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Winners of the 2025 4chan Winter Cup

Mid Cup Aesthetics

From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 18:54, 12 August 2015 by Retortelement (talk | contribs) (aesthetics update)
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This page is intended for adding or fixing aesthetics during an on-going cup. Either link new/corrected files or add notes to fix certain things that might have been forgotten or were broken before.

Please add a header with your team name for stuff you want/need fixed/added. The headers (level 3) should be listed chronologically below the Not yet added-header, with the newest stuff at the top. If you have to add stuff more stuff halfway, just make a new header at the top for your team, but leave the old one in place. Once it is added it will be moved to the Already added-section.

If you never uploaded a correct aesthetics export before the first deadline, please upload the export in the correct format. Otherwise you can upload just a .zip, .rar or .7z. A well organized file has better chances at being added early. The less work has to be done, the better.

Important: The link to the aesthetics has to be added by a team's verified and current manager, it is no longer possible to have a team's manager sign it off as was done in the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup.

2015 4chan Summer Cup

Not yet added




Already added







