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Revision as of 12:52, 18 May 2015 by RoneryRobot (talk | contribs)
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/ro11/ was an all-star team of circlejerk during the Cup's early years, with GermanBro !!i9X8R/z42R as both the Commissioner of the organization, and manager of the team. It was the predecessor of /4ccc/. The team's only matches were after a Cup ended, against its Champion, and were broadcasted in the now defunct barrel_roll livestream. They usually ended with a massive victory over the teams they faced against, mainly due to the fact that /ro11/ had their players at 99 in everything, while the flamant Champions abided by the Cup's restrictions.

Their goalhorn changed depending on the occasion. Against /wg/, this team used Eleanor Rigby as a goalhorn, and when facing /sp/, this team used /tv/'s old Money goalhorn.

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