Talk:Rigging After Dark
Shit Talking and Challenges general
You wanna talk some shit? Call some niggas out? This is place to do it!
/cleveland/ already has a timeslot, anybody with a cursed team or city step up!
I declare (monday night)war on you!
/wcw/ is here to call out /wwf/, /roh/, >/tna/, or whoever else wants to wrassle!
/hanny/ CALLS OUT /his/
/hanny/ challenges /his/ to the 6-5 cupRance (talk) 16:51, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
Taking you up on that. Marquis de Saint Jacques (talk) 00:27, 11 June 2016 (UTC)
I have no managerial experience, no tests to look back on, and more importantly, no PES. But, let's see how good I am. Available dates: June 14, June 17-18, June 22 onwards. Doesn't matter who I play against. Kitfag (talk) 16:57, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
Challenging the most cancerous teams for the Cancer Bowl Olecei (talk) 20:25, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
Challenging /jp/ for the kanker vs 2hu derby. Or any other touhou team that wants to step up instead. RamenRaisin (talk) 10:43, 11 June 2016 (UTC)
Challenging /h/ for any date we don't already have a friendly on.
I swear to god if we get drawn together in the fetus after this a useless shitter 23:55, 11 June 2016 (UTC)
Challenge accepted lad Flowonthego 08:34 on Monday, June 13, 2016 (UTC)
Challenging anyone in Pot 2 or 3 of the Summer Cup as well as /gd/ and [s4s]. .WEBMarshmallow (talk) 05:42, 12 June 2016 (UTC)