2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup Save Fixes
Post the fixes for your team export here.
Use this section only for everything broken in the save, this includes cards, hairstyles and other broken settings. If it's in the EDIT file then the fix for it goes here.
If the save fix deadline has passed and you still need to list a fix, you are stupid and deserve to be beaten, and you should list it on the Mid Cup Aesthetics page.
Change Birb's Skin Color from Transparent to Normal
Change *BSD's skin colour in the editor to "Custom"
For Terry: - Custom skin - Boots 38 - Long Sleeves - Tucked Shirt - Short Socks
For other players: - Wrist Taping Left
Set Slam That Stem to Left Corner Taker.
Change I Like Trains' Skin Colour from "Light" to "Custom".
Change FRED's Wrist Taping to "Off" and his shirt name to "ROADIE KING".
Change 90's Rigid Mountain Bike Player Number from 3 to 90.
Change Free Wheel No Brakes Player Number from 90 to 3.
Rename King of OTTD to Rail-chan.
Aesthetic Export fixes
This page is for tactical fixes and savedata-related aesthetic fixes only.
If you have some new files or blenders that need to be added, post them here instead.