The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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Name Number Position Image Description Goals Scored
>implying we're /d/ 34 GK mine layer a bitch.jpeg "Hello! It's me, Minelayer, here to remind you all that we have new content on a regular basis, and you should shut the fuck up and stop complaining! It's basically shitposting!" 0
Cave Diving 47 CB cavediving.png Vore isn't always a non-consensual or fatal experience. Sometimes it's a thrilling adventure! Look at me! I'm exploring like Daring Do! (Did you know that horses can't throw up?) 0
Alicarrier 43 CB alicarrier.jpg No fleet boat ponies is complete without an Alicarrier. That would be like a board league without fetish generals! 0
Monsterhorse (Captain) 77 CB hugging a princess.png An affectionate term of endearment for massive ponies. Often used by Anons towards their giant waifus. 0
Huge Cunt 85 DMF lyra rampage train.png If a violent macro pone is hell bent on destroying your city, well, at least the view is nice. Wink, wink. 0
Littleman 4 CMF cadance anon grown.png "Oh no!~ There's nowhere left to run, now! It looks like you're all mine now, Littleman!" 0
Jaeger Pone 8 CMF sweetie mech.jpeg Sometimes, giant robots just aren't enough. Sometimes they need to be shaped like ponies. 0
Kaiju Pone 15 CMF orchid.jpeg Created by humans with nothing better to do, Orchid was engineered to give Jaeger pilots something to train with, and she's a pretty good choice of company when you're on your lunch break. 0
Hiatus 16 AMF gloomy shitpost.png Oh boy, this is a great CYOA! I wonder when he's going to do the next part? 0
PRAISE THE SUN 23 AMF PRAISE THE SUN.jpeg "I don't care if it's in the sky or on a giant Celestia's ass, if you see a sun, you better drop onto your god damned knees and praise it!" "But I've never even played Dark-" "420 PRAISE IT, FAGGOT!" 0
Appletini 5 CF dash jack appletini.jpeg Now who's a big pony? Not Applejack! Seriously, though, stay away from zebras, kids. 0


Name Number Position Image Description Goals Scored
BUTTS ON DEMAND 67 GK BUTTS ON DEMAND.png When you're capable of drawing new images in a very short amount of time, there's really only one way to use this power. Butts. 0
Just Here For Cuddles 9 GK every little thing.png Believe it or not, a lot of us actually aren't a bunch of sick fucks who want to get swallowed or pulverized by giant cartoon ponies. Some of us just want a big waifu to cuddle and use as a couch. I mean, don't tell me you've never wanted to be someone's wittle bunny before. 0
No Fucking Mascots 3 CB (Image removed because Anon doesn't want this player to be represented by a mascot.) Arguments at the drop of a hat, and let's just leave it at that. 0
We Should Change The OP 1 CB mmp will win the league.png Welcome to the Massive Pony Thread! 0
Giant Bon Bon Is The Man 11 DMF gbbitm.png Her lush, creamy coat... Her massive, adorable eyes... Her giant, succulent bon bons... Oh, Hasbro, why must you tease us so!? 0
Amazonian 37 DMF I'll tell you when you're an adult, Anon.png What is the best sized mare and why is it amazonian? 0
Cinnanon 6 CMF twi anon.jpeg After downing a drink mixed with Poison Joke (what a fucking cliche), this tiny Anon found himself covered in little cinnamony swirls. Now, monster mares can't resist the taste of Cinnanon, not that he really has a problem with spending time in their mouths. 0
Pocket Pony 7 CMF pocket pony.gif Come on, you know you wish that pony toy that you cum on was actually alive. 0
Giant Snuggles 98 CMF raricouch.png I still think that Rarity is best couch. 0
Ketchup 57 CMF ketchup.jpeg You know what's a nice color? Red. You know what I think should be red? My hooves. 0
Bert Is A Pony 69 CMF (anime picture) I'm sorry, I don't watch anime, so I can't think of a clever joke. 0
Poison Joke Cliche 66 CMF poison joke cliche.jpeg Where would this fetish be in the fandom if it wasn't for poison joke? 0