Talk:/vg/ League 22 Friendlies
VGL Friendlies exports
If you intend to use the same exports from last VGL, you do not have to link these exports
Any export posted under a certain day will be picked up for that day.
- If you use one set of exports for the entire duration of the friendlies you only have to post your exports under the first day or any day before that.
- For example, if your team's first match day is the third day, you can post your exports under the first, second or third day.
- If you have specific exports for specific days, post only those exports under those days.
- For example, if your team has a match on the first day and specific tactics/aesthetics exports for the second day, you would post your main tactics/aesthetics/music/pastebin exports under the first match day and just your tactics/aesthetics under the second match day. If your team plays on a third day and want your changes reverted, post them under the third day.
March 1st
- Tactics: Tactics and Doctrine vs. /bag/ and /fgog/
- Aesthetics: Dress Uniforms of the US Navy, Kriegsmarine and Imperial Japanese Navy
- Music: Naval Orchestra
- Pastebin: Transcribed Naval Paste vs. /bag/ and /gfg/
- Tactics: Uhe~ vs. everyone
- Pastebin: Kufufu~ vs. everyone
- Tactics: Limbussin' Tactics vs. everyone
- Aesthetics: Limbussin' Aesthetics
- Music: Limbussin' Music
- Pastebin: Pastebin vs. /pg/, /hgg2d/ and /akg/
- Tactics: Tactics vs. /hanny/ and /vrg
- Aesthetics: Aesthetics for Week 1, will midcup Week 2
- Music: Music for Week 1
- Pastebin: Pastebin vs. /hanny/ and /vrg/
- Tactics:
- Aesthetics:
- Music: Music for clussybowl
March 2nd
- Tactics: What is sportsmanship?
- Aesthetics: And in addition to being fair and just,
- Audio: sportsmanship also means that you don't do things that make you look bad.
- Pastebin: Motorsport is called a non-contact sport. That means it is a sport which does absolutely NOT allow contact.
- Tactics: Giving McFatty a chance here.
- Aesthetics: Gonna reuse LN2 for now.
- Audio: They finally updated the old songs!
- Pastebin: Please buy umapassu.
- Tactics: Bactics 4 /vgt/
- Aesthetics: Besthetics
- Music: Busic
- Pastebin: BasedBin 4 /vgt/
March 3rd
- Pastebin: Transcribed Naval Paste vs. /gfg/
- Pastebin: For all friendlies. The strats were hot for pastebin, apparently.
- Tactics: I didn't find the slider to make the players as fat as Yuuka, it's over...
- Aesthetics: Friendlies? VGL is about hating each other. When are the VGL hatelies?
- Audio: And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady.
- Tactics: Bactics 4 /akg/ (No Peeking)
- Aesthetics: Besthetics
- Music: Busic
- Pastebin: BasedBin 4 /akg/ (I said no peeking)