/ag/ D&D

/ag/ D&D was started to celebrate /tg/'s Winter Cup victory.
There are currently three campaigns running, all using the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition ruleset.Antacid's campaign
Antacid's campaign | |
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Campaign information | |
Dungeon Master | Antacid |
Ruleset | D&D 5e |
Setting | Forgotten Realms |
Party size | 6 players |
Schedule | Sundays |
OOC Channel | #BoyNextDoor |
A relaxed adventure designed for newer players. Set in the region surrounding Neverwinter.
Challenges overcome:
- Won a battle after a glorious start with 2 natural 1s and a retarded monk bumping into a bugbear falling on his back
- Uriel survived despite being an arrow magnet for friend and foe
- Ayanera failing a drinking challenge with a Half-Orc and being drunk for the next two fights
- Victor hitting Luna for max damage in an attempt to damage enemies
- Saved a woman from a tavern in a fire that Cera started to kill porchmonkey bandits in front of it
- Ayanera performing several backflips and then getting waylaid by Mr. and Mrs. Bones
- Rin using a cockney accent to fool some bandits
- Killed a Nothic without taking a single point of damage from it and instead falling and climbing into and out of a pit several times
- Rescued Droop the goblin from mean bullies
- Killed the dungeon boss quickly since he memestat'd CON and despite him summoning half a zombie and the porchmonkey bandits as skeletons
- Got thrown out the tavern by the prejudiced Jewish lady and invested in real estates
- Walked a lot, following Droop and entered and left the forest of easy riddles in which a 'Marisa stealing the precious things' wannabe banshee was residing in
- Spend a night in the haunted town of "Fuck you Ant, this was supposed to be spooky, not just an armless dude answering questions" and then marched towards the castle, where after a bit of recon the group decided to walk straight in
- Killed some hobgoblins and a pack of goblins which due to the evil god Buttbot took much longer than it should, but atleast we got Rin getting her first kill
- The group cleared out the rest of the castle without much problems, including friendly fire by Ayanera, Cera obliterating a giant worm and Uriel spasming over a desecrated shrine.
- The group then fought Grol, which Ayanera seduced only to have the fight still started by a slutty drow which Ayanera failed to slut out to. The group then disposed of Grol, Ayanera did some more friendly fire and Diero groped the female drow which turned out to be a doppelganger who preferred to die than to be raped
- The group rescued the dwarf and then skirmished an owlbear that tried to mate with Viktor and finally found some loot after Luna mistook owlbear poop for gold
- While returning to Phandelin Diero dispelled Cera's concerns about enjoyment of mass murder as nonsense and the group then found the mayor of Phandelin naked, resulting in a few jokes and then got to party at a jewish tavern
- The night business included drunken dancing, Cera almost getting raped (which resulted in an obliterated set of balls) and Luna stopping a band of thievish fey
- Cera accidental building fire count: 1
- Ayanera friendly fire count: 3
Elf Rogue 4
Quote: "Rin... please... take me..." "mmm Rin-chan is a nice pillow "
Either hits with precise aim or misses by a mile into some paladins shoulder. Useful even when on the verge of dying or drunk. Slightly racist. Loves frogs. Probably a lesbian. Can handle her alcohol better than most would expect. Worth of her nobility: Non existant.
Precious thing: her name
Halfling Warlock 4
Quote: "The day is not getting better."
Clumsy out of combat, deadly in combat. Tends to injure herself upon failing simple tasks. Sometimes sets taverns on fire for the greater good. Loots like a champion.
Precious thing: ???
Human Fighter 4
Quote: "She is far too flat for me to have any interest in."
Helpful in a pinch and fiercely protective of Rin. De facto leader by virtue of being not too young, too short, too loud or too creepy. Afraid of ghosts and rumored to like big tits. Penis size is 6.5 inches as determined through the FATAL system. Tends to get hurt a lot because he thinks heavy armors are shit like in Dank Souls.
Precious thing: Love
Human Cleric 4
Quote: "You're supposed to be attacking them, dipshit."
Swears like a sailor and hugs taller paladins in lewd ways in attempts to tackle them over. Gets misused as a firefighter and is quite good at it. Cup size: E
Precious thing: Faith
Human Bard 4
Very scared, she failed to talk to a wolf yet somehow still saved two lives. Can't handle her alcohol. Has the disconcerting ability to intimidate groups of men three times her size. Is the only one able to succeed in any way of talking.
Precious thing: Innocence
Human Paladin 4
Quote: "WHAT?"
He may not be the strongest paladin, nor the smartest and definitely not the most useful one, but he is certainly the loudest. Has a tendency to get injured by friend and foe. Very racist. Teetotal. Has a pretty face.
Precious thing: Righeousness
Human Monk 4
Quote: "I'd hit it."
The most radicool Monk of any campaign, ever. Definitely not the Avatar. Strong tendency to trip and fall in combat, despite claiming to be a martial arts expert. Can't hit on grown women unless it's with his quarterstaff. Certified pedophile.
Precious thing: his voice
HT's campaign
HT's campaign | |
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Campaign information | |
Dungeon Master | HT |
Ruleset | D&D 5e |
Setting | Forgotten Realms |
Party size | 6 players |
Schedule | Wednesdays |
IC Channel | #DeepDarkFantasy |
OOC Channel | #BoyNextDoor |
A series of pick-up and drop-in adventures, set in an alternate universe to the other campaigns. Heavy on the roleplaying, and heavy on the comfy.
Challenges overcome:
- Didn't kill a harmless little girl
- Tricked goblins into letting them pass and then killing them all, anyway
- Being granted a place to stay despite the owner's wife wanting to cuck him with an Oreo-Orc
- Rin becoming the rat queen
- Survived the Nat 1 onslaught to defeat Cleric Fancypants and his legion of Zombies.
- First put in lots of work to convince a father to let his 13 year old stat less son join the party (where he would surely die rather quickly) to then spending quite a lot effort to convince father and son to not let him go so he wouldn't die the first time they end in a fight.
- Beat a magical rhinoceros that spend most his time partially succesfull to penetrate Glim
- Spent hours wandering through a mansion to collect skulls, which contained barely challenges, lots of loot and way too many pantsu.
- Spent 30 minutes trying to hit an invisible Wizard (including absolute retarded ideas like running around in circles, shooting burning hands on comrades and throwing a bookshelf on Vronos), only for Toshirou to rinse him once he appears on the ground.
- Successfully preserve a dead girl's body for revival.
- Glim succesfully made a fire, while Swarogh counseled Aya about her PTSD
- The group got ambushed by some goblin riders which got surprised themself by Toshirou charging them. The fight included Vronos missing all attacks then summoning a mordon on accident, Aya hiding innawoods, Glim getting hugged by a worg and mostly Toshirou slashing at enemies in a frenzy while getting mauled as close to death to death as one can without actually dying
- Aya noticed an doppelganger ambush and after a short bit of confusion and Rogh hitting on Aya, a fight broke out which included Toshirou killing things with his bare hands, Vronos actually killing something and Fake Rin strangling both Rin and Rogh into unconsciousness to be ultimately getting stabbed in the cunt by Roghs sword
- A mindflayer was found and killed with Rogh being mind controlled as really really minor annoyance
- Devek rejoining the group following a sneak attack on them
- Jasmal had a family reunion, which showed him as r9k tier failure of a son, spaghetti being dropped and Aya failing to make her aristocracy worth anything
- Revived Rivana with the help of the foul-mouthed cleric Celeste. This caused Aya to emote.
- The party goes to the lewdest tavern in all of Faerun. Highlights include Jasmal getting drunk and hitting on Celeste, Rin wondering about wether or not girls can love girls, Toshirou losing an arm-wrestling match to a vampire loli (who is totally not Remilia) and Vronos trying to attack the bartender after being cut off, only for it to backfire in his face.
- On the way to their next mission, the group is attacked by a tentacle monster and 2 fairies. It started by Rin and Jasmal going blindly into a big sphere of darkness (which is totally not Rumia), resulting in them getting tentacled and partially eaten. Toshirou tried to rape a fairy, Vronos fights against fairy cum in his eyes and the group is ultimately saved by Swarogh and a hungover Aya.
- The group is led over a lake by a ice fairy (who is totally not Cirno) freezing a path for them and Rin almost made more contact with NGE than anyone ever should.
- Toshirou almost being plant raped after trying to choke out a druid (who is totally not Yuuka).
- Once making it to the entrance of Carmilla's mansion, the group is attack by guard Li Lung (totally not Hong Meiling) and an army of Faeries and Demons. Toshirou blindly charged into the crowd, Vronos almost electrocutes him with Lightning Bolt before getting almost killed by arrow bukkake (saved from death by dark magic known as #daRULEZ) and the dice gods preventing anyone from hitting Li Lung turn after turn. The fight ends with Li Lung mostly locked in a honour duel with Toshirou, both jerking off each others honour and it ending in a double K.O.
- The group being tasked by a sage to hunt down a rat in a Library. After confusing a girl who thinks she's a doll for it, they find the thief stealing right above them, only to be taken down by Toshirou and Vronos.
- Aya besting Mina in a game of her choosing and then using a rare magic called diplomacy, tries to settle things between Mina and Carmilla. Carmilla is not amused and knocks them both out. Rest of the day is Jasmal, Vronos and Noir meeting Li Lung again (who's honor kept him alive no doubt) while Toshirou bangs a Loli vampire and Aya playing Solid Snake and freeing Mina.
- Intentional building fire count: 2
Elf Rogue 5
Quote: "I wasn't 'drooling' over Rivana... was I? "
A lonely, sad, partially racist elf girl. As yet awful with a bow, deadly with a blade, can turn herself invisible sometimes. Loves to tease Rin and speak in Sylvan to herself. Learned the painful side of pissing off mad wizards. May or may not be in love with Rivana. Currently enthralled by a vampire loli and locked in a dungeon.
Forest Gnome Warlock 5
Quote: "Mr. E is way past bored of this place!"
Exuberant and mentally unsound. Has a head-mate named Mr. E whose true nature is unclear. Horribly unlucky at card games. Very greedy. Misses whole endfights unconscious while carrying all the important quest items. Killed by OP rogues RIPIP.
Human Bard 5
Quote: "Time truly is a cruel cruel mistress."
A bard handy with a rapier. Useless at tuning instruments, future alcoholic literally 0 alcohol tolerance and good with kids. Rumoured to have actually no idea how things work or what he can do.
Human Bard 5
Quote: "Of course! Hope is on our side!"
Cute but deadly runaway. Her main skill is making others feel pity for her and killing things with a dagger. Dislikes the way Aya is with her. Loves flirting with cute boys recently suffering from deathly illnesses. ALL HAIL THE DAGGER QUEEN!
Half-Orc Fighter 5
Quote: "And trust me, no one wants to have a problem with me."
The most polite Half-Orc you'll ever meet. Protects those around him and tanks a beating for the team. Keeps fending off advances from horny NPC women, and claims to have no interest in cucking, but we all know he's planning something. List of NPCs interested in his d: Mrs.Abel, Molly, Rivana (currently a ghost, GHOST BLOWJOB WOOOWOOO)
Half-Elf Sorcerer 5
Quote: "Whatever they did to you must've been some powerful voodoo."
A sorcerer with no idea about what he can do. Always reading scrolls, has a gem of as yet indiscernible usefulness. Gets fukken rekt by all sorts of hazards and Faerie archers. Has trouble landing attacks.
Human Barbarian 5
Quote: "How you like that? BAKA!"
The most awesome samurai in all of Faerun. Mostly concerned with cutting off heads of strong opponents and giving zero fucks about injuries. Doesn't fall of horses even when beaten unconscious. Uses sick wrestling moves when fighting unarmed. Not afraid to attack unaware women. Certified vampire lover.
Warforged Warlock 5
Quote "I speak a lot of languages you useless mage"
A living doll who is a massive chuuni and wishes to learn magic in order to turn the whole world into dolls. Can't remember anyone's name. Likes to bully Vronos.
Auto's campaign
Auto's campaign | |
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Campaign information | |
Dungeon Master | Autocrat |
Ruleset | D&D 5e |
Setting | Forgotten Realms |
Party size | 5 players |
Schedule | Fridays |
IC Channel | #DeepDarkFantasy |
OOC Channel | #BoyNextDoor |
Challenges overcome:
- Saved a priest of Lathander from four kobolds standing on top of each other in a robe, impersonating a half dragon cultist.
- Successfully ambushed a patrol of enemies, only to have the tables turned thanks a nat 1 apocalypse. Veki saved the day and literally carried the party to safety, acting as Faerûn's first APC.
- Managed to fuck up a standoff situation involving hostages, by casting Sleep on a way-too-powerful half dragon, pissing him off just as he was about to let the party go with a warning. The resulting carnage ended in the party getting wiped by an electrical vomit attack, and led to the death of every single hostage as well as the wholesale destruction of the village. Only three NPCs survived: a gnome, a throwaway rookie guard, and a woman Cavid had hid in some bushes.
Half-Elf Cleric 2
Quote: "'"
Death Cleric who loves helping people, even if it means abandoning his own party to certain death.
Human Barbarian 2
Quote: "'"
Taciturn kobold-slayer. Can't seem to actually hit anything, though. Tendency to drop his sword.
Human Sorcerer 2
Quote: "You seem more adept at large loads then the rest of us. "
Every group has one member that seems to gets people almost killed, in this one it is Khaine. His primary strategy in combat is hiding.
Half-Elf Cleric 2
Quote: "'"
The party's heal bitch. Rolled a 12 for intelligence, just to make sure she wouldn't get mind broken and fucked silly in the very first session. Carries a mysterious tarot deck.
Tiefling Sorcerer 2
Quote: "'"
Tiefling SJW. Loves the spell Ray of Frost. One of the few capable members of the party.
Goliath Druid 2
Quote: "'"
A way too emotional goliath, spends most of her time crying, wacking goblins with a stick or carrying unconscious comrades around.
Rinb Owl
The Rinb Owl is a challenge to sex the Rin player character in Antacid and HT's campaigns first. The winner can be any player in those groups, no matter their race or gender, including the DMs through the use of NPCs. The winner gets a Steam game as a prize, the value of the game depending on whether sex was voluntary or not, with involuntary yielding a cheaper game as prize.
Noteworthy progress so far:
- Victor being dead last after announcing himself as lolicon ("I'd hit it.")
- Aya in the lead due to the rule of 2 girls in spitting distance having to be lesbians
- Dungeon Master HT in a decent position after Rin showed interest in a no longer currently cursed, half-dead, farm boy. Recent failed attempts were trying to rape Rin using a swarm of rats and zombies. Lost position after Glim fucked Devek up but regained position after introducing Rivana, a bard trapped by the mad wizard. Stormed ahead after reintroducing Devek to the story.
- Ayanera succesfully used Rin as lap pillow, but startled her
- Glim going last aswell by being a creepy fuck.
- Swarogh doing a major leap ahead by using the "Onii-chan" method.
- Basic introduction to 5E
- Player's Handbook (basic rules)
- Excerpts from the Dungeon Master's Guide: two class variations, two races
- Elemental Evil Player's Companion (more special snowflake races, additional spells)
- Map of Faerûn