/vg/ League 6 Save Fixes

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Revision as of 20:08, 24 May 2016 by Granzon (talk | contribs) (HAD TO CHANGE)
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Export Fixes

List your team and its fixes here. Aesthetic fixes and additions can be found on the main page. Please use level 2 headers for each team and try to keep it in alphabetic order. Use this section only for everything broken in the save. Also note that if you have out-of-position players (double-check on the save that's been made) and they're not supposed to be like that, you should mention those to be fixed as well.
List of AATF save fixes: http://puu.sh/p3bX7.txt
List of out-of-position players: http://puu.sh/p3cnH/5127d9ed41.txt


  • Change Bantz' weak foot stats to 2/2
  • Change Blue Ruby's weak foot stats to 2/2
  • Change IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO's weak foot stats to 2/2
  • Shorten Burger Grease to 180 cm
  • Shorten I HAVE A THEORY to 180 cm
  • Raise ASSPULLS to 179 cm
  • Raise THAT CARD to 188 cm


  • Fix Rancid Beat Meat name in Rancid Bait Meat.


  • Change Staff~ Staff~ to 2/2 weak foot


  • please change Nikolai Malthus, Big Titty Archon Princess, and Salt Pillar Formerly Known as... weak foot stats from 2/2 to 4/4
  • change Karnwield from a dmf to a cmf in the preset 1
  • make sure JackAttack(metal babby) is the captain and has the captaincy card, if not please change that


  • Remove Pinpoint Crossing from Jewhan.
  • If it's possible, change Albania Fuel Factories' name to Albanian Fuel Factories.


  • Fix form on medals (should be 8 for all of them)


  • Preset 1, Kick-off: Switch Bandlebro and HAHAHA *SPLAT* then switch Bandlebro and Tyler1 and all positions should be correct.
  • Preset 1, when in possession: Switch Bandlebro and HAHAHA *SPLAT* then switch Bandlebro and Tyler1 and all positions should be correct.
  • Preset 1, when out of possession: Switch Bandlebro and HAHAHA *SPLAT* then switch Bandlebro and Tyler1 and all positions should be correct. (wingers being out of position is intended)
  • Preset 2, Kick-off: Switch Bandlebro for one of the OOP fullbacks. (Lyte or Tyler1, doesn't matter which one)
  • Preset 2, when in possession: Switch Bandlebro for one of the OOP fullbacks. (doesn't matter which one)
  • Preset 2, when out of possession: Switch Bandlebro for one of the OOP fullbacks. (doesn't matter which one) and make >riven mains a Second Striker.
  • Preset 3, Kick-off: Switch Bandlebro for one of the OOP fullbacks. (doesn't matter which one) and make >riven mains a Second Striker.
  • Preset 3, when in possession: Switch Bandlebro for one of the OOP fullbacks. (doesn't matter which one)
  • Preset 3, when out of possession: Make >riven mains a Second Striker.

Anything else is intended and will be corrected with proper substitutions at the start of a match.


  • Change That's low's Form from 4 to 8.
  • Change Zezima's Form from 4 to 8.
  • Change @@@@@'s Form from 4 to 8.
  • Change Thok's Form from 4 to 8.