2020 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football

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Revision as of 18:31, 28 July 2020 by North (talk | contribs) (Day 6)
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Individual Player Scores


A Team I Rolled With Glow in The Dark Dice

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy Em All - - 2 - 2
Out icon.png LB Pipe Smoking - - 1 - 1
C icon.png CB Poofy Poof 1 0 4 - 5
His icon.png CB Desicive Tang Victory - - 6 - 6
Adv icon.png RB Stop Resisting!!! 1 1 0 - 2
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei - 1 1 - 2
Pol icon.png CMF Doompaul 2 1 1 - 4
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Captain 18 24 12 - 54
Adv icon.png CF Femanon Vice-captain 12 14 1 - 27
Adv icon.png SS Wash Your Fucking Hands 2 13 7 - 22
Wg icon.png SS Helios 10 2 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - 2 - - 2
Cm icon.png LB Piggy On Ice -2 2 - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef 5 - - - 5
Asp icon.png LMF Krispen Wah 2 - - - 2
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy Em All - - - - 0
Out icon.png LB Pipe Smoking - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Poofy Poof - - - - 0
His icon.png CB Desicive Tang Victory - - - - 0
Adv icon.png RB Stop Resisting!!! - - - - 0
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Doompaul - - - - 0
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Captain - - - - 0
Adv icon.png CF Femanon Vice-captain - - - - 0
Adv icon.png SS Wash Your Fucking Hands - - - - 0
Wg icon.png SS Helios - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
Cm icon.png LB Piggy On Ice - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef - - - - 0
Asp icon.png LMF Krispen Wah - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - - - - 0

Accel World vs. Sword Art Online vs Predator Accent Core Plus R: Reloaded : PS1 Classics : Collectors Edition : Platinum : Undead & Undressed : The Corruption : Injection : A History of Violence : licence to kill : African Adventure: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch : Project Diva F 2nd

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
Wsg icon.png LB Why Are You Gay? - 0 2 - 2
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef 5 - - - 5
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - -3 - - -3
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Billy Herrington 2 2 2 - 6
U icon.png CMF Akkarin 1 - 2 - 3
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose 1 2 8 - 11
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain 14 8 8 - 30
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain 18 16 16 - 50
F icon.png SS THIS IS THE END 0 - 1 - 1
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - 2 - 2
H icon.png RB Delicious Flat Chest - 0 - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - 2 - - 2
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB Why Are You Gay? - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef - - - - 0
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - - - - 0
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Billy Herrington - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - - 0
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - - - - 0
F icon.png SS THIS IS THE END - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Delicious Flat Chest - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - - - - 0

Babby's first fantasy-team:

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

X icon.png GK Jesus Saves 7 - - - 7
Pol icon.png LB Assad - 1 - - 1
Int icon.png CB Amerimutt 0 - 1 - 1
Sp icon.png RB Ngubu 5 2 - - 7
Sp icon.png DMF THIS DOES NOT FOOKIN SLIP* 6 2 - - 8
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism 1 1 - - 2
S4s icon.png AMF ses 5 2 2 - 9
X icon.png AMF Succubus GF - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain 16 4 20 - 40
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock 2 13 1 - 16
X icon.png SS Goatman Vice-captain 10 13 7 - 30
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
D icon.png GK Giantess - - 3 - 3
Pol icon.png CB Kim Yo-Jong - - - - 0
Gd icon.png RB Lens Flare 0 2 2 - 4
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - - - - 0
Int icon.png SS Why Yes, How Could You Tell? - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
Pol icon.png LB Assad - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Amerimutt - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB Ngubu - - - - 0
Sp icon.png DMF THIS DOES NOT FOOKIN SLIP* - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF ses - - - - 0
X icon.png AMF Succubus GF - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock - - - - 0
X icon.png SS Goatman Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
D icon.png GK Giantess - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Kim Yo-Jong - - - - 0
Gd icon.png RB Lens Flare - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - - - - 0
Int icon.png SS Why Yes, How Could You Tell? - - - - 0

Boomercore FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
Adv icon.png CB 5 Inch Dick - - 1 - 1
H icon.png CB Titty Monster - - -2 - -2
Jp icon.png CB sage 2 0 - - 2
Ck icon.png RB Pink Himalayan Salt 0 1 - - 1
M icon.png CMF Shin Getter Robo 16 5 9 - 30
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) Vice-captain 3 1 - - 4
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler Captain 6 10 4 - 20
S4s icon.png AMF Topkek - - 5 - 5
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer 7 7 8 - 22
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese 9 13 10 - 32
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
Jp icon.png LB Autism - 0 2 - 2
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - 1 2 - 3
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 12 - 2 - 14
Pol icon.png CMF Doompaul - 1 - - 1
Toy icon.png CF Woody - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Adv icon.png CB 5 Inch Dick - - - - 0
H icon.png CB Titty Monster - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB sage - - - - 0
Ck icon.png RB Pink Himalayan Salt - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Shin Getter Robo - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) Vice-captain - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler Captain - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF Topkek - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - - - - 0
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
Jp icon.png LB Autism - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Doompaul - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CF Woody - - - - 0

Curren FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

D icon.png GK Giantess - - 3 - 3
D icon.png LB Slave To Her Cock 4 1 - - 5
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - 1 - - 1
U icon.png RB Big Aquarium Conspirancy - -2 - - -2
C icon.png DMF Kowai 1 - 1 - 2
C icon.png CMF Fluffy 2 2 3 - 7
H icon.png CMF License To Fuck 2 - 2 - 4
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love Vice-captain 16 2 16 - 34
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain 18 34 14 - 66
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock 2 13 1 - 16
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 - - 1
Ck icon.png CB >English Food 0 - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB Hoppy Hipster Piss 1 - 0 - 1
His icon.png CMF Mongolian Horse Archer - - - - 0
X icon.png AMF Succubus GF - - - - 0
Toy icon.png SS Madoka Titus - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

D icon.png GK Giantess - - - - 0
D icon.png LB Slave To Her Cock - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - - - - 0
U icon.png RB Big Aquarium Conspirancy - - - - 0
C icon.png DMF Kowai - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - - 0
H icon.png CMF License To Fuck - - - - 0
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love Vice-captain - - - - 0
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB >English Food - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB Hoppy Hipster Piss - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Mongolian Horse Archer - - - - 0
X icon.png AMF Succubus GF - - - - 0
Toy icon.png SS Madoka Titus - - - - 0

You Ever Hear The Tragedy of "Once Upon A Time There Was A Team Called Revenge of Team TICFTCoTNoTSoTLTITATWOTSoTIINILPSFUB: PbEGMADDASF: The Team Formally Addressed As "Team It Came From The Curse of The Night of The Squeakquel of The Living Team "In The Abyss There Was Only "Team Son of Team "If I'm Not In Last Place Someone Fucked Up Bad""": Presented By Epic Games, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, And So Forth": Presented by eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 And It Was Only Too Late Did I Notice That I Forgot To Capitalize The "b" In "PbEGMADDASF" And Now This Error Will Persist Forevermore"? I thought not.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Cm icon.png GK Trap Time Vice-captain -1 - 1 - 0
W icon.png LB Minimalist 6 3 1 - 10
Int icon.png CB Mimmi The Lion - -3 - - -3
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole 0 0 1 - 1
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews 5 6 - - 11
D icon.png RB Wall Of Hentai Quotes 6 1 - - 7
Adv icon.png DMF >>>/r9k/ 2 - - - 2
I icon.png DMF Nikki 2 15 7 - 24
Toy icon.png CMF O.T. Chainsaw 5 2 1 - 8
G icon.png AMF Terry A. Davis 2 13 2 - 17
Wg icon.png CF Ronald Raygun - - - - 0
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
F icon.png GK Kagura Umbrella Captain - 0 - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - 6 - 6
Out icon.png LB Geopooper - - - - 0
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf - 2 2 - 4
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - - 0
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Cm icon.png GK Trap Time Vice-captain - - - - 0
W icon.png LB Minimalist - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Mimmi The Lion - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews - - - - 0
D icon.png RB Wall Of Hentai Quotes - - - - 0
Adv icon.png DMF >>>/r9k/ - - - - 0
I icon.png DMF Nikki - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CMF O.T. Chainsaw - - - - 0
G icon.png AMF Terry A. Davis - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Ronald Raygun - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
F icon.png GK Kagura Umbrella Captain - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
Out icon.png LB Geopooper - - - - 0
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - - 0
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire - - - - 0

Did you know that platelets have an average lifespan of around eight days? This team is in no way related to that fact.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer 5 11 1 - 17
G icon.png LB iToddlers BTFO 1 1 0 - 2
Int icon.png CB Wh*te - - 2 - 2
C icon.png RB Nep Nep 1 -1 - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko 1 - - - 1
U icon.png CMF Akkarin 1 - 2 - 3
D icon.png AMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia 3 2 0 - 5
Jp icon.png AMF Klown Kunny Klassic 2 - - - 2
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain 20 18 18 - 56
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 10 2 - 14
Lit icon.png SS Lolita Wanted It Vice-captain 2 2 2 - 6
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
F icon.png LB High Tension Japanese Goburin - - - - 0
F icon.png RB /f/lan 0 - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - 5 - - 5
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - - - - 0
S4s icon.png SS Keksandra - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer - - - - 0
G icon.png LB iToddlers BTFO - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Wh*te - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Nep Nep - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Klown Kunny Klassic - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain - - - - 0
C icon.png SS No Lewding - - - - 0
Lit icon.png SS Lolita Wanted It Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
F icon.png LB High Tension Japanese Goburin - - - - 0
F icon.png RB /f/lan - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - - - - 0
S4s icon.png SS Keksandra - - - - 0

FC Animal Planet (definitely not /an/ planted team)

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Sp icon.png GK Da Burrs - - 1 - 1
Biz icon.png LB Whales 0 - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Mimmi The Lion - -3 - - -3
Wsg icon.png CB Gabe The Dog 0 -1 1 - 0
Wg icon.png RB Orgy Dog 5 - 0 - 5
Wsg icon.png DMF Fucking Legend - - 1 - 1
Biz icon.png CMF Bear Market Bobo Vice-captain 9 7 2 - 18
Sp icon.png CMF Perro Caca 6 7 - - 13
C icon.png AMF Awoo~ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning 8 2 10 - 20
Out icon.png CF Smokey The Bear Captain 24 18 20 - 62
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
I icon.png GK Reibear 1 - - - 1
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - 2 - 2
Out icon.png CB /out/ Duck 6 - 1 - 7
S4s icon.png LMF Flube 1 0 - - 1
Toy icon.png RMF Rapedog 12 - 1 - 13
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Sp icon.png GK Da Burrs - - - - 0
Biz icon.png LB Whales - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Mimmi The Lion - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Gabe The Dog - - - - 0
Wg icon.png RB Orgy Dog - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png DMF Fucking Legend - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CMF Bear Market Bobo Vice-captain - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CMF Perro Caca - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Awoo~ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - - - - 0
Out icon.png CF Smokey The Bear Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
I icon.png GK Reibear - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - - - 0
Out icon.png CB /out/ Duck - - - - 0
S4s icon.png LMF Flube - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RMF Rapedog - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Int icon.png GK >be American >get Shot 1 - - - 1
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke 5 - 6 - 11
G icon.png CB Give It Back Jamal - - 0 - 0
Pol icon.png CB Raz the CHAZ Chad - - 1 - 1
Int icon.png RB KARA BOGA - 1 - - 1
Int icon.png CMF Alberto Barbosa 2 2 2 - 6
Wsg icon.png CMF Big Man Tyrone Vice-captain 2 2 1 - 5
Vg icon.png LMF Nyagger 3 - - - 3
S4s icon.png RMF Gippo Dudee 1 0 - - 1
Pol icon.png CF Jogger 14 8 8 - 30
F icon.png SS DA HOOD Captain 4 4 4 - 12
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Pol icon.png GK Stop Watching Porn - 0 0 - 0
V icon.png CB JC Denton - -1 - - -1
Sp icon.png RB Ngubu 5 2 - - 7
Wg icon.png CMF Boss Nigger - - 12 - 12
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - 2 1 - 3
Adv icon.png SS Suicide - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Int icon.png GK >be American >get Shot - - - - 0
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - - - - 0
G icon.png CB Give It Back Jamal - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Raz the CHAZ Chad - - - - 0
Int icon.png RB KARA BOGA - - - - 0
Int icon.png CMF Alberto Barbosa - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Big Man Tyrone Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png LMF Nyagger - - - - 0
S4s icon.png RMF Gippo Dudee - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger - - - - 0
F icon.png SS DA HOOD Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pol icon.png GK Stop Watching Porn - - - - 0
V icon.png CB JC Denton - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB Ngubu - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CMF Boss Nigger - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - - - - 0
Adv icon.png SS Suicide - - - - 0

I Just Picked Some Players Without Giving It Much Thought

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

I icon.png GK Reibear 1 - 1 - 2
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - 1 6 - 7
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef 5 - - - 5
U icon.png RB Science Babies 1 - 7 - 8
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE 1 2 1 - 4
Toy icon.png LMF Danbo - 1 1 - 2
Biz icon.png RMF BBBRRRRRRRRR - 8 1 - 9
M icon.png AMF Scopedog 7 11 1 - 19
Diy icon.png CF Shipping Containers 11 2 10 - 23
V icon.png CF Sanic Vice-captain 2 11 8 - 21
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain 18 16 16 - 50
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
F icon.png GK Kagura Umbrella - 0 - - 0
I icon.png LB Remember Shi? 1 1 - - 2
G icon.png RB Mommy Lisa - - 1 - 1
H icon.png CMF Dangerous Day 2 - - - 2
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army 1 - - - 1
Ck icon.png SS Surly King of the Eggfort - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

I icon.png GK Reibear - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef - - - - 0
U icon.png RB Science Babies - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE - - - - 0
Toy icon.png LMF Danbo - - - - 0
Biz icon.png RMF BBBRRRRRRRRR - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - - - - 0
Diy icon.png CF Shipping Containers - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
F icon.png GK Kagura Umbrella - - - - 0
I icon.png LB Remember Shi? - - - - 0
G icon.png RB Mommy Lisa - - - - 0
H icon.png CMF Dangerous Day - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army - - - - 0
Ck icon.png SS Surly King of the Eggfort - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Wg icon.png GK Bliss 5 2 -1 - 6
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - 2 2 - 4
I icon.png CB Taking Requests 1 -1 2 - 2
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Mystery Of The Druids 1 2 2 - 5
Vg icon.png LMF Gogeta Da 2 7 2 - 11
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( 3 - 0 - 3
Vp icon.png AMF Citizen Snips Vice-captain 7 2 17 - 26
V icon.png CF Dante 10 5 2 - 17
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain 4 22 16 - 42
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. 2 2 12 - 16
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.ai - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB Zdzisław Beksiński 6 - - - 6
X icon.png CB This Man 6 0 2 - 8
I icon.png DMF NSFW Dropthread - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CMF Blobbos - 2 - - 2
Vg icon.png CF Bigley - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Wg icon.png GK Bliss - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - - - - 0
I icon.png CB Taking Requests - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Mystery Of The Druids - - - - 0
Vg icon.png LMF Gogeta Da - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( - - - - 0
Vp icon.png AMF Citizen Snips Vice-captain - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Dante - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain - - - - 0
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.ai - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB Zdzisław Beksiński - - - - 0
X icon.png CB This Man - - - - 0
I icon.png DMF NSFW Dropthread - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CMF Blobbos - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF Bigley - - - - 0

Team EVIL did nothing wrong

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer 5 11 1 - 17
Jp icon.png LB Corndog Tenshi 2 1 - - 3
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low 2 2 0 - 4
Sp icon.png CB APOLOGIZE - 1 2 - 3
Sp icon.png DMF THIS DOES NOT FOOKIN SLIP* 6 2 - - 8
U icon.png DMF Ernestaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 2 - - - 2
Ck icon.png AMF Deenz 2 2 0 - 4
M icon.png AMF Scopedog 7 11 1 - 19
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain 14 8 8 - 30
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE 2 10 8 - 20
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Captain 2 10 14 - 26
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
U icon.png LB Alien From Black Lizard Planet - - - - 0
M icon.png CB Space Battleship Yamato - - 2 - 2
Biz icon.png DMF Wagie - 2 2 - 4
Wsg icon.png DMF Fucking Legend - - 1 - 1
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer - - - - 0
Jp icon.png LB Corndog Tenshi - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB APOLOGIZE - - - - 0
Sp icon.png DMF THIS DOES NOT FOOKIN SLIP* - - - - 0
U icon.png DMF Ernestaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! - - - - 0
Ck icon.png AMF Deenz - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
U icon.png LB Alien From Black Lizard Planet - - - - 0
M icon.png CB Space Battleship Yamato - - - - 0
Biz icon.png DMF Wagie - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png DMF Fucking Legend - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - - - - 0

Team finna

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan 0 0 5 - 5
M icon.png LB Alphonse 2 1 - - 3
F icon.png CB HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~ -1 0 - - -1
H icon.png CB Leg Lock - 1 -1 - 0
U icon.png DMF Macarons 1 - 1 - 2
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito 1 2 1 - 4
F icon.png LMF Party Hard 1 2 2 - 5
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl 7 9 3 - 19
I icon.png AMF Maids 1 - 2 - 3
Asp icon.png CF KWAB Vice-captain 2 7 8 - 17
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain 20 18 18 - 56
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Yay! 1 - - - 1
Asp icon.png CB Jannetty - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
M icon.png LB Alphonse - - - - 0
H icon.png CB Leg Lock - - - - 0
U icon.png DMF Macarons - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito - - - - 0
F icon.png LMF Party Hard - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - - - - 0
I icon.png AMF Maids - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CF KWAB Vice-captain - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Yay! - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CB Jannetty - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - - - - 0

Team Giantess drawing cute art all over burning cities

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

D icon.png GK Giantess Vice-captain - - 6 - 6
Asp icon.png CB Jim Cucknette 1 - 1 - 2
Wsg icon.png CB VLC Glitch 0 - - - 0
H icon.png RB Delicious Flat Chest - 0 - - 0
C icon.png DMF Murder Puppy Captain - 4 - - 4
Cm icon.png CMF wtf im gransexual now?? 1 2 10 - 13
F icon.png LMF Party Hard 1 2 2 - 5
Vg icon.png RMF Sopdog - 3 - - 3
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ 10 5 2 - 17
H icon.png SS Lightsaber Dick 2 2 2 - 6
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese 9 13 10 - 32
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Pol icon.png GK Not An Argument - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Raz the CHAZ Chad - - 1 - 1
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews 5 6 - - 11
C icon.png CMF Kongou Desu - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RMF >webshop exclusive - - - - 0
Toy icon.png SS Madoka Titus - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

D icon.png GK Giantess Vice-captain - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CB Jim Cucknette - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB VLC Glitch - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Delicious Flat Chest - - - - 0
C icon.png DMF Murder Puppy Captain - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CMF wtf im gransexual now?? - - - - 0
F icon.png LMF Party Hard - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RMF Sopdog - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Get out of /jp/ - - - - 0
H icon.png SS Lightsaber Dick - - - - 0
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pol icon.png GK Not An Argument - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Raz the CHAZ Chad - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Kongou Desu - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RMF >webshop exclusive - - - - 0
Toy icon.png SS Madoka Titus - - - - 0

Team I don't know Jeff has there? I must have missed that. Is it a red card? I don't know, I don't know the rain must have got in my eyes

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman 2 -1 2 - 3
D icon.png CB Mindfuck 5 1 - - 6
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - 0 - - 0
I icon.png CB Got A Blog? - 1 - - 1
Ck icon.png CMF /ck/ Challenge 1 - 1 - 2
Wg icon.png CMF Holy Fuckin Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monitor 3 9 1 - 13
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Vice-captain 9 12 6 - 27
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain 10 18 2 - 30
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 10 2 - 14
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art 8 2 2 - 12
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CB >fujo's first husbando chart - - - - 0
Diy icon.png CB Google It First 6 - 1 - 7
Adv icon.png CMF Be A Man - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 - - 2 - 2
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Mindfuck - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - - - - 0
I icon.png CB Got A Blog? - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CMF /ck/ Challenge - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CMF Holy Fuckin Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monitor - - - - 0
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Vice-captain - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain - - - - 0
C icon.png SS No Lewding - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CB >fujo's first husbando chart - - - - 0
Diy icon.png CB Google It First - - - - 0
Adv icon.png CMF Be A Man - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gundam RX-78-2 - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Wg icon.png GK Bliss 5 2 -1 - 6
I icon.png LB /s4s/ Drawfriends 1 2 1 - 4
Cm icon.png CB Anime Made Me Gay -1 - 2 - 1
Wsg icon.png RB Look At Him Go! 1 0 2 - 3
Adv icon.png DMF >>>/r9k/ 2 - - - 2
Gd icon.png DMF >>>/wsr/ 8 2 2 - 12
S4s icon.png DMF Jack Ruselel 1 - 1 - 2
V icon.png AMF TLoU2 Edits 2 2 1 - 5
U icon.png RWF Befriending 5 2 8 - 15
S4s icon.png SS Keksandra Captain 36 14 16 - 66
Wg icon.png SS Helios Vice-captain 10 2 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - 2 1 - 3
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips? - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Wg icon.png GK Bliss - - - - 0
I icon.png LB /s4s/ Drawfriends - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CB Anime Made Me Gay - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png RB Look At Him Go! - - - - 0
Adv icon.png DMF >>>/r9k/ - - - - 0
Gd icon.png DMF >>>/wsr/ - - - - 0
S4s icon.png DMF Jack Ruselel - - - - 0
V icon.png AMF TLoU2 Edits - - - - 0
U icon.png RWF Befriending - - - - 0
S4s icon.png SS Keksandra Captain - - - - 0
Wg icon.png SS Helios Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - - - - 0
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips? - - - - 0

Team I love all types of Redheads, except pinkish types, because that's not a redhead anymore but a Pink and everyone knows that Pinks are shit, except Umbrella, she's a'ight I guess. Also Tenshin Ranman when?

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - 2 3 - 5
Gd icon.png LB Cracked - 5 2 - 7
Ck icon.png CB >English Food 0 - - - 0
Gd icon.png RB Lens Flare 0 2 2 - 4
Vg icon.png DMF Social Cues - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CMF Salty Umbrella 3 3 5 - 11
Toy icon.png LMF Kopaka 1 - - - 1
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army 1 2 2 - 5
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Vice-captain 8 2 10 - 20
V icon.png CF Dante 10 5 2 - 17
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain 4 22 16 - 42
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami 4 - - - 4
Fa icon.png LB This Party Sucks 2 - 1 - 3
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore - 8 - - 8
M icon.png DMF Megas XLR 2 - - - 2
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - 5 - - 5
Wsg icon.png CF To Be Continued - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
Gd icon.png LB Cracked - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB >English Food - - - - 0
Gd icon.png RB Lens Flare - - - - 0
Vg icon.png DMF Social Cues - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CMF Salty Umbrella - - - - 0
Toy icon.png LMF Kopaka - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Vice-captain - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Dante - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Fa icon.png LB This Party Sucks - - - - 0
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore - - - - 0
M icon.png DMF Megas XLR - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CF To Be Continued - - - - 0

Team I should be sleeping, but home office and a fucked up schedule don't allow me to, so I'm so doing this instead

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Ck icon.png GK Cast-Iron Skillet - - 2 - 2
H icon.png LB Incest -1 2 - - 1
C icon.png CB Cuties Of Yesterday - - - - 0
V icon.png CB No Fun Allowed - - 1 - 1
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Ck icon.png DMF Perfect Coffee Captain 4 4 16 - 24
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito 1 2 1 - 4
Ck icon.png CMF Fast Food Autism Vice-captain 8 2 2 - 12
Vg icon.png LMF Gogeta Da 2 7 2 - 11
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose 1 2 8 - 11
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH 14 9 7 - 30
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan 0 0 - - 0
Wg icon.png CB I Am Very Sad - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB El VAR Sinson - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CMF KANTOOOOOOOOO - - - - 0
V icon.png AMF TLoU2 Edits - - - - 0
Sp icon.png SS Punished Messi - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Ck icon.png GK Cast-Iron Skillet - - - - 0
H icon.png LB Incest - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Cuties Of Yesterday - - - - 0
V icon.png CB No Fun Allowed - - - - 0
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Ck icon.png DMF Perfect Coffee Captain - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CMF Fast Food Autism Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png LMF Gogeta Da - - - - 0
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB I Am Very Sad - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB El VAR Sinson - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CMF KANTOOOOOOOOO - - - - 0
V icon.png AMF TLoU2 Edits - - - - 0
Sp icon.png SS Punished Messi - - - - 0

Team Just Load The Entire Team With Offensive Players, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
M icon.png LB Alphonse 2 1 - - 3
Vg icon.png CB Famous Pedo Tendou Maya - 5 - - 5
M icon.png RB Tekkaman Blade 2 - 2 - 4
U icon.png CMF Mistress Baiser - 2 5 - 7
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns 2 2 1 - 5
W icon.png CMF Tasteful Lewds 3 1 0 - 4
Wg icon.png LMF Comfy 3 1 5 - 9
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain 7 6 12 - 25
Vg icon.png CF Bigley Captain 6 18 4 - 28
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan 2 11 2 - 15
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
I icon.png GK Reibear - - - - 0
V icon.png LB Senator Abbystrong - - 0 - 0
M icon.png RB Akaranger 2 0 - - 2
W icon.png CMF >>>/wg/ - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( 3 - - - 3
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
M icon.png LB Alphonse - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CB Famous Pedo Tendou Maya - - - - 0
M icon.png RB Tekkaman Blade - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Mistress Baiser - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Tasteful Lewds - - - - 0
Wg icon.png LMF Comfy - - - - 0
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF Bigley Captain - - - - 0
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
I icon.png GK Reibear - - - - 0
V icon.png LB Senator Abbystrong - - - - 0
M icon.png RB Akaranger - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF >>>/wg/ - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0

Team Karate Bugmen 2

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - 2 3 - 5
M icon.png LB Kamen Rider 1 Captain 4 2 4 - 10
Toy icon.png CB Nubs Destiny - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - 2 - 2
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
W icon.png DMF Eva Thread #444 3 - 0 - 3
Toy icon.png CMF Optimus Prime 2 1 2 - 5
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Scopedog 7 11 1 - 19
Toy icon.png CF Woody Vice-captain 11 14 7 - 32
Adv icon.png SS Suicide 13 8 17 - 38
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Asp icon.png GK That's The Wall, Brother - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man 0 1 1 - 2
Sp icon.png CB Marblelympics 5 - -2 - 3
V icon.png DMF Bing Bing Wahoo 2 1 5 - 8
Pol icon.png CMF Confederate Statue - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
M icon.png LB Kamen Rider 1 Captain - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CB Nubs Destiny - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - - - 0
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
W icon.png DMF Eva Thread #444 - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CMF Optimus Prime - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CF Woody Vice-captain - - - - 0
Adv icon.png SS Suicide - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Asp icon.png GK That's The Wall, Brother - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB Marblelympics - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Bing Bing Wahoo - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Confederate Statue - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0

Team mhuwsghudumddaspfhfwsgasp

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - 2 3 - 5
H icon.png LB Violated Heroine 1 - - - 1
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - -3 - - -3
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - 2 - 2
H icon.png DMF Translation Never - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine 2 - - - 2
D icon.png AMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia Vice-captain 3 2 0 - 5
M icon.png AMF Scopedog 7 11 1 - 19
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love 16 2 16 - 34
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative Captain 4 4 12 - 20
D icon.png SS Robutts 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant 9 - - - 9
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - 0 - - 0
H icon.png CB Leg Lock - 1 -1 - 0
F icon.png CMF Zone 2 0 - - 2
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CF KWAB - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
H icon.png LB Violated Heroine - - - - 0
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CB Dancing Coffin Niggas - - - - 0
H icon.png DMF Translation Never - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia Vice-captain - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - - - - 0
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love - - - - 0
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative Captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS Robutts - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - - - - 0
H icon.png CB Leg Lock - - - - 0
F icon.png CMF Zone - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CF KWAB - - - - 0

The Super Smith Brothers

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Wsg icon.png GK Deal With It 0 2 3 - 5
Wsg icon.png LB WTF Is This Real? 0 - 2 - 2
Biz icon.png CB OOOOOOO -1 - -1 - -2
H icon.png CB Fap Gauntlet 1 1 - - 2
V icon.png DMF Mystery Of The Druids 1 2 2 - 5
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito 1 2 1 - 4
U icon.png CMF Akkarin 1 - 2 - 3
Asp icon.png AMF Time to Lay the Tarps 1 2 2 - 5
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain 16 4 20 - 40
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 10 2 - 14
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Vice-captain 1 5 7 - 13
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - 2 2 - 4
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus - 1 - - 1
Biz icon.png RMF OOOOOOOH LINKIES - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Wsg icon.png GK Deal With It - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB WTF Is This Real? - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB OOOOOOO - - - - 0
H icon.png CB Fap Gauntlet - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Mystery Of The Druids - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CMF Kemonito - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - - 0
Asp icon.png AMF Time to Lay the Tarps - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - - - - 0
C icon.png SS No Lewding - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus - - - - 0
Biz icon.png RMF OOOOOOOH LINKIES - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic - - - - 0

VfL Dynamo A.S. Sparta R.S.C. TSG's University of Team 04 FC KV United B.C. Tech of Anaheim

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Biz icon.png GK Sergey Of Nazareth - 5 - - 5
Fa icon.png LB Gentlemen, - 2 1 - 3
Vp icon.png CB Proud Of Its Power -1 - - - -1
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore 1 8 0 - 9
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE 1 2 1 - 4
Wsg icon.png CMF Multi-track Listening 1 1 - - 2
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl 7 9 3 - 19
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism 1 1 - - 2
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Vice-captain 14 9 7 - 30
Fa icon.png CF Tricky Ricky Captain 4 38 4 - 46
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Sp icon.png GK Da Burrs - - 1 - 1
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - 1 6 - 7
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - 3 - 3
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Biz icon.png GK Sergey Of Nazareth - - - - 0
Fa icon.png LB Gentlemen, - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CB Proud Of Its Power - - - - 0
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Multi-track Listening - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Vice-captain - - - - 0
Fa icon.png CF Tricky Ricky Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Sp icon.png GK Da Burrs - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
F icon.png RB Billy Herrington - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0

Weebshit United - Summer edition

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan 0 0 5 - 5
U icon.png LB How Two Girls Have Sex In A Tent 2 - - - 2
Jp icon.png CB sage 2 0 - - 2
M icon.png RB M.D. Geist - 1 2 - 3
Vp icon.png DMF Omp Omp Omp - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Kongou Desu - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Japanese Bird 5 2 1 - 8
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain 20 18 18 - 56
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE Vice-captain 2 10 8 - 20
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese 9 13 10 - 32
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Smugs 1 - 6 - 7
F icon.png RB /f/lan - - - - 0
Cm icon.png DMF Please Bang My OC - 2 1 - 3
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - 5 - - 5
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
U icon.png LB How Two Girls Have Sex In A Tent - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB sage - - - - 0
M icon.png RB M.D. Geist - - - - 0
Vp icon.png DMF Omp Omp Omp - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Kongou Desu - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Japanese Bird - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE Vice-captain - - - - 0
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Smugs - - - - 0
F icon.png RB /f/lan - - - - 0
Cm icon.png DMF Please Bang My OC - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Demon Dork - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0

Wheel Decide has chosen players for the roster of this 4chan Cup Fantasy Football team. Thank you for fucking 3 setup men and 1 (ONE) goal scorer. I must believe these wingforwards will not be an ultimate meme in this cup.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

D icon.png GK Tentacles 6 3 - - 9
Asp icon.png CB Lyricchad 1 1 - - 2
Int icon.png CB Ebony Queens 1 - - - 1
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? 1 1 6 - 8
Cm icon.png DMF Iwatobi Rim Club 1 2 - - 3
S4s icon.png LMF :^) 1 2 - - 3
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love Vice-captain 32 4 16 - 52
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire 2 7 10 - 19
U icon.png LWF Feito-chan 2 9 7 - 18
V icon.png SS loss.jpg 8 5 8 - 21
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Out icon.png GK Uncle Ted Captain - - 2 - 2
Out icon.png CB >trailnames - - 2 - 2
I icon.png RB No'body - 1 2 - 3
Toy icon.png DMF Red Motor - - 1 - 1
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

D icon.png GK Tentacles - - - - 0
Asp icon.png CB Lyricchad - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Ebony Queens - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? - - - - 0
Cm icon.png DMF Iwatobi Rim Club - - - - 0
S4s icon.png LMF :^) - - - - 0
U icon.png AMF Purest Form Of Love Vice-captain - - - - 0
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire - - - - 0
U icon.png LWF Feito-chan - - - - 0
V icon.png SS loss.jpg - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Out icon.png GK Uncle Ted Captain - - - - 0
Out icon.png CB >trailnames - - - - 0
I icon.png RB No'body - - - - 0
Toy icon.png DMF Red Motor - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan - - - - 0

When does /a/ play?

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda 0 1 - - 1
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - 1 6 - 7
Cm icon.png CB Anime Made Me Gay -1 - 2 - 1
D icon.png RB Bodyswap - 2 1 - 3
H icon.png DMF Translation Never - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin 1 - 2 - 3
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns 2 2 1 - 5
H icon.png AMF Liru 2 9 7 - 18
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa Vice-captain 1 9 14 - 24
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain 20 18 18 - 56
C icon.png SS No Lewding 2 10 2 - 14
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - 5 - 5
Jp icon.png CB Take it easy! - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Tasteful Lewds 3 1 0 - 4
U icon.png RWF Befriending - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CB Anime Made Me Gay - - - - 0
D icon.png RB Bodyswap - - - - 0
H icon.png DMF Translation Never - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns - - - - 0
H icon.png AMF Liru - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa Vice-captain - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain - - - - 0
C icon.png SS No Lewding - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB Take it easy! - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Sachiko - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Tasteful Lewds - - - - 0
U icon.png RWF Befriending - - - - 0

FC ベニス

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

S4s icon.png GK #fortune - 3 - - 3
Int icon.png CB Wh*te - - 2 - 2
Wg icon.png CB I Am Very Sad - - - - 0
G icon.png RB Something Happened 0 0 0 - 0
Vg icon.png CMF Salty Umbrella 3 3 5 - 11
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - 2 1 - 3
S4s icon.png AMF Topkek - - 5 - 5
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa 1 9 14 - 24
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain 16 4 20 - 40
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative Vice-captain 2 2 6 - 10
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami 4 - 1 - 5
Vp icon.png LB Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak 0 0 1 - 1
W icon.png CB FOTM - - - - 0
Ck icon.png AMF Deenz 2 2 - - 4
Lit icon.png AMF Pure Ideology 1 0 1 - 2
V icon.png SS loss.jpg - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

S4s icon.png GK #fortune - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Wh*te - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB I Am Very Sad - - - - 0
G icon.png RB Something Happened - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CMF Salty Umbrella - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - - - - 0
S4s icon.png AMF Topkek - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Vp icon.png LB Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak - - - - 0
W icon.png CB FOTM - - - - 0
Ck icon.png AMF Deenz - - - - 0
Lit icon.png AMF Pure Ideology - - - - 0
V icon.png SS loss.jpg - - - - 0

Team There's no reason to be upset, everything's fine now. Things are gonna be okay.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.jpg - - - - 0
Wg icon.png LB Hey /wg/ It's My Birthday - 1 1 - 2
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - - - - 0
I icon.png RB No'body - 1 2 - 3
Wsg icon.png DMF Sensible Chuckle 2 1 - - 3
His icon.png CMF Gaius & Aulus 1 16 14 - 31
Vg icon.png LMF Niko a Cute - 3 2 - 5
Vg icon.png RMF King Harlaus 2 2 1 - 5
Wsg icon.png AMF Duane 0 7 11 - 18
Int icon.png SS Gondola Captain 4 20 18 - 42
Wg icon.png SS Helios 10 2 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
F icon.png GK Lord Fulp -1 - - - -1
Out icon.png LB Pipe Smoking - - 1 - 1
V icon.png RB Ffffriday Night - - - - 0
Diy icon.png LMF Kitchen Toilet - - - - 0
S4s icon.png RMF [s4s] Albums 0 - - - 0
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.jpg - - - - 0
Wg icon.png LB Hey /wg/ It's My Birthday - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - - - - 0
I icon.png RB No'body - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png DMF Sensible Chuckle - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Gaius & Aulus - - - - 0
Vg icon.png LMF Niko a Cute - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RMF King Harlaus - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png AMF Duane - - - - 0
Int icon.png SS Gondola Captain - - - - 0
Wg icon.png SS Helios - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
F icon.png GK Lord Fulp - - - - 0
Out icon.png LB Pipe Smoking - - - - 0
V icon.png RB Ffffriday Night - - - - 0
Diy icon.png LMF Kitchen Toilet - - - - 0
S4s icon.png RMF [s4s] Albums - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos Vice-captain - - - - 0

The Cup Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Be Autistic F.C.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
I icon.png CB Got A Blog? - 1 - - 1
Lit icon.png CB Yuki-kun ^~^ 1 - 0 - 1
Sp icon.png CB Marblelympics 5 - -2 - 3
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - -3 - - -3
Vp icon.png CMF KANTOOOOOOOOO 2 1 2 - 5
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni 1 7 2 - 10
Diy icon.png CF Shipping Containers 11 2 10 - 23
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain 4 22 16 - 42
X icon.png CF /x/-tan Vice-captain 2 8 2 - 12
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Egg Laying - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB mnml - 9 - - 9
M icon.png CMF Gridman - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Cute Girls In Shapes - - 1 - 1
C icon.png CF Do It For Her - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
I icon.png CB Got A Blog? - - - - 0
Lit icon.png CB Yuki-kun ^~^ - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB Marblelympics - - - - 0
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CMF KANTOOOOOOOOO - - - - 0
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni - - - - 0
Diy icon.png CF Shipping Containers - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Sanic Captain - - - - 0
X icon.png CF /x/-tan Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Egg Laying - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB mnml - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Gridman - - - - 0
W icon.png CMF Cute Girls In Shapes - - - - 0
C icon.png CF Do It For Her - - - - 0

This Team has No Theme

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
Wsg icon.png LB Why Are You Gay? - 0 2 - 2
M icon.png CB Daitarn 3 1 - - - 1
D icon.png RB Genderswap 4 - -1 - 3
H icon.png CMF Thinking Man's Fetish - 2 2 - 4
S4s icon.png RMF Gippo Dudee 1 0 - - 1
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding 3 2 5 - 10
I icon.png AMF Maids 1 - 2 - 3
I icon.png CF /i/rene Captain 38 14 28 - 80
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art 8 2 2 - 12
H icon.png SS Lightsaber Dick 2 2 2 - 6
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer - - - - 0
X icon.png CB Lost Media 5 1 - - 6
Vp icon.png RB Tentaquil - 1 1 - 2
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism 1 1 - - 2
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Vice-captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS MOM! - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB Why Are You Gay? - - - - 0
M icon.png CB Daitarn 3 - - - - 0
D icon.png RB Genderswap - - - - 0
H icon.png CMF Thinking Man's Fetish - - - - 0
S4s icon.png RMF Gippo Dudee - - - - 0
D icon.png AMF H*nd H*lding - - - - 0
I icon.png AMF Maids - - - - 0
I icon.png CF /i/rene Captain - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art - - - - 0
H icon.png SS Lightsaber Dick - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer - - - - 0
X icon.png CB Lost Media - - - - 0
Vp icon.png RB Tentaquil - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - - - - 0
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Vice-captain - - - - 0
D icon.png SS MOM! - - - - 0

A Side: It's too late to be sad in the 90s B Side: Hopper's Drop

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

X icon.png GK Jesus Saves 7 - - - 7
Fa icon.png LB Gentlemen, - 2 1 - 3
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness 4 - 1 - 5
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore 1 8 0 - 9
X icon.png DMF Rippen Through - - 1 - 1
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei - 1 1 - 2
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE 1 2 1 - 4
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni 1 7 2 - 10
Fa icon.png CF Sleazecore 2 13 2 - 17
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Vice-captain 10 9 9 - 28
Sp icon.png SS Punished Messi Captain 44 34 46 - 124
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
His icon.png GK 9th Battle Of The Isonzo - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB Please Watch Our League - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Str Vs Dex - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - - - 0
Lit icon.png SS DFW - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
Fa icon.png LB Gentlemen, - - - - 0
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness - - - - 0
Fa icon.png RB SEXcore - - - - 0
X icon.png DMF Rippen Through - - - - 0
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CMF >HE DOES IT FOR FREE - - - - 0
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni - - - - 0
Fa icon.png CF Sleazecore - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Vice-captain - - - - 0
Sp icon.png SS Punished Messi Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
His icon.png GK 9th Battle Of The Isonzo - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB Please Watch Our League - - - - 0
V icon.png DMF Str Vs Dex - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - - - 0
Lit icon.png SS DFW - - - - 0

Team And now after some thinking, Id say Id rather be a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

S4s icon.png GK Walruse -1 - 0 - -1
Wsg icon.png LB WTF Is This Real? Captain 0 - 4 - 4
Cm icon.png CB Thanks, Hiro! - 2 - - 2
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole 0 0 1 - 1
S4s icon.png CB Yosho - - - - 0
X icon.png CMF >be me >be alone - - 2 - 2
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose 1 2 8 - 11
X icon.png AMF The Grey 3 7 10 - 20
C icon.png SS Yui 11 8 14 - 33
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave Vice-captain - 4 - - 4
Wg icon.png SS Helios 10 2 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - 6 - 6
Gd icon.png LB Random Album Art Thread 0 - - - 0
Lit icon.png CMF my diary desu - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Ronald Raygun - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

S4s icon.png GK Walruse - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB WTF Is This Real? Captain - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CB Thanks, Hiro! - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB Yosho - - - - 0
X icon.png CMF >be me >be alone - - - - 0
F icon.png RMF Daily Dose - - - - 0
X icon.png AMF The Grey - - - - 0
C icon.png SS Yui - - - - 0
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave Vice-captain - - - - 0
Wg icon.png SS Helios - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - - - 0
Gd icon.png LB Random Album Art Thread - - - - 0
Lit icon.png CMF my diary desu - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Ronald Raygun - - - - 0

Team fuck you, I will leak /myteam/'s tests! We're gonna run poss/long/wide/flex 10 all-out/wide/conservative 10 3 running a 2-4-4 formation for all three matches in summer because I have like 3 whole wins in testing against /3/'s minimum stats pkuns that were running the same stuff. It's totally foolproof, we're gonna go on a perfect run with it and if I somehow manage to win by any less than 3 goals in any match in summer I'm gonna retire out of sheer embarrasment. Cap this post.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

W icon.png GK 1920x1080 5 -1 0 - 4
His icon.png LB Maoist Worst Nightmare - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Golden Bullrun - 1 - - 1
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? 1 1 6 - 8
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf 1 2 2 - 5
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith 2 - - - 2
Gd icon.png CMF Just Rip Something Off - 0 2 - 2
Pol icon.png CMF Corona-chan 3 5 10 - 18
H icon.png AMF Liru 2 9 7 - 18
Wsg icon.png CF To Be Continued Vice-captain 1 9 2 - 12
F icon.png SS DA HOOD Captain 4 4 4 - 12
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole 0 - 1 - 1
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews 5 6 - - 11
D icon.png DMF Succubus 1 1 - - 2
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - 3 - 3
U icon.png CF Homucifer - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

W icon.png GK 1920x1080 - - - - 0
His icon.png LB Maoist Worst Nightmare - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Golden Bullrun - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? - - - - 0
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf - - - - 0
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CMF Just Rip Something Off - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Corona-chan - - - - 0
H icon.png AMF Liru - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CF To Be Continued Vice-captain - - - - 0
F icon.png SS DA HOOD Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
M icon.png GK Godmars - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB I Failed Life Lole - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CB Giant Man Eating Jews - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - - - 0
U icon.png CF Homucifer - - - - 0

Team History is a cycle and the Reaper has come for his due

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy Em All - - 2 - 2
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef 5 - - - 5
V icon.png CB He's In -1 0 0 - -1
Vp icon.png CB Trumpets - 1 - - 1
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - 3 - 3
His icon.png CMF Carthago Delenda Est - 1 - - 1
Pol icon.png CMF Corona-chan 3 5 10 - 18
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl 7 9 3 - 19
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Captain 28 16 16 - 60
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 9 8 8 - 25
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 - - 1
U icon.png LB I'm Yuu But Stronger - - 3 - 3
U icon.png CB Goggles 0 0 1 - 1
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf 1 2 2 - 5
V icon.png CMF Todd Howard - - - - 0
F icon.png SS THIS IS THE END - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy Em All - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Epstein Didn't Kill Himslef - - - - 0
V icon.png CB He's In - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CB Trumpets - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Alexios, I Have Come To Collect - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Carthago Delenda Est - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Corona-chan - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Witchy Activities - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Captain - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
U icon.png LB I'm Yuu But Stronger - - - - 0
U icon.png CB Goggles - - - - 0
Fa icon.png DMF Shia Labeouf - - - - 0
V icon.png CMF Todd Howard - - - - 0
F icon.png SS THIS IS THE END - - - - 0

Minaru Kamui FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - 6 - 6
D icon.png CB Mindfuck 5 1 - - 6
H icon.png CB Titty Monster - - -2 - -2
Cm icon.png CMF My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized - 2 1 - 3
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine 2 - - - 2
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl 7 9 3 - 19
H icon.png AMF Liru 2 9 7 - 18
I icon.png AMF Maids 1 - 2 - 3
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain 18 34 14 - 66
I icon.png CF /i/rene Vice-captain 19 7 14 - 40
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Succubus (male) 5 2 - - 7
U icon.png CB But We're Both Girls - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus - 1 1 - 2
I icon.png AMF Mary-san 9 - - - 9
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Mindfuck - - - - 0
H icon.png CB Titty Monster - - - - 0
Cm icon.png CMF My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine - - - - 0
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - - - - 0
H icon.png AMF Liru - - - - 0
I icon.png AMF Maids - - - - 0
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain - - - - 0
I icon.png CF /i/rene Vice-captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Succubus (male) - - - - 0
U icon.png CB But We're Both Girls - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus - - - - 0
I icon.png AMF Mary-san - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png SS Ricardo Milos - - - - 0

I'm doubling all Rigbux payments sent to my address. Only going on for 3 weeks. RGX address: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/User:Prow

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
Vp icon.png LB Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak 0 0 1 - 1
U icon.png CB Onee-sama 2 -2 0 - 0
I icon.png RB No'body - 1 2 - 3
C icon.png CMF Fluffy 2 2 3 - 7
Gd icon.png AMF Golden Ratio 2 - - - 2
H icon.png AMF Liru 2 9 7 - 18
Lit icon.png AMF René Guénon (PBUH) 2 - - - 2
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain 20 18 18 - 56
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain 14 8 8 - 30
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE 2 10 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
Vp icon.png LB MISTA MERRIKU - - - - 0
I icon.png RB Beardanon 2 - - - 2
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - 1 - - 1
Lit icon.png AMF Pure Ideology - 0 1 - 1
V icon.png CF Dante - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
Vp icon.png LB Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak - - - - 0
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - - - - 0
I icon.png RB No'body - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Golden Ratio - - - - 0
H icon.png AMF Liru - - - - 0
Lit icon.png AMF René Guénon (PBUH) - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Cirno Captain - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Jogger Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - - - 0
Vp icon.png LB MISTA MERRIKU - - - - 0
I icon.png RB Beardanon - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - - - - 0
Lit icon.png AMF Pure Ideology - - - - 0
V icon.png CF Dante - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami 4 -3 1 - 2
X icon.png LB Creepypasta 6 1 2 - 9
C icon.png CB Cuties Of Yesterday - - - - 0
Wg icon.png RB Original Content - 0 - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy 2 2 3 - 7
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) 3 1 - - 4
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris 2 2 6 - 10
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire Vice-captain 2 7 10 - 19
Pol icon.png CF Moonman Captain 20 16 26 - 62
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE 2 10 8 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Sergey Of Nazareth - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low 2 - 0 - 2
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - 2 2 - 4
Wsg icon.png CMF Pumped Up Kicks - 1 - - 1
X icon.png CMF >be me >be alone - - 2 - 2
Biz icon.png CF Sminem - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

U icon.png GK Madokami - - - - 0
X icon.png LB Creepypasta - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Cuties Of Yesterday - - - - 0
Wg icon.png RB Original Content - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF (((Jews))) - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64 - - - - 0
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris - - - - 0
His icon.png CF >holy>roman>empire Vice-captain - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Moonman Captain - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF DUCE DUCE DUCE - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Biz icon.png GK Sergey Of Nazareth - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Buy High Sell Low - - - - 0
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CMF Pumped Up Kicks - - - - 0
X icon.png CMF >be me >be alone - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF Sminem - - - - 0

I have no idea for VeRy FuNny name.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer 5 11 1 - 17
Jp icon.png LB Corndog Tenshi 2 1 - - 3
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - 2 - 2
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? 1 1 6 - 8
M icon.png DMF Gunbuster - 2 - - 2
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler 3 5 2 - 10
Jp icon.png AMF Klown Kunny Klassic 2 - - - 2
I icon.png CF /i/rene Vice-captain 19 7 14 - 40
Pol icon.png CF Moonman 10 8 13 - 31
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock Captain 4 26 2 - 32
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Wg icon.png GK Bliss - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - 1 - - 1
V icon.png CB No Fun Allowed - - 1 - 1
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - 2 - 2
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism 1 1 - - 2
Out icon.png SS Anon's Happy Floote - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vg icon.png GK 1CC Killer - - - - 0
Jp icon.png LB Corndog Tenshi - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB (´・ω・`) - - - - 0
W icon.png CB Yotsuba Sticky - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Why Do You Love Mami-san? - - - - 0
M icon.png DMF Gunbuster - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CMF Hitler - - - - 0
Jp icon.png AMF Klown Kunny Klassic - - - - 0
I icon.png CF /i/rene Vice-captain - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CF Moonman - - - - 0
D icon.png SS No Cock Like Horsecock Captain - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Wg icon.png GK Bliss - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - - - - 0
V icon.png CB No Fun Allowed - - - - 0
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - - - - 0
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - - - - 0
Out icon.png SS Anon's Happy Floote - - - - 0



Team R1 R2 R3 R4 (N/A) Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total
A Team I Rolled With Glow in The Dark Dice 51 60 43 0 0 0 0 0 154
Accel World vs. Sword Art Online vs Predator Accent Core Plus R: Reloaded : PS1 Classics : Collectors Edition : Platinum : Undead & Undressed : The Corruption : Injection : A History of Violence : licence to kill : African Adventure: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch : Project Diva F 2nd 45 24 42 0 0 0 0 0 111
Babby's first fantasy-team: 52 40 36 0 0 0 0 0 128
Boomercore FC 59 36 42 0 0 0 0 0 137
Curren FC 52 55 54 0 0 0 0 0 161
You Ever Hear The Tragedy of "Once Upon A Time There Was A Team Called Revenge of Team TICFTCoTNoTSoTLTITATWOTSoTIINILPSFUB: PbEGMADDASF: The Team Formally Addressed As "Team It Came From The Curse of The Night of The Squeakquel of The Living Team "In The Abyss There Was Only "Team Son of Team "If I'm Not In Last Place Someone Fucked Up Bad""": Presented By Epic Games, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, And So Forth": Presented by eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 And It Was Only Too Late Did I Notice That I Forgot To Capitalize The "b" In "PbEGMADDASF" And Now This Error Will Persist Forevermore"? I thought not. 27 39 21 0 0 0 0 0 87
Did you know that platelets have an average lifespan of around eight days? This team is in no way related to that fact. 38 48 27 0 0 0 0 0 113
FC Animal Planet (definitely not /an/ planted team) 72 30 39 0 0 0 0 0 141
FC WE WUZ KANGZ 37 20 35 0 0 0 0 0 92
I Just Picked Some Players Without Giving It Much Thought 50 53 53 0 0 0 0 0 156
Team EVIL did nothing wrong 44 60 39 0 0 0 0 0 143
Team finna 35 40 39 0 0 0 0 0 114
Team Giantess drawing cute art all over burning cities 29 37 34 0 0 0 0 0 100
Team I don't know Jeff has there? I must have missed that. Is it a red card? I don't know, I don't know the rain must have got in my eyes 48 54 19 0 0 0 0 0 121
Team I love all types of Redheads, except pinkish types, because that's not a redhead anymore but a Pink and everyone knows that Pinks are shit, except Umbrella, she's a'ight I guess. Also Tenshin Ranman when? 35 56 43 0 0 0 0 0 134
Team I should be sleeping, but home office and a fucked up schedule don't allow me to, so I'm so doing this instead 29 28 39 0 0 0 0 0 96
Team Just Load The Entire Team With Offensive Players, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 36 44 32 0 0 0 0 0 112
Team Karate Bugmen 2 47 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 127
Team mhuwsghudumddaspfhfwsgasp 46 19 33 0 0 0 0 0 98
The Super Smith Brothers 23 31 42 0 0 0 0 0 96
VfL Dynamo A.S. Sparta R.S.C. TSG's University of Team 04 FC KV United B.C. Tech of Anaheim 30 83 40 0 0 0 0 0 153
Weebshit United - Summer edition 43 53 51 0 0 0 0 0 147
Wheel Decide has chosen players for the roster of this 4chan Cup Fantasy Football team. Thank you for fucking 3 setup men and 1 (ONE) goal scorer. I must believe these wingforwards will not be an ultimate meme in this cup. 57 37 54 0 0 0 0 0 148
When does /a/ play? 30 53 58 0 0 0 0 0 141
FC ベニス 29 25 56 0 0 0 0 0 110
Team There's no reason to be upset, everything's fine now. Things are gonna be okay. 18 53 58 0 0 0 0 0 129
The Cup Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Be Autistic F.C. 32 46 32 0 0 0 0 0 110
This Team has No Theme 68 22 44 0 0 0 0 0 134
A Side: It's too late to be sad in the 90s B Side: Hopper's Drop 70 76 64 0 0 0 0 0 210
Team And now after some thinking, Id say Id rather be a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me 26 27 53 0 0 0 0 0 106
Team fuck you, I will leak /myteam/'s tests! We're gonna run poss/long/wide/flex 10 all-out/wide/conservative 10 3 running a 2-4-4 formation for all three matches in summer because I have like 3 whole wins in testing against /3/'s minimum stats pkuns that were running the same stuff. It's totally foolproof, we're gonna go on a perfect run with it and if I somehow manage to win by any less than 3 goals in any match in summer I'm gonna retire out of sheer embarrasment. Cap this post. 25 37 37 0 0 0 0 0 99
Team History is a cycle and the Reaper has come for his due 56 39 48 0 0 0 0 0 143
Minaru Kamui FC 72 62 47 0 0 0 0 0 181
I'm doubling all Rigbux payments sent to my address. Only going on for 3 weeks. RGX address: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/User:Prow 52 44 49 0 0 0 0 0 145
I have no idea for VeRy FuNny name. 47 63 43 0 0 0 0 0 153

Board Stats

Team FF Points Final Rank Avg FF P/Game
Adv icon.png /adv/ 159 - 53.0000
Asp icon.png /asp/ 106 - 35.3333
Biz icon.png /biz/ 137 - 45.6667
C icon.png /c/ 152 - 50.6667
Ck icon.png /ck/ 114 - 38.0000
Cm icon.png /cm/ 96 - 32.0000
D icon.png /d/ 111 - 37.0000
Diy icon.png /diy/ 156 - 52.0000
F icon.png /f/ 80 - 26.6667
Fa icon.png /fa/ 124 - 41.3333
G icon.png /g/ 62 - 20.6667
Gd icon.png /gd/ 104 - 34.6667
H icon.png /h/ 85 - 28.3333
His icon.png /his/ 167 - 55.6667
I icon.png /i/ 131 - 43.6667
Int icon.png /int/ 78 - 26.0000
Jp icon.png /jp/ 105 - 35.0000
Lit icon.png /lit/ 98 - 32.6667
M icon.png /m/ 170 - 56.6667
Out icon.png /out/ 157 - 52.3333
Pol icon.png /pol/ 158 - 52.6667
S4s icon.png /s4s/ 82 - 27.3333
Sp icon.png /sp/ 201 - 67.0000
Toy icon.png /toy/ 147 - 49.0000
U icon.png /u/ 125 - 41.6667
V icon.png /v/ 98 - 32.6667
Vg icon.png /vg/ 153 - 51.0000
Vp icon.png /vp/ 113 - 37.6667
W icon.png /w/ 130 - 43.3333
Wg icon.png /wg/ 132 - 44.0000
Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 76 - 25.3333
X icon.png /x/ 137 - 45.6667


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly two gold and two silver players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be either gold or silver without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver nor can golds or silvers fill in for non-medals. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listen above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.