Mid Cup Aesthetics

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Revision as of 04:56, 15 February 2016 by DrDtroit (talk | contribs)
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This page is intended for adding or fixing aesthetics during an on-going cup. Either link new/corrected files or add notes to fix certain things that might have been forgotten or were broken before.

Please add a header with your team name for stuff you want/need fixed/added. The headers (level 3) should be listed chronologically below the Not yet added-header, with the newest stuff at the top. If you have to add more stuff halfway, just make a new header at the top for your team, but leave the old one in place. Once it is added it will be moved to the Already added section.

If you never uploaded a correct aesthetics export before the first deadline, please upload the export in the correct format. Otherwise you can upload just a .zip, .rar or .7z. A well-organized file has better chances of being added early. The less work has to be done, the better.

Important: The link to the aesthetics has to be added by a team's verified and current manager, it is no longer possible to have a team's manager sign it off as in the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup.

2016 4chan Winter Cup

Not yet added


Fucking hell I hope this works


http://www.mediafire.com/download/jz5okvtg455abdc/VR_2016_Aesthetic_Export.rar Aesthetic Export


https://www.mediafire.com/?1thm65bl3f7z9il(Fixed config files)

Ball and Skeleton Porn


https://mega.nz/#!UQQzFToB!W91iWcVvCfFt4t31YKonjhlOgli2Auyi8f3F74EcJEQ the updated unicolor shit with team colors.


That should be it. Missing aesthetics will be at the bottom of this page, all re-ordered properly.



http://puu.sh/n2VGO/f6d3dcec21.rar Apologies for the lateness.




Updated Aesthetics Export (For fixed Boots and GK Gloves). Last Update Smugleaf (talk) 02:16, 12 February 2016 (UTC)




aestehtics export http://www.mediafire.com/download/v7asrenub8jfnx3/sp+2016+Aesthetic+Export.7z



General aesthetics

HavingTheseBalls.swf --ShiggyGiddy (talk) 22:08, 11 February 2016 (UTC)

Most balls from unfriendlies (also includes most common balls from PES15). Fixed zlib compression and some preview images. Changed a few names. Most balls have wrong normal maps however. If you originally made one of these balls, please reclaim them and fix the normal maps.

Already added