/vg/ League 7 Save Fixes

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Revision as of 15:42, 23 November 2016 by Vilkenparadis (talk | contribs)
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Export Fixes

List your team and its fixes here. Aesthetic fixes and additions can be found on the main page. Please use level 2 headers for each team and try to keep it in alphabetic order. Use this section only for everything broken in the save. Also note that if you have out-of-position players (double-check on the save that's been made) and they're not supposed to be like that, you should mention those to be fixed as well.
List of AATF Save errors: http://pastebin.com/3P2h3ps1


Please fix both goalkeepers stats rating (Belka, Sky Eye) from 77 to 80.
Please set the GK's wrist taping to "right" for their tucked shirts to show up instead of an invisible shirt. (thanks Shakes)


Please change >Greg's height of 180cm to 176 cm.


Set Grigori as Captain.


Change Exvius is ugly! UGLY! and Reddit Witch Hunt's Weak Foot levels to 2.
Change Mathfaggotry's height to 179 cm.
Change RK Killer and Doctor Jewgle's heights to 188 cm.


Please change JETS' role in preset 1 from RMF to AMF.
Please switch the positions of Memestreams and Saberface, then switch the positions of Saberface and Liz Thread.
The final arrangement of the defense should be, from left to right: Saberface - Sumanai - Memestreams - Liz Thread.
Please make sure that presets 2 and 3 end up with this arrangement too.


Make sure that WIIIIINDS! is the captain and has the Captaincy card instead of Barnes Change Bolf Ramshield to Jade Golem


Please change Doc's height from 189cm to 185cm.
Please change Dont't Forget's height from 189cm to 185cm.
Please change You Are Here Forever's height from 189cm to 185cm.
Please change Pre-Alpha's height from 189cm to 185cm.
Please change Feels on Wheels' height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change >Comfort's height from 189cm to 185cm.
Please change 2Deep4You's height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change Rin In A Bin's height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change Lilly's Smelly Farts' height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change Student Council's height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change No Excuses' height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Bacon's height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Misha Route's height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Rooftop Homicide's height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Is Not A Game's height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Deaf Bitch's height from 179cm to 175cm.
Please change Lemon Flavor's height from 184cm to 180cm.
Please change Pre-Alpha's weak foot accuracy and usage from 4/4 to 2/2.


Remove the COM playing style from Non-tan
Remove the COM playing style from It's Joke
Remove the COM playing style from Nico
Remove the COM playing style from Rin
Remove the COM playing style from Jewni


Requesting to make GK PUURRRSONA 185cm from 189cm.


Please change both GK's stats to 80


Give Thok Goal Celebrations 73 and 81.
Give Thok form 8.
Give @@@@@ Goal Celebrations 74 and 81.
Give @@@@@ form 8.
Give Zezima Goal Celebrations 74 and 81.
Give Zezima form 8.
Give That's Low Goal Celebrations 74 and 81.
Give That's Low form 8.


Buff all of Rolling's stats by 3.
Shorten >>>/vg/hbg by 3cm and Forced Dub by 1cm and that should be good for heights.


Please give "A FUCKING BOAT" Goal Celebration 81.


Give the following players ankle wraping:


Peter van Doorn

That's XCOM Baby!

Remove the undershorts from That's XCOM baby!

Set Beaglerush shirt to untucked

Remove the wrist and ankle taping from Big Sky