Talk:/vg/ League 22 Friendlies

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VGL Friendlies exports

If you intend to use the same exports from last VGL, you do not have to link these exports

Any export posted under a certain day will be picked up for that day.

  • If you use one set of exports for the entire duration of the friendlies you only have to post your exports under the first day or any day before that.
    • For example, if your team's first match day is the third day, you can post your exports under the first, second or third day.
  • If you have specific exports for specific days, post only those exports under those days.
    • For example, if your team has a match on the first day and specific tactics/aesthetics exports for the second day, you would post your main tactics/aesthetics/music/pastebin exports under the first match day and just your tactics/aesthetics under the second match day. If your team plays on a third day and want your changes reverted, post them under the third day.

March 1st

Alg icon.png /alg/

Bag icon.png /bag/

Lcg icon.png /lcg/

Skg icon.png /skg/

Hanny icon.png /hanny/

Vrg icon.png /vrg/

2hug icon.png /2hug/

Omg icon.png /omg/

Wtg icon.png /wtg/

Ggg icon.png /ggg/

Fgog icon.png /fgog/

Pg icon.png /pg/

Aceg icon.png /aceg/

March 2nd

Vgt icon.png /vgt/

Uma icon.png /uma/

Ss13g icon.png /ss13g/

Dbg icon.png /dbg/

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/

Smtg icon.png /smtg/

Kfg icon.png /kfg/

Revue icon.png /revue/

Xgg icon.png /xgg/

Nikg icon.png /nikg/

2hug icon.png /2hug/

Hanny icon.png /hanny/

March 3rd

Alg icon.png /alg/

Gfg icon.png /gfg/

Gig icon.png /gig/

Ss13g icon.png /ss13g/

Pcrg icon.png /pcrg/

Utg icon.png /utg/

Akg icon.png /akg/

Dbg icon.png /dbg/

2hug icon.png /2hug/

@ icon.png /@/

Vn icon.png /vn/ ~ Comment te Dire Adieu

March 8th

Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/

  • Tactics: Third Time's the Charm?
  • Aesthetics: Same as VGL21
  • Music: The Return of Kanaechao
  • Pastebin: Instructions to Join Kamiha☆Magica Here

Wtg icon.png /wtg/

  • All in one: [1]

Ddg icon.png /ddg/

Feg icon.png /feg/

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/

Vrg icon.png /vrg/

Tactics & Music (and rest of aesthetics) still up at March 1st section, same as last weekend.

March 9th

Uma icon.png /uma/

Gig icon.png /gig/

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/

Ink icon.png /ink/

March 10th

Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/

  • Tactics: Degarashi Mana v Monika in PvP Mirrors
  • Aesthetics: Same as VGL21
  • Music: TBD
  • Pastebin: YOU ARE GENIUS

Wtg icon.png /wtg/

  • All in one: [2]

Vn icon.png /vn/

  • Tactics: Ask Lav
  • Aesthetics: Ask Toki
  • Music: Ask Toki

Uma icon.png /uma/