/vr/ Kits

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Revision as of 16:25, 20 September 2014 by Skywelker (talk | contribs)
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Outfield Kits

Kits worn by the 10 outfield players, referencing consoles.

Image Description
Doomguy classic.png Player: Doomguy

A kit we like to call "Classic" because it has been used for a very long time.
Vectrex NES.png Player: Vectrex

A kit inspired by the NES.
Arino famicom.png Player: Kacho Arino

With the Famicom controller kit, our players are sure to control the flow of the game.
Greedy atari.png Player: Greedy Reseller

A kit that was made to look like an Atari 2600.

Goalkeeper Kits

Worn by the goalkeeper, these kits mostly reference games.

Image Description
Powerglove alien.png Player: Powerglove

Another classic kit, Space Invaders.
Sandro airman.png Player: 7000 Skeletons

Our hope is that the opposition won't be able to defeat the goalkeeper wearing this kit.
Powerglove gameboy.png Player: Powerglove

The Gameboy was a huge success back in it's time. Hopefully our goalkeepers will be just as successful.
Bubsy in the bubsy kit.png Player: Bubsy

What could possibly go wrong?