/vg/ League 5 Signups
This is a signup page for teams to play in /vg/ League 5. Signups will be open until November 13th at 11:59 PM UTC.
Signups are currently OPEN If you would still like to participate, please signup under signup header. You must link an archive link of yout post announcing entering the league before signups close.
- Only teams that were accepted to play by their general may participate.
- Anyone can sign up the team, whether it is a fan or a manager. Rule 1 still applies.
- Managers should sign their posts (~~~~)
- You must post your roster or a archive.moe link to your discussion to verify signups. It does not have to be posted right away, but it must be before the registration deadline.
- You do NOT need any verification to reserve a spot. However, you will need a quick verification through Skype if you would like to manage a /vg/ team. No webcam or microphone required, just a few questions regarding you actually browse the general will be asked. Please leave a Skype name for quick verification.
- Returning generals also need verification, however their verification check will be more relaxed due to acceptance of previous entry.
- You may look at the old signup pages if you are still unsure on how to signup your general.
Example: I want /4ccg/ to play in /vg/ League 5. UPDATE: Here's out roster/discussion (pastebin link). --(´・ω・`) (talk) 02:03, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/vg/ Reward Rules
Roster position on the official /vg/ team is will be given to the teams that place in the top 22 in final rankings.
Like last time, the general of the Golden Glove winner will have the option to have their rep be the starting GK for /vg/. On top of this, You may choose one of the following: have the /vg/ GK kit will be themed around your rep, have the /vg/ GK be themed around your general, or choose a sponsor to slap over the exsisting /vg/ kit.
The Golden Boot winner now recieves some type of reward in that the eventual /vg/ stadium will feature a pitch themed around its winner's general.
Generals, please note that you may submit a list of favored positions that you'd like your rep to play. I'd prefer a list, 1-5(1 being the position you would favor the most, etc) on said positions. Note that the higher you place, the more likely your player will get the most favored position, meaning if you place 22, you probably won't get any of the 5 picked positions as they could be completely filled by then, leaving me to put you wherever we need your rep. Also note that I reserve the right to position medals myself if need be due to the fact that some positions just do not warrant a medal being placed there(i.e. Gold defender), or the fact that the choice would be illegal, or previously taken(i.e. GK medal, or Gold CF respectively).
/4ccg/ - I want to cum inside Embroidery Anon. --Foojleaf (talk) 02:04, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/feg/ If you aren't browsing /feg/ with just 1 hand, you aren't doing it right. --SUPERtwinky (talk) 02:06, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/lolg/ If your general hasn't gotten a sticky in the past month, it might as well not exist. Cyclohexane (talk) 02:04, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/dng/ #2stars #Blaster:( Update Guy (talk) 02:05, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/5N@F/ Robots are still shambling along to bring the salt. :^) QD (talk) 02:10, 2 November 2015 (UTC)
/nepgen/ Ababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababa GMG (talk) 02:11, 2 November 2015 (UTC)