/auspol/ Roster

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Main Aritcle: /auspol/


Pos. Name Picture Description
Fraser "Final Solution" Anning Fraser.jpg "I want to see the defeat of the cultural Marxists and their ilk, and a rolling back of the subversion of Australian culture and values that they have wrought." - Senator Fraser Anning
Stop the Boats Tony.jpg "The essential point is, this is our country and we determine who comes here." - Tony Abbott


Pos. Name Picture Description
Bob Katter Katter.jpg An iconic figure in Australian politics - famously endorsed Fraser Anning's "Final Solution" speech calling for a return of the White Australia Policy, and when asked about his stance on fag marriage, declared; "I mean let there be a thousand blossoms bloomed, as far as I'm concerned - but I ain't spending any time on it, because in the meantime every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland". Katter also backs a movement trying to create a new state in his home locale of Northern Queensland.
Zyzz Zyzz.jpg "We're all gunna make it brah"
Clive Palmer Clive.jpg Despite spending unimaginable monetary sums on billboards depicting himself as an Australian Trump, with the slogan 'Make Australia Great', this fat fuck's greatest achievement is eating more than his immense weight in Tim-Tams.
Petrol Sniffer Abo.jpg "Ayy carnt, c'n oi hav a dolla fuh th' bus?" - Every Abo ever
Mel Gibson Mel.jpg Literally /ourguy/. Straight up called some she-kike an 'oven dodger' once.
Van Tongeren Kaboom.jpg SIEGE before it was cool. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_van_Tongeren
W.G. Tracey Tracey.jpg "The so-termed 'Yellow Peril' cannot, and must not, be regarded as mere press talk." - W.G. Tracey, leader of the National Socialist Party of Western Australia
Pauline Hanson Pauline.jpg "A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united." - Pauline Hanson
Based Calwell Calwell.jpg Wikipedia: '[Calwell] never favoured the communist philosophy and was eloquent in his attacks on communists, whom he once called, "Pathological exhibits... human scum... paranoiacs, degenerates, morons, bludgers... pack of dingoes... industrial outlaws and political lepers... ratbags. If these people went to Russia, Stalin wouldn't even use them for manure." '
100% Not ASIO ASIO.jpg "Greetings, fellow white nationalists."


Pos. Name Picture Description
Steve Irwin Steve.jpg Rest in peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE1HDSipRxU
Bruce Bruce.png Shitposting is an art.
Cronulla Riots Cronulla.jpg Probably the greatest race riot in the recent history of the West. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_riots
Punished Dutton Dutton.jpg A politician denied his leadership bid.
Ross "The Skull" May Ross.jpg A famous skinhead footy hooligan from Sydney, subject of many memes in the nationalist community. https://www.news.com.au/national/neo-nazi-the-skull-is-pauline-hansons-biggest-fan/news-story/c81f3b37c3e03cf79032af7c381df15f
John "Gas the Gooks" Curtin Curtin.jpg "This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race." - John Curtin. (Interesting note: it is sometimes argued that John Curtin's policies were basically NazBol)
>Antipodean Resistance AR.png Affectionately known to fellow nationalists as the 'Swastika Club', these 16-year-olds bravely fight the system by sticking up naughty posters, going on hikes, and getting their doors kicked in by the Australian Federal Police for shitposting.
Bogan Bogan.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns15eHLDv1I
Ivan Milat Ivan.jpg Killing tourists is Based™.


Pos. Name Picture Description
Ned Kelly Ned.jpg A genuine knight of the 19th Century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6SllcxLqNw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly
Blair Cottrell Blair.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqtfmIkPhjc