The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2019 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football

From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 16:28, 3 August 2019 by Stellar occultation (talk | contribs) (→‎Teams: additions and fixes)
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Age of Sims Tycoon Source Total War Plus Pets VR : A Realm Reborn : Central Fiction : Empires : Extended Edition : Definitive Edition : Reloaded - Genesis Classics

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin Saved -1 3 -1 -
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer -1 6 2 -
K icon.png CB Is That A Famas? -1 6 2 -
U icon.png RB War Crimes Kurumi 1 7 - -
U icon.png DMF Bedroom Tyrant - 1 - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe 2 2 - -
B icon.png CMF Trolled 2 Death 5 2 5 -
Jp icon.png AMF Fumos 2 6 - -
B icon.png SS #REKT Captain 20 26 16 -
Diy icon.png SS Imitation Crab Meat 9 9 6 -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Vice-captain 2 10 2 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido [0] [] [5] -
I icon.png LB Minus8 [6] [6] 2 -
I icon.png CB Sexy Bananas - - [1] -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc [6] [2] 3 -
I icon.png AMF NSFW Dropthread - - - -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave [8] - [1] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer
K icon.png CB Is That A Famas?
U icon.png RB War Crimes Kurumi
U icon.png DMF Bedroom Tyrant
Int icon.png CMF Putin
Vg icon.png AMF Blanc
I icon.png AMF NSFW Dropthread
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver Captain
Diy icon.png SS Imitation Crab Meat
Int icon.png CF Gondola Vice-captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Diy icon.png GK Red Green
I icon.png LB Minus8
I icon.png CB Sexy Banana
K icon.png RMF Ivan Chesnokov
R9k icon.png AMF Sadfrog
R9k icon.png SS Mental Illness

Team >picking defenders from offensive teams >picking forwards from defensive teams

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch Em All 0 3 0 -
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War - -1 0 -
G icon.png CB SICP 1 1 0 -
K icon.png RB BRRRRRRRRRTT - 6 - -
Cm icon.png CMF All Silvers Die 8 2 2 -
S4s icon.png CMF :^) - 1 - -
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love Vice-captain 13 4 6 -
Wg icon.png RMF Hey /wg/, It's My Birthday - 2 7 -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave 8 - 1 -
C icon.png CF Do It For Her 10 1 6 -
W icon.png CF Waifu Walls Captain 20 6 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Int icon.png GK >Be American >Get Shot [9] [] [] -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs 2 [2] [0] -
Vg icon.png RB AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs 0 - 5 -
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N 2 [1] - -
N icon.png AMF 90s Rigid MTB [2] [] [] -
Y icon.png SS Spiderman [2] - [6] - -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

I icon.png GK Reibear
Co icon.png LB Alan Moore
Mlp icon.png CB Thanks M.A. Larson
Cm icon.png CMF All Silvers Die
Int icon.png CMF Putin
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love Vice-captain
Wg icon.png RMF Hey /wg/, It's My Birthday
R9k icon.png SS That Kid
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant
W icon.png CF Waifu Walls Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Int icon.png GK >Be American >Get Shot
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs
Vg icon.png RB AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N
H icon.png DMF Liru
R9k icon.png SS Mental Illness


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 2 10 1 -
U icon.png CB Goggles - - 0 -
W icon.png CB Save One Post One 1 - 1 -
W icon.png CB Seasons - 1 2 -
Vg icon.png DMF I AM ANGRY ABOUT FIRION 2 - - -
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith - - - -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc 6 2 3 -
Vp icon.png AMF Miror B. 5 2 6 -
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Vice-captain 13 14 14 -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain 10 14 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan [7] [] [] -
Gd icon.png CB Rate my Logo 0 1 [0] -
Gd icon.png CB Retro Revival 0 - - -
Int icon.png CMF Putin [2] - 6 -
F icon.png AMF High Tension Japanese Goburin 5 - 2 -
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver [2] [19] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami
U icon.png CB Goggles
W icon.png CB Save One Post One
W icon.png CB Seasons
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith
U icon.png CMF Mahjong Games on Motorcycles
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc
I icon.png LMF Bait-chan
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Vice-captain
I icon.png SS SS GF Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080
Diy icon.png CB Google it First
Int icon.png CB Lachlan
Int icon.png CMF Putin
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver

team I had no way to make a pun with the normies so heres this

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

F icon.png GK AnonymousD 0 10 2 -
B icon.png LB Tiny shota - - -2 -
Diy icon.png CB Google it first 1 0 0 -
Gd icon.png RB >bumping /gd/ - - - -
I icon.png DMF Discord Boogeyman 6 - - -
Mlp icon.png CMF HI ANON! 6 2 2 -
Vp icon.png CMF KANTOOOOOO 1 - - -
G icon.png CMF Botnet Vice-captain 2 1 1 -
F icon.png AMF /f/lan - - 1 -
U icon.png SS Befriending 19 3 7 -
Jp icon.png CF Get out of /jp/ Captain 4 34 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
K icon.png GK 2nd Amendment [0] [] [] -
Pol icon.png CB Yang Gang 1 0 2 -
Y icon.png CB Camp Buddy -1 1 1 -
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - -
Vg icon.png AMF Git Gud [8] [6] [] -
G icon.png CF DEVELOPERS [2] - [1] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda
Int icon.png LB A FUCKING LEAF
Diy icon.png CB Google it first
Vg icon.png RB Cute Anime Girls
I icon.png DMF Discord Boogeyman
Mlp icon.png CMF HI ANON!
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) Vice-captain
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro
U icon.png SS Befriending
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
K icon.png GK 2nd Amendment
Pol icon.png CB Yang Gang
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla
K icon.png DMF ATF
Vg icon.png AMF Git Gud
R9k icon.png CF Mental Illness

Team western cartoons are cute and fun

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET 4 -1 4 -
U icon.png CB Goggles - - 0 -
Aco icon.png CB The ChadShad 1 0 1 -
Fit icon.png RB Gigachad - 0 -1 -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - 3 5 -
Co icon.png CMF Cal Arts Style - 2 - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe 2 2 - -
I icon.png LMF Bait-chan 8 3 2 -
S4s icon.png SS Keksandra Captain 4 2 12 -
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da 13 14 14 -
Gd icon.png CF Glitch Art Vice-captain 6 2 6 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan [7] [] [] -
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low - - [0] -
Mlp icon.png CB Thanks M.A. Larson - - - -
Vp icon.png DMF OMP OMP OMP 2 [2] 2 -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver [2] [19] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
U icon.png CB Goggles
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs
Fit icon.png RB Gigachad
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Co icon.png CMF Calarts Style
H icon.png CMF Delicious Flat Chest
I icon.png LMF Bait-chan Vice-captain
I icon.png SS SS GF
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Captain
Diy icon.png SS Imitation Crab Meat
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >Shitaly
Int icon.png CB Kara Boga
Mlp icon.png CB Thanks M.A. Larson
Co icon.png DMF Father Hulk
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver

It was merely /c/

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET 4 -1 4 -
Fit icon.png LB Scooby 1 1 - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs 2 2 0 -
Fit icon.png RB Gigachad - 0 -1 -
Vp icon.png DMF OMP OMP OMP 2 2 2 -
X icon.png CMF Zodiac Killer 2 6 2 -
Jp icon.png AMF Fumos 2 6 - -
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight 8 2 2 -
Fit icon.png SS Jeff Cavaliere 6 2 8 -
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain 20 2 12 -
I icon.png CF /i/rene 14 13 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly [2] [] [] -
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf 5 [11] 1 -
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla [2] [2] - -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - [3] [5] -
Int icon.png CMF Putin [2] - 6 -
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Vice-captain [13] [14] [14] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
Fit icon.png LB Scooby
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs
Fit icon.png RB Gigachad
Co icon.png DMF *expands inside thanos's ass*
Pol icon.png CMF Trump
Diy icon.png CMF Dumpster Diver
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight
Fit icon.png SS Jeff Cavaliere
Toy icon.png CF Woody Vice-captain
I icon.png CF /i/rene Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Int icon.png CMF Putin
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da

Team Banned for honking at Argie trannies on /co/

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET 4 -1 4 -
Pol icon.png CB The Bogdanoffs - -1 - -
Co icon.png CB Why Doesn't Batman Rape The Joker 0 - 1 -
Vg icon.png CB Connection Lost - 1 6 -
Int icon.png CB Polandball 5 - 1 -
Vp icon.png DMF OMP OMP OMP 2 2 2 -
His icon.png DMF Bismarck 2 2 2 -
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes 2 1 1 -
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) 2 2 2 -
Co icon.png CF Aku Vice-captain 7 10 2 -
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant Captain 18 4 28 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan [7] [] [] -
Lit icon.png LB Huge Orson Welles - -2 1 -
G icon.png CB Housefires 1 0 [0] -
C icon.png DMF Happy Birthday! [3] - - -
Int icon.png CMF Putin [2] - [6] -
K icon.png CF Moist Nugget [7] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
Pol icon.png CB The Bogdanoffs
Co icon.png CB Why Doesn't Batman Rape The Joker
Vg icon.png CB Connection Lost
Int icon.png CB Polandball
U icon.png DMF Doomyuri
Int icon.png AMF Xi Jinping
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews)))
Co icon.png CF Aku Vice-captain
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >Shitaly
Vg icon.png CB Thok, Master of Minigame
I icon.png RB No'body
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Int icon.png CMF Putin
K icon.png CF Moist Nugget

Team PES18 still sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooo

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 2 10 1 -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs 2 2 0 -
Vp icon.png CB Proud of its Power 1 -1 1 -
N icon.png CB 737 Max Impact - - -1 -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - -
N icon.png CMF Memebike 1 1 2 -
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love 13 4 6 -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc 6 2 3 -
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! 1 1 1 -
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Captain 26 28 28 -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 5 7 2 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All [0] [] [] -
Vg icon.png LB SAKURAAAAAAAI! 0 [1] [5] -
Gd icon.png RB Dodge Tool Crack Pipe - 6 - -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - 3 5 -
F icon.png AMF /f/lan - - [1] -
U icon.png CF Homucifer [19] [3] [2] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs
I icon.png LB Minus8
I icon.png CB No'Body
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Int icon.png CMF Putin
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc
Diy icon.png CMF Dumpster Diver
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Captain
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080
Diy icon.png RB /3dpg/
W icon.png DMF Miss Monochrome
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith
Toy icon.png CF Woody

Team: Some Bodies Gonna Get It

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved -1 3 -1 -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult 1 0 2 -
I icon.png CB Taking Requests 1 5 1 -
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer -1 6 2 -
Cm icon.png DMF Gerudo Sharkfucker 2 2 - -
Jp icon.png DMF Yua 2 2 2 -
Mlp icon.png CMF Princess Twilight 8 2 2 -
Int icon.png AMF Xi Jinping 3 4 2 -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave 8 - 1 -
Co icon.png CF Doom Vice-captain 2 17 14 -
Y icon.png CF Traps Captain 4 4 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All [0] [] [] -
G icon.png CB SICP [1] [1] [0] -
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low - - [0] -
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N [2] [1] - -
Co icon.png DMF Father Hulk - [6] - -
R9k icon.png CF Elliot Rodger [5] [14] [] -


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - 3 - -
Co icon.png LB Carlos! 0 1 6 -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult 1 0 2 -
S4s icon.png CB Dubs 2 -1 - -
Diy icon.png RB /3dpg/ 2 - 1 -
S4s icon.png DMF Flowre 2 - 2 -
Int icon.png CMF Putin 2 - 6 -
Mlp icon.png CMF HI ANON! 6 2 2 -
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) 2 2 2 -
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver Vice-captain 2 19 17 -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain 32 18 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly 2 [3] 6 -
G icon.png LB I use arch btw - [0] 2 -
G icon.png CB Housefires [1] 0 [0] -
Biz icon.png DMF BITCONNEEEEEEEEC [1] - - -
N icon.png CMF Memebike [1] 1 [2] -
Ck icon.png CF Perfect Coffee [6] [3] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves
Co icon.png LB Carlos!
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult
U icon.png CB Onee-sama
Diy icon.png RB /3dpg/
W icon.png DMF Tasteful Lewds
Int icon.png CMF Putin
Mlp icon.png CMF HI ANON!
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews)))
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver Vice-captain
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly
W icon.png LB C O M F Y
Pol icon.png CB >And Then, For No Reason At All...
K icon.png DMF Glocknade
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz

Team Reminder to submit Fantasy Football Teams. FC Club Team.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman 3 1 5 -
G icon.png CB Housefires 1 0 0 -
U icon.png CB Goggles - - 0 -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult 1 0 2 -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
Mlp icon.png CMF I Want To Cum In Dashie - 2 - -
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro - - - -
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight 8 2 2 -
Gd icon.png CF Glitch Art 6 2 6 -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain 19 3 2 -
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain 14 44 14 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves [1] [] [] -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs 2 [2] [0] -
H icon.png CB Blowjob Face [0] 4 [1] -
X icon.png CMF Zodiac Killer 2 6 2 -
B icon.png AMF Andy Sixx 1 - 0 -
R9k icon.png CF Elliot Rodger [5] [14] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Pol icon.png GK Stop Watching YouTube
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs
U icon.png CB Goggles
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Mlp icon.png CMF I Want To Cum In Dashie
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight
H icon.png SS Dangerous Day
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands
R9k icon.png CB Forever Alone
H icon.png CB Blowjob Face
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick
I icon.png AMF >What is /i/?
R9k icon.png CF Elliot Rodger

Acronym FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET 4 -1 4 -
Fit icon.png CB SS+GOMAD 1 0 0 -
G icon.png CB SICP 1 1 0 -
Biz icon.png CB HODL 1 - - -
S4s icon.png DMF BAVI - - - -
W icon.png DMF IMT 6 3 2 -
Vg icon.png CMF KMR - - 1 -
Aco icon.png AMF ENF 5 2 2 -
N icon.png AMF 90's Rigid MTB 2 6 2 -
I icon.png SS SS GF Captain 20 34 44 -
Lit icon.png SS DFW 2 1 2 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Pol icon.png GK JIDF CTR Tranny Discord Shill - [] [] -
Co icon.png LB T.O.M. [0] - - -
Co icon.png RB W.O.Y.A. - - - -
W icon.png DMF FOTM - - 2 -
G icon.png CMF *BSD - - - -
B icon.png SS #REKT Vice-captain [10] [13] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
Fit icon.png CB SS+GOMAD
Toy icon.png CB D10
Cm icon.png RB BDSM Cat
K icon.png DMF ATF
W icon.png DMF IMT
Vg icon.png CMF KMR
I icon.png AMF NSFW Dropthread
Toy icon.png CMF O.T Chainsaw
I icon.png SS SS GF Captain
R9k icon.png SS >tfw no gf Vice-captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pol icon.png GK JIDF CTR Tranny Discord Shill
Co icon.png LB T.O.M.
Co icon.png RB W.O.Y.A.
W icon.png DMF FOTM
Diy icon.png DMF /ohm/
I icon.png CF /i/rene

FC Young Boys and The Lolita Express: Or How I Learned to Love Yaoi; Formerly Chuck's FC of Anaheim

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda 2 8 3 -
K icon.png CB Is That a Famas -1 6 2 -
N icon.png CB 737 Max Impact - - -1 -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult 1 0 2 -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
F icon.png AMF High Tension Japanese Goburin 5 - 2 -
Aco icon.png AMF ENF 5 2 2 -
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni 2 8 2 -
His icon.png SS Charles II 6 6 2 -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 5 7 2 -
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Captain 26 28 28 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Sergey Saves [3] [5] [0] -
Wg icon.png CB Fucking Nobody 5 1 - -
Pol icon.png CB Yang Gang [1] [0] [2] -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - -
Mlp icon.png CMF I Want To Cum In Dashie - 2 - -
Ck icon.png CF Perfect Coffee [6] [3] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda
K icon.png CB Is That a Famas
H icon.png CB Oh Bother
Wg icon.png CB Fucking Nobody
Mlp icon.png CMF I Want To Cum In Dashie
I icon.png DMF Nikki
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni
Fit icon.png SS >that 30 year old boomer
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain
Vg icon.png CF Gogeta Da Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >Shitaly
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult
Pol icon.png CB Yang Gang
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Diy icon.png CF MacGyver

Manhattan Café FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

N icon.png GK Baconrider 1 - 1 -
Co icon.png LB Carlos! 0 1 6 -
Mlp icon.png CB Faust 2 - 1 -
K icon.png RB BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT - 6 - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
S4s icon.png CMF :^) - 1 - -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - -
Vp icon.png AMF Miror B. 5 2 6 -
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 2 1 -
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!! 14 6 2 -
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain 14 44 14 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda [2] 8 [3] -
Ck icon.png LB Do Americans Really Do This? - [5] - -
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils - 9 - -
Vp icon.png CMF Scot-chan 2 8 - -
U icon.png CMF Mahjong Games on Motorcycles - [4] 2 -
Ck icon.png CF Perfect Coffee Vice-captain [6] [3] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vg icon.png GK >Shitaly
Co icon.png LB Carlos!
Mlp icon.png CB Faust
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes
U icon.png LMF Purest Form Of Love
Co icon.png SS /co/lette
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!!
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda
Vg icon.png LB Horsecock
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils
Mlp icon.png CMF Friendship Was Magic
U icon.png CMF Mahjong Games on Motorcycles
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain

Team I should have made though on a better FF teamname by now, but I'm doing this instead

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Ck icon.png GK Cast Iron Skillet 0 - 2 -
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf 5 11 1 -
Ck icon.png CB Vegan Hate 0 5 - -
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla 2 2 - -
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - 4 0 -
G icon.png DMF Something Happened 2 - - -
Vp icon.png DMF OMP OMP OMP 2 2 2 -
Aco icon.png CMF Mexico-chan 7 2 6 -
F icon.png CMF Daily Dose Vice-captain 1 4 1 -
Vg icon.png SS Gogeta Da 13 14 14 -
Ck icon.png CF Perfect Coffee Captain 12 6 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan [7] 5 [] -
B icon.png CB Rule 34 0 [1] - -
His icon.png RB >&Humanities - [0] - -
H icon.png CMF Instant Defeat - - - -
Aco icon.png AMF Shantae [1] - - -
Int icon.png CF Gondola [14] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda
U icon.png LB How Two Girls Have Sex In A Tent
Pol icon.png CB The Bogdanoffs
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla
Co icon.png RB Carl Brutananadilewski
H icon.png DMF Liru
H icon.png CMF Instant defeat
I icon.png CMF Bait-chan
I icon.png CMF Nikki
Vg icon.png SS Gogeta Da Captain
Int icon.png CF Gondola Vice-captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read the fucking sticky
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf
Fit icon.png RB Gigachad
Toy icon.png DMF Sense of right
Wg icon.png CMF I am very sad
I icon.png CF SS GF

Team Ragu Crew

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan 7 5 0 -
Vg icon.png LB SAKURAAAAAAAI! 0 1 5 -
Gd icon.png CB Retro Revival 0 - - -
N icon.png CB Steel is Reel 8 -1 -1 -
Vp icon.png DMF OMP OMP OMP 2 2 2 -
Biz icon.png CMF Golden Pajeet 2 - 2 -
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick - - 6 -
N icon.png CMF Blimp Train 2 8 1 -
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 2 1 -
Gd icon.png SS Helvetica Now Captain 4 2 4 -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 5 7 2 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias Mandy [1] [] [] -
Vg icon.png LB Life - [1] 6 -
Vp icon.png RB Gary Motherfucking Oak - 1 [1] -
Gd icon.png DMF Fuck You Pay Me - - [2] -
Cm icon.png CMF Nendo Hoard 6 - - -
Cm icon.png CF Len-Kun!!! [14] [6] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami
U icon.png CB Onee-sama
Int icon.png RB Apu Apustaja
I icon.png DMF Mary-San
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love
Int icon.png SS Spurdo Spärde
Gd icon.png SS SS GF Vice-captain
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Int icon.png GK >Be American >Get Shot
Vg icon.png LB Life
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N
Cm icon.png CMF Nendo Hoard
Cm icon.png CF Len-Kun!!!

FC Come Alone When You Visit the Cherry Trees

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 2 10 1 -
U icon.png LB How Two Girls Have Sex - 5 0 -
Mlp icon.png CB Faust 2 - 1 -
H icon.png CB Oh Bother 0 5 1 -
H icon.png DMF Liru 11 3 2 -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
Mlp icon.png CMF Wow! Glimmer 2 - - -
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes 2 1 1 -
Co icon.png SS /co/lette 6 16 6 -
Co icon.png CF Aku Vice-captain 7 10 2 -
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain 14 44 14 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly [2] [] [] -
H icon.png LB Mind Break 1 9 - -
Cm icon.png CB >fujo's first husbando chart [1] [1] - -
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay - 6 1 -
Jp icon.png AMF Fumos 2 6 - -
I icon.png CF /i/rene [10] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami
U icon.png LB How Two Girls Have Sex
Mlp icon.png CB Faust
H icon.png CB Oh Bother
H icon.png DMF Liru
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Mlp icon.png CMF Wow! Glimmer
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes
Co icon.png SS /co/lette
Co icon.png CF Aku Vice-captain
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly
H icon.png LB Mind Break
Cm icon.png CB >fujo's first husbando chart
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay
Diy icon.png CMF Dumpster Diver
I icon.png CF /i/rene

Team Porn Folder

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vg icon.png GK >shitaly 2 3 6 -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage 0 - - -
Vg icon.png CB Clang 1 - - -
Ck icon.png RB >Beans in Chili - 7 - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
Pol icon.png AMF Matteo Salvini 2 - - -
Jp icon.png AMF Fumos 2 6 - -
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight 8 2 2 -
Y icon.png CF Gerudo Link 2 6 1 - -
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!! Vice-captain 14 6 2 -
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain 14 44 14 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080 - [] [] -
N icon.png LB Slam That Stem 0 - -1 -
W icon.png RB Phone Threads - - - -
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay - 6 1 -
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro - - - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer [19] [3] [2] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vg icon.png GK >shitaly
I icon.png LB Minus8
Vg icon.png CB Clang
Int icon.png RB Apu Apustaja
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
Pol icon.png AMF Matteo Salvini
Co icon.png AMF 40 Cakes
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight
Co icon.png SS /co/lette
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!! Vice-captain
Mlp icon.png CF Best Pony Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080
H icon.png LB Mind Break
W icon.png RB Phone Threads
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro
U icon.png CF Homucifer

Team "They will fuck your shit up" F.C.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Y icon.png GK Denied Pleasure - 1 2 - -
Diy icon.png CB Hornet Slayer 2 0 0 -
Toy icon.png CB Mechagodzilla 2 2 - -
K icon.png CB Navy Seal Pasta -1 - - -
F icon.png DMF Heap of Trouble - - - -
Co icon.png CMF Hope Corgi 1 2 2 -
His icon.png CMF Mongolian Horse Archer 1 1 1 -
Int icon.png AMF Xi Jinping 3 4 2 -
Lit icon.png AMF No Discernible Talent - 1 2 -
B icon.png CF #REKT Captain 20 26 16 -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Vice-captain 16 9 6 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Lit icon.png GK Action Camus - - [0] -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage [0] - - -
Vp icon.png RB Gary Motherfucking Oak - 1 1 -
Wg icon.png LMF Boss Nigger - 2 3 -
Toy icon.png RMF Rapedog 2 [2] - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer [2] [5] [] -

Wake Me Up When PES 18 Ends

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

F icon.png GK AnonymousD 0 10 2 -
W icon.png LB C O M F Y - - 1 -
W icon.png CB Retro 1 1 1 -
Vg icon.png RB AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs 0 - 5 -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - 3 5 -
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love 13 4 6 -
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick - - 8 -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc 6 2 3 -
Jp icon.png AMF Fumos 2 6 - -
F icon.png SS Da Hood Vice-captain 9 3 10 -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain 38 6 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan [7] [] [] -
C icon.png CB 从x~' u '~x从 4 - [-1] -
N icon.png CB Step 1: Ban Cars [0] -1 [-1] -
Toy icon.png LMF Danbo - - - -
Aco icon.png AMF Shantae 1 - - -
C icon.png CF Do It For Her [10] [2] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami
W icon.png LB C O M F Y
W icon.png CB Retro Papes
Vg icon.png RB AquaHomu, Breaker of Legs
I icon.png DMF Nikki
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc
H icon.png CMF License to Fuck
I icon.png SS SS GF Vice-captain
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands
Co icon.png LB Carlos!
Int icon.png CB Kara Boga
Toy icon.png CMF Danbo
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army
Int icon.png CF Gondola

Shortest Possible Team F.C.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mlp icon.png GK ^:) 2 - - -
Cm icon.png CB :3 1 0 1 -
Toy icon.png CB D10 - - 0 -
Biz icon.png CB HODL 1 - - -
Jp icon.png DMF Yua 2 2 2 -
K icon.png DMF ATF - - - -
W icon.png DMF IMT 6 3 2 -
Jp icon.png CMF sage 1 6 1 -
Aco icon.png AMF ENF 5 2 2 -
Lit icon.png SS DFW Vice-captain 2 1 2 -
Co icon.png CF Aku Captain 14 20 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
R9k icon.png GK NEET [4] -1 4 -
Aco icon.png CB RWBY [0] - 1 -
S4s icon.png CB Dubs 2 -1 - -
Vg icon.png CMF KMR - - 1 -
S4s icon.png CMF :^) - 1 - -
C icon.png SS Yui [2] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mlp icon.png GK ^:)
Cm icon.png CB :3
Toy icon.png CB D10
Vg icon.png LB Life
Vg icon.png CMF KMR
K icon.png DMF ATF
W icon.png DMF IMT
H icon.png DMF Liru
Int icon.png CMF Putin
Co icon.png CF Doom Vice-captain
Co icon.png CF Aku Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
R9k icon.png GK NEET
Co icon.png RB W.O.Y.A.
Wg icon.png LB mnml
Fit icon.png DMF Oatz
I icon.png DMF Nikki
Mlp icon.png CF >rape

Team it's loud so it's funny

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

B icon.png GK FUCKIN' SAVED -1 3 -1 -
F icon.png CB HAAAAAAAAAN~ - - 0 -
K icon.png RB BRRRRRRRRRTT Vice-captain - 6 - -
Biz icon.png DMF BITCONNEEEEEEEEC 1 - - -
Vp icon.png CMF WOW, IT'S FUCKING NOTHING 7 2 2 -
B icon.png CMF TROLLED 2 DEATH 5 2 7 -
F icon.png AMF WRRRRRRRRY - 5 - -
B icon.png SS #REKT 10 13 8 -
Biz icon.png SS AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Captain 4 6 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Fit icon.png GK READ THE FUCKING STICKY - - - -
Vg icon.png LB SAKURAAAAAAAI! 0 [1] 5 -
Int icon.png CB T-I-G-E-R-S - 5 1 -
Vp icon.png CMF OMP OMP OMP 2 2 2 -
Biz icon.png CMF OOOOOOOOOOHHHH - - - -
Co icon.png CF DOOM [2] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult
Vg icon.png CB WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS! Vice-captain
K icon.png RB BRRRRRRRRRTT Captain
Fit icon.png CMF You Have To Live It
Mlp icon.png CMF HI ANON!
Wg icon.png DMF Comfy
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N
U icon.png SS Befriending
Co icon.png CF Aku
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Int icon.png CB T-I-G-E-R-S
R9k icon.png DMF Devilish
U icon.png CMF Mahjong Games on Motorcycles
Co icon.png CF DOOM

Longest Possible Team F.C.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XVI - 0 - -
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude, How Big Is Your Monitor - 2 5 -
Pol icon.png CB >and then, for no reason at all... 2 - - -
Co icon.png CB Why Doesn't Batman Just Rape The Joker? 0 - 1 -
Lit icon.png CB Tolstoyevsky's War and Punishment 2 -1 - -
Lit icon.png CMF Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner 2 1 2 -
Co icon.png CMF DC's Own Brian Michael Bendis 1 - 1 -
Ck icon.png AMF Surly King of the Egg Fort 1 4 11 -
Fit icon.png SS >that 30 year old boomer 7 7 25 -
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain 2 23 26 -
His icon.png CF >Holy>Roman>Empire Captain 10 4 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Lit icon.png GK The Entire Western Canon 9 [1] - -
U icon.png LB Alien From Black Lizard Planet - 6 - -
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling 1 - 0 -
Co icon.png CMF *expands inside thanos' ass* - 6 - -
Aco icon.png AMF It's A Little Late For Brexit [2] [2] - -
Ck icon.png CF Fast Food Autism [5] [3] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Pol icon.png GK JIDF CTR Tranny Discord Shill
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude, How Big Is Your Monitor
Pol icon.png CB >and then, for no reason at all...
Co icon.png CB Why Doesn't Batman Just Rape The Joker?
K icon.png LB A Literal Fucking Gun Playing Soccer
U icon.png CMF Mahjong Games on Motorcycles
Co icon.png CMF DC's Own Brian Michael Bendis
R9k icon.png CMF KissHugHandholdEyeContact-Less Virgin
Fit icon.png SS >that 30 year old boomer
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky
U icon.png LB Alien From Black Lizard Planet
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling
Co icon.png CMF *expands inside thanos' ass*
K icon.png RMF That Shoulder Thing That Goes Up
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer

Team Pro Evolution Spaghetti 18

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET 4 -1 4 -
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf 5 11 1 -
Ck icon.png CB Vegan Hate 0 5 - -
G icon.png CB Housefires 1 0 0 -
Biz icon.png RB Nice Just Bought 100k - - 0 -
C icon.png DMF Cute Little Fang 3 - 2 -
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay - 6 1 -
G icon.png CMF No Time for Love 2 1 2 -
Co icon.png SS /co/lette 6 16 6 -
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant Vice-captain 9 2 14 -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain 32 18 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - [] [] -
Int icon.png CB Polandball 5 - 1 -
Gd icon.png CB Rate my Logo [0] 1 [0] -
Jp icon.png DMF Yua 2 2 [2] -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - -
Ck icon.png CF Perfect Coffee [6] [3] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png GK NEET
Int icon.png LB A Fucking Leaf
U icon.png CB Onee-sama
Diy icon.png CB Google it First
Pol icon.png RB Ben Garrison
Vg icon.png DMF Enuji
Cm icon.png CMF Anime Made Me Gay
H icon.png AMF Faceless Fatguy
Co icon.png SS /co/lette
Pol icon.png CF Brenton Tarrant Vice-captain
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves
Int icon.png CB Polandball
Wg icon.png CB Cybercunt
I icon.png DMF Nikki
U icon.png CMF Akkarin
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock

Team We Didn't Start the Fire

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

F icon.png GK AnonymousD 0 10 2 -
Biz icon.png LB Wagie 1 5 1 -
Pol icon.png CB The Bogdanoffs - -1 - -
His icon.png RB >&Humanities - 0 - -
I icon.png DMF Mary-san 1 3 2 -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - -
Co icon.png CMF 40 Cakes 2 1 1 -
H icon.png AMF Faceless Fatguy 8 8 8 -
Biz icon.png SS Sminem Vice-captain 6 3 2 -
Y icon.png CF Gerudo Link 2 6 1 - -
Pol icon.png CF Moonman Captain 12 14 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Pol icon.png GK Stop Watching YouTube [9] [] [2] -
Vp icon.png CB Proud Of Its Power 1 [-1] 1 -
Int icon.png CB Kara Boga 5 [7] - -
X icon.png CMF Zodiac Killer 2 6 2 -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape [16] [] [] -

The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman 3 1 5 -
Diy icon.png CB Soundproofing 1 0 0 -
Diy icon.png CB Google It First 1 0 0 -
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer -1 6 2 -
Gd icon.png CMF minimalism Vice-captain 2 2 2 -
X icon.png CMF Zodiac Killer 2 6 2 -
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris 7 2 8 -
N icon.png AMF 90's Rigid MTB 2 6 2 -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave 8 - 1 -
Y icon.png SS Spiderman 2 - 6 - -
His icon.png CF >Holy >Roman >Empire Captain 10 4 12 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves [1] [] [] -
Ck icon.png CB Vegan Hate [0] [5] - -
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man [-1] [5] - -
G icon.png DMF Something Happened [2] - - -
F icon.png AMF High Tension Japanese Goburin [5] - [2] -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman [1] [1] [] -


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Fit icon.png GK READ THE FUCKING STICKY - - - -
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man -1 5 - -
B icon.png CB Nerve Gas -1 1 -2 -
Diy icon.png CB Google It First 1 0 0 -
G icon.png DMF Something Happened 2 - - -
R9k icon.png DMF Wagecuck 2 - - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe 2 2 - -
F icon.png CMF Party Hard 2 4 1 -
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight 8 2 2 -
Biz icon.png SS AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Captain 4 6 12 -
Co icon.png CF DOOM 2 17 14 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
B icon.png GK FUCKIN' SAVED -1 3 -1 -
Vp icon.png CB PROUD OF ITS POWER [1] [-1] 1 -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo [0] [1] [0] -
Gd icon.png CMF Read The Sticky [1] 1 - -
Int icon.png CMF PROOFS? [7] - 1 -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Vice-captain [16] [] [] -
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

R9k icon.png CB Forever Alone
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult
Diy icon.png CB Google It First
Toy icon.png DMF You Knoe Who?
R9k icon.png DMF Wagecuck
Mlp icon.png CMF WOW! Glimmer!
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler
Mlp icon.png AMF Princess Twilight
I icon.png SS SS GF Captain
Co icon.png CF DOOM
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pol icon.png GK Stop Watching YouTube
H icon.png CB Oh Bother
Vg icon.png CB Connection Lost
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick
Int icon.png CMF PROOFS?
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Vice-captain

The longest team name in the 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup hosted on PES18 between 32 teams consisting of /gd/ /s4s/ /vg/ /mlp/ /ck/ /biz/ /pol/ /int/ /g/ /u/ /f/ /his/ /w/ /wg/ /b/ /i/ /c/ /jp/ /toy/ /cm/ /co/ /h/ /fit/ /diy/ /vp/ /r9k/ /aco/ /n/ /k/ /y/ /x/ and /lit/, and most definitely not /3/, consisting of the player with the longest team names that I could find in this cup, sorted by my actual chances of winning the tournament and also the likelihood of any of them starting, and most importantly, are long enough for a team that has a name as long as this 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup fantasy football team does, and as an addendum, if any team should so attempt to submit a longer team name, the creator of the 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup Fantasy Football has been given the right to extend this team name to be longer than the name of any rival teams that should attempt to do the same thing. This is not limited to modifying the name at any given point in the near future in way which still maintains the teams extensive and verbose identity, to whatever they wish, whether it be a long copypasta about being a sex slave for two bears, or if it's a single AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH because they were feeling pretty /biz/ today.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Int icon.png GK >be american >get shot 9 8 - -
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude, How Big Is Your Monitor - 2 5 -
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling 1 - 0 -
Co icon.png CB Why Doesn't Batman Just Rape The Joker? 0 - 1 -
Aco icon.png DMF It's A Little Late For Brexit 2 2 - -
Lit icon.png CMF Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner 2 1 2 -
F icon.png AMF High Tension Japanese Goburin 5 - 2 -
Ck icon.png AMF Surly King of the Egg Fort 1 4 11 -
N icon.png AMF 90s Rigid MTB 2 6 2 -
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Captain 4 46 26 -
His icon.png CF >Holy >Roman >Empire Vice-captain 5 2 6 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XVI - [] - -
Lit icon.png CB Tolstoyevsky's War and Punishment 2 -1 - -
Pol icon.png CB >and then, for no reason at all... [2] - - -
N icon.png DMF Your Bike Sucks, Fag [2] - - -
Mlp icon.png CMF I Want To Cum In Dashie - 2 - -
Lit icon.png CF Start With The Greeks [7] [1] [] -

Bet Rigtor Inc.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch Em All 1 3 0 -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage 0 - - -
Gd icon.png CB Retro Revival 0 - - -
N icon.png RB Old Steel 10 Speed 0 - -1 -
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick - - 6 -
H icon.png CMF License To Fuck 0 1 - -
Pol icon.png AMF Bolsonaro - - - -
H icon.png AMF Faceless Fatguy 8 8 8 -
Gd icon.png CF Glitch Art 6 2 6 -
N icon.png CF I Like Trains Vice-captain 2 11 2 -
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!! Captain 28 12 4 -
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK >shitaly [2] [] [] -
K icon.png LB Slavshit - 6 2 -
K icon.png RB BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT - 6 - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe 2 2 - -
F icon.png AMF /f/lan - - 1 -
X icon.png CF /x/-tan [1] [] [] -


  • /h/'s Faceless Fatguy was initially incorrectly listed as a silver player, while being gold. During group stages teams which listed him still received the points. However, during playoffs normal limitations will apply.



Team R1 R2 R3 Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total
Age of Sims Tycoon Source Total War Plus Pets VR : A Realm Reborn : Central Fiction : Empires : Extended Edition : Definitive Edition : Reloaded - Genesis Classics 38 78 37 0 0 0 0 153
Team >picking defenders from offensive teams >picking forwards from defensive teams 64 25 31 0 0 0 0 120
team I had no way to make a pun with the normies so heres this 33 57 18 0 0 0 0 108
Team western cartoons are cute and fun 40 27 45 0 0 0 0 112
It was merely /c/ 66 35 48 0 0 0 0 149
Team Banned for honking at Argie trannies on /co/ 43 18 50 0 0 0 0 111
Team PES18 still sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooo 57 61 48 0 0 0 0 166
Team: Some Bodies Gonna Get It 29 45 29 0 0 0 0 103
Team ZIGGERS 53 45 58 0 0 0 0 156
Team Reminder to submit Fantasy Football Teams. FC Club Team. 57 64 33 0 0 0 0 154
Acronym FC 42 46 59 0 0 0 0 147
FC Young Boys and The Lolita Express: Or How I Learned to Love Yaoi; Formerly Chuck's FC of Anaheim 56 68 44 0 0 0 0 168
Manhattan Café FC 40 87 33 0 0 0 0 160
Team I should have made though on a better FF teamname by now, but I'm doing this instead 44 55 38 0 0 0 0 137
Team Ragu Crew 38 27 28 0 0 0 0 93
FC Come Alone When You Visit the Cherry Trees 51 115 29 0 0 0 0 195
Team Porn Folder 45 80 25 0 0 0 0 150
Team "They will fuck your shit up" F.C. 46 49 35 0 0 0 0 130
Wake Me Up When PES 18 Ends 74 34 45 0 0 0 0 153
Shortest Possible Team F.C. 36 32 20 0 0 0 0 88
Team it's loud so it's funny 30 46 36 0 0 0 0 112
Longest Possible Team F.C. 37 52 83 0 0 0 0 172
Team Pro Evolution Spaghetti 18 69 61 43 0 0 0 0 173
Team We Didn't Start the Fire 40 55 32 0 0 0 0 127
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. 37 27 40 0 0 0 0 104
The longest team name in the 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup hosted on PES18 between 32 teams consisting of /gd/ /s4s/ /vg/ /mlp/ /ck/ /biz/ /pol/ /int/ /g/ /u/ /f/ /his/ /w/ /wg/ /b/ /i/ /c/ /jp/ /toy/ /cm/ /co/ /h/ /fit/ /diy/ /vp/ /r9k/ /aco/ /n/ /k/ /y/ /x/ and /lit/, and most definitely not /3/, consisting of the player with the longest team names that I could find in this cup, sorted by my actual chances of winning the tournament and also the likelihood of any of them starting, and most importantly, are long enough for a team that has a name as long as this 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup fantasy football team does, and as an addendum, if any team should so attempt to submit a longer team name, the creator of the 2019 4chan Summer Elite Cup Fantasy Football has been given the right to extend this team name to be longer than the name of any rival teams that should attempt to do the same thing. This is not limited to modifying the name at any given point in the near future in way which still maintains the teams extensive and verbose identity, to whatever they wish, whether it be a long copypasta about being a sex slave for two bears, or if it's a single AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH because they were feeling pretty /biz/ today. 33 73 55 0 0 0 0 161
Bet Rigtor Inc. 47 51 28 0 0 0 0 126

Board Stats

Team FF Points Final Rank Avg FF P/Game


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly two gold and two silver players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be either gold or silver without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver nor can golds or silvers fill in for non-medals. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listen above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.