/digi/ roster

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These are the players from /digi/'s roster


Player Profiles

Current Roster

Starting XI

Position No. Name Image Description
1 Kyokomon File:Kyokomon.jpg A woman who recruits the Main Character in Cyber Sleuth to her Detective Agency. It is later revealed that an Alphamon took her body to be able to move around in the real world after her mind got erased.
2 AIDS Cat File:AIDScat.jpg The whole plot of the Digimon TRI movies, is that Meicoomon got a virus and now everyone wants to kill her. Meicrackmon, one of her evolutions is a very THICC cat and a big furbait.

She also killed Leomon! You Bastard!!
3 Falcor Falcor.jpg Every time it was talked about Angewomon's evolution in Digimon TRI, people discussed if she would evolve into Ophanimon (an Angewomon with more armor) or Holydramon (A pink fluffy dragon digimon.).Then Ophanimon supporters then started to call Holydramon "Falcor" in a mocking way.
4 Shitposter Ken File:Shitposterkaiser.jpg Ken Ichijouji, one of the characters from Adventure 02 anime, got mad at his brother's death, went to the Digital World and got possessed by the dark seeds, turning him into the Digimon Kaiser and an absolute madman. Thanks to his crazy and sadistic personality after the change, pictures of him as the Digimon Kaiser are often used to shitpost on /digi/.
5 Platinum Shit File:Platinumshit.jpg PlatinumSukamon has a very good trait in Cyber Sleuth that gives you extra EXP if you have one in the party, so a very legit advice is putting 2 or 3 of them to get experience and levels more quickly.
6 EXTREME JIHAD Extremejihad.png Magnamon's signature attack in the games, anime and TCG. Basically an golden nuclear explosion. In the western version it got renamed to Magna Explosion or Magna Blast.

7 Warudamon Warudamon.jpg Representative of the Applimon series. She is a very sexy witch and a recurring villain in the anime (as Mienumon, her previous form). Too bad the Applimon 3DS game bombed so hard in Japan, that it will probably mean that she will be forgotten with the rest of them soon.
88 Fuhrer Agumon Hitleragumon.png A Boss in the Japanese version of Digimon Card Battle for the PS1, this specific Agumon uses a moustache and a wig that make him look like Adolf Hitler. It even had its own concentration camp filled with Agumons.

His battle in the game.
9 Etemon Etemon.gif Best singer of all the Digital World, Etemon is known for his Elvis Presley impersonation. He also wants to kill the pesky digidestined children.

A little sample of his incredible talent.
10 Lillithmon Lillithmon.gif She's a succubus Digimon and member of the group named "The 7 Demon Lords" representing the sin of Lust. Basically a semen demon with very big tits, she is a very popular subject of rule 34 in the Digimon fandom and a very popular waifu among the /digi/ users.
11 Leomon Dies Captain Leomon.jpg One of the biggest inside jokes of the Digimon franchise is having a Leomon or related species dying in every anime season or manga. It even gets referenced in some games like Cyber Sleuth

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Position No. Name Image Description
12 nade nade File:Nadenade.jpg
13 Momantai File:Momantai.jpg
14 Hello!! Hellodiablomon.jpg
15 Imperialdramon Jobber Mode File:Imperialdramonjm.jpg
16 Queen Mimi File:Queenmimi.jpg
17 Smug Ranamon Smugranamon.jpeg
18 Cyber Sluts File:Cybersluts.jpg
19 Nokia Lewds File:Nokialewds.png
20 Analogman Analogman.jpeg
21 >recolors File:Implyingrecolors.gif
22 Angelamon Angelaanaconda.png
23 Wada Kouji File:Wadakouji.jpg