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卐 Gas The Kikes Race War Now 卐
Pol logo.png
/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Founded January 8th, 2012
Manager Shlomo Goldbergstien
Owner The Rothschilds
IRL manager Lowroller !!sQwQl6DtXGh
Team colors
Chat color dd0000
Third Reich Red
Ranking 48 (decrease 19)
Highest rank 3 (April 14th, 2013)
Lowest rank 48 (May 18th, 2015)
Top scorer Stormfront (48)
Top assister Hitler (6,000,000)
Captain Hitler
Website /pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Nickname /pol/and
Historic performance
26 10 23 59 44.07%
95 97 -2
Biggest win
/pol/ Pol icon.png 5–2 Int icon.png /int/
July 20th, 2013
Biggest defeat
/m/ M icon.png 5–0 Pol icon.png /pol/
March 31st, 2012
First match
/lit/ Lit icon.png 0–3 Pol icon.png /pol/
February 12th, 2012
Elite Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Babby Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Team music
Anthem Springtime for Hitler

Goal horn Erika

It's happening. Soon.

Welcome to /pol/. Having maintained an exceptional record since our cup debut in the 2012 Spring Babbies, /pol/ has established itself as a force to be reckoned with. The team's distinctively aggressive and relentless brand of divergrass has made it infamous among the 4CC community, in addition to earning us a reputation for delivering entertaining games. We look forward to continuing our march to victory in the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup, and proving once and for all through its superior tactics and ability that /pol/ is, in fact, the Master Race.


In January 2012, our dear leader Cozmo !911.RhllEE was unanimously elected as the first manager of /pol/. Thanks to his divine intelligence and infallible judgement, /pol/ became the best team in the history of the 4chan cup. /pol/ began its proud tradition of proving its superiority and dominance over the other racially inferior boards with its first ever outing in a friendly against /lit/. This left the liberal hipsters with their shit shoved in and /pol/ walking away with a 3-0 ass rape. Ron 'Doom' Paul set the goal'd standard with two screamers and Stormfront scoring the turd. Match fixing, election rigging and sneaky Mossad Ref infiltration by das Juden was the order of the day. Nonetheless, we still won comfortably thanks to a large supporter turnout cheering the team on with white power songs and nazi cake. /pol/ then drew 0-0 with /x/ in a shameful display that disgraced the Aryan nation. We clearly scored one goal at the end, but the African tribe referee was too busy hunting white wimmenz and did not count it. On March 3rd, /pol/ played against the whores of /s/, winning a decisive 3-1 victory, with Doom Paul scoring twice. We continue marching on, our destiny on the horizon. March 23rd, 2012 - D-Day. The invasion of /mlp/ began as expected with Stormfront besieging the weak defensive foundations of Ponyland. Through the blood, sweat & tears of the team, Stormfront clinically scored 4 goals with finesse and technical ability, and completed the rout of the gay Untermensch Pony lovers. The game ended with a decisive 4-2 victory for /pol/. On February 24th, 2013, a day that shall live in infamy, mere moments before our beloved Cozmo was to lead /pol/ to a sure victory against /sp/ in the 2013 4Chan Winter Cup Semi-Final, he was poisoned by a Mossad agent. Though the murderer was swiftly captured and executed, the poison, made from the concentrated foreskins of 6 million innocent Aryan babies, was too powerful for even the dear leader to resist. During his final moments with us, the great Cozmo, in an ultimate act of compassion, allowed /sp/ to win the 2013 4Chan Winter Cup. After our incorruptible leader ascended into heaven, a period of turmoil ensued as no successor had been chosen. One called Weasel !TxEEGZKP8U named himself manager and ruled for a brief time. However, he proved himself unable to meet the great responsibilities of the most honorable Cozmo. On March 1st, 2013, in our greatest hour of need, his eternal magnificence spoke to Weasel from the great beyond, and revealed Weasel's loyal assistant, SeeSaw !iiA80eLVpY, to be the destined heir to management of /pol/. The ever-selfless Cozmo granted to young SeeSaw all of his unequaled knowledge and cunning so that he might continue our righteous crusade against the wicked forces of degeneracy for many cups to come. In addition, all blind /pol/ users were made to see.

In SeeSaw's absence, it seemed that Cozmo had descended from on high to lead /pol/ to glorious victory in the Summer Cup of 2013. After consecutive losses to /ck/, /co/ and /sci/, in which Doompaul snatched but one measly goal and /pol/ were stripped of their Nuevo Elite status, 'Cozmo' was quoted as saying "Oy Vey, it's like another Shoah!". It was at that moment that /pol/ realised what had happened. This 'Cozmo' was not the dear leader returned for one last glorious victory, but a JIDF shill determined on wrecking the master race and encouraging crossboard race-mixing. Such damage had been done that /pol/ even suffered a 4-1 defeat against the degenerates from /lgbt/ in SeeSaw's first match back in control, the darkest day for /pol/ to date.

The Autumn Cup bore greater successes for a resurgant /pol/, dismantling the disinformation shitposters of [s4s] and the untermensch betas of /r9k/. A particular highlight of Autumn 2013 was the systematic dismantling of the weeaboo degenerates at /y/, Stormfront scoring a hattrick in a 3-0 victory which secured his golden boot. The future of the Reich looked safe in the hands of new manager Rowan, but no citizen of the Great /pol/ack Empire expected what would happen next. It turned out that all along, the Jooz had infested the 4chan Cup Commission as well, and when Rowan had the audacity to spend an extra 18 minutes making sure that the /pol/ team was as masterrace as the board deserved, it is said that the residual heat from the hand rubbing of DrBorisGoldbergstein was enough to power a turbine that would have delivered power to 14.88% of the world. /pol/ were disqualified, and relegated once again, to face the ignominy of another Babby Cup.

But what a cup it was. It was prophesised in the annals of /pol/ that a Megababby needed a Megateam to win it, and that was precisely what /pol/ provided. In the group stages, /adv/, /co/ and /lit/ were all comfortably dispatched, with Doompaul even saving the winning goal against /lit/ until 90+ minutes, all in the name of livening up the show. In another display of pure Aryan sportsmanship, /pol/ even deliberately played poorly against /k/ to allow a fellow superior-tier board to progress to the round of 16, valiantly sacrificing their 12-point masterrace status. In the knockout rounds, /pol/ overcame the Kampf against /po/, /e/ and /diy/ to set up a final clash against /fa/. It was at this point that the shillbots in the 4CCC lost control - they simply could not handle the level of based contained within the match. The sheer Jewishness of the commentary threatened to overshadow /pol/'s goosestep towards Babby Cup Victory, but in the end nothing can stop the Aryan race, and Doompaul secured a 107th minute goal to secure an extra-time victory.

Summer 2014 was the last running of the cup under the Weimar Government of DrBorisG, and /pol/ determined that it must redpill this ten-gallon-tipping shillbot one last time before he retired. In a group with the pretenders to Elite status /asp/, professional dub checkers [s4s] and mental illness containment board /soc/, /pol/ achieved the ultimate mindfuck - launching a false crusade and subsequently getting themselves relegated along with all other good teams in order to make the next Babby Cup actually an Elite in disguise.

Under the new blood management brought in by retiring KHS_Rowan, /pol/ failed to score a goal in the Autumn Babbies; despite the privilege of having a large turnout of Aryans cheering on their team at the /new/ Memorial Stadium, all they could manage was a limp to 0-0 draws against /jp/ and /biz/, while losses to /tg/ (1-0) and /vr/ (3-0) placed the team among the worst in the Autumn Babbies; 37th out of 40, with only former champions /k/ and /trv/ and perennial former cup contender /v/ below them. Some say that this was as a result of /pol/ commanders deciding that it would be best not to invade in Winter, however, the Spring Offensive was to prove no more successful. In a group with pirates, degenerates, weebs and Kregg, for the third cup running /pol/ failed to win a single game, falling prey to the Rothschilds' sneaky 90+ goals on no fewer than three occasions. It was a dark time for /pol/ - the longest winless streak in cup history, and a seatless Nigel Farage. The children of Israel the Fatherland had been deprived of their saviour. But when the /pol/acks went to see the tomb where Farage had been interred, they saw an angel. The angel said to the /pol/acks, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Farage who has been barraged. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into the Commons, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you." And the /pol/acks rejoiced, for truly they knew that Autumn would be their time.

Special Anthems

The Mass -Deus Vult Edition. For when we're doing God's work.

Nagila Hava -Jews MOTM / Hattrick / Only /pol/ Player who scored goals.

Special Goalhorns

Oy Gevalt (when Jews scores)

UR JUST GOT UKIPPED (when Farage or brit/pol/ scores)

Anae Volare (If /pol/ is using CRUSADER Theme)


  • January 12th, 2012 --- February 24th, 2013: Cozmo !911.RhllEE
  • February 25th, 2013 --- March 1st, 2013: Weasel !TxEEGZKP8U
  • March 2nd, 2013 --- May 29th, 2013: SeeSaw !iiA80eLVpY
  • May 29th, 2013 --- August 25th, 2013: Cozmo !911.RhllEE
  • August 25th, 2013 --- December 1st, 2013: SeeSaw !!GodHeBsZkYC
  • January 9th, 2014 --- September 27th, 2014 : KHS_Rowan !!YF6PybmnSBn
  • September 27th, 2014 --- May 17th, 2015 : AWyattMann !!Y4mYkGKi2iw
  • May 17th --- ??? : Lowroller !!sQwQl6DtXGh


Main Article: /pol/ Roster (work in progress)

No. Position Player
Dindu Nuffin
Jihadi John
Hitler Captain.png
Doom Paul
No. Position Player
Daily Reminder
Straw Man
Red Pill
Euphoric Athiest
Ben Garrison
Penn Jillette
Nigel Farage


The /pol/ack is gifted with "/pol/ vision", allowing him to spot jewish influences revolving any given individual.
From the highest tree you shall hang, faggot.

Lgbt logo.png
The Mental Illness Derby

A cesspit containing the most heavily mentally disordered and the most ungodly anons on the website, who attempt to justify their wicked degenerate behaviors by opting to endorse and support one of the most jewish of lobbies- "the LGBT movement". The act of defying God's Law will not be punished lightly, and it is /pol/- the Bastion of Morality- that must hang these heathens to rid us all from these toxic beacons of indecency and bring God's Blessings back to humanity.

Let the Divegrass Crusade begin.

Mlp logo.png
The Horse-Slaughter Derby

Apparently unable to grasp the concept that no one likes them, the ponies seem to share one thing with all the other boards on 4chan: They secretly want to be like /pol/. Success breeds jealousy, and success is measured by achievement, and the /pol/acks are undoubtedly some of the most achieving members of their respective societies, so no wonder everyone is jealous of us. Some are discrete about it, while others such as /mlp/ just try too hard to associate themselves with /pol/. Well- no thank you. At least not until you're saved from your poor perspective regarding watching cartoons for little girls, or rubbing your genitals up against 2D horses.

This cup, we'll knock you off the saddle.

Int logo.png
The /new/ Derby

The day /new/ was shut down, /int/ was invaded by the newsman forces. The occupation instated by the then board-less politically minded was too much for the passive hugbox of AIDS ridden immigrant marxists of /international/ to take on, and thus /pol/ was created, a new home for those who wish to continue freely debating out world-saving ideas, and preparing for the inevitable (and sure to come really soon) Happening. The /int/ernationals are still disgruntled about the Great /new/ Invasion, and have grown even more allergic to the moral, reasonable ideals held by the vast majority of /pol/. Ironicly enough, without these people preserving their Nations, there would be no /int/.

May we Blitzkrieg their pitch once more.



Official Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
February 12th, 2012 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 12'33'
Doom Paul Goal 67'
February 18th, 2012 X icon.png /x/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 0-0 D
March 3rd, 2012 S icon.png /s/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 3-1 W Doom Paul Goal 17'28'
Stormfront Goal 90'
March 23rd, 2012 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 4-2 W Stormfront Goal 24'30'50'54'
March 24th, 2012 R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 17'43'
Doom Paul Goal 82'
March 25th, 2012 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-2 L Jews Goal 18'
March 31st, 2012 M icon.png /m/ 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-5 L
April 14th, 2012 Int icon.png /int/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 1-0 W Doom Paul Goal 61'
May 12th, 2012 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Hayek Goal 74'
Doom Paul Goal 88'
June 2nd, 2012 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Hitler Goal 86'
Doom Paul Goal 90+2'
July 13th, 2012 M icon.png /m/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup 2-5 L Doom Paul Goal 45+2'
Stormfront Goal 82'
July 14th, 2012 G icon.png /g/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup 2-1 W Doom Paul Goal 19'
CLICK CLACK Scored 45' (o.g.)
July 15th, 2012 A icon.png /a/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup 3-0 W Doom Paul Goal 56'
Stormfront Goal 59'73'
July 20th, 2012 D icon.png /d/ 2012 4chan Summer Cup 0-1 L
August 19th, 2012 Trv icon.png /trv/ 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-4 L Doom Paul Goal 19'37'
September 15th, 2012 K icon.png /k/ 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-2 D Doom Paul Goal 54'
Hitler Goal 79'
September 22nd, 2012 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 3-2 W Stormfront Goal 13'33'
Doom Paul Goal 68' (pen)
December 15th, 2012 Fit icon.png /fit/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-5 L Stormfront Goal 84'
February 8th, 2013 H icon.png /h/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 3-1 W Stormfront Goal 67'86'89'
February 10th, 2013 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 0-5 L
February 16th, 2013 Soc icon.png /soc/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 74'
Doom Paul Goal 90+2'
February 23rd, 2013 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 12'
Doom Paul Goal 74'
February 24th, 2013 N icon.png /n/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 4-1 W Hitler Goal 7'
Stormfront Goal 38'78'87'
February 24th, 2013 Sp icon.png /sp/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 0-2 L
February 24th, 2013 Cm icon.png /cm/ 2013 4chan Winter Cup 3-0 W Doom Paul Goal 26'
Stormfront Goal 47'
Hitler Goal 65'
April 6th, 2013 Wg icon.png /wg/ 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 3-1 W Stormfront Goal 6'40'
Doom Paul Goal 26'
April 7th, 2013 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-2 L Daily Reminder Goal 6'
July 12th, 2013 V icon.png /v/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-0 D
July 20th, 2013 Int icon.png /int/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 5-2 W Hitler Goal 19'
Doom Paul Goal 38'72'
Stormfront Goal 50'85' (pen)
August 17th, 2013 Ck icon.png /ck/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup 0-2 L
August 23th, 2013 Co icon.png /co/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup 1-2 L Doom Paul Goal 89'
August 25th, 2013 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup 0-1 L
September 28th, 2013 Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup Friendlies 1-4 L Penn Jillette Goal 8'
September 29th, 2013 Wg icon.png /wg/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup Friendlies 0-2 L
November 16th, 2013 S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 2-1 W Jews Goal 39'
Stormfront Goal 80'
November 22nd, 2013 R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 4-2 W GOD EXISTS Goal 13'
Doompaul Goal 15'
Stormfront Goal 16'75'
November 24th, 2013 Cgl icon.png /cgl/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 3-4 L Hitler Goal 13'
Stormfront Goal 66'80'
November 30th, 2013 S icon.png /s/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 3-3 W
(7-6 PK)
Hitler Goal 39'
Stormfront Goal 93'119'
December 1st, 2013 Y icon.png /y/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 3-0 W Stormfront Goal 10'65'79'
December 1st, 2013 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 3-5 L Hitler Goal 16'
Stormfront Goal 45+'70'
December 1st, 2013 Hr icon.png /hr/ 2013 4chan Autumn Cup 0-3 L
April 5th, 2014 Adv icon.png /adv/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 3-0 W Hitler Goal 16'
Zimmerman Goal 35'
Doom Paul Goal 71'
April 6th, 2014 Co icon.png /co/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 1-0 W Jews Goal 45+'
April 12th, 2014 K icon.png /k/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 1-3 L Stormfront Goal 8'
April 18th, 2014 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 2-1 W Stormfront Goal 67'
Doompaul Goal 90+'
April 26th, 2014 Po icon.png /po/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 3-2 W Zimmerman Goal 28'
Hitler Goal 36'116'
April 27th, 2014 E icon.png /e/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 1-1 W
(5-4 PK)
Stormfront Goal 83'
April 27th, 2014 Diy icon.png /diy/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 2-0 W Stormfront Goal 26'71'
April 27th, 2014 Fa icon.png /fa/ 2014 4chan Spring Cup 2-1 W Stormfront Goal 76'
Doompaul Goal 107'
June 6th, 2014 Toy icon.png /toy/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-1 L
June 8th, 2014 Trv icon.png /trv/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Zimmerman Goal 9'
Hitler Goal 90+'
July 19th, 2014 Asp icon.png /asp/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup 1-2 L Doompaul Goal 47'
July 25th, 2014 S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup 2-2 D Stormfront Goal 34'71'
July 27th, 2014 Soc icon.png /soc/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup 0-0 D
October 17, 2014 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-0 D
October 24, 2014 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-1 L
October 26, 2014 Biz icon.png /biz/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-0 D
November 1, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-3 L
April 25, 2015 T icon.png /t/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-3 D Hitler Goal 18'
Doompaul Goal 20'
Zimmerman Goal 54'
May 1, 2015 Gif icon.png /gif/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-2 D Doompaul Goal 3'
Jews Goal 32'
May 8, 2015 Co icon.png /co/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-1 L Stormfront Goal 68'
May 10, 2015 M icon.png /m/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-2 D Hitler Goal 8'59'

Unofficial Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
April 7, 2012 3 icon.png /3/ 2012 AAGMC Quarterfinals 6-2 W Stormfront Goal 2'50'65'
Hitler Goal 69'
Jews Goal 85'
Doompaul Goal 90+2'
April 7, 2012 A icon.png /a/ 2012 AAGMC Semifinals 0-1 L
October 12, 2013 Int icon.png /int/ 2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage 1-1 D Heinrich Himmler Goal 3'
October 12, 2013 K icon.png /k/ 2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage 0-1 L
October 13, 2013 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2013 World Wars Cup Group Stage 4-1 W Reinhard Heydrich Goal 19'62'
Adolf Hitler Goal 67'90+'
October 13, 2013 Trv icon.png /trv/ 2013 World Wars Cup Semifinals 2-4 L Adolf Hitler Goal 49'
Reinhard Herdrich Goal 70'
October 13, 2013 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2013 World Wars Cup Third Place Playoff 2-1 W Reinhard Heydrich Goal 11'
Adolf Hitler Goal 61'
June 24, 2014 Twg icon.png /twg/ Dtroit's Clusterfuck Invitational 1- 1 D Zimmerman Goal 90+'
June 24, 2014 Feg icon.png /feg/ Dtroit's Clusterfuck Invitational 1- 0 L
September 13, 2014 Sci icon.png /sci/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup ro16 2-0 W Jews Goal 4
Doompaul Goal 28
September 14, 2014 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup Quarter Finals 4-3 W Stormfront Goal 15', 102
Doompaul Goal 74',105+
September 14, 2014 R9k icon.png /r9k/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup Semi Finals 1-2 L Jews Goal 86
September 14, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup 3rd Place Playoff 1-0 W Stormfront Goal 8
January 17, 2015 R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 0-1 L
January 24, 2015 S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-0 W Brit/pol/ Goal 38'
July 11, 2015 K icon.png /k/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Doompaul Goal 45+'
Stormfront Goal 53'
July 12, 2015 Tv icon.png /tv/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 4-0 W Doompaul Goal 3'12'
Jews Goal 22'
Stormfront Goal 45+'


The Führer shows his love for the cheering /pol/acks after scoring a magnificent goal
Stormfront performs his signature goal celebration
Player Career Goals
Stormfront 44
Doom Paul 24
Hitler 10
Jews 3
Zimmerman 3
Hayek 1
Daily Reminder 1
Penn Jillette 1

Total Goals For: 90

Total Goals Against: 89

Team Record in Cup Matches: 18-4-16 (6 gorillion %)

Team Record in Friendlies: 9-3-6 (50%)

Team Record in Invitationals: 6-2-4 (37%)

last updated March 29, 2015


Video Archive


PES15 Tactical Export


PES15 Aesthetic Export

https://mega.co.nz/#!f91A0Q5J!TQTL0d9ZrLfIHSYypgyq88UbIKWFyAuqWsy3VXbgiJY (last updated April 17th, 2015 23:30)

Old Downloads


http://www.mediafire.com/download/qt0rt819gf7ku1c/newpol_export.rar (last updated January 10th, 2015 15:34)


http://www.mediafire.com/download/zuadj8957dkk31l/Winter+Friendlies+pol+harbor+edition+KITS.rar (last updated January 12th, 2015)

Faces and Kits for Winter Friendlies

http://www.mediafire.com/download/qhz6hchw4ojn3jp/newpol_aesthetics.rar (last updated January 10th, 2015 15:34)


http://www.mediafire.com/?z7lf00o3qimfxxf (last updated a long time ago)


http://www.mediafire.com/?13ntvr3jzyh5bbf (last updated September 9th, 2013)


Coming Soon™