Tottori Generic Head
The Tottori Generic Head (henceforth referred to as TGH) is a blender head made for making custom players easier. It works kind of like the old 13 create-a-player did by mapping a front-facing picture to the 3D face object.
To start, get the TGH from insert-download-link here and decompress it. It will create a folder called TGH. First, rename this folder to the player's name you want to make.
Inside the folder, the main files are going to be:
- - This is the file your texture goes into eventually
- headguide.psd - This is a file to help you make your texture with some guides included.
- face_edithair_high_win32.model - This is the model file if you want to import it into blender with the PES 14 import tool.
- - This is the normal map file if you want to mess with it. It's set to a generic flat value for use with the TGH.
- - This is the specular and roughness map file. They are also set to generic flat values.
- - This is the test pattern file for making it obvious that you haven't selected a custom hairstyle.
It's not necessary to mess with any of the other files.
Getting started
The TGH works best when you can find a high-resolution front-facing picture of the person or thing you want to make a player. Our tutorial example is going to be Bill Nye. We are going to use this picture of him from his web site: It's good that it's hi-res. It's a little bad because he's turned slightly to the side, but not so much that we can't work with it.
For a pictorial guide to prepping the texture, see
Your .dds should be named
The folder should go into Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 > 4cc > GDB > face > (team)
To attach the folder, you need to find your player's ID number (easiest with PEES) and edit a line into the map.txt file in the face folder with a line player=12345, "team\foldername" (example: player=63560,"a\accel")
The TGH assumes that you are not going to make a custom hair but instead use one of the in-game hairs. If the player's hair is set to default, you will get the test pattern instead of your texture. To make the TGH texture visible, edit the player and change the hairstyle. You may also want to make changes to the head shape and other physique properties as well.