2014 Winter Friendly Save Fixes
List your team and its fixes here
-Make the team be not shit.
-Brock Samson has 88 for heading and not Defensive Prowess
-Dead Parents should NOT have a card
-Superior Spider-Man should NOT have a card
-Bad News needs Early Cross and not One-Touch Pass
-All bench CMFs should have Weighted Pass
-Archer should have Speeding Bullet, Precise Touch, and Acrobatic Finish
- I'm a dumbass and probably cocked up on stats big time. What should combined ability scores be? Some are appropriate for their tier (eg 77 for a normal outfielder) but others aren't.
- Chad Warden has outfielder stats.
Everything else looks fine to me. Exec (talk) 00:21, 6 January 2014 (UTC)
-Page 15 Save and Denied Pleasure have Def Prowess 88, needs to be 99.
-Yaoi Accessories has a week foot of 5, needs to be 4
-Sea Turtle form is 5, needs to be 6