Difference between revisions of "/mms/"

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(32 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 9: Line 9:
|scorer= Rishetta
|assister= Good Girl
|assists= 7
|captain= KONAMI!!!
|goals= 4
|w= 0
|w= 3
|d= 0
|d= 0
|l= 0
|l= 2
|gf= 0
|gf= 11
|ga= 0
|ga= 11
|win_home= mms
|win_away= bushi
|win_score_home= 4
|win_score_away= 2
|win_date= Sept. 7, 2024
|lose_home= gsc
|lose_away= mms
|lose_score_home= 1
|lose_score_away= 4
|lose_date= Aug. 31, 2024
|first_home= gsc
|first_away= mms
|first_score_home= 1
|first_score_away= 4
|first_date= Aug. 31, 2024
|color=Kotobukiya Green
|color=Kotobukiya Green
|gh_title= Tiny Tiny
Line 47: Line 47:

/mms/ is an unofficial Squad representing the wide swath of Mecha Musume toys that exist (It's also the name of Busou Shinki's Multi Moveable System body).
/mms/ is an unofficial Squad representing the wide swath of Mecha Musume toys that exist (It's also the name of Busou Shinki's Multi Moveable System body).
* '''Tactical Export:''' [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/104fBCH3HJHT9xAuJG8wvfmClix0YdqNA/view?usp=sharing Bring out those nippers]]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LWiEPWMECOHFlLclRZxKFld1IVWG_Q9V/view?usp=sharing Display model worthy]]
* '''Audio Export:''' [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p0jUpKDtXihonutGLZp8XW81qEDU-xgS/view?usp=sharing beats to build models to]} (AUDIO ISSUE CORRECTED! REDOWNLOAD)
* '''Instructions:''' [[https://pastebin.com/LXHCAVHU your manual to victory]] (Updated for Round of 16)

{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Dread it. Run From it. Your 30k yen order arrives all the same.">JUNE</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=GK |name=JUNE}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="BULLI THE STYLET!">Sty-ko</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=LB |name=Gourai}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Always happy and fun loving...even when she's killing you.">Maryceles</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Maryceles}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Incredibly small Shinki clones designed by Blade and allows owners to 3D print parts. They're adorable.">Desktop Army</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Pomock}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=RB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="The Most Chunni of Megamis">Susan</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Desktop Army}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="I hope you don't mind getting that order filled 6 month's after release.">{{greentext|Preordering from HLJ}}</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=RB |name=Emperor Susan}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Man, I'd like to cum in those screwholes.">Screwholes</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name={{greentext|Preordering from HLJ}}}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Pomock is da kawaiiest shinki ever. Look at her, look. What's she doing? Playing in a field? Pickin' some flowers? Eating a Cake? Getting Raped by a crocodile? DAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW.">Pomock</span></span> }}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CMF |name=KONAMI!!!}}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=AMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="The fast tiger girl of the 30 Minute Sisters. They've taken over the market">Rishetta</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=AMF |name=Screwholes}}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=SS |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="How in the FUCK did you manage to kill both Busou Shinki and your collab with Megami Device!?">KONAMI</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=AMF |name=Rishetta}}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Eukrante can go to hell.">Good Girl</span></span> }}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name=Good Girl}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="The popular Alice Gear Aegis character in her original armor that was banned from Megami competitions. What they don't tell you it was banned because it'd bankrupt you to ship it.">Sitara Ganesha</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=Sitara Ganesha}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Poor Benio, forever doomed to be a cheap body for EX sets. Also known to occasionally speak with a Spanish accent.">Benio</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=Benio}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Screaming into the void">Tenpeface</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=Tenpeface}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="The Kamen Rider Dork of Alice Gear Aegis">Sugumers</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Sugumers}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Koto's answer to 30 Minutes Sisters. Cheap kits of schoolgirls with layerable armor.">Buster Dolls</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Buster Dolls}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Guys, I ordered my first girl and I can't wait for it to arrive!.">First-Time Masters</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=First-Time Masters}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="mmmmm Delicious Brown Shinki.">Gabrine</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Gabrine}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="With Char like attitude, this little MD walks onto the pitch ready to laugh at all her competition.">Smug Bug</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=Smug Bug}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Wish your girl's chest was larger? Need some faces with insane expressions? This guy's got you covered!">Muscuto</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=Muscuto}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Sexy musume kits featuring nudity and provocative armor. Hotglue worthy material">Dark Advent</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Dark Advent}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Hres you Dork">BATORU! BATORU!</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=BATORU! BATORU!}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="I hear if you say his name three times, he appears and abuses your girls.">Planelegs</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=Planelegs}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
{| class="wikitable"
! Player !! Description
| JUNE || Dread it. Run from it. Your 30k yen order arrives all the same.
| Gourai || Franchise Mascot for Frame Arms Girl. Stoic Tonk Girl that likes to kiss her friends (totally not gay)
| Maryceles || MMS Type Tentacles. Certified Yandere Shinki. She will gladly kill you with a smile on her face.
| Pomock || Pomock is da kawaiiest shinki ever. Look at her, look. What's she doing? Playing in a field? Pickin' some flowers? Eating a Cake? Getting Raped by a crocodile? DAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW.
| Desktop Army || Line of small army builder musume designed by former Shinki designer BLADE. Their original gimmick was their size and how you were encouraged to 3D print stuff for them but have since had collabs with Megami Device, Frame Arms Girl, and the Fate Series.
| Emperor Susan || Short for Susanowo, the first member of Megami Device's AUV line. They're all chunni as fuck and Susan is easier to pronounce than her real name
| {{greentext|Preordering from HLJ}} || Ever since Bandai shut down many Japanese retailers from selling internationally, HLJ has become flooded with preorders for Bandai's incredibly popular 30 Minutes Label. Be prepared to wait months if not years for HLJ to fill that order.
| KONAMI!!! || How in the absolute FUCK did you not only ruin Busou Shinki BUT ALSO kill your own crossover line with Megami Device!? Were those Pachinko machines really worth it!?
| Screwholes || The calling card for any Busou Shinki figure and man, I'd like to cum in those screwholes.
| Rishetta || The mascot character for incredibly popular 30 Minutes Sisters and the 30 Minutes Label as a whole. She's a fast tiger girl with giant claws.
| Good Girl || An ancient /toy/ joke involving the Shinki Eukrante. After learning from her bio that she was a young girl curious about love, one anon deemed her a good girl and was instantly met with the iconic line "Eukrante can go to hell."
| Sitara Ganesha || The popular Alice Gear Aegis character in her original armor that was banned from Megami competitions. What they don't tell you it was banned because it'd bankrupt you to ship it.
| Benio || MMS Type Samurai. She is incredibly cheap to buy, even after Shinki prices skyrocketed so she became a donor body for the EX Shinki sets. Also a bunch of them ended up in Mexico somehow so people began giving her a Spanish accent.
| Tenpeface || For a hot minute, Arnval Tempesta was popular thanks to a small wave a pictures of her sporting her shouting face. It's in fact the face in the /mms/ logo!
| Sugumers || Nickname for Kanagata Sugumi, a character from Alice Gear Aegis who is a massive Tokusatsu fan. She's gotten a few kits now.
| Buster Dolls || Following the success of 30 Minutes Sisters, Kotobukiya decided to throw their hat in the ring with this Megami Device subline that features cheaper kits with a layering armor gimmick. Currently, four of them exist.
| First-Time Masters || Yes, "Master" is the most commonly used term for someone who partakes in this hobby and everyone who enters goes through a wave of excitement over getting their first girl.
| Gabrine || MMS Type Hellhound. Everyone like portraying her as a fiercely loyal, delicious brown, dog girl.
| Smug Bug || Megami Device SOL Hornet. She has plenty of Char like attitude and she'll laugh as she passes you by on the pitch.
| Muscuto || Garage Kit legend from Japan. He has anything you need, whether it be bigger tits for your girls or different faces for them.
| Dark Advent || A line of kits from alphamax. Their entire gimmick is having an R-18 version of their kits that feature things like bare breasts and some phallic objects that totally aren't dicks we swear!
| BATORU! BATORU! || A line said by Hresvelgr in the Frame Arms Girl Lab Days Manga. It perfectly summarizes her character since she's a battle hungry dork.
| Planelegs || An infamous tripfag of the Shinki threads on /toy/ who was always seen abusing his Shinki, a scared Asuka. He's been gone for a long time but legend still say if you recite his name three times, his hand will appear and start assaulting your girls.
= Matches =
== /ag/ League 8 ==
'''First Round - Group J'''
| date        = {{Start date|2024|8|31|df=y}}
| event        = /ag/ League 8
| round        = Group J
| time        = 18:20
| team1        = gsc
| color1      = 000000
| color2      = 00a651
| team2        = mms
| score        = 4 - 1
| goals1      = Rarry Vincentu {{goal|7||54}}<br>From Ukraine Without Love {{goal|63}}<br>Buff {{goal|86}}
| goals2      = {{goal|29}} KONAMI!!!
| stadium    = Kawaii Park
| attendance  = 42
| date        = {{Start date|2024|9|01|df=y}}
| event        = /ag/ League 8
| round        = Group J
| time        = 17:40
| team1        = vocaloid
| color1      = 349DF9
| color2      = 00a651
| team2        = mms
| score        = 1 - 2
| goals1      = The Gay Twin {{goal|75}}
| goals2      = {{goal|48||90}} Rishetta
| stadium    = End of Dukevangelion
| attendance  = 45
| date        = {{Start date|2024|9|7|df=y}}
| event        = /ag/ League 8
| round        = Group J
| time        = 20:20
| team1        = mms
| color1      = 00a651
| color2      = E7000A
| team2        = bushi
| score        = 4 - 2
| goals1      = Screwholes {{goal|25}}<br>Rishetta {{goal|30}}<br>KONAMI!!! {{goal|60}}<br>Good Girl {{goal|67}}
| goals2      = {{goal|52||75}} Are You Fully Devoted?
| stadium    = Legoland
| attendance  =
'''Round of 32'''
| date        = {{Start date|2024|9|13|df=y}}
| event        = /ag/ League 8
| round        = Round of 32
| time        = 18:20
| team1        = spebsqsa
| color1      = 164C82
| color2      = 00a651
| team2        = mms
| score        = 2 - 3
| goals1      = Joe Connelly {{goal|3}}<br>Melodyne Abuse {{goal|36}}
| goals2      = {{goal|45+1}} Rishetta<br>{{goal|53}} Good Girl<br>{{goal|74}} BATORU! BATORU!
| stadium    =
| attendance  =
'''Round of 16'''
| date        = {{Start date|2024|9|14|df=y}}
| event        = /ag/ League 8
| round        = Round of 16
| time        = 20:00
| team1        = mms
| color1      = 00a651
| color2      = 01cc0e
| team2        = baldi
| score        = 1 - 2
| goals1      = Good Girl {{goal|86}}
| goals2      = {{goal|19}} It's Sweepin' Time<br>{{goal|45+2}} Baldi
| stadium    = Legoland
| attendance  =

Latest revision as of 21:09, 14 September 2024

Do Not Fist Robot Girls
Mms logo.png
/mms/ - Mecha Musume Toys
Founded May 2024
Manager Gourai
Owner Kotobukiya
IRL manager Update Guy
Team colors
Chat color 00a651
Kotobukiya Green
Ranking Unranked
Highest rank Unranked (N/A)
Lowest rank Unranked (N/A)
Top scorer Rishetta (4)
Top assister Good Girl (7)
Captain KONAMI!!!
Website /mms/ - Mecha Musume Toys
Nickname Masters
Historic performance
3 0 2 5 60%
11 11 0
Biggest win
/mms/ Mms icon.png 4–2 Bushi icon.png /bushi/
Sept. 7, 2024
Biggest defeat
/gsc/ Gsc icon.png 1–4 Mms icon.png /mms/
Aug. 31, 2024
First match
/gsc/ Gsc icon.png 1–4 Mms icon.png /mms/
Aug. 31, 2024
Elite Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Babby Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Team music
Anthem Labyrinth

Goal horn Tiny Tiny

/mms/ is an unofficial Squad representing the wide swath of Mecha Musume toys that exist (It's also the name of Busou Shinki's Multi Moveable System body).



No. Position Player
Desktop Army
Emperor Susan
>Preordering from HLJ
Good Girl
No. Position Player
Sitara Ganesha
Buster Dolls
First-Time Masters
Smug Bug
Dark Advent


Player Description
JUNE Dread it. Run from it. Your 30k yen order arrives all the same.
Gourai Franchise Mascot for Frame Arms Girl. Stoic Tonk Girl that likes to kiss her friends (totally not gay)
Maryceles MMS Type Tentacles. Certified Yandere Shinki. She will gladly kill you with a smile on her face.
Pomock Pomock is da kawaiiest shinki ever. Look at her, look. What's she doing? Playing in a field? Pickin' some flowers? Eating a Cake? Getting Raped by a crocodile? DAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW.
Desktop Army Line of small army builder musume designed by former Shinki designer BLADE. Their original gimmick was their size and how you were encouraged to 3D print stuff for them but have since had collabs with Megami Device, Frame Arms Girl, and the Fate Series.
Emperor Susan Short for Susanowo, the first member of Megami Device's AUV line. They're all chunni as fuck and Susan is easier to pronounce than her real name
>Preordering from HLJ Ever since Bandai shut down many Japanese retailers from selling internationally, HLJ has become flooded with preorders for Bandai's incredibly popular 30 Minutes Label. Be prepared to wait months if not years for HLJ to fill that order.
KONAMI!!! How in the absolute FUCK did you not only ruin Busou Shinki BUT ALSO kill your own crossover line with Megami Device!? Were those Pachinko machines really worth it!?
Screwholes The calling card for any Busou Shinki figure and man, I'd like to cum in those screwholes.
Rishetta The mascot character for incredibly popular 30 Minutes Sisters and the 30 Minutes Label as a whole. She's a fast tiger girl with giant claws.
Good Girl An ancient /toy/ joke involving the Shinki Eukrante. After learning from her bio that she was a young girl curious about love, one anon deemed her a good girl and was instantly met with the iconic line "Eukrante can go to hell."
Sitara Ganesha The popular Alice Gear Aegis character in her original armor that was banned from Megami competitions. What they don't tell you it was banned because it'd bankrupt you to ship it.
Benio MMS Type Samurai. She is incredibly cheap to buy, even after Shinki prices skyrocketed so she became a donor body for the EX Shinki sets. Also a bunch of them ended up in Mexico somehow so people began giving her a Spanish accent.
Tenpeface For a hot minute, Arnval Tempesta was popular thanks to a small wave a pictures of her sporting her shouting face. It's in fact the face in the /mms/ logo!
Sugumers Nickname for Kanagata Sugumi, a character from Alice Gear Aegis who is a massive Tokusatsu fan. She's gotten a few kits now.
Buster Dolls Following the success of 30 Minutes Sisters, Kotobukiya decided to throw their hat in the ring with this Megami Device subline that features cheaper kits with a layering armor gimmick. Currently, four of them exist.
First-Time Masters Yes, "Master" is the most commonly used term for someone who partakes in this hobby and everyone who enters goes through a wave of excitement over getting their first girl.
Gabrine MMS Type Hellhound. Everyone like portraying her as a fiercely loyal, delicious brown, dog girl.
Smug Bug Megami Device SOL Hornet. She has plenty of Char like attitude and she'll laugh as she passes you by on the pitch.
Muscuto Garage Kit legend from Japan. He has anything you need, whether it be bigger tits for your girls or different faces for them.
Dark Advent A line of kits from alphamax. Their entire gimmick is having an R-18 version of their kits that feature things like bare breasts and some phallic objects that totally aren't dicks we swear!
BATORU! BATORU! A line said by Hresvelgr in the Frame Arms Girl Lab Days Manga. It perfectly summarizes her character since she's a battle hungry dork.
Planelegs An infamous tripfag of the Shinki threads on /toy/ who was always seen abusing his Shinki, a scared Asuka. He's been gone for a long time but legend still say if you recite his name three times, his hand will appear and start assaulting your girls.


/ag/ League 8

First Round - Group J

Stadium: Kawaii Park 31 August 2024, 18:20 UTC Attendance: 42
Gsc logo.png /gsc/ 4 - 1 /mms/ Mms logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Rarry Vincentu Goal 7'54'
From Ukraine Without Love Goal 63'
Buff Goal 86'
Goal 29' KONAMI!!!

Stadium: End of Dukevangelion 1 September 2024, 17:40 UTC Attendance: 45
Vocaloid logo.png /vocaloid/ 1 - 2 /mms/ Mms logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
The Gay Twin Goal 75' Goal 48'90' Rishetta

Stadium: Legoland 7 September 2024, 20:20 UTC
Mms logo.png /mms/ 4 - 2 /bushi/ Bushi logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Screwholes Goal 25'
Rishetta Goal 30'
KONAMI!!! Goal 60'
Good Girl Goal 67'
Goal 52'75' Are You Fully Devoted?

Round of 32

13 September 2024, 18:20 UTC
Spebsqsa logo.png /spebsqsa/ 2 - 3 /mms/ Mms logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Joe Connelly Goal 3'
Melodyne Abuse Goal 36'
Goal 45+1' Rishetta
Goal 53' Good Girl

Round of 16

Stadium: Legoland 14 September 2024, 20:00 UTC
Mms logo.png /mms/ 1 - 2 /baldi/ Baldi logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Good Girl Goal 86' Goal 19' It's Sweepin' Time
Goal 45+2' Baldi