Revision as of 17:52, 4 January 2023 by RamenRaisin (talk | contribs)
Upcoming Events
- 2023/01/07: MobaBowl 2023 kicks off.
- 2023/??/??: /vg/ League X-2 kicks off.
/vg/ League News
- 2022/12/18:
/twg/ win /vg/ League 19.
- 2022/07/10:
/akg/ win /vg/ League 18.
- 2022/04/03:
/kfg/ win VGL Ladies Night.
- 2022/03/20:
/vrg/ win Lil' Winter Skirmish.
Manager News
- 2022/10/29: /vg/ League 19 sign ups open.
- 2022/08/16: The 3-4-3 formation was added to the forbidden list.
- 2022/08/10: Friendlies for /vg/ League 19 announced.