Difference between revisions of "/gig/ Roster"

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(vgl20 roster)
Line 23: Line 23:
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|Jannies in /gig/ had a bad habit of deleting SFW loli. /gig/'s (canonically) favorite loli is Klee, who is constantly being thrown in jail by Jean for trumped-up bullshit like "acts of terrorism" or "war crimes". The pun wrote itself.
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|Jannies in /gig/ had a bad habit of deleting SFW loli. /gig/'s (canonically) favorite loli is Klee, who is constantly being thrown in jail by Jean for trumped-up bullshit like "acts of terrorism" or "war crimes". The pun wrote itself.
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_shogun.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_diluc.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|'''BWEHHHHHH'''
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|'''UNMATCHED'''
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|{{Position|CF}}
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|Raiden Ei is the ruler of the Japan-analogue country, Inazuma. The Inazuma chapter of the main story is, to put it lightly, is a complete mess which makes Ei come across as a weepy, gullible goldbrick who avoids any repercussions for her actions on account of everybody around her being somehow even more retarded than she is. /gig/ likes a series of comics which portrays Ei and the other characters of Inazuma as toddlers prone to crying at the slightest provocation.
|style="background:#EDDA74;" align="center"|Diluc was a relatively strong DPS character at launch. Gacha powercreep has left him in the dust as far as the meta goes, but he'll always be unmatched (in every possible way) in our hearts.
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_nahida.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_shogun.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''Touch Grass'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''BWEHHHHHH'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|CF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|Raiden Ei is the ruler of the Japan-analogue country, Inazuma.<br>The Inazuma chapter of the main story is, to put it lightly, is a complete mess which makes Ei come across as a weepy, gullible goldbrick who avoids any repercussions for her actions on account of everybody around her being somehow even more retarded than she is.<br>/gig/ likes a series of comics which portrays Ei and the other characters of Inazuma as toddlers prone to crying at the slightest provocation.
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_arapratap.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''Stupid Nara Got It Wrong'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|AMF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|AMF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|She's actually <s>5̴͉͈̹̦͌́̎̋̈̀̂̃̿0̶̞̺̺͙̘̦͉̹̰̈́̈́̌̑0̸̛̼̘͛̽̀̾̓͠</s> uh... at least 2000 years old, so it's fine!
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|Even cute little kodama guys have very little tolerance for how easily /gig/ is filtered by basic puzzles.
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_childe.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_childe.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''Cheld'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''Cheld'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|CMF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|CMF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|Ajax "Tartaglia" Childe, if that is his real name, is the recurring butt-monkey of the larger of Genshin's major antagonistic factions. On top of that he's not amazing as a playable character, with a kit that goes on cooldown the longer you use it, which was perceived as intentionally clunky to encourage people to roll for his Constellations (special passives you can only get as conversions from copies of the same character).
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|Ajax "Tartaglia" Childe, if that is his real name, is the recurring butt-monkey of the larger of Genshin's major antagonistic factions.<br>On top of that he's not amazing as a playable character, with a kit that goes on cooldown the longer you use it, which was perceived as intentionally clunky to encourage people to roll for his Constellations (special passives you can only get as conversions from copies of the same character).
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_yaoyao.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|'''For Me, It's Yaoyao'''
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|{{Position|CMF}}
|style="background:#C0C0C0;" align="center"|Despite the Dendro element itself taking almost 2 full years post-launch to be implemented, Yaoyao (a Dendro-elemental character) was featured in pre-release promotional art. She is somehow <i>still</i> not released despite being teased as recently as the 2022 Game Awards. Some people really want Yaoyao, and have gradually lost their minds waiting for her.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_zhongli.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_zhongli.png|x300px]]
Line 48: Line 48:
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Geo is sort of a fifth-wheel element and at launch, it wasn't great. Hopes for an all-Geo synergy team rode heavily on the back-to-back releases of Zhongli and Albedo. However, Zhongli on launch was one of the worst units in the game. True believers told people to buy the dip, and ultimately it actually kind of paid off as Zhongli was buffed after his banner. He's still finding his way into flex-slots after the release of Dendro, and he and Albedo are staples of mono-Geo teams.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Geo is sort of a fifth-wheel element and at launch, it wasn't great. Hopes for an all-Geo synergy team rode heavily on the back-to-back releases of Zhongli and Albedo. However, Zhongli on launch was one of the worst units in the game. True believers told people to buy the dip, and ultimately it actually kind of paid off as Zhongli was buffed after his banner. He's still finding his way into flex-slots after the release of Dendro, and he and Albedo are staples of mono-Geo teams.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_nahida.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_yae.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''Touch Grass'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''EEEQEEE'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|AMF}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|She's actually <s>5̴͉͈̹̦͌́̎̋̈̀̂̃̿0̶̞̺̺͙̘̦͉̹̰̈́̈́̌̑0̸̛̼̘͛̽̀̾̓͠</s> uh... at least 2000 years old, so it's fine!
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Yae Miko was a major story character for the Inazuma chapter of the game which a lot of people liked. Disappointingly, her playable version has the rather clunky rotation of placing 3 turrets with E, immediately destroying those turrets to power up her Q, and then placing the turrets again because hitting Q refreshes their cooldown.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_diona.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''Kot'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Diona is a 4* character, which means she's relatively common, and is one of the few post-launch 4* characters that isn't only viable in overly restrictive situations or flat-out bad. She also has a cute design.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_paimon.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_paimon.png|x300px]]
Line 59: Line 63:
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|What else would you use a squeaky mascot character for?
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|What else would you use a squeaky mascot character for?
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_diona.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_yaoyao.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''Kot'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''For Me, It's Yaoyao'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|CMF}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Diona is a 4* character, which means she's relatively common, and one of the few post-launch 4* characters that isn't solely useful in a ridiculously specific team or flat-out bad. She also has a cute design, and as a result is quite popular.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Don't fear, Yaoyao's here.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_xiangling.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''GOOBA'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|LB}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|Xiangling has a supernatural pet panda-thing named Guoba. She summons him as an attack, which often results in calling his name. In the Japanese dub, this was pronounced more like "Guba" which was transformed by /gig/ into Gooba. It's actually pronounced more like gwo-ba, so the dialog was eventually re-recorded and replaced, which made nobody happy.
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_yelan.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_wanderer.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''The Chad Inverted Triangle'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|'''Don Sombrero'''
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|As with all new characters, Yelan was subject to pre-release schizoposting about how she's the worst character ever. In her case, one of the more memorable arguments was that her design is bad because it incorporates "inverted triangles" as opposed to other attractive female characters of a similar body type, which use the traditional point-at-the-top sort of triangle.  
|style="background:#C3D69B;" align="center"|A little silhouette of a man. Tried to kill himself but only managed to erase people's memories of him, leading to the player being allowed to pick his new name.<br>Later voiced cutscenes get around how his name could be almost anything by calling him "Hat Guy" or, in the Spanish dub, "Don Sombrero".
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_benny.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_benny.png|x300px]]
Line 78: Line 77:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|LB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|LB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Bennett is a low-investment meta-defining unit with a powerful attack buff. Also, perhaps more importantly, he is male. As a result, it has become commonplace in /gig/ to voice distaste for his presence in webms of clear times or big damage numbers. Over time this evolved into just replying to his presence in a team with ">b".
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Bennett is a low-investment meta-defining unit with a powerful attack buff. Also, perhaps more importantly, he is male. As a result, it has become commonplace in /gig/ to voice distaste for his presence in webms of clear times or big damage numbers. Over time this evolved into just replying to his presence in a team with ">b".
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_yae.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''EEEQEEE'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Yae Miko was one of the more popular characters of the Inazuma chapter of the story. Disappointingly, her playable version has a clunky playstyle of placing 3 turrets with E, destroying those turrets to power up her Q, and then placing the turrets again because hitting Q refreshes their cooldown.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_xiangling.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''GOOBA'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|LB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Xiangling has a supernatural pet panda-thing named Guoba. She summons him as an attack, which often results in calling his name. In the Japanese dub, this was pronounced more like "Guba" which was transformed by /gig/ into Gooba. It's actually pronounced more like gwo-ba, so the dialog was eventually re-recorded and replaced, which made nobody happy.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_kokomi.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_kokomi.png|x300px]]
Line 84: Line 93:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Hi, /gig/!
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Hi, /gig/!
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_albedo.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_elliot.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Alpedo'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Elliot'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Albedo and Klee are frequently seen in each other's company. The given reason for this is that he's Klee's caretaker while her mother Alice is traveling (which is always because Alice is a walking 4th wall break), but it makes you wonder.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|The original voice actor for Tighnari, was fired and had his lines redubbed because his Discord kitten was a little ''too'' little.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_abyssmage.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_abyssmage.png|x300px]]
Line 94: Line 103:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|A meme screenshot from early on in the story which gets a lot of usage as a reply to misfortune or whining.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|A meme screenshot from early on in the story which gets a lot of usage as a reply to misfortune or whining.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_ning.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_dehya.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Berry'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''DOAya'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|DMF}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|A long time ago in /gig/, there was a poster who would constantly take screenshots of Ningguang looking at fruit. One of those screenshots which has continued to be reposted long after the originator stopped is that of Ningguang looking perplexedly at a berry floating in midair--a glitch which has since been patched.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Dehya wasn't the most important character in the Sumeru chapter, or the most interesting, or the most affable. But by God her skin was brown and so zoomers on Twitter got all uppity about racism when her playable version leaked and was just fundamentally fucking terrible.<br>In response, miHoYo stuck her on the standard banner so that everyone is cursed with the threat of getting spooked by her from now until EOS.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_loom.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_loom.png|x300px]]
Line 107: Line 116:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Euler'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Euler'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Previously "Please Don't Put Euler on the Roster". Eula is a character which was seemingly pulled out of miHoYo's ass for all she had to do with the plot, and which was shitposted into oblivion leading up to her release as a result. One of the enduring shitposts about her is that she is autistic, because of a fake early leak where someone plugged her theme of sea spray/spindrift into a Latin translator and determined her constellation would be {{tt|"Aspergo"|or some shit like that, it was over a year ago, the point is it sounded like Asperger's}}.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Eula is a character who was seemingly pulled out of miHoYo's ass for all she had to do with the plot. One of the enduring shitposts about her is that she is autistic, because of a fake early leak where someone plugged her theme of sea spray/spindrift into a Latin translator and determined her constellation would be {{tt|"Aspergo"|or some shit like that, the point is it sounded like Asperger's}}.
She has not been available for almost 2 years (most characters get rerun at least once a year) and it's not clear if miHoYo remembers she exists.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_diluc.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''diluc_gaming'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|RB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Around the launch of Genshin, one of the initially more popular Youtubers was a channel called diluc_gaming until everyone realized he was bad at the game. Subsequently, it became a meme to point out that whenever people complain about a fight being difficult or a puzzle being confusing, they often have Diluc in their party.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_barbara.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''Boarbara'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Barbara, while an in-universe idol character and a healer, does <i>technically</i> do damage and can therefore be used to hunt wildlife like boars to collect meat. Some people really, really like thinking about that.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_ganyu2.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_ganyu2.png|x300px]]
Line 123: Line 123:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|One of the enduring legacies of /gig/'s awful track record of guessing prospectively which characters will be strong (such as >cryo Amber) is a rather simple ritualpost: Just roll for who you like.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|One of the enduring legacies of /gig/'s awful track record of guessing prospectively which characters will be strong (such as >cryo Amber) is a rather simple ritualpost: Just roll for who you like.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_fischl2.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''PRINZESSIN DER VERURTEILUNG! A PRECIOUS TREASURE!'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|Fischl is like a chuuni character, this is part of a ritualpost about her. You can probably call her the Prinzessin, or just Fischl if you're a quitter.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_waschizo.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_waschizo.png|x300px]]
Line 133: Line 128:
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|One world quest in the Inazuma region involves coming across a man named Washizu sitting next to a shrine telling you that an entity he refers to only as "He" wants you to pray to the shrine and that you'll receive a reward for doing so. This is true. You can repeat it for a few days, over which Washizu's ramblings about "Him" become gradually more unhinged. It doesn't end well for Washizu, but that doesn't stop /gig/ from asking "Him" for advice, blessings, etc.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|One world quest in the Inazuma region involves coming across a man named Washizu sitting next to a shrine telling you that an entity he refers to only as "He" wants you to pray to the shrine and that you'll receive a reward for doing so. This is true. You can repeat it for a few days, over which Washizu's ramblings about "Him" become gradually more unhinged. It doesn't end well for Washizu, but that doesn't stop /gig/ from asking "Him" for advice, blessings, etc.
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|[[File:Gig_nilou.png|x300px]]
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|'''I'M BLOOOOOOOOOOOMING'''
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|{{Position|CB}}
|style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center"|When you hit enemies with Dendro and Hydro energy (read: plants and water) it causes something called Bloom which spawns a little bomb that pops after a couple seconds for a chunk of damage. Nilou is a Hydro character with the ''passive'' ability to make Blooms explode immediately for a shitzillion damage. Consequently, she is both extremely strong in the meta and bordering on braindead to play.

Revision as of 01:24, 2 June 2023

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Sub Starter Silver Gold
Picture Name Position Description
Gig klee.png Fuck Jeannies
Jannies in /gig/ had a bad habit of deleting SFW loli. /gig/'s (canonically) favorite loli is Klee, who is constantly being thrown in jail by Jean for trumped-up bullshit like "acts of terrorism" or "war crimes". The pun wrote itself.
Gig diluc.png UNMATCHED
Diluc was a relatively strong DPS character at launch. Gacha powercreep has left him in the dust as far as the meta goes, but he'll always be unmatched (in every possible way) in our hearts.
Gig shogun.png BWEHHHHHH
Raiden Ei is the ruler of the Japan-analogue country, Inazuma.
The Inazuma chapter of the main story is, to put it lightly, is a complete mess which makes Ei come across as a weepy, gullible goldbrick who avoids any repercussions for her actions on account of everybody around her being somehow even more retarded than she is.
/gig/ likes a series of comics which portrays Ei and the other characters of Inazuma as toddlers prone to crying at the slightest provocation.
Gig arapratap.png Stupid Nara Got It Wrong
Even cute little kodama guys have very little tolerance for how easily /gig/ is filtered by basic puzzles.
Gig childe.png Cheld
Ajax "Tartaglia" Childe, if that is his real name, is the recurring butt-monkey of the larger of Genshin's major antagonistic factions.
On top of that he's not amazing as a playable character, with a kit that goes on cooldown the longer you use it, which was perceived as intentionally clunky to encourage people to roll for his Constellations (special passives you can only get as conversions from copies of the same character).
Gig zhongli.png CEO of GEO
Geo is sort of a fifth-wheel element and at launch, it wasn't great. Hopes for an all-Geo synergy team rode heavily on the back-to-back releases of Zhongli and Albedo. However, Zhongli on launch was one of the worst units in the game. True believers told people to buy the dip, and ultimately it actually kind of paid off as Zhongli was buffed after his banner. He's still finding his way into flex-slots after the release of Dendro, and he and Albedo are staples of mono-Geo teams.
Gig nahida.png Touch Grass
She's actually 5̴͉͈̹̦͌́̎̋̈̀̂̃̿0̶̞̺̺͙̘̦͉̹̰̈́̈́̌̑0̸̛̼̘͛̽̀̾̓͠ uh... at least 2000 years old, so it's fine!
Gig diona.png Kot
Diona is a 4* character, which means she's relatively common, and is one of the few post-launch 4* characters that isn't only viable in overly restrictive situations or flat-out bad. She also has a cute design.
Gig paimon.png Emergency Onahole
What else would you use a squeaky mascot character for?
Gig yaoyao.png For Me, It's Yaoyao
Don't fear, Yaoyao's here.
Gig wanderer.png Don Sombrero
A little silhouette of a man. Tried to kill himself but only managed to erase people's memories of him, leading to the player being allowed to pick his new name.
Later voiced cutscenes get around how his name could be almost anything by calling him "Hat Guy" or, in the Spanish dub, "Don Sombrero".
Gig benny.png >b
Bennett is a low-investment meta-defining unit with a powerful attack buff. Also, perhaps more importantly, he is male. As a result, it has become commonplace in /gig/ to voice distaste for his presence in webms of clear times or big damage numbers. Over time this evolved into just replying to his presence in a team with ">b".
Gig yae.png EEEQEEE
Yae Miko was one of the more popular characters of the Inazuma chapter of the story. Disappointingly, her playable version has a clunky playstyle of placing 3 turrets with E, destroying those turrets to power up her Q, and then placing the turrets again because hitting Q refreshes their cooldown.
Gig xiangling.png GOOBA
Xiangling has a supernatural pet panda-thing named Guoba. She summons him as an attack, which often results in calling his name. In the Japanese dub, this was pronounced more like "Guba" which was transformed by /gig/ into Gooba. It's actually pronounced more like gwo-ba, so the dialog was eventually re-recorded and replaced, which made nobody happy.
Gig kokomi.png Hi /gig/!
Hi, /gig/!
Gig elliot.png Elliot
The original voice actor for Tighnari, was fired and had his lines redubbed because his Discord kitten was a little too little.
Gig abyssmage.png *shrieking*
A meme screenshot from early on in the story which gets a lot of usage as a reply to misfortune or whining.
Gig dehya.png DOAya
Dehya wasn't the most important character in the Sumeru chapter, or the most interesting, or the most affable. But by God her skin was brown and so zoomers on Twitter got all uppity about racism when her playable version leaked and was just fundamentally fucking terrible.
In response, miHoYo stuck her on the standard banner so that everyone is cursed with the threat of getting spooked by her from now until EOS.
Gig loom.png Coom in Loom
The female player character, Lumine, gets a lot of mileage in Genshin porn. It's certainly one of the most economical choices of waifu you could make.
Gig eula.png Euler
Eula is a character who was seemingly pulled out of miHoYo's ass for all she had to do with the plot. One of the enduring shitposts about her is that she is autistic, because of a fake early leak where someone plugged her theme of sea spray/spindrift into a Latin translator and determined her constellation would be "Aspergo".

She has not been available for almost 2 years (most characters get rerun at least once a year) and it's not clear if miHoYo remembers she exists.

Gig ganyu2.png Roll For Who You Like
One of the enduring legacies of /gig/'s awful track record of guessing prospectively which characters will be strong (such as >cryo Amber) is a rather simple ritualpost: Just roll for who you like.
Gig waschizo.png Waschizo
One world quest in the Inazuma region involves coming across a man named Washizu sitting next to a shrine telling you that an entity he refers to only as "He" wants you to pray to the shrine and that you'll receive a reward for doing so. This is true. You can repeat it for a few days, over which Washizu's ramblings about "Him" become gradually more unhinged. It doesn't end well for Washizu, but that doesn't stop /gig/ from asking "Him" for advice, blessings, etc.
When you hit enemies with Dendro and Hydro energy (read: plants and water) it causes something called Bloom which spawns a little bomb that pops after a couple seconds for a chunk of damage. Nilou is a Hydro character with the passive ability to make Blooms explode immediately for a shitzillion damage. Consequently, she is both extremely strong in the meta and bordering on braindead to play.