a 90+5' consolation to make it a 3-1 result but the damage had already been done and /b/ failed to win a single match in the first fetus of their history.

2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup

With the return of the megababby format /b/ found their way out of the fetus. Drawn into a group with /his/, /vp/, /lit/, and /trv/, /b/ 12 point master raced including some a strong 5-2 vs /lit/, returning to summer for the first time since 2015 SUMMERFAGS UNITE!. This group was particularly harrowing for /his/ who with the /b/ 4-2 win against them went out on -11 goal difference.

2018 4chan Summer Cup

After an initial shameful 0(0) shots loss to /d/, /b/ got revenge on the team that removed them from the R016 spring, /e/, filling every hole and leaving them in a ditch to rot /e/ exited the babby barely avoiding the spoon. With another win vs /x/ this left /b/ back in the elites r016 for the first time since 2015 Summer where they came 3rd to face /k/ in the first round. HE TURNED IT SIDEWAYS ITS A KILL SHOT DRIVEBY MOTHERFUCKER.

2019 4chan Winter Cup

/b/ came back to an elite cup seeing /his/ once again, /his/ having fought all the way from the depths of the fetus all the way to losing the babby finals in second place to /pol/ and they were hungry for revenge for the group prior. After a strong 5-1 win vs /tv/ and a 3-2 win vs /k/ the group was already decided, but /his/ still wanted their presence known and put in a 5-1 shelling of /b/s prolapsed goatse anuses with only REKT taking a 45+++ to have some sort of consolation. /b/ would go on to lose 3-1 to /pol/ in another ro16 upset contiunuing the "win it all or lose first ro16 match" pattern.

2019 4chan Summer Cup

/b/s campaign started with a violent 3-4 loss to /vp/ with a hatrick for Citizen Snips, the 3rd goal for /b/ only coming from a late 90+++ penalty for REKT. While /b/ did scrape back a 2-1 win it would inevitably have to face a very strong /fit/ in another violent 4-6 match with a hatrick for both sides with Triforce and 30 Year old Boomer. While this was heartbreaking for /b/, it was a very strong group to come 3rd in and it took a /pol/ /fit/ semifinal for one of them to lose, /pol/ coming out in the end to an agonising 5-1 finals loss to /cm/.

2019 4chan Autumn Cup

What looked like an easy group in /bant/ /s4s/ and /wsg/ would end up being a stifling chokefest for /b/ but they would scrape by and promote in second on 4 points on a 1-0 win, a 1-1 draw, and a 1-0 loss for a very trolltastic showing capped off with a similarly trolltastic straight red card for TROLLED TO DEATH on the multtrack listening girl of /wsg/ with a shinbreaking slide tackle. /b/ would go on to face /v/ in the round of 16 for a surprisingly close 2-2 which would have easily been /b/s win if not for a defensive blunder by Boxxy heading in a missed /v/ cross at 87 minutes into her own net after Sanic had missed the opportunity. The penalties went deep into sudden death but the failure would come from FUCKING SUMMERFAGS who kicked it too slow for an easy grab.

2020 4chan Winter Cup

/b/ met /pol/ again but this time /pol/ were an established strong side and /b/ were the chokers, after a 0-1 loss to /i/ and a 1-0 win against /o/ there was hope for the autumn trollfest to scrape by just enough to continue, but /pol/ would stop this with the empowered ghost of Jeffrey Epstein who scored in every match for /pol/ in a commanding 3-0 win for /pol/ this time /pol/ would not falter going all the way to the star. While this incarnation of /b/ was pretty terrible, its a showing in another very strong group with strong players there was no way to even come 2nd in without a significant improvement.

2020 4chan Spring Cup

/b/ had scraped by for a year now and it was time to fall. Having incorrectly assumed this year was the year 4-2-4 would be viable /b/ walked into a group of a rising /adv/ and a dominant /wg/, /wg/ of which brutalised /b/ in a 4-0 showing a hatrick for the lovable vaporwave sculpture of Helios. Using his head to get all in our head. However >its just /b/ has proven to be as dangerous as >its just /c/ in recent years and /vr/ would learn this harshly. Coming out to 2 4' and 9' quick goals they assumed it would be a quick alleyway rape before closing time and played their special miracle horn for promotion at only 9 minutes of the 90 minute match. A terrible form of hubris that would empower /b/ in the later minutes as they would come later with 54' and 77' goals to draw and seal /vr/s fate down to the fetus with /b/, A wide grinning nigger smile as his hands pull them back down into the blood soaked sea they both tried to climb out from.

2020 4chan Autumn Cup (Qualifiers)

Ultimately this fate would curse both teams with /vr/ or /b/ both coming last in their fetus groups, /b/ lost 0-1 to a now hollow shell of the former /fit/ that beat them in a spectacular 6-4 match the last time. The silver lining would only be a 2-2 draw with the autists in /r9k/.

2021 4chan World Cup

2021 brought 2 new things, PES2021 and a free invite into an elite for the 10th anniversary. Both these things would prove fruitful for a /b/ that had been lacklustre for a while. PES2021 vastly improved the ability for longball offence and /b/ came out in a strong showing against a group of /a/ /pol/ and /g/. Things started off with weak with an anemic 1-0 win vs /pol/ but would rebound into a brutal 6-3 firefight against /a/ that included longcat descending from heaven to bestow a hatrick and Cowboy Bepop getting his own hatrick as part of it. /g/ would also be a firefight, but 2 sided ending in a 4-4 draw. This would start an almost unstoppable force that including /a/ and /g/ would have /b/ score at least 3 goals for 5 games in a row, ending at the; up till then unpenetrable; wall of super defence /p/. A 1-0 win is all /b/ would get, and this momentum shift would hurt in the finals where /s4s/ would take victory. Still /b/ could take solace in their would be win being taken by the soul of old /b/, where mspaint shitposts and checkems still reside.

2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

/b/ was again in group G for the umpteenth time in a row, ready to face old rivals in /fit/ and new ones in /lit/ /sci/ and /u/. Things started off well in a revenge 4-2 against fit where Trolled 2 death, now relegated to defensive midfeild, ran all the way up the pitch for the 4th goal. A 2-1 win vs sci and a 2-2 draw vs lit would leave /b/ in a precarious position should /lit/ win their last game. But /fit/ would show their old form and force /lit/ into a firefight they couldnt win, winning the match 5-3. This left a normally useless match against /u/, but the strats /u/ would learn in this match would prove useful, as /b/ couldnt beat /u/ in the semifinals, altough this was also partially cause of a massive defensive blunder by Boxxy and a breathe somewhere in their general area penalty. There would be some controversy over this penalty, but they moved a gold to a 77 meme player so who cares. Before this /b/ would show some form blowing /sp/ out in the ro16 2-0 which shows promise for winter as /sp/ were also placed well in World Cup hoping to maneuver into to being a strong side. This also included the goal of the tournament, which encapsulated #REKTs showing as having a goal in all but one matches, truly wrecking his opponents