Talk:/vt/ League 7
This is the signup page for teams to play in /vt/ League 7. Sign-ups will close when 48 teams are approved or August 26th.
Signups are currently OPEN.
Please read the following guidelines for a valid sign-up. Ineligible sign-ups will be removed without notice.
- Teams are subject to the Successful Threads guidelines in order to be eligible to sign-up:
- May 28th - July 11th: At least 2 threads that hit 156 posts minimum
- July 12th - August 26th: At least 4 threads that hit 156 posts minimum
- Teams that played in at least 2 /vt/ League iterations before /vt/ League 7 are exempt
- Any team signing-up must have a valid team page with a quality roster listed. Several TBD players, no roster listed at all, or an exceptionally poor quality roster will not be accepted - any team with this will have their sign-up promptly removed. A team must also have a logo and icon uploaded, or have their sign-up removed.
- Only the Organizer, a current Caretaker/Manager, or a prospective Caretaker/Manager may sign-up a team.
- When signing-up, the person who signed them up must sign their name next to the sign-up using 4 ~ (to automatically sign with their name and timestamp)
- When signing-up, the individual who signs up a team is then responsible for sending the Organizer their thread's POI (Proof of Interest) as 4chan archive links immediately. They will not be accepted before the sign-up is posted. Sign-ups posted without immediate linking of POI to the Organizer via >Discord DM will be promptly removed and redoing signing-up will be required.
- POI is valid from July 5th to August 26th
- Teams will be only approved based on strength of POI alone. Being 'first' or an early sign-up has no weight on the acceptance of a team's sign-up.
- No teams will be confirmed or denied until at least 24 hours have passed from sign-ups opening.
- Teams with weak or suspicious POI may have their sign-up marked with Under Review by the Organizer and may only be approved later or disallowed. The original signee may send additional POI to have this removed sooner.
- Any prospective new Manager must complete a short verification with the Organizer to manage.
- See any other Rules at /vt/ League Rules
Example Sign-up:
/vtlas/ Would like to sign-up /vtlas/ to play AnTriangle (talk) 05:53, 10 June 2024 (UTC)
/hfz/ Will /hfz/ finish their story before Tetsuya Naito successfully perform 1 (one) Destino?, find out next time on /vt/ league 7 ELFS (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/hag/ Star on the egg box Reverse (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/mion/ Ucchi ucchi ucchi dayo, ookami /mion/ dayo! Reverse (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/who/ Camping with the bros in the divegrass field Kanakonosuke (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/ybc/ Rumors of OP's death were greatly exaggerated Majick (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/manstars/ Place the tiles, our woven fates. One by one, they'll fall in place SpookyScarySerbiano (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/AG/ Ready to make it BIG time. Mariawitch (talk) 00:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/nasfaqg/ Psst, hey kid. Wanna buy some onions? Dansaa (talk) 00:01, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
/pcgia/ I BEELIEVE IN BEEKO Spoilerbito (talk) 00:01, 8 August 2024 (UTC)