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[[Category:Unofficial team rosters]]

Revision as of 20:20, 13 September 2018

Sub Starter Silver Gold
Starting lineup
Pos. Picture No. Name Description Caps Goals Assists Saves Fouls
D2gNoFun.png 1 The Fun Ends Here Despite being a goalkeeper, this player has a tendency to disappear for 30 minutes every match, only to suddenly emerge and single-handedly win the game for his team. It would be a shame if anyone were to enjoy themselves, after all. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gBurden.png 99 Burden of Knowledge Serving as the ultimate deterrent of pleb forwards, Burden of Knowledge is the perfect example of why /d2g/ is simultaneously the greatest and most awful team of all time. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gDankMemeoire.png 5 Dank Memeoire The squad bitch, performing the most base and menial tasks that no one else on the team wants to. He doesn't mind, though—playing in the VGL means he can add volumes to his Dank Memeoire. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gQoP.png 2 QoP of Pain QoP of Pain is a glutton for doling out punishment to overeager enemy players. She is among the greatest nukers in Dota 2, up there with PotM of the Moon and KotL of the Light. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gBETWEEN.png 4 BETWEEN THE PLANES STRONG AS AN OX. Always charges straight for the enemy, no matter how dismal the odds. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gfuTA.png 14 fuTA Although outwardly sweet, this player carries a deep, dark, and veiny secret. fuTA's favorite play is to seemingly teleport to opposing strikers and take them down in a single hit. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gWaterNigger.png 10 Water Nigger The worst piece of shit in Dota is here to ruin your day and fuck your shit up. A relentless player who seems to have no weaknesses, especially since no VGL teams field Ancient Apparition. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gLoliPugna.png 12 Loli Pugna "W-why there!? What's wrong with my Nether Reaches, you freak? Go ahead, cast a spell! Limp-dicked loser..! ❤️"
Loli Pugna has only grudgingly joined the roster. Winning or losing is meaningless to her—Pugna's only goal is to cause the most possible suffering.
0 0 0 0 0
D2gtfwquarry.png 11 >tfw quarry to settle Little Tiny has a quarry to settle, but knows he needs to grow bigger before he is ready to rubble. A player with a tendency to suddenly appear from out wide, far from enemy defenders, scoring goals before anyone realizes. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gIcefraud.png 7 Icefraud The creative mastermind behind the entire /d2g/ squad. It is unclear if he is the greatest genius of our age, or a complete moron, or both. 0 0 0 0 0
D2gOpenAI.png 3 OpenAI "?"
Billions of dollars were poured into developing the ultimate central forward. Gets stronger with every game as more data is added to his collection.
0 0 0 0 0