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Revision as of 10:56, 4 March 2025 by Kiyose (talk | contribs) (Added some notes about stadium npc's before I forget)
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Manager of きらら icon.png /きらら/

Discord: Skullyhead#2525

Below are some random notes. Feel free to improve or extract this information to the correct page.


Audience models are stored in /common/bg/model/bg/audi/summer/model/. "w01.model" till "w04.model" are known to be used. We have not been able to have "w05.model" till "w08.model" show up in game. Textures are saved in /common/bg/model/bg/audi/summer/texture/. File names are "", "" and "". The XML path is /common/bg/model/bg/audi/summer/audi_normal.xml.

All of these paths also have a "winter" path.

Example luigi audience

Moving Press

The intro cutscenes feature a few moving staff members with camera's. The models are located at /common/demo/mob. Specifically:

  • mob_high_ca00a
  • mob_high_ca00b
  • mob_high_ca01a
  • mob_high_ca01b
  • mob_high_tv00a

It has not been researched which of these models has which position in the intro, but all of these can be replaced and will show up in the intro.

It should be noted that there has been some issues with getting the textures to work, specifically with using custom file names and paths. However, it has been confirmed that using the default names for the model/mtl/skl/xml files and saving the texture in /common/bg/model/bg/staff/common/texture/[filename].dds. The texture can have a custom name.

Example lakitu camera models

Static Press

The intro cutscene also features 2 sets of static press. These are located at "/common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/". The full list of files you can edit is:

  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_away.model
  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_away.mtl
  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_away.xml
  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_home.model
  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_home.mtl
  • /common/demo/fixdemoobj/demoobj_human/doh_press03_home.xml

The home models will be located on the home team's side and away is located at the away team's side. Texture filenames can be custom and should be saved in "/common/bg/model/bg/staff/common/texture/"

Example static press

Misc staff/npc's

A list of models that have been found to be in-game at some point. These were found for PES19 but some seem to carry over to PES17

  • mob_high_audi_s01-s07 = audience doing random shit at entrace cutscene (home team)
  • mob_high_audi_s_away01-05 = audience doing random shit at entrace cutscene (away team)
  • mob_high_gk00a - some retard standing somewhere
  • mob_high_tv00a - camera man in cutscene (main)
  • mob_high_tv01a - camera man in cutscene (main)
  • mob_low_co00b - coach 1 (in entract cutscene and '80+ comeback goal like 3-2)
  • mob_low_co01b - coach 2 (in entract cutscene and '80+ comeback goal like 3-2)
  • mob_high_ca00a - extra camera man
  • mob_high_ca00b - extra camera man
  • mob_high_ca00b_ng - extra camera man
  • mob_high_ca01a - extra camera man
  • mob_high_ca01b - extra camera man
  • mob_low_gk00a - random retard
  • mob_low_gu00b - guard standing in hallway (entrace cutscene)
  • mob_low_st00b-st02b - steward
  • mob_low_staff00 - random retard
  • mob_low_su00b-su01b - random retard
  • mob_reporter01-17 - only Master League people, no appearance in game
  • mob_supporter_female01-02 - women in player celebration cutscene (crowd celebration)
  • mob_supporter_male01-04 - men in player celebration cutscene (confetti, crowd celebration)