The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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RigCup is a match generator for PES2021 (currently made for /vg/ League, support for 4chan Cup soon:tm:).

RigCup can be downloaded here.
The original program was taken from MatchUP v0.754 Beta on EvoWeb

What is RigCup?

Originally, I made this for the Finals cutscene, but I figured that this thing can generate anything that we want. So, we could restore all the forms/condition if the streamer's PES crashed.

RigCup can act as the UI/Features part of the game.
It will generate a save file based on the settings you choose.
This save file can then be loaded up in PES like any other cup tournament.
Once you have played the game in PES the results are then automatically loaded up by RigCup.

We also have EDIT00000000 file editor and a gameplan editor which was required for me to take full control of the game the way we wanted.

You can experiment with player attributes and other stuff, edit any player and generate a match where you can test out your things without having to bother about updating and reloading EDIT00000000 or you could also experiment with things you want to try, such as trying to recreate the match that recently happened.

Does this do anything to my EDIT00000000 file?

No. When you load up RigCup for the first time, it will ask for the EDIT00000000 file that you are currently using. It will then make a local copy of that file which will be used throughout the app. Your original EDIT00000000 file in the save game folder will never be modified. The save file itself contains all the information that is there in the EDIT00000000 file. So, all player attributes/lineup/gameplan changes are directly made into the cup save file.

So how does this all work?

It will generate a Cup save file for a Final/Semi-Final match between the two selected teams (check note 1!). Once the file is generated, RigCup will then go into monitoring mode where it will wait for match results. The steps would be

1) Start PES and go to RigCup (alt-tabbing works)

2) Run RigCup and choose the required match parameters.

3) Generate the Cup save file.

4) You can then Alt-Tab into PES, the save file will be visible in the "Kick off >> Cup >> Load" menu. You can then load up the save file and play normally.

5) Once the game is over you will have to manually save the game (check note 2!).

6) Once the game is saved, RigCup will automatically detect changes in the save file and will display a popup with the match results (check note 3!).

Note 1: Single/First/Second leg matches will create a semi-final save file match between the 2 selected teams. The 2 other CPU teams in the semi-finals will be replicas of the user team itself. For “Final” match you will be able to enjoy trophy celebration if you win
Note 2: The generated save file has the auto-save option turned on by default. So, for Single/First/Second leg matches PES will automatically save the game once you progress to the next round (i.e., to the final) and so RigCup will automatically popup with the match results, however if you lose the Semi-Final match or you’re playing the “Final” match, PES does not automatically save the game once it is over. You will have to manually save the game when it's over, so that RigCup can detect the changes and load up the results
Note 3: PES saves limited information about the match results. It will save score line/player ratings/ injuries/cards it doesn't save other match stats like attack stats/defensive stats/individual player stats/Man-of Match etc.