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| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snaefell_mountain_course Isle of Man Tourist Trophy]
| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snaefell_mountain_course Isle of Man Tourist Trophy]
|rowspan=2| 3 August
|rowspan=2| 3 August
|rowspan=2| http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup/b/554148602 (3:00 in)
! Sprint
! Sprint

Revision as of 16:18, 3 August 2014

Formula 4CC
2014 Summer Series
Unknown Question Mark.png
Series Details
Dates July 20, 26—27; August 2—3
Teams 21
Drivers' Championship
Teams' Championship
Champion TBD icon.png TBD
Runner-up TBD icon.png TBD
Third TBD icon.png TBD

The Formula 4CC 2014 Summer Series is the second Formula 4CC championship after its successful debut at the 2014 Winter Cup. The championship will feature 10 races spread out over 5 days. The 2014 Winter edition featured 30 drivers from 15 boards. For the Summer Series, 6 teams have been added who therefore will be making their Formula 4CC debut. These teams are: /mu/, /n/, /tg/, /trv/, /g/ and /x/, bringing the total amount of drivers to 42.

For the first time, liveries were made available for managers and other enthusiasts to make custom cars, helmets and suits. As with the 2014 Winter Series, all races will be hosted by GermanBro and played on rFactor. Races will start roughly 2 hours before the 4chan Cup matches kick off and can be watched on the official 4chan Cup twitch channel.


Races start 2 hours before the scheduled cup kick-off time

Round Category Grand Prix Date Video
1 Feature Race of Cadwell Park 20 July http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup/b/549426979 (10:00 in)
Sprint XGames 15 USA
2 Feature Pau Grand Prix 26 July
Sprint Magic Roundabout Grand Prix
3 Feature 20 minutes of Grand Valley 27 July http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup/b/551741959 (2:51:00 in)
Sprint Ridge Runner's Rally
4 Feature Macau Grand Prix 2 August http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup/b/553790751 (56:00 in)
Sprint Grand Prix of BOSS HOGG
5 Feature Isle of Man Tourist Trophy 3 August http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup/b/554148602 (3:00 in)
Sprint Stunt Mayhem Grand Prix

Teams and drivers

Teams and drivers who will compete in Grand Prix
Team No. Drivers
A icon.png /a/ 1 Sweet J.P.
2 Sonoshee McLaren
Co icon.png /co/ 3 Duke of Detroit
4 Turbo
G icon.png /g/ 5 No Drivers
6 Teedus
Int icon.png /int/ 7 Vladimir Putin
8 Polandball
Jp icon.png /jp/ 9 Autism
10 Marisa Kirisame
Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 11 Alfred Kinsey
12 Chaser
M icon.png /m/ 13 F99 Record Breaker
14 Aoi Hidaka
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 15 >rape
16 Best Pony
Mu icon.png /mu/ 17 Jeff Mangum
18 MC Ride
N icon.png /n/ 19 I Like Trains
20 Fucking Bikefags
O icon.png /o/ 21 Takumi
22 WAT Racing
Pol icon.png /pol/ 23 Hitler
24 Stormfront
S4s icon.png /s4s/ 25 Shrek
26 Patrick Bateman
Soc icon.png /soc/ 27 Feet
28 Vocaroo
Sp icon.png /sp/ 29 Wobbler
30 Naked Christian Horner
Tg icon.png /tg/ 31 Doomrider
32 Crazy Hassan
Trv icon.png /trv/ 33 Superpornowat Farangbang
34 Sex Tourist
Tv icon.png /tv/ 35 Real Human Being
36 Podracing
U icon.png /u/ 37 Tachibana Hibiki
38 Kohinata Miku
V icon.png /v/ 39 Gabe Newell
40 Sanic
X icon.png /x/ 41 Pyramid Head
42 /x/-tan

Results and standings

Drivers' championship

Scoring system

Points are awarded to the top 30 classified finishers in the Feature race, and to the top 25 classified finishers in the Sprint race.

Feature race points
Position  1st   2nd   3rd   4th   5th   6th   7th   8th   9th   10th   11th   12th   13th   14th   15th   16th   17th   18th   19th   20th   21st   22nd   23rd   24th   25th   26th   27th   28th   29th   30th 
Points 100 72 60 48 44 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Sprint race points
Position  1st   2nd   3rd   4th   5th   6th   7th   8th   9th   10th   11th   12th   13th   14th   15th   16th   17th   18th   19th   20th   21st   22nd   23rd   24th   25th 
Points 60 48 44 40 36 32 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Pos. Driver Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Points
1 Lgbt icon.png Chaser 13 4 1 8 2 31 17 36 282
2 Jp icon.png Autism 2 2 25 9 16 12 30 12 207
3 Trv icon.png Sex Tourist 21 41 5 3 4 30 25 2 201
4 Co icon.png Duke of Detroit 6 13 2 23 15 32 6 22 197
5 G icon.png Teedus 12 38 40 7 32 6 4 1 196
6 Tg icon.png Crazy Hassan 8 3 11 18 28 1 36 14 195
7 Tv icon.png Podracing 5 10 34 34 1 22 29 11 192
8 X icon.png /x/-tan 19 26 9 40 23 19 1 7 191
9 O icon.png WAT Racing 27 6 36 5 18 4 14 8 178
10 O icon.png Takumi 17 20 3 31 5 26 7 18 174
11 N icon.png Fucking Bikefags 16 1 31 17 29 8 5 40 161
12 Mu icon.png MC Ride 3 19 4 16 39 34 13 24 153
13 U icon.png Kohinata Miku 1 22 38 12 22 40 23 20 145
14 A icon.png Sweet J.P. 31 9 23 1 33 2 37 25 141
15 Pol icon.png Hitler 11 30 10 38 7 33 33 4 140
16 Trv icon.png Superpornowat Farangbang 28 16 7 15 24 23 3 23 136
17 Int icon.png Polandball 4 36 8 27 41 5 19 31 134
18 Int icon.png Vladimir Putin 37 24 26 4 30 3 10 35 124
19 V icon.png Gabe Newell 23 15 41 42 6 14 8 15 122
20 N icon.png I Like Trains 8 35 24 14 9 35 11 37 119
21 Soc icon.png Feet 24 14 14 28 35 21 9 6 116
22 X icon.png Pyramid Head 22 37 21 36 37 10 2 34 113
23 Mu icon.png Jeff Mangum 34 12 13 37 21 13 24 5 113
24 A icon.png Sonoshee McLaren 38 33 32 2 17 41 35 3 110
25 M icon.png F99 Record Breaker 39 11 17 13 12 7 38 28 110
26 Soc icon.png Vocaroo 20 31 27 26 3 11 39 32 96
27 Lgbt icon.png Alfred Kinsey 32 27 15 41 13 20 18 10 92
28 U icon.png Tachibana Hibiki 18 17 37 35 8 42 12 42 89
29 S4s icon.png Shrek 33 5 18 6 40 37 42 41 84
30 G icon.png No Drivers 10 28 6 39 42 28 21 38 82
31 Tg icon.png Doomrider 29 34 16 22 10 39 15 30 80
32 Mlp icon.png >rape 15 42 22 29 11 29 20 39 73
33 Mlp icon.png Best Pony 26 25 12 19 34 24 28 9 69
34 Co icon.png Turbo 25 29 20 25 14 15 32 17 63
35 Jp icon.png Marisa Kirisame 14 21 39 21 20 38 26 19 58
36 Sp icon.png Naked Christian Horner 7 32 30 33 25 18 27 26 57
37 M icon.png Aoi Hidaka 30 39 33 20 26 9 16 29 56
38 S4s icon.png Patrick Bateman 36 8 19 32 19 36 34 33 55
39 Sp icon.png Wobbler 42 7 35 24 38 17 22 21 53
40 Pol icon.png Stormfront 35 18 29 10 36 27 40 16 43
41 Tv icon.png Real Human Being 40 23 29 30 27 16 31 13 35
42 V icon.png Sanic 41 40 42 11 31 25 41 27 21
Pos. Driver F S F S F S F S F S Points
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Colour Result
Gold Winner
Silver 2nd place
Bronze 3rd place
Green Finished, in points
Blue Finished, no points
Not classified (NC)
Purple Did not finish (Ret)

Teams' Championship

Pos. Team No. Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Points
1 Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 11 32 27 15 41 13 20 18 10 374
12 13 4 1 8 2 31 17 36
2 O icon.png /o/ 21 17 20 3 31 5 26 7 18 352
22 27 6 36 5 18 4 14 8
3 Trv icon.png /trv/ 33 28 16 7 15 24 23 3 23 337
34 21 41 5 3 4 30 25 2
4 X icon.png /x/ 41 22 37 21 36 37 10 2 34 304
42 19 26 9 40 23 19 1 7
5 N icon.png /n/ 19 8 35 24 14 9 35 11 37 280
20 16 1 31 17 29 8 5 40
6 G icon.png /g/ 5 10 28 6 39 42 28 21 38 278
6 12 38 40 7 32 6 4 1
7 Tg icon.png /tg/ 31 29 34 16 22 10 39 15 30 275
32 8 3 11 18 28 1 36 14
8 Mu icon.png /mu/ 17 34 12 13 37 21 13 24 5 266
18 3 19 4 16 39 34 13 24
9 Jp icon.png /jp/ 9 2 2 25 9 16 12 30 12 265
10 14 21 39 21 20 38 26 19
10 Co icon.png /co/ 3 6 13 2 23 15 32 6 22 260
4 25 29 20 25 14 15 32 17
11 Int icon.png /int/ 7 37 24 26 4 30 3 10 35 258
8 4 36 8 27 41 5 19 31
12 A icon.png /a/ 1 31 9 23 1 33 2 37 25 251
2 38 33 32 2 17 41 35 3
13 U icon.png /u/ 37 18 17 37 35 8 42 12 42 234
38 1 22 38 12 22 40 23 20
14 Tv icon.png /tv/ 35 40 23 29 30 27 16 31 13 227
36 5 10 34 34 1 22 29 11
15 Soc icon.png /soc/ 27 24 14 14 28 35 21 9 6 212
28 20 31 27 26 3 11 39 32
16 Pol icon.png /pol/ 23 11 30 10 38 7 33 33 4 183
24 35 18 29 10 36 27 40 16
17 M icon.png /m/ 13 39 11 17 13 12 7 38 28 166
14 30 39 33 20 26 9 16 29
18 V icon.png /v/ 39 23 15 41 42 6 14 8 15 143
40 41 40 42 11 31 25 41 27
19 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 15 15 42 22 29 11 29 20 39 142
16 26 25 12 19 34 24 28 9
20 S4s icon.png /s4s/ 25 33 5 18 6 40 37 42 41 139
26 36 8 19 32 19 36 34 33
21 Sp icon.png /sp/ 29 42 7 35 24 38 17 22 21 110
30 7 32 30 33 25 18 27 26
Pos. Team No. F S F S F S F S F S Points
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Colour Result
Gold Winner
Silver 2nd place
Bronze 3rd place
Green Finished, in points
Blue Finished, no points
Not classified (NC)
Purple Did not finish (Ret)