/mu/ History

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Summer Cup 2011

As one of the founding 16 teams, Mu icon.png /mu/'s initial cup run was a huge success. Grouped together with the eventual winner of the tournament, /a/, /mu/ fell to the loser's bracket before making their way through tough opposition from /k/, /x/, /adv/, and /fit/ before once again having to face their now rival /a/. In a dead even game, the match was taken to penalties not once but twice. After 10 intense penalty shots, it was /mu/ who conceded, giving /a/ their first (and only) cup win. /mu/ ended up placing fourth overall.

Winter Cup 2012

Another tournament, another loser's bracket run! In what would be the first game of their rivalry, /k/ took out /mu/ in penalty shots and sent the music hopefuls down to loser's matches. /mu/ absolutely crushed the plebby tastes of /v/ 3 - 0, but fell to the aesthetics of /fit/ in a game which would mean an early exit for /mu/.

Summer Cup 2012

With the cup now growing at a steady rate, many new teams entered into the cup to compete. Now with a proper bracket setup (no more Loser's bracket, yay!), actual manager presence, evolved formations, and team tiers, this cup was truly the start of the 4chan Cup we know today. Sadly and much like Winter's run, this was simply not /mu/'s year. Without a manager, /mu/ faced increasingly difficult opposition from teams who could change sliders and formations and ended their run with three ties. Normally, this sort of performance would see a team out of the cup, but Jesus was with /mu/ that day. As a result of the ever-growing cup, GermanBro announced that soon, there would be two more tournaments per year; the Spring and Autumn Babbies. Lower scoring teams were relegated to the babbies while /ck/, /a/, /mu/, and /fit/ were spared. It's also worth nothing that /mu/ won the Best Goalhorn award this tournament. (The only time this ever happened ever)

Winter Cup 2013

Winter was an excellent time for /mu/ fans. Their board had its first manager, Snorlax !!lXZGaIsEpIg, who seemed fairly... competent. /mu/ were drawn into what would be a nightmare group. Former cup winners /k/ and longtime semifinalist /n/ were set to face /mu/ along with /o/, a team who had escaped the very first Babby Cup. The fear of failure was quickly quelled as /mu/ took their very first game of the season 7 - 1 against the former champions, /k/. That initial success soon fizzled as /mu/ tied both /n/ and /o/, giving /mu/ enough space to reach the round of 16, but only just. In the Ro16, /mu/ would have their first fated run against /wg/, their soon-to-be rivals. /mu/ lost 4 - 1, leaving their initial success against /k/ and tournaments hopes both looking somewhat like a fluke.

Summer Cup 2013

Coming into Summer, the cup was a very changed place. Dragongate was still in the back of everyone's mind, especially that of /mu/'s manager whose previous group held 2 Dragonfag teams. In a bit of cheeky spite, Snorlax had decided to make /mu/'s players hilariously tall due to how often Dragonfag had maligned tall players. This cheeky play had far reaching effects in the cup which are still felt today. Because /mu/ first played with tall players in friendlies, other teams like /wg/, /x/, /b/, /fa/, and /a/ decided tall players were a fantastic idea and set their players to be very tall as well. The reason tall players were so good was only discovered after the cup had begun and changes could not be made. The term Height Abuse had been coined and this cup would be riddled with it.

Now, aren't you glad we addressed the height abuse stuff? So am I!

As /mu/'s group was drawn, it was clear that summer wouldn't be any easier than the previous cups had been. Perennial favourite /toy/ was present, as was newcomer /c/, and the ever-spooky /x/. Through tactics or centimeters (depending on how mad you are), /mu/ made it through the group on 9 points with a GD of 7. These results were so jarring to one manager in particular that he quit the cup completely. (RIP TinkerToy). With a manager, the furthest /mu/ had made it was ro16 and the fear was that /mu/ could easily repeat. In an intense showdown against /h/, /mu/ eked out a one goal win. Finally, /mu/ would play on that glorious last cup Sunday.

The quarter finals match for /mu/ was no easier than the ro16 had been. /mu/ would have to face /int/ this time around, but more than just /int/, Snorlax would have to eliminate his best friend Isa in what both felt was their most challenging game ever. /mu/ won a difficult and very emotional 2 - 0 and was on track to make it to the finals. Next up in the semis, /mu/ defeated /b/ in a close 1 - 0 series and had its ticket to the finals. As fate would have it, /mu/ would once again have to face off against /wg/, the board who eliminated them last cup.

/mu/ vs /wg/ was the unlikely final for sure, though it seemed like /mu/ had the majority of s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ bandwagonners. The final match went for an incredibly tense 90 minutes without either team being able to score. Going into extra time now, it was Spacecat who found a goal late into the first half of ET which was quickly followed by another by Cunt Destroyer. In the second half of ET, /mu/ answered with a holy goal from Jeff Mangum which, sadly, just came too late. In a cup of Height Abuse, it made sense for /wg/, the tallest team, to win, though this win appeased neither the near 3,000 viewers nor the majority of managers themselves.

Winter Cup 2014

Post-Summer, Snorlax had decided /mu/ needed new blood and began a 6-month endeavor to find new managers. A thread wouldn't go by where Snorlax's cup email, phone number, Skype, or even Motherless weren't linked in a desperate bid to find a successor. Luckily, and just in time, Snorlax found two. Feedback !!+8d1qFKeSP0 and Headbuddy !!JuV2PJrVlWZ were added to the managerial roster. Their first cup was both a test for these new managers and for PES14 as well.

Using poorly modified versions of their Summer 2013 tactics, /mu/ entered the tournament with high hopes and what seemed like an easy group. Newcomer /gd/ joined /u/ and /gif/ as /mu/'s winter opponents. The very first match with /mu/'s new managers ended 2 - 1, a win against /gd/ which positioned /mu/ nicely. Unfortunately, the next few games weren't quite as easy. /mu/ drew the ever pure /u/ and lost to /gif/, ultimately leaving /mu/'s fate out of their own hands once more. In classic style, a miracle was given to /mu/ for their continued faith in Jesus Christ. /gd/'s manager was sacked halfway through the group stage for throwing and /u/ managed to lose their game against a managerless /gd/ which sent both teams out. /mu/ was once again just barely through to the ro16, this time facing off with /h/ who ended their run with a swift yet painful 3 - 1.

All things considered, you could call this tournament a success for /mu/. Both new managers got ample time to get used to the game and somehow managed to stay Elite in the process. With hopes still high, /mu/'s managerial team was hopeful for Summer 2014 where they felt they could win it all.

Summer Cup 2014

It's been dubbed The Summer of Fallen Giants. In group stages, elite teams /sp/, /a/, /wg/, and former winners /trv/, /pol/, and /k/ were eliminated which left not a single former winner in the running. For the first time in a long while, we'd have a confirmed new champion.

/mu/'s group was everything they could have hoped for. The team would be able to show their artistic superiority over /ic/, display continued dominance against /k/, and get the sweetest revenge against /wg/. Managers Feedback !!+8d1qFKeSP0 and Headbuddy !!JuV2PJrVlWZ were battle-ready and /mu/'s first game went off without a hitch. /k/ was defeated 1 - 0 which left /mu/ with a comfortable 3 points heading into their second game against /wg/. While /wg/ were no longer the giants /mu/ had faced in 2013 4chan Summer Cup, /wg/ were able to take an incredibly close series 3 - 2. In one of the most tightly contested groups of all time, /mu/ would need to win against /ic/ or lose their status as the last remaining Elite (teams). Yet another miracle was in store for /mu/ in that final group stage game. /mu/ defender, The List Goes On, scored the only goal of the series which put /mu/ into the ro16, coming first in the group stage and giving /mu/ the title of last remaining Elite.

Talentless Hack sealed /hr/'s fate in this cup's final.

With most Elite teams and all the cup winners gone, the ro16 draw was an interesting time for everyone involved. /po/ ended up being /mu/'s destined opponent for their first knockout game of the season. In a tournament of no goals, /mu/ proved itself worthy and crumpled /po/ 3 - 1. For the Quarter Finals, /mu/ would have to once again face /ic/ and while /mu/ may have won their previous match, /ic/ was out for revenge. But like any rivalry /mu/ has, the results stay consistent. /mu/ took their game 2 - 1 over /ic/ and were next set to face /vg/ who had eliminated a few other giants themselves this tournament. /vg/ were no match for /mu/, however, and The Deak returned to form one final time to take the series 1 - 0. For the second summer in a row, /mu/ would find itself with a finals to play. This time however, they couldn't lose.

In what was a very unlikely end result, /hr/ defeated /x/ in their semis to deny fans and /mu/ from a Christ vs Antichrist match and leaving us with a /mu/ vs /hr/ finals. While some fans were disappointed with /hr/ vs /mu/, they were anything but disappointed by the game itself. /mu/ player Talentless Hack took an early goal to put /hr/ down a goal much to the crowd's approval. Another /mu/ goal followed later on and rode the 2 - 0 lead the conclusion. /mu/ had finally done won a tournament! More than that, they had proven themselves elite and, in the eyes of many fans, the best team in the 4chan Cup.

Winter Cup 2015

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Spring Cup 2015

The group stage made /mu/ sweat for their first two victories against /biz/ and /lgbt/. Both matches were tough, but late goals got /mu/ 3-2 victories against those teams. With 4 matches to play instead of 3, /mu/'s fitness was put through a tough test as they drew 2-2 to /jp/ and suffered a shocking 4-1 loss to /soc/ at the end of the group stage. Despite that, the 7 points gathered were enough to get the team bouncing back into a major 4chan cup. In the knockout stages, defending continued to be a problem for /mu/: /g/ took them to extra time before finally losing 4-3, and in the quarterfinals, a managerless /cgl/ eliminated the /mu/tants with a 4-2 win for the Seagulls.

Summer Cup 2015

Despite a shocking loss to robo-/cgl/, /mu/ achieved the goal they set out for from the moment they were sent down to the babbies: Get back to the Elite cup ASAP. But before making their return to the Elite Cup, some changes would need to be made in the /mu/ technical area. With most of the old management dead or MIA, Feedback would need to find some new blood to help out with the Summer campaign. He found help in the form of the old /diy/ manager Sargbot, and newcomer DankEngine. The /mu/tants would be drawn into group C with noted memelords [s4s], a bunch of nerds over at /sci/, and a reunion with their Winter '14 groupmates /gd/. Despite MC Ride striking first against [s4s], the memesters equalized in the 65th minute on a Patrick Bateman goal. Joanna Newsom, standing in for long time /mu/ goalkeeper Merzbow would make 9 saves to keep the former True Elite on equal footing with a team that was beginning to look like it would run away with the group. After blown chances at both ends in stoppage time, both teams took a point from the encounter. In what would be a very spicy matchup against /gd/, /mu/ fell behind early in the 22nd minute after Kerning rounded the now match-fit Merzbow, calling into question not only /mu/'s chances at advancing from the group but the two time Golden Glove winning netminder's status as /mu/'s number one goalkeeper. Thankfully, seven minutes later the aesthetic of Vaporwave would prove too much for /gd/ to handle, bringing /mu/ level. Before halftime, MC Ride decided that /mu/ both wanted and needed a goal, bringing /mu/ into the lead in the first half's stoppage time. Another Ride goal in the second half all but secured three points for the former Summer champions, who proceeded to coast their way to a 3-2 decision in their favor. With one match to go, /mu/ were again in control of their own destiny, needing only 1 point against bottom of the group /sci/ to secure their passage to the knockouts. Another late strike in the first half by newly promoted medal Michael Gira put /mu/ in great position to return to the Elite knockout stage, but an equalizer from Richard Feynman would do the job of both canceling /mu/'s lead and causing the /mu/ faithful to sweat through the rest of the whole game. Despite being expected by most to blow /sci/ out of the water, /sci/ keeper Thorium stood tall until stoppage time in the second half, when captain Jeff Mangum took matters into his own hands and blasted one right by the Fuel of the Future to demonstrate to cup viewers that the power of Jesus Christ will always triumph over science and reason. Final Score: Christians: 2, Atheists: 1. Late game heroics in the /gd/-[s4s] match would go on to influence Group C's overall standings, with a /gd/ victory putting themselves second, and ensuring that /mu/ would top the group.

So it would come to pass that /mu/ would return to the Summer knockouts, a stage where for the most part, history favored them. In 3 of the 4 previous Summer Cups, /mu/ had placed in the top four, including a 1st and 2nd place finish. With the memories of Summer '14 still somewhat fresh in their minds, the team set out to win back-to-back Summer titles. In their first match against /cm/, they started off on the right foot, taking the lead early off a Jeff Mangum goal. Despite this, /cm/ would answer off an effort from Kaoru Nagisa, who would go on to equalize for the cute weeb males once more after MC Ride put /mu/ ahead again in the first half. Even though they took the lead twice in the first half, /mu/ appeared to be pinned in their own half for much of the first period. A tactical change at the break however put the former Champions back on the offensive however, and before long /mu/ captain Jeff Mangum would lead his lads to victory with a hat trick, delivering a 4-2 win. Their next challenge in the knockouts would be a Quarterfinal matchup with /f/, representing a shot at revenge for the chokefest many /mu/ players still remember in their nightmares from Winter '15. Ready and motivated, /mu/ took the initiative against /f/, with two stoppage time goals, one in the first half from Michael Gira, and another at the very end of the game from MC Ride to seal the result and set up a semifinal matchup with /mlp/.

One way or another, /mu/ simply was not ready to stop the horsefucker menace. The Ponies decisively ended the Summer '14 Champions' bid for a second star in the semifinals by a 3-1 margin before going on to claim a star of their own, much to the chagrin of the /mu/tants. Instead, /mu/ would meet their fellow Original 16 team /b/ in the Third Place match. In what would prove to be the craziest match /mu/ has ever played in, /b/ took control early, dominating the first half and at one point leading 3-0, and later on 5-1. Then, the second half came. Off the strength of an MC Ride Hat Trick /mu/ was almost able to claw their way back to a level scoreline. Unfortunately, time was not on their side and /mu/ lost 5-4 to /b/, who claimed their second 3rd place trophy. Even so, the /mu/ crowd was encouraged by a 4th place finish and now looks to the Winter Cup for a chance to claim that second star and show the cup that they are the greatest team in the 4chan Cup.


The Winter Cup had numerous great performances from /mu/ to start the era of PES 2016. Initially, the team had to withstand a barrage of shots from /wg/, and got a hard-fought 3-1 victory over the former cup champions. Afterwards, /mu/ loved Jesus Christ once more due to a Jeff Mangum hat trick against /cm/. After these fun matches, fans had to witness something that was rare in PES 2016 - a 0-0 draw. Somehow, /d/ and /mu/ made it happen. This result got both teams through the group stage. Following this strange result, every /mu/ match was a goalfest...for better or for worse. Two 3-2 wins in a row against /f/ and /s4s/ got /mu/ into the top 4 of a cup again.

Unfortunately, the good times would end at the semifinals. /u/ had just broken their quarterfinal curse and shockingly eliminated /mu/ to reach the final. At the third place playoff, /out/ forced /mu/ to settle for another 4th place finish.

Frankie Sinatra celebrates a goal against /t/ with his partners.

Surprisingly, this year's Summer Cup ended in disaster for /mu/. With two 4th place finishes in a row, /mu/ was expected to get somewhere close to the semifinals, but instead they were relegated to the babbies. The draws against /w/ and /asp/ put /mu/ in a tough place: they needed a win to get past the group stage just as badly as /e/ needed to win. 1182 viewers at the Ecchirena witnessed /e/'s astonishing 4-2 over /mu/, where MC Ride seemed to be the only /mu/ medal player capable of doing his job.

It was time to rebuild the team once again in the Autumn Babby Cup. Since the last time /mu/ played in a Babby Cup, there were changes made to the format, the biggest one of which was the groups having 4 teams intead of 5. There wasn't much room for errors now, and /mu/ stepped up their game to get back into a major cup. /t/ was easily beaten 3-1, but a 1-0 loss to /tv/ would put /mu/ in hot water. Their next opponent, /g/, desperately needed a win against /mu/. Disaster was averted this time with a thrilling 3-2 win for /mu/.

Just like that, /mu/ qualified for the 2017 4chan Winter Cup. /vr/ quickly ended the good times for /mu/ in the Autumn Babby Cup's Round of 16.