/aceg/ roster

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Main Roster

Starting 11

Position No. Name Image Description
GK 95 Belka Belka.jpg Did nothing wrong. Reclaim clay. Will goal savings. LONG LIVE BELKA.
CB 8 Chopper
Alvin H. Davenport
Chopper.jpg Member of the Wardog squadron, the cheeky pilot was said to be found already waiting in November Stadium's pitch when the team was formed.
CB 11 Omega Omega.jpg Bailout King. Literally immortal, expected to be shot down every single time and making the fans wonder why the hell he's in the defense. Also known as George Takei.
RB 7 Edge
Kei Nagase
Edge.jpg Recurring Character, First Class. There's no way she'd miss being in the team. Any and all memery is to be promptly dismissed as vapid shitposting.
LB 15 Nugget Nugget.jpg <<Delay the final attack!>> Also known as "Charlie Fragger" or "damn noobs ruining my S rank"
DMF 10 Rusegriz Rusegriz.jpg "When Co-op witnesses a great change, Rusegriz reveals itself, first as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Rusegriz returns to TDM. This time, as a great hero."
CMF 2 Scarface Scarface.jpg Special Tactical Fighter Squadron. Scarface One, also known as Phoenix, renowned mercenary and the first Ace in the series, now providing his experience to the team.
CMF 66 Cipher Cipher.jpg 6th Air Division, 66th Air Force Unit. A Belkan War veteran, widely recognized as one of the greatest aces of all time. His presence strikes awe in the pitch. Also a buddy still alive.
AMF 4 Pixy
Larry Foulke
Pixy.jpg Our buddy, who art in Avalon. Earning his nickname after landing a damaged craft, Solo Wing Pixy fought alongside Cipher in the Belkan War and now is back and still alive to reunite with his buddies.
SS 18 Mobius One Mobius.jpg 118th Tactical Fighter Squadron. The one-man squad and a fan favourite, Mobius helps the team by leading up front as he used to in the good ol' days trashing Erusean nuggets.
CF 30 30 Tickets Tickets.jpg Hope you didn't want this month's special plane! In a love-hate relationship with /aceg/, 30 Tickets came from being the worst drop ever from a golden crate to a somewhat interesting prize due to lots of planes being added permanently to the ticket store.


Position No. Name Image Description
GK 12 Sky Eye SkyEye.jpg <<Mobius One, engage.>> The friendly AWACS who always provided support to the ISAF forces, and now keeps the goal under surveilance.
RB 1 Anastasia Anya.png Queen of /aceg/, as decided from some fucking ancient poll I guess. All credit to /@/
CB 20 Gryphus Gryphus.jpg 207th Tactical Fighter Squadron. A master in defending his homeland and disliking hot weather, he found his best placement in the back to avoid sprinting too much.
CB 12 Heavy Command Cruiser Aigaion.png If you can beat 'em, apparently you take their bad idea and make it yours.
CB 76 QUALITY BAMCODE Bamcode.png Let's penalize disconnects while also turning our network into literal spaghetti! Let's make the penalty be not getting into matches! What could possibly go wrong?
LB 65 Degeneracy Degeneracy.jpg AC7 news should save us :^) Making everything /aceg/-related, including idols, circlejerking and gayness.
DMF 13 Yellow 13 Yellow13.jpg 156th Tactical Fighter Wing. Yellow Squadron leader and Mobius' rival. Will defend the midfield with as much skill and dedication as his squadron flew over Stonehenge. Still pissed about 4.
DMF 5 Heavy Cloud HCloud.jpg Out of retirement. Apparently, the book market couldn't stand his autobiography either
SS 28 Talisman
Garuda One
Talisman.jpg 28th Fighter Squadron. Emmerian Air Force's errand boy most deadly pilot
SS 6 Delphinus Delphinus.png A fan favourite, finally making an appearance to give /aceg/ a lot more style and futuristic combat capabilities.
SS 17 Skilled pilot medals Medal.png For a very loose definition of "skill".
SS 16 Blaze Blaze.jpg 108th Air Force Unit. Leader of the Ghosts of Razgriz, striking fear into the opposition.

Former Players

Name Position Image Description
GUUUTS CB GUUUTS.jpg Task Force 108, also mouthiest wingman. Former CB.
Slash LB Slash.jpg Dead. Former LB.
Camilla LB Camilla.jpg Crazy Space Gamer. Former LB.
dedgame CMF Dedgame.jpg Man, that was a dark time to be alive. Decidedly a former CMF.
Tanakaichirousan CMF Tanaka.jpg It's funded(?), now go home
BAMCO JEWRY LB Bamco.jpg Turns out money can't fix a ded game
Jean-Louis CB Jean-Louis.jpg Shot down once too many. He will be missed, his command less so.
Rise CB Rise.jpg It's still ded folks.
MUH HONOR, MUH PRIDE, MUH LIFE! SS Sulejmani.jpg All the money in the world can't buy that back, Sulejmani.
Dance with the angels DMF Dancewiththeangels.jpg A failed meme of a motto. Won't be missed.