/agdg/ Roster
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Main Roster
Position | No. | Name | Image | Description |
GK | 60 | Godot | ![]() |
The world of game engines is a brutal one when it comes to selection, but the libre Godot engine is trying her best for you. Give her a shot, give up, and then fall right back into the GameMaker pit. |
CB | AA | Go Shill On /v/ | ![]() |
We've seen your flaws, your mistakes. Your game, while nearly complete, no longer appeals to us. Take it to a place where money may be given freely. It worked for Notch at least. |
CB | FF | >mfw no artists | ![]() |
If you really want to make a game by yourself you don't just need a vision and coding acumen, you'll also need to be an artistic soul with fingers that actually know how to draw. Chances are you aren't a triple threat so welcome to the wasteland brother! Maybe some day you'll meet that nice artist/musician to match up with your skillset, and maybe if you really lucky you'll fall in love so she won't ask to be paid. |
CB | NaN | Source Autists | ![]() |
Listen there's no such thing as an objectively wrong answer when it comes to choosing an engine for your game but for your own well being I'm telling you to stop this madness. There are so many better choices than this and yet you hang onto this relic just because you made a few GMOD assets back in the day. Please, get help. |
DMF | AC | Low Poly Folly | ![]() |
When it comes to making a game you might be tempted to go for that retro look to try and tap into the collective nostalgia of a demographic that never really left the 90s. While this can work for pixel based games make no attempt to apply this rule to polygons. Everyone remembers Goldeneye fondly but no one wants to LOOK at it anymore. |
CMF | AC | Animation Not Final | ![]() |
We're in the proof of concept phase here, visuals come later. There's only a model here to give you a general idea of where the character actually is. Please don't get hung up on how he looks or how he moves that's not the point of this demo! IT WILL BE CHANGED!
Personal Awards:
Fun Fact: Animation Not Final is the first player to win an aesthetic award for both the VGL and the 4CC |
AMF | 11 | Motavio | ![]() |
Patron saint of proactive motivation, a rugged looking Italian(?) man always waiting in the wings to beat your ass if you slack off for too long. A lot of us wish we had someone like this in our lives, so instead we try to be it for each other.
Fun Fact: This Motavio model is actually a recreation of a long lost model that we knew of from only one rendered image. It was the creator's first effort in blender. Good hustle! |
LWF | 64 | Done But Not Fun | ![]() |
You've poured years into your life into this. You've dragged everyone in your life with you along for the ride but finally it's over, the game is done. However through all the pain and effort you failed to take into account one very critical thing:
Video games are supposed to be fun. And so your creation no matter its triumphs or flaws will never find an audience and will suffer in obscurity forever. Or worse. |
RWF | 15 | HUD Crud | ![]() |
UI design? Font choice? Apparently these things are important. Whoops.
Fun Fact: Yes it's just /rpgmg/ again, the model was too fun to just throw out even if the general died, again. |
SS | F5 | Give Up | ![]() |
Every single day the desire may appear: "it'd be so easy to just stop wouldn't it?". The /agdg/ road is a hard road, it is a road you will want to leave. You must push through the pain, for off the beaten path exists only ruin and really shitty opinions.
Fun Fact: Phil Fish helped create a popular video game (Fez) and then instantly became a "jaded" shitlord who promptly ragequit the entire industry. As far as anyone is aware he's a DJ somewhere in California now. Personal Awards:
CF | 6A | Just Like Make Game ![]() |
![]() |
Follow your dreams and some day your games will be good. People will play them! It's gonna be so good! You're going to make a world, a world others will experience! Once it's done no one will ever be able to take that from you! It will be yours, forever! Embrace /agdg/-tan and just fucking suck it up already!
Fun Fact: /agdg/-tan isn't actually from a game, people just like drawing waifus. The creator of this model is unknown, and it predates the existence of this team by a fairly large margin. Personal Awards:
Position | No. | Name | Image | Description |
GK | C4 | Every Engine Is Valid | ![]() |
Never be ashamed of your tools. They are all midddleware, they are all are crutches to an extent. At least I hope they are because if they're just making your life harder what the heck are you doing? |
GK | A0 | EngineDev | ![]() |
A game engine is middleware: It exists to get between you and the purity of the code. This is a sin. You cannot do this. You must start from scratch for every game. It must ALL be your work. Even if it adds years to production, even if it means it functions like garbage. IT MUST BE YOURS. |
LB | CC | MOAR WAFIUS PLS | ![]() |
For better and worse waifus can sell games, embrace them and become stronger. Maybe someone will even make fanart of your perfectly engineered waifu, and then boy oh boy your once pure intentions are going to be sullied something fierce. Keep your head held high and just don't admit to saving that stuff, alright? |
LB | 42 | Oculus Shit | ![]() |
Even before Facebook got involved people were already getting a bit over VR. Oh wow look it's another "stand in place and shoot targets" game. Have fun paying $40 for half a tech demo because of the system having a install base only slightly larger than the Virtual Boy. |
RB | 24 | Asset Posting | ![]() |
For most posting progress comes down to showing off a new mechanic or solving a troublesome bug. A few rare souls instead show off their art and models almost exclusively. It's all very nice but uh, is there a game attached to this? If there isn't can I use these assets? Please? No, I can't pay bu- oh alright. Thanks anyways. |
RB | 66 | 2D Pixel Girl | ![]() |
There's so little here, and yet I feel so much. How can a few hundred pixels do this to a man? I feel her pain goddamn it, it's my pain too! It's everyone's pain! The suffering is global!
Fun Fact: The game this character comes from was called "Traveler". Like many AGDG games it seemingly never came out but people were taken by this girl and she garnered some fanart all the same. Rule 34 exists. |
DMF | F2 | Stealing Assets | ![]() |
No one's going to play your game anyway, so who cares? Modeling is hard and artdevs are mythical so just throw Mario in there and give him a gun. Now we're making progress!
Fun Fact: This character has no name beyond "comfy pirate". It's a model that predates the team that was made publicly available to game devs for fun. The original creator of this model still visits /agdg/ and was surprised to see her playing divegrass. |
DMF | 1 | Singleton Dog | ![]() |
The singleton dog knows nothing of the world of man. His only desire is to exist forever, apart and unique. This is all he has ever known, and it is the way it must be. |
LWF | CC | /ccg/ | ![]() |
Once upon a time there was an AGDG "game" that was so popular among its posters that in order to protect the sanctity of the general it was driven out. This game was Cookie Clicker, and in the wastes of /vg/ it thrived, becoming Cookie Clicker General. Eventually it became the more generalized general of Idle Games General.
Then it died, whoops. But at the very least we can hold onto this one piece of /ccg/ forever more, a relic of a really fucking addictive and obnoxious time in our collective past. |
LWF | F | Doomed Fan Games | ![]() |
If we know the game exists you're already dead. You release the game FIRST. DON'T LET NINTENDO KNOW. YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THE DMCA. |
RWF | AA | How The Fuck Do I Model | ![]() |
Long time spriter, first time modeler here: What the hell is all this? Why are there four button shortcuts? Why are they region sensitive? What the fuck is this script error? Weight painting? This hurts. Where are my pixels in this? I need something familiar to hold onto in this strange, strange, world. |
RWF | 2 | Ascended Modder | ![]() |
So you've been in the modding scene for a few years. You've made some stuff that was liked and generally gotten skilled with whatever questionable set of tools your chosen game(s) had available. It's time to make that leap, to become known for more than just that guy making quality romhacks. Yes. It's time for your creativity to serve your own vision, so come and suffer with us instead! |
Off Roster Players
Reserve Players
Players in this category were removed from the roster mearly for space considerations, and might return if they become more relevent (or less redundant) to the current state of the team.
Position | No. | Name | Image | Description |
CB | A0 | I Know What Sells | ![]() |
A successful game is just a series of boxes to check off. Every successful dev knows this. I will be the next Notch, I will be the next Toby Fox. You know why? Because I've got my finger on the pulse of humanity; I know what they want, and I know how to give it to them.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 11 |
RB | 64 | Cornflower Blue | ![]() |
Its gotten to the point where we've declared colors memes. We only have a finite number of these you know, if we go too wild here eventually every color will be a meme and society will collapse in on itself!
Fun Fact: This row being blue does not have any special significance beyond the obvious. |
CB | AA | Googum | ![]() |
Existing paradoxically between the absolutes of the nodev and the yesdev is Googum, a living meme. He makes game, but yet still acts out like a nodev. Where is his solace, where is his respect, and why the fuck isn't anyone contributing to his Patreon?
Fun Fact: Googum is a real person but insists only posting with only a trip-less name, so the fake shitposting in his name might be immense... but that doesn't really feel like the case here. |
Former Players
Players in this category previously competed as a boxhead player. If aesthetics were made that fit their theme they'd likely return to active use.
Position | No. | Name | Image | Description |
RMF | C | Sepples | ![]() |
Once upon a time there was a language called C, and it was a modest thing. People saw C and said "wow I wish there was more to this" and so they made C++. It's been downhill ever since.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 9 Friendlies |
RMF | 20 | Post Progress | ![]() |
Progress is material with which you will build the long hard road to your game. Post progress every goddamn day. Don't work hard, don't work smart, just work. Or else.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 9 Friendlies |
LMF | A | Weekly Recap | ![]() |
We're here to keep you honest, so join in on the weekly recap so we can low key force you to be productive! We've added gamification elements, so hopefully that urge to keep your streak will keep you going long after all rational desire to do so has died.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 9 Friendlies |
CB | 0 | AGDQ | ![]() |
Greetings from Germany! Long time watcher first time poster, why aren't you guys talking about the speedrun?
Fun Fact: Canonically this a refugee from Last Seen: /vg/ League 9 |
GK | 4 | Unreal Engine 4 | ![]() |
Lets be professionals about this. Lets be real. Lets use what the pros use. All these reasons and more are not good reasons to give Epic Games your money, but hey at least it's not GameMaker.
Last Seen: /vg/ League X Friendlies |
LB | 16 | nodev | ![]() |
So it happened: you gave up, or maybe you never even started? But you still want to be a part of /agdg/, and wow is that a bad idea. All we can hope is watching others progress will relight the fire in your heart for game dev, otherwise what are you even doing here? (The answer is shitposting)
Last Seen: /vg/ League X Friendlies |
RB | A4 | Idea Guy | ![]() |
See that mountain? I'm going to tell the programmers that you should be able to climb it! This is the job most people are actually thinking about when they say "I want to work in video games". Spoilers: it doesn't exist on anything more than a theoretical level. Please stop bugging us about how you've got a great plan to remake Minecraft until you actually learn how to write a hello world program.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 11 Friendlies |
SS | C4 | >GameMaker | ![]() |
GameMaker is not something you use to get ahead. You use it because you already know it, and you can't be bothered to change engines AGAIN. We're not judging you here. Not much at least.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 11 Friendlies |
Sacked Players
Players in this category are probably never coming back for one reason or another.
Position | No. | Name | Image | Description |
RB | 4C | >>>/3/>>>/gd/>>>/g/ | ![]() |
/agdg/ sits at a crossroads of discussion: you might need tech help, you might want help with your aesthetics, god forbid you might want a model. When your begging grows too loud some asshole will probably try to show you the door. Enjoy being called a scrub over in /g/, appreciate the leisurely pace of /gd/, or just marvel at the fact that /3/ is a board that still exist.
Last Seen: /vg/ League 8 Qualifiers Sacked: Was only ever tangentially related to /agdg/, existed mostly to try and steal mojo from 4cc teams (which didn't work). Also as a mercy to commentators trying to pronounce his name. |
GK | 4 | Unity | ![]() |
It's only low effort if you let it be low effort. Pay your way to the game of your dreams!
Last Seen: /vg/ League 11 Friendlies Sacked: Got much more famous on another team and we weren't really using her anyway... But for the record we had her first! |