Difference between revisions of "/ptg/"

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(90 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
|date= June 16, 2015
|date= June 16, 2015
|owner=The Trump Organisation
|owner=The Trump Organisation
|irl= {{Anonymous|Captain Planet|!!jQ3SDxu5hpL  }} <br>
|irl= {{Anonymous|horsbussy}} <br> {{Anonymous|Tendies}}
Line 12: Line 12:
|scorer= President Trump
|scorer= President Trump
|goals= 5
|goals= 11
|assister= Mike Pence
|assister= Mike Pence
|assists= 5
|assists= 7
|color= MAGA Blue
|color= MAGA Blue
|captain= President Trump
|captain= President Trump
|gf= 18
|gf= 35
|ga= 13
|ga= 32
|win_home= ptg
|win_home= ptg
|win_away= auspol
|win_away= sag
|win_score_home= 4
|win_score_home= 3
|win_score_away= 2
|win_score_away= 0
|win_date= January 6th, 2018
|win_date= June 22nd, 2019
|lose_home= ptg
|lose_home= ptg
|lose_away= sg
|lose_away= sg
Line 38: Line 38:
|first_score_away= 2
|first_score_away= 2
|first_date= July 8th, 2017
|first_date= July 8th, 2017
|nickname= Trumpfags
|nickname= Trumpfags, MAGAtards, Red Hats
|poleague_appearances= '''2'''
|poleague_appearances= '''5'''
|first_poleague_appearance= [[/pol/eague 1]]
|first_poleague_appearance= [[/pol/eague 1]]
|best_poleague_result= '''Champions'''
|best_poleague_result= '''Champions'''
|best_poleague_cup= <br>[[/pol/eague 1]]
|best_poleague_cup= <br>[[/pol/eague 1]]
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1FW36keZJw&feature=youtu.be&t=2m46s
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q65KZIqay4E
|a_title= TRUMPWAVE - MAGA (starts at 2:46)
|a_title= Lee Greenwood - God Bless The USA
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR12DLbxcb4
|altanthem1_title= Village People - YMCA
|altanthem2_what= {{tt|Advancement Anthem|If we advance in the Group Stage or win in the knockouts forward}}
|altanthem2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbVK9aMjwm0
|altanthem2_title= The Hope County Choir - We Will Rise Again
|altanthem3_what= AWOO Wolf of the Match
|altanthem3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGslweDOihs
|altanthem3_title= Telephone Awoo
|gh_title= I Wanna Be Like The Donald (starts at 16s)
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIWkifAMiLI&t=16s
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIWkifAMiLI&t=16s
|altanthem1_what= {{tt|vs /sg/ Anthem|The 59 Missiles Derby}}
|altgh2_what= Judas Iscariot Horn
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnTt2q_KQ7Q&t=42s
|althorn2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVxevIgVmG8
|altanthem1_title= Bomb the Shit out of 'em
|altgh2_title= Motorhead - Traitor
|altanthem2_what= Victory Anthem
|altgh3_what= Florida Man Horn
|altanthem2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xUpgkwwMYc
|althorn3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIdntHAhTv0
|altanthem2_title= Never Come Down
|altgh3_title= Blue Oyster Cult - Florida Man
|altanthem3_what= {{tt|Build Wall Anthem|Man of the Match or many Saves}}
|altgh4_what= AWOOs (multiple) Horn
|altanthem3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbVK9aMjwm0
|althorn4= www.youtube.com/watch?v=qae25976UgA
|altanthem3_title= Wall of Walls
|altgh4_title= Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
|gh_title= I wanna be Like The Donald (starts at 16s)
|altgh2_what= Jeb Bush horn
|althorn2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuyzkmEkR8I&feature=youtu.be&t=3m05s
|altgh2_title= Jeb Bush Medley<br>(starts at 3:05)
|altgh3_what= Mike Pence horn
|althorn3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCCjzN8Mghc
|altgh3_title= Mike Pence Nicknames
|altgh4_what= Two Scoops Brace
|althorn4= www.youtube.com/watch?v=KagKYOZIbeU
|altgh4_title= 2 SCOOPS!?
Line 74: Line 74:
{{Quote|Kek is very upset for the merging of /mlp/ and /pol/|source={{Anonymous|MarcoZ}}, '''2017''' after Praise Kek's hat-trick}}
{{Quote|Kek is very upset for the merging of /mlp/ and /pol/|source={{Anonymous|MarcoZ}}, '''2017''' after Praise Kek's hat-trick}}
{{Quote|Kek scores a hat trick on april fools day, what did he mean by this lads?|source={{Anonymous|DrBorisG}}, '''2017''' after Praise Kek's hat-trick}}
{{Quote|Kek scores a hat trick on april fools day, what did he mean by this lads?|source={{Anonymous|DrBorisG}}, '''2017''' after Praise Kek's hat-trick}}
== Roster ==
== Roster ==
{{sq start ptg}}
{{sq start ptg}}
{{sq start player |no= 1|pos= GK|name= Build Wall}}
{{sq start player |no=10 |pos=GK |name= <span class="explain" title="The dedicated autism of the baker's guild is the reason why at any given moment there will be a /ptg/ on /pol/. Even the NatSoc general falls off the bottom when the slide threads and happening threads show up. Yet /ptg/ remains.">Baker's Guild</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 68|pos= LB|name= Liberal Tears}}
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos=RB |name= <span class="explain" title="For Sale 1 Speaker of the House Lectern with Seal">Looted Lectern</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 20|pos= CB|name= Awoo}}
{{sq start player |no=24 |pos=LB |name= <span class="explain" title="/ptg/ is an ANIME thread, much like 4chan is an ANIME website">Make Anime Great Again</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 17|pos= CB|name= >QAnon}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="$7 gas, record high inflation, war with Russia, niggers running rampant...">Miss Me Yet?</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 7|pos= RB|name= Golan Heights}}
{{sq start player |no=20 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="I CALL RIGGED!">RIGGED</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 8|pos= DMF|name= Cant Cuck the Tuck}}
{{sq start player |no=47 |pos=LMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Desantis. Based as fuck Governor (for the time being), likely 2024 VP candidate to Trump. If he goes again, that is.">Florida Man</span>}}
{{sq start player |no= 81|pos= CMF|name= McTumor}}
{{sq start player |no=91 |pos=RMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Instant Regret">Defiant Ls</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no= 3|pos= AMF|name= Jeb Bush}}
{{sq start player |no=30 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="The Guardian of the Women's Restroom, Holding the line against the men who've sawed their genitals off trying to get in.">The CEO of Bathrooms</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no= 2|pos= AMF|name= Two Scoops}}
{{sq silver player |no=3 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="A cat that points at niggers. Spam Angerycat emotes.">12AM Niggerkot</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no= 46|pos= SS|name= Mike Pence {{vice-captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=1 |pos=SS |name= <span class="explain" title="Besides effectively being the American politics general, /ptg/ is also the biggest repository of Awoos of various specifications and designs on /pol/, possibly even 4chan.">Comfy Awooposting</span>{{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no= 45|pos= CF|name= God Emperor {{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=45 |pos=CF |name= <span class="explain" title="A Man Denied His Presidency.">Punished Trump</span>}}
{{sq mid ptg}}
{{sq mid ptg}}
{{sq player |no= 99|pos= GK|name= Fake News}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=GK |name= <span class="explain" title="Do as the Injuns did, and don't let a single unerected wall piece go to waste.">Crippled Wall Builder</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 12|pos= CB|name= Chessmaster Barron}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=RB |name= <span class="explain" title="I didn't call you. You called ME - t. Trump to some negress">The Absolute State of Legacy Media</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 11|pos= LB|name= Muh Russia}}
{{sq player |no=77 |pos=LB |name= <span class="explain" title="It was Copium for the longest time. Hopium is for the Civil War">Hopium</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 13|pos= LB|name= KellyAnne}}
{{sq player |no=61 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="In the process of uncucking himself slowly">Tucker Carlson</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 18|pos= CB|name= >Blue Wave}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="RINOs to purge: 1. RINOs who voted for NDAA 2021 2. RINOs who voted Biden. While we needn't forget to purge the Left of course, we must also remember the RINO is a beast on its own. The RINO frequently uses alternating vote schemes to camoflage itself, leaving a pitiful few loyal Rightists on our side.">Hit List</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 46|pos= CB|name= Marlon Bundo}}
{{sq player |no=666 |pos=LMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Once the heir apparent to the Office of the Presidency, now but another neocon traitor. How the mighty have fallen, eh?">Judas Iscariot</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 69|pos= RB|name= Khazar Milkers}}
{{sq player |no=2 |pos=LMF |name= <span class="explain" title="A-a-a-a...Awee?">Bootleg Awoo</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 10|pos= RB|name= Joe is Joe}}
{{sq player |no=48 |pos=RMF |name= <span class="explain" title="The Man who sells the tools needed to carry out the Day of the Pillow">Pillow Merchant</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 30|pos= DMF|name= 30 Year Old Trump Supporter}}
{{sq player |no=90 |pos=RMF |name= <span class="explain" title="GET HYPE">TRUMP RALLY</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 14|pos= DMF|name= Stephen Miller}}
{{sq player |no=46 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Archiving within 10 minutes of its creation with 13 replies, 7 of which are the OP and the rest from memeflags, is not supposed to be an accomplishment. Not even the trannies who spam /ptg/ are interested in /pbg/.">President Biden General</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 16|pos= CMF|name= IT WAS HER TURN}}  
{{sq player |no=9 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="They don't call it the Jewdicial System for nothing">The Jewdicial System</span>}}
{{sq player |no= 0|pos= CMF|name= Muh Special Counsel}}
{{sq silver player |no=49 |pos=CF |name= <span class="explain" title="He's only 6 foot 6 at the moment. We got high hopes for this kid.">Barron</span>}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}
== Meme Tictacs for /pol/eague 6, WIP ==
No +2 or -2 for this team, until either 2 stars or 2 terms.
Gold CF Trump comes off the pitch at 45 due to only having 1 term thus far. Sub in Barron.
Judas Iscariot does not get to come onto the pitch if he didn't start.

== Match History ==
== Match History ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=19%| Competition
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=19%| Competition
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=18%| Round
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=16%| Round
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=14%| Opponent
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=14%| Opponent
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=8%| Result
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=8%| Result
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=24%| Scorers
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=24%| Scorers
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=19%| Date
!style="background:#3B3B6D;color:#ffffff" width=21%| Date
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="5" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_1]]<br>[[/pol/eague 1]]
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="5" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_1]]<br>[[/pol/eague 1]]
Line 148: Line 158:
|colspan="7" |
|colspan="7" |

<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_2]]<br>[[/pol/eague 2]]
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_2]]<br>[[/pol/eague 2]]
Line 178: Line 194:
|colspan="7" |
|colspan="7" |
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_3]]<br>[[/pol/eague 3]]
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="3" align=center|[[/pol/eague_3#Group_C|Group Stage]]
| align=center|{{team away|mlpol}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_3#Group_C|0-2 L]]
| align=center|
| align=center|September 21st, 2018
| align=center|{{team away|tcr}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_3#Group_C|1-2 L]]
| align=center|<small>McTumor {{goal|29}}</small>
| align=center|September 22nd, 2018
| align=center|{{team away|cg}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_3#Group_C|3-2 W]]
| align=center|<small>Jeb Bush {{goal|34||61||70}}</small>
| align=center|September 22nd, 2018
|colspan="7" |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="4" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_4]]<br>[[/pol/eague 4]]
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="3" align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Group_D|Group Stage]]
| align=center|{{team away|sag}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Group_D|3-0 W]]
| align=center|<small>Jeb Bush {{goal|55}}<br>Mike Pence {{goal|75}}<br>God Emperor {{goal|84}}</small>
| align=center|June 22nd, 2019
| align=center|{{team away|balk}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Group_D|0-2 L]]
| align=center|
| align=center|June 23rd, 2019
| align=center|{{team away|krautpol}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Group_D|3-1 W]]
| align=center|<small>God Emperor {{goal|51||65}}<br>Mike Pence {{goal|90+2}}</small>
| align=center|June 29th, 2019
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="1" align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Quarterfinals|Quartefinal]]
| align=center|{{team away|nsg}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_4#Quarterfinals|2-3 L]]
| align=center|<small>Khazar Milkers {{goal|10}}<br>God Emperor {{goal|79}}</small>
| align=center|June 30th, 2019
|colspan="7" |
<div class="mw-collapsible">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="3" align=center|[[File:Poleague_logo.png|135px|link=/pol/eague_5]]<br>[[/pol/eague 5]]
| style="background:#d07373" rowspan="3" align=center|[[/pol/eague_5#Group_A|Group Stage]]
| align=center|{{team away|cvg}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_5#Group_A|2-2 D]]
| align=center|<small>Mike Pence {{goal|52}}<br>God Emperor {{goal|80}}</small>
| align=center|June 6th, 2020
| align=center|{{team away|mlpol}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_5#Group_A|1-0 W]]
| align=center|<small>Two Scoops {{goal|55}}</small>
| align=center|June 7th, 2020
| align=center|{{team away|krautpol}}
| align=center|[[/pol/eague_5#Group_A|2-5 L]]
| align=center|<small>God Emperor {{goal|67}}<br>Mike Pence {{goal|90+0}}</small>
| align=center|June 13th, 2020
|colspan="7" |

== Other Invitationals ==
== Other Invitationals ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''Other Stuff'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
Line 273: Line 380:
|colspan="7" |
|colspan="7" |

== Stats ==
== Stats ==
{| class="wikitable" width="15%"
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
!style="background:#3b3b6d;color:#ffffff" width="70%"| Player
!style="background:#3b3b6d;color:#ffffff" width="70%"| Player
Line 282: Line 391:
|align=center|'''President Trump'''
|align=center|'''President Trump'''

|align=center|Jeb Bush
|align=center|Jeb Bush

|align=center|Mike Pence
|align=center|Mike Pence

|align=center|Two Scoops
|align=center|Two Scoops

Line 303: Line 412:
|align=center|Crooked Hillary
|align=center|Crooked Hillary

{| class="wikitable" width="15%"
|align=center|Khazar Milkers
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable" width=70%
!style="background:#3b3b6d;color:#ffffff" width="70%"| Player
!style="background:#3b3b6d;color:#ffffff" width="70%"| Player
Line 311: Line 431:
|align=center|Mike Pence
|align=center|Mike Pence

|align=center|President Trump
|align=center|President Trump

|align=center|Jeb Bush
|align=center|Jeb Bush

|align=center|Two Scoops
|align=center|Two Scoops

Line 332: Line 456:
|align=center|Murica Fuck yeah
|align=center|Murica Fuck yeah
|align=center|Golan Heights
|align=center|Liberal Tears
|align=center|Joe is Joe

== Rivalries ==
== Rivalries ==
Line 347: Line 483:
|width=20% align=center rowspan=2| [[file:Cancerbowl.png|270px]]
|width=20% align=center rowspan=2| [[file:Cancerbowl.png|270px]]
| style="background:#3b3b6d; color: #ffffff" align=center|'''1-0-0'''
| style="background:#3b3b6d; color: #ffffff" align=center|'''2-0-1'''

Line 359: Line 495:
[[File:ptg-kits.png|600px|thumb|right|Current /ptg/ kits]]
[[File:ptg-kits.png|600px|thumb|right|Current /ptg/ kits]]
=== Exports ===
=== Exports ===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''Old Exports'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''/pol/eague 1'''<br>
'''/pol/eague 1'''<br>
[https://mega.nz/#!nFFzjQxZ!XYuabE1_yvVWV4r4ptMz1Vdri6aaUuMKMgmYIsEOh1I Tactical Export]<br>
[https://mega.nz/#!nFFzjQxZ!XYuabE1_yvVWV4r4ptMz1Vdri6aaUuMKMgmYIsEOh1I Tactical Export]<br>
Line 369: Line 510:
[ Music Export]<br>
[ Music Export]<br>
Last Update: -
Last Update: -

===Music Pack===
===Music Pack===
[https://mega.nz/#!yNsnyRTJ!sbLe-AbFts8V_XJblEsYWgc3mcZTLaYKacCmbRXrIEQ Music Pack]<br>
[https://mega.nz/#!yNsnyRTJ!sbLe-AbFts8V_XJblEsYWgc3mcZTLaYKacCmbRXrIEQ Music Pack]<br>
[https://puu.sh/ByCGF/b3f6b9ac6c.rar Rigdio Music Export]
[https://puu.sh/DJtWL/1ce54f1d20.rar Rigdio Music Export]
Last Update: July 5th, 2017 test
Last Update: June 22, 2019
'''/pol/eague 6'''<br>
Aesthetics - At fucking last:

{{Navbox /pol/eague}}
{{Navbox /pol/eague}}

Latest revision as of 04:54, 8 April 2022

Make America Great Again
Ptg logo.png
/ptg/ - President Trump General
Founded June 16, 2015
Owner The Trump Organisation
IRL manager horsbussy
Team colors
HEX color 3B3B6D
Top scorer President Trump (11)
Top assister Mike Pence (7)
Captain President Trump
Website /ptg/ - President Trump General
Nickname Trumpfags, MAGAtards, Red Hats
Historic performance
10 1 8 19 52.63%
35 32 +3
Biggest win
/ptg/ Ptg icon.png 3–0 Sag icon.png /sag/
June 22nd, 2019
Biggest defeat
/ptg/ Ptg icon.png 1–4 Sg icon.png /sg/
January 7th, 2018
First match
/ptg/ Ptg icon.png 2–2 Britpol icon.png /britpol/
July 8th, 2017
Appearances 5 (First in /pol/eague 1)
Best result Champions,
/pol/eague 1
Team music
Anthem Lee Greenwood - God Bless The USA
Victory Anthem Village People - YMCA
Advancement Anthem The Hope County Choir - We Will Rise Again
AWOO Wolf of the Match Telephone Awoo

Goal horn I Wanna Be Like The Donald (starts at 16s)
Judas Iscariot Horn Motorhead - Traitor
Florida Man Horn Blue Oyster Cult - Florida Man
AWOOs (multiple) Horn Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
Home kit Ptg-home2017.png
Away kit Ptg-away2017.png
Goalkeeper kit Ptg-gk2017.png
Third kit

I can't belive a meme became the President of the world! >implying polls

"Kek is very upset for the merging of /mlp/ and /pol/"
MarcoZ, 2017 after Praise Kek's hat-trick
"Kek scores a hat trick on april fools day, what did he mean by this lads?"
DrBorisG, 2017 after Praise Kek's hat-trick


No. Position Player
Baker's Guild
Looted Lectern
Make Anime Great Again
Miss Me Yet?
Florida Man
Defiant Ls
The CEO of Bathrooms
12AM Niggerkot
Comfy AwoopostingCaptain
Punished Trump
No. Position Player
Crippled Wall Builder
The Absolute State of Legacy Media
Tucker Carlson
Hit List
Judas Iscariot
Bootleg Awoo
Pillow Merchant
President Biden General
The Jewdicial System

Meme Tictacs for /pol/eague 6, WIP

No +2 or -2 for this team, until either 2 stars or 2 terms.

Gold CF Trump comes off the pitch at 45 due to only having 1 term thus far. Sub in Barron.

Judas Iscariot does not get to come onto the pitch if he didn't start.

Match History






Poleague logo.png
/pol/eague 5
Group Stage Cvg icon.png /cvg/ 2-2 D Mike Pence Goal 52'
God Emperor Goal 80'
June 6th, 2020
Mlpol icon.png /mlpol/ 1-0 W Two Scoops Goal 55' June 7th, 2020
Krautpol icon.png /krautpol/ 2-5 L God Emperor Goal 67'
Mike Pence Goal 90+0'
June 13th, 2020

Other Invitationals

Other Stuff





Sg logo.png
/sg/ - The 59 Missiles Derby
After the (deserved) 59 tomahawk missiles on Syria, /pol/ ended its friendship with the God Emperor and started liking Assad.

Will /pol/ ever recover? Will /pol/ ever understand? /ptg/ will show who is right with the power of virtual divegrass.

Mlpol logo.png
/mlpol/ - The Cancer Bowl
r/The_Donald vs FUCKING PONIES
An orrible show where cancerous teams break the shitcast chat and everyone starts screeching autistically. This meta rivalry started during the /pol/eague 1 final where the Trumpfags won 1-0 thanks to Praise Kek.



Current /ptg/ kits


Old Exports

/pol/eague 6

Aesthetics - At fucking last:



