VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics
This page is intended for adding or fixing aesthetics during an on-going cup.
Either link new/corrected files or add notes to fix certain things that might have been forgotten or were broken before.
Please add a level 3 header (with three equal signs on each side) with your team name above the stuff you want to be fixed/added.
The headers should be listed chronologically below the Not added yet / To do header, with the newest stuff at the top.
If you have to add more stuff halfway, just make a new header at the top for your team, and leave the old one in place.
Once stuff is added or fixed it will be moved to the Added / Done section.
Important: Every request has to be verified by a team's current manager, with a signature (four tildes) at the end.
This page is currently meant to be used for the /vg/ League X.
Aesthetic Stuff
For all the stuff that involves aesthetic files, like new kits and faces.
Please only put the stuff that changed, don't upload a whole new export every time.
Not added yet
(Add your non-savedata fix requests below this line)
Cloudy (talk) 00:47, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
Portrait change: player ID 80514 (The Bandpill formerly known as Kill Yourself)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
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Savedata Issues
For all the savedata-related fixes, like changing shirt names, setting long sleeves or different boots, etc.
Found issues:
To Fix
(Add your savedata fix requests below this line)
- Harlot: Get rid of Scissors Feint and Cut Behind & Turn, replace with Long Range Drive and Long Ranger
- Unicorn: Skin colour to Custom
- E-chan: Goal celebrations to 37 and 19.
Cloudy (talk) 08:21, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- The Great Wall: Set height from 188cm to 189cm
- HAK HAK HAK: Set weight from 80kg to 51kg
- Please Do Not Bully The Riftborn: Set Stronger Foot to Right, change Registered Position from LMF to RMF, set Playable Positions from LMF/LWF to RMF/RWF, and change squad number from 11 to 7
- Hyperlanes Only: Set height from 185cm to 189cm
- Balanced For Multiplayer: Set Stronger Foot to Left, change Registered Position from RMF to LMF, set Playable Positions from RMF/RWF to LMF/LWF, and change squad number from 7 to 11
- NB: Please Do Not Bully The Riftborn and Balanced For Multiplayer are opposite footed clones of each other so this will not affect testing significantly, I've also received permission from Nomo to do this swap regardless.
Megabeastage (talk) 11:38, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Could you set neck length for >tfw quarry to settle at the lowest possible value? --Autocrat (talk) 08:11, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- Give 80 to all stats for the following players: Nyeh..., Culprit-kun, FUTURE, Cumaru, I Love Junko!, and BUT THAT'S KAYAYDAY'S LIE ISN'T IT
- Get rid of Speeding Bullet from SEESAW EFFECT
- Get rid of One Touch Pass from HOPE
- Give JUZO BOYS 2/2 footedness
- Give REAL FICTION the A rating for CB and C rating for DMF
- Give DESPAIR Goal Celebration #60 for her first goal celebration
- Make sure FPC settings are enabled for Culprit-kun, DESPAIR, GONTA IDIOT, nyeh..., and REAL FICTION
- If I'm not mistaken Shakes wants Squatposting to have full FPC in RigIt, and the rest of the team needs Left Wrist Taping to get their collars back; the aesthetics are what they were from VGL9 Technetium (talk) 04:35, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- For ALL players, boot ID 38
HinanoSensei (talk) 09:14, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- just take off a random trick card from the two offending players as long as it isnt rabona
- make yumi's name Dumb Babu (not full caps)
RamenRaisin (talk) 13:36, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Turn off Outside Curler on High Impact Sexual Violence
- Turn off Speeding Bullet on Impregnate
RetardMaster (talk) 07:10, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Throw Ruks should only have the Long GK Throw Card, get rid of the other one whatever it is. THROW RUKS.*
lark4cc (talk) 16:45, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Set DING DONG as Captain
- Set Alberto's footing to 4/4
- Set the bench LBs (12 Decks of Balanced Meta and bampi-chan sugoi sushi) to 2/2 footing
- Set 12 Decks of Balanced Meta's shirt number to 12
- Set [ANGRY ROACH NOISES]'s shirt number to 11
Wasad (talk) 22:06, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Set socks to invisible on the following players: Why isn't this on /jp/?, 2hu is a video game, I'm calling the cops, x hug, Can you host? and play for score faggot.
- Why isn't this on /jp/?: Set boots to #12
- Make i'm calling the cops a buff fucker in the physiques tab
- Arm and leg length to -7 on the following players: Helpful and Friendly, Reimu is a good person, Lewd Pink and Say something nice about ____.
- Dead Womb: Set leg length to -7.
- Filthy Secondaries: Set shoulder width, chest measurement, thigh and calf size to +7
- Byakuren did nothing wrong: Set socks to standard and boots to 01.
2hugAnon (talk) 22:15, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
Name Changes
- Change the player name Kill Yourself to The Bandpill
- Change Shiitake to Intern-Kun
Player Stat Changes
- Dia-chan: Change Form to 8 and change Weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Burd: Change Form to 4 and change Weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Nicocchi: Change Injury Res/From to 3/4
- Kenon and Alpaca: Change weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Honkers: Remove Scotch Move
- (You): Remove Heading and Acrobatic Finishing
--Bittenfeld (talk) 00:28, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
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