/sp/erb Owl 2019*

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Page WIP open for signup purposes.


Standard cup rules apply, with the following mentions:

  • Managers are allowed to choose between these systems: GGSS, GSSSS, GSSSBB, GGSBB, GGG, where silvers have all 88 in stats (84 if height abuse penalties apply) and bronzes all 83 (79 if height abuse penalties apply).
  • Summer 17 height rules apply, with an addendum: teams running height abuse play with one gold traded for a silver.
  • Gold players will have 5 cards + 3 trick cards, silver players 4 cards + 2 trick cards, bronze players 3 cards + 1 trick card.
  • The roster must have two registered goalkeepers (/trb/ is exempt from this rule for meme reasons).
  • NEW All players have 77 stamina except for one with 99 (must be gold) and one with 88 (must be gold or silver). Height abuse penalties apply.

Eligible teams:

  • all previous /sp/erb Owl participants (sans /cbj/, /isles/, /oilels/)
  • any team representing an /sp/ general
  • /sp/-related non-general teams after being given the ok by the head rigger of the Owl (TWAIN#1475 on Discord)

Livemanaging is permitted.
Albeit not mandatory, it is highly recommended that the manager of a team consults the general in regards to determining the roster.
A team must have an anthem, a goalhorn, a logo, a GK kit and at least an outfield kit.


Sign up here. Don't forget to sign your post (~~~~ tag on the wiki if you don't know). Signups are open until 6 September.

  • Nhl icon.png /nhl/ /cric/ is /hoc/'s bitch HarryEnfield (talk) 8:54, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • F1 icon.png /f1/ Valtteri, it's TWAIN (talk) 10:07, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • F1W icon.png /f1W/ Ouch, that hurts a little ITOP (talk) 10:28, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • SerieA icon.png /SerieA/ Marotta? Marotta? Dov'è la mia punta? Marotta guardami ti prego... Canes (talk) 11:27, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • Cric icon.png /cric/ rhs (talk) 11:57, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • Copalib icon.png /copalib/ jajajaja ay caramba el VARsinso Fifz (talk) 12:00, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
  • Cfb icon.png /cfb/ 24 days until (You)r team is officially exposed. Horizons (talk) 13:08, 7 August 2019 (UTC)