User talk:AdmiralAbnormal815
Revision as of 00:22, 10 May 2014 by AdmiralAbnormal815 (talk | contribs)
Name | Number | Position | Image | Description | Goals Scored |
>implying we're /d/ | 34 | GK | minelayer a bitch.png | "Hello! It's me, Minelayer, here to remind you all that we have new content on a regular basis, and you should shut the fuck up and stop complaining! It's basically shitposting!" | 0 |
Cave Diving | 47 | CB | ![]() |
Vore isn't always a non-consensual or fatal experience. Sometimes it's a thrilling adventure! Look at me! I'm exploring like Daring Do! (Did you know that horses can't throw up?) | 0 |
Alicarrier | 43 | CB | ![]() |
No fleet boat ponies is complete without an Alicarrier. That would be like a board league without fetish generals! | 0 |
Monsterhorse | 77 | CB | ![]() |
An affectionate term of endearment for massive ponies. Often used by Anons towards their giant waifus. | 0 |
Huge Cunt | 85 | DMF | ![]() |
If a violent macro pone is hell bent on destroying your city, well, at least the view is nice. Wink, wink. | 0 |
Littleman | 4 | CMF | ![]() |
"Oh no!~ There's nowhere left to run, now! It looks like you're all mine now, Littleman!" | 0 |
Jaeger Pone | 8 | RMF | ![]() |
Sometimes, giant robots just aren't enough. Sometimes they need to be shaped like ponies. | 0 |
Kaiju Pone | 15 | LMF | ![]() |
Created by humans with nothing better to do, Orchid was engineered to give Jaeger pilots something to train with, and she's a pretty good choice of company when you're on your lunch break. | 0 |
Hiatus | 16 | AMF | ![]() |
Oh boy, this is a great CYOA! I wonder when he's going to do the next part? | 0 |
PRAISE THE SUN | 23 | SS | ![]() |
"I don't care if it's in the sky or on a giant Celestia's ass, if you see a sun, you better drop onto your god damned knees and praise it!" "But I've never even played Dark-" "420 PRAISE IT, FAGGOT!" | 0 |
Appletini | 5 | CF | ![]() |
Now who's a big pony? Not Applejack! Seriously, though, stay away from zebras, kids. | 0 |
Name | Number | Position | Image | Description | Goals Scored |
BUTTS ON DEMAND | 67 | GK | buttsondemand | When you're capable of drawing new images in a very short amount of time, there's really only one way to use this power. Butts. | 0 |
Just Here For Cuddles | 9 | GK | justhereforcuddles | Believe it or not, a lot of us actually aren't a bunch of sick fucks who want to get swallowed or pulverized by giant cartoon ponies. Some of us just want a big waifu to cuddle and use as a couch. I mean, don't tell me you've never wanted to be someone's wittle bunny before. | 0 |
No Fucking Mascots | 3 | CB | nofuckingmascots | Arguments at the drop of a hat, and let's just leave it at that. | 0 |
We Should Change The OP | 1 | CB | weshouldchangetheop | Welcome to the Massive Pony Thread! | 0 |
Giant Bon Bon Is The Man | 11 | DMF | gbbitm | Her lush, creamy coat... Her massive, adorable eyes... Her giant, succulent bon bons... Oh, Hasbro, why must you tease us so!? | 0 |
Amazonian | 37 | DMF | amazonian | What is the best sized mare and why is it amazonian? | 0 |
Cinnanon | 6 | CMF | cinnanon | After downing a drink mixed with Poison Joke (what a fucking cliche), this tiny Anon found himself covered in little cinnamony swirls. Now, monster mares can't resist the taste of Cinnanon, not that he really has a problem with spending time in their mouths. | 0 |
Pocket Pony | 7 | CMF | pocketpony | Come on, you know you wish that pony toy that you cum on was actually alive. | 0 |
Giant Snuggles | 98 | RMF | giantsnuggles | I still think that Rarity is best couch. | 0 |
Ketchup | 57 | LMF | ketchup | You know what's a nice color? Red. You know what I think should be red? My hooves. | 0 |
Bert Is A Pony | 69 | RMF | bertisapony | I'm sorry, I don't watch anime, so I can't think of a clever joke. | 0 |
Poison Joke Cliche | 66 | LMF | cliche | Where would this fetish be in the fandom if it wasn't for poison joke? | 0 |