The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015/Tool compilation

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The 4CC PES Tool Compilation aims to put most of the tools and scripts used to modify PES into a single archive. The project is currently still at an early stage, so all 'releases' at this moment should be used with caution.

If you wish to contribute, please refer the Discussion page or contact one of the maintainers.


Source code



Some scripts are very simple or merely open tools. Authors are listed for maintenance purposes.



Author: bent

Drag a folder onto this batch file to turn it into a *.cpk file. Make sure you are following the PES folder structure within the input folder; its name becomes the name of the *.cpk file.


A collection of scripts to be used with Blender.

Version: alpha 7, /vg/ post #114594503
Author: Blenderanon

Also known as LOD Tools or PES Face/Hair Modifier Tool. Imports/exports PES faces, hair, balls, LOD, boots, and gloves. Proper documentation to come.
Note: the blender script header reads version 0.8.


A collection of scripts to easily convert various movie formats to *.usm which PES uses. Drag a movie file onto one of these batch files to create a *.usm file. Pack this file into a DLC to make it appear in-game. Create a folder with a name of your choice and recreate the folder structure matching the movie you wish to replace (incomplete list):

  • Title Screen cinematic: movie/pv.usm
  • UCL wipe: common/menu/fade/UCLwipe_hd.usm
  • UEL wipe: common/menu/fade/UELwipe_hd.usm
  • Default wipe: common/menu/fade/WEPESwipe_hd.usm
  • ACL wipe: common/menu/fade/ACLwipe_hd.usm
  • CBL wipe: common/menu/fade/CBLwipe_hd.usm
  • CBS wipe: common/menu/fade/CBSwipe_hd.usm
  • RBS wipe: common/menu/fade/RBSwipe_hd.usm
  • USC wipe: common/menu/fade/USCwipe_hd.usm

Example: myDLC/movie/pv.usm


Author: bent

Converts an *.avi file with an alpha transparency channel to *.usm, scaling it to the common PES resolution (1280x720).


Author: bent

Converts an *.avi file with an alpha transparency channel to *.usm, scaling it to the common PES resolution (1280x720) and removing the audio.


Author: bent

Converts an *.avi file with an alpha transparency channel to *.usm, removing the audio.


Author: bent

Converts an *.avi file with an alpha transparency channel to *.usm.


Author: bent

Converts an *.mp4 file to *.usm, scaling it to the common PES resolution (1280x720).


Author: bent

Converts an *.mp4 file to *.usm, scaling it to the common PES resolution (1280x720) and removing the audio.


Author: bent

Converts an *.mp4 file to *.usm, removing the audio.


Author: bent

Converts an *.mp4 file to *.usm.



Author: bent



Author: bent

Opens the recommended tool for editing string files. You have to open all.str by yourself.


Author: bent

Pastes a provided file into a string block opened in the string editing tool.


Author: bent

Packs an all.str file (name does not matter) to 4cc_gametips.cpk, covering all supported languages.


Author: bent

An example game tips file required by GameTipsParser so you can easily create your own set of game tips.


Anything that is not directly related to the game is put here.


Author: bent

Converts an *.aac file to *.wav.


Author: bent

Extracts the audio from a file encoded with a common video format and converts it to a 128 kbit/s *.aac file.



Author: bent

Opens the recommended tool for editing string files.


All tools are located in the bin folder of the archive. As most of them are accessed through scripts anyway, only use them directly if there is no script for the task you wish to accomplish.

CRI Packed File Maker

Version: 1.36.00
Homepage: TODO

Packs and unpacks *.cpk files. It comes as a command line version (cpkmakec.exe) and a GUI version (CriPackedFileMaker.exe). Most scripts access the command line tool. Refrain from using the GUI version for packing as it includes the name of the folder you are working in for unknown reasons, possibly leaking your Windows user name to anyone who opens the file again later.


Version: 2015-05-13 git-51f6455, Win32 static build

A compilation of video and audio codec conversion and manipulation tools, all accessible through command-line. Used to convert videos into a format Scaleform VideoEncoder can understand, as well as other minor things. As the FFmpeg provided is incomplete to reduce the file size, some features might misbehave.


Version: 0.1
Author: bent

Reads a custom game tip file format and writes files to be used with StringBlockPaster. This tool ensures that game tip captions and body texts are matched correctly, among other things.

Scaleform Video Encoder

Version: 4.0
Homepage: TODO



Version: 0.1
Author: bent

Pastes string entries from a file into a string block of a string file opened with STREditor.



v0.1 alpha

  • First alpha release.

Known issues

  • Some tools might not start because DLLs are missing, please provide their names.
  • Some tools might not handle whitespaces in paths well. Please report your findings.
  • GameTipParser does not handle line breaks as intended.
  • StringBlockPaster does not exit properly after the last entry is pasted.
  • gametips/4_all.str_to_gametips_cpk.bat does not delete the temporary directory.
  • Add issues you find to the Discussion page!