Talk:Akko League V: NO W.A.N.G. (Witches Against Nonexistent Goalkeepers)

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If your compiler's teamslist file is out of date you can use this temporary one to get things rolling

Exports (Look For Your Team Below)

Export Example:
YAYFC icon.png /YAYFC/ Invitational 16/Team ID 856

3ds icon.png /3ds/

Invitational 1/ Slot 851

Aoba icon.png /aoba/

Invitational 2/Team ID 852

Essex icon.png /essex/

Invitational 3/Team ID 853

  • Tactical Export: [I've come to make an announcement: Musashi's a bitch-ass motherfucker, she pissed on my fucking Senpai. That's right, she took her China-fuckin' yellow cunt out and she pissed on my fucking senpai, and she said her cunt was "THISU YERROW," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my IJN Musashi, you've got a dirty, smelly cunt. It stinks of this spoiled lemon except WAY worse. And guess what? Here's what my cunt looks like.]
  • Aesthetics Export: [That's right, baby. All innie, no pubes, no smell — look at that, it looks like a smooth cunny. She fucked my Senpai, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Japanese Empire. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER LEMON PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Japanese Empire, I'm gonna go higher; I'M PISSING ON THE YAMATO! How do you like that, IJNKEKS?! I PISSED ON THE YAMATO, YOU WEEB!]
  • Audio Export: You have twenty-three hours before the piss D R O P L E T S hit the fucking Amagi, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!

Fluff icon.png /fluff/

Invitational 4/Team ID 854

GAR icon.png /GAR/

Invitational 5/Team ID 855

Hi3 icon.png /hi3/

Invitational 6/Team ID 856

  • Tactical Export: [ Fly away, let me fly away]
  • Aesthetics Export: [ Never hide in dark]
  • Audio Export: Head on, start a riot

Hlm icon.png /hlm/

Invitational 7/Team ID 857

Madness icon.png /madness/

Invitational 8/Team ID 858

MRU icon.png /MRU/

Invitational 9/Team ID 859

  • Tactical Export: To my beloved Kamilla, I'm doing fine. How are you? I'm very glad that you accepted my very audacious request
  • Aesthetics Export: Next time I'll come for fun, so let's go eat somewhere. Ah, I'll pay. I'll bring you plenty more gifts then. Please look forward to it.
  • Audio Export: Ah, and as far as capturing Little Princess, please take it easy. You're more important to me than Little Princess is. Take care. It'd make me happy if you responded. From, Kayblis

Nightcore icon.png /nightcore/

Invitational 10/Team ID 860

NND icon.png /NND/

Invitational 11/Team ID 861

Offtopic icon.png /offtopic/

Invitational 12/Team ID 862

Pg icon.png /pg/

Invitational 13/Team ID 863

Rancevii icon.png /rancevii/

Invitational 14/Team ID 864

Sdm icon.png /sdm/

Invitational 15/Team ID 865

Trinity icon.png /trinity/

Invitational 16/Team ID 866