2016 4chan Winter Cup Save Fixes
Tactical fixes
Post the fixes for your team export here.
Use this section only for everything broken in the save, this includes hairstyles and other broken settings that are edited within the PES edit menu.
Spreadsheet here.
Prelim Save here.
Please make sure that appearances of Spacebat, What is this?, Take it to the vet, Canadian Goose and >Outdoor Cat are reset to default so blenders will load.CollieBro (talk) 00:12, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
Change STONER THREAD number from 6 to 42
Change QUEEN OF /b/ number from 42 to 6
Killua's Footings should be set to 4. Make Yuu Hyakuya 178cm
Change the squad numbers to be the same as in this image: http://puu.sh/mXAz7/92e5c36e4b.jpg Background pony (talk) 17:20, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
Lower Bjork's Weak Foot Accuracy and Weak Foot Usages from 4 to 2. Feedback (talk) 04:07, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
- Set every player from Contributan downwards to the physiques in the screencap below.
This is essential for the grills to look at least a bit grilly.
- Set these players to Strip Styles -> Socks -> Long as well, so the fishnets look decent.
Rig it for /qa/
- Set the hairstyle for all players to Default.
- For Real Human Being, set the strip style option Long-Sleeved Inners to Turtle Neck.
- set Feito-chan's shoes to Wave Ignitus 3 (No. 43)
- set PFoL's sleeves to Long
- set Akkarin as Captain, currently set to Madokami
- set Long FK Taker to Teru Time
- set Short FK Taker 2 to Homucifer
- set Right Corner Taker to Teru Time
- set Left Corner Taker to Akkarin
Change Boston Dynamics' shirt name from "MARC REIBERT" to "MARC RAIBERT".
Save fixes: Cuck from 180cm to 179, weak foot acc to 4/4 Jet Fuel from 186cm to 185cm (-1cm) Red Pill from 189cm to 187cm (-2cm) Rapeugees Welcome from 189cm to 188cm (-1cm) Jews from 180cm to 185 (+5cm)
Please make sure the appearence settings are to deafault (or whatever it is that triggers their actual faces to show up [protip if its Bill Nye or a PES BOT face showing up, then its bad] ) Check if there's a way to make Winter-Chan's hair light blue like weeb shit tier please
And our clothing settings are all set to cover as much of the body as possible (long sleeves and very tall socks) if any of the players you scroll past isn't dressed as such, tweak it, but I am 99,99% sure its all good.
Please set the named manager in the export to Game Freak.
- Please make sure that everyone BUT the following players are on default hairstyle/face
- John Romero
- Segata Sanshiro
- Gunpei Yokoi
- Kacho Arino
- Please change Gunpei Yokoi's shirt name from DAIKATANA to GAMEBOY
- Please change the squad numbers to match this picture: http://puu.sh/n2UMp/b76e5022b8.png
- take away he does it for frees hotpockets and reduce the weight to 84Kg if you must
- Set WRRRRRY's Weak foot stats to 4
- Make DA HOOD black because I'm an incompetent dipshit who forgot to upload the aesthetic export on time.
- Change the Boot IDs for all 23 players to 600 (Requires RigIt.)
- Change the GK Glove IDs for Untitled-1.AI and Untitled-1.XCF to 130 (Requires RigIt.)
Aesthetical Fixes
Post the aesthetical fixes for your team here.
Use this section only for everything broken and/or missing with your team's aesthetics in the save/edit file.
Any broken settings that are to be fixed within the PES edit menu (ie, Hairstyles, etc), note down in this section.
Everything regarding the aesthetics exports (such as files, team colors) please use this page: Mid Cup Aesthetics.
Revert faces and hairstyles to default for the following players for face purposes: (I've included the heights and weights they are currently at if those are reset in the process. If so, please change them back to the heights and weights listed.)
Jeff Mangum (189cm, 95kg)
David Bowie (179cm, 80kg)
hell be fine (185cm, 80kg)
Vapourwave (180cm, 80kg)
emo is moe (180cm, 80kg)
Please set the skin colors via RigIt as follows:
Player | Skin Color |
James Cameron | Custom |
JDIMSA | Custom |
Cleganebowl | Light |
Sheev | Custom |
Capeshit | Custom |
Dan Schneider | Custom |
Uno Farto | Custom |
Traitor | Custom |
Real Human Being | Custom |
FOR YOU | Light |
Brendan Fraser | Custom |
High Ground | Custom |
Mike Stoklasa | Light |
Poor Little White Guy | Custom |
Ben Ibn Al-Ah'Fleck | Fair |
Cinema Falcon | Light |
Mr Thorax | Light |
*Record Scratch* | Light |
Latza | Light |
Problem Child 2 | Custom |
Classic Paul Dano | Light |
Pure Kinography | Light |
BLACKED | Black |
- set Black Sunshine's boots ID to 2012
Please use RigIt for the following fixes
- Set everyone BUT the following players to Custom skin color
-John Romero
-Segata Sanshiro
-Gunpei Yokoi
-Kacho Arino
- Give John Romero black, rectangle (full frame) glasses
- Set Kirby's boots ID to 1452
- Please have the players' names be in caps
- Set the name displayed on the back of Rate My Cock's jersey to be "NO MEDIOCRE"
- Set Vocaroo's hairstyle back to default in order for his new aesthetics/face to display properly
- Completed Aesthetics Export: [1]
- change P L A C E H O L D E R name to LIFELONG LESTAH SUPPORTER, change shirtname to DA FOXES
- Updated Aesthetics Export (For fixed Boots and GK Gloves). Last Update: Smugleaf (talk) 02:15, 12 February 2016 (UTC)